Monday, December 19, 2016

Puerto Rico - December 14, 2016

In attendance: Carmen, Diego, Diana, Enrique, Eva, Ivan, Jeff, Junior, Lourdes, Luis, Maribel, Milagros, Nelson, Normita, Rina, Yiri
Nelson wanted to reiterate the message from Caballito regarding phones.  If anyone was expecting an important call, they should stay home for it and not attend the session.  On Saturday, Eva asked Nelson if we should be drinking wine or beer after the sessions, so Nelson asked his guide.  Caballito responded that as with most material world pleasures, it was fine in moderation.
Junior read a selection in Spanish from one of Mary's classes in Argentina.  It referenced the mediums who work in a trance-like state (similar to our group).
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  There was a very strong, extremely irate spirit approaching, and Nelson asked Jeff to coach him, as he would be speaking in English.  The spirit did not want to sit, and it took the spirit side a while to persuade him.  When Nelson mentally explained that the spirit could speak through him, the spirit said he was too small and puny.  This spirit was responsible for Marisol's recent fall (in Chicago):
Spirit (seething):  I almost had her! I'm so angry I couldn't finish it!  Almost! 
Jeff: Why did you want to harm her?
Spirit (frustrated):  I had a job to do!  Don't you understand?  I failed!  Now I have to tell my supervisor I failed!
Jeff: Who is your supervisor?
Spirit: The one who sent me to do the job -  don't you listen? 
Jeff:  You don't have to go back there.  Listen to those friends around you.  You can have a new job.
Spirit: She (Marisol) didn't listen!  Others have told her what to do, but she didn't listen!  I am not going with them (the good spirit guides) because they will take me where I do not want to go!
Jeff:  It's a nice, a very peaceful place.
Spirit: I know what is it and I know who I am.
Jeff: So you know you are a spirit?
Spirit:  I know I am a spirit!  I am more intelligent than you are.  You have your side, and we have ours. 
Jeff: But now you are here, and you cannot go back, so why not try something different?
Spirit (laughter):  I might as well.  The one who sent me is already preparing the next thing for her anyway.  Tell her (Marisol) that I said she is very lucky to belong where she does.  I wanted her dead.
Jeff: There are laws, and you got caught breaking one of them.
Spirit: So this is the 'other side'?  You are not powerful.  See me as I am!  (a powerful black man, about 6,4" and 300 pounds).  Look at me!  I did the pushing.  She was not allowed to hold onto anything (laughed, as he demonstrated her arms moving).  She had to take herself to the hospital! 
Jeff: You are strong - and I think you have a strong group with you.
Spirit: I have 15 more warriors like me, 19 madames, and 5 witches. 
Jeff: Take them all with you.
Spirit: I know!  I know what I must do.  Let her (Marisol) know not to keep that door open.  Be careful who enters that house.  There are many more.  Use caution. (The spirit departed as violently as he arrived.
Spirit 2 (via Mary):  A spirit (possibly her guide) briefly sat through Mary:
Spirit: This is the work!  Not the superficial.  This work is the number one priority. 
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Caballito arrived to cleanse Nelson, and he had a message for Yiri, Rina and Junior about Mirelsa:
Caballito: She is surrounded by dark spirits, and they are tormenting her spirit.  She needs tranquility, even though she is culpable and aware of what is going on.  She is too involved with going back to her previous life to try to find out what happened in her past.  Her family needs to shake her up so she does not do that anymore.  She needs to live in this life.  She says she is not sick, but she is very sick, with a distinct illness.  She needs compassion.  It's not an easy sickness to repair, like breaking an arm or leg.  She is not living in this existence, she is living in a world of ignorance.  It's an opportunity for all of you.  It's difficult.  She's looking for just a little compassion.
Caballito ushered in a very stubborn spirit who lived in obscurity.  The spirit was persuading Mirelsa not to talk ("no talking, no talking") and it was difficult to persuade her to leave.  Three different coaches counseled her, and eventually she agreed to go - and to take 14 others along with her.
Caballito replaced the spirit to cleanse Nelson once again.  He asked Junior to stand, with Jeff behind him.  Folding the towel, Caballito held it in front of Junior's eyes and spoke softly to him.  He kept repeating "pensar" (think) over and over.  The message for Junior was to think before he acts next time. 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  It became apparent to Nelson that our session would be one difficult spirit after another.  The next one was for Diana:
Caballito (to Ivan, Diana's boyfriend):  When you visit her house, what do you feel?
Ivan: It's always tiring.
Caballito (demonstrating, by slumping in the chair):  Is she apathetic? 
Normita: There is no energy.
Nelson was shown a tightly wrapped mummy, with very small openings cut into the bandages to breathe.  Diana's house was packed with all kinds of negative spirits - many mummies, and people who had hung themselves were scattered all around the house.  There were many other sick spirits.  Diana shared that her mother does not live in the house, she moved out and remarried, but Diana's relationship with her stepfather is strained.  Diana lives with her father and a frequent male companion, but she is not comfortable in the house.
One of the key elements in persuading a spirit to sit is for the person with the relationship to the spirit to speak up.  The spirits do not recognize our body, they are only attracted by energy.  When they hear us talk (about anything), it draws them closer.  Without many words from Diana, Nelson thought he should give up on passing the spirit.  A spirit passed briefly into Normita, and a spirit that had hung himself moved into Nelson to speak:
Spirit (painfully, as if he was choking):  With him, I am with him (Diana's father).  Chicken.  He won't do it.  Criminal!  (laughed)  Criminal!  Diablo!
Junior: That was in the past.  You do not have a body now to feel that pain.
Spirit:  Criminal!  It's still painful - after all that history.
(Note: The spirit worked on a plantation with Diana's father in a previous life.  The spirit was only given watery soup, and he was hanged.  There were 28 other hanged spirits in the house, and once the noose was cut for the revengeful spirit, he took the other 28 with him.  Nelson was shown that someone was hanged in the house in a past life - and possibly in this life.)
Junior asked Mary what was happening with her life, and she explained that she has been missing sessions because she has been busy cooking and cleaning for her parents.  Nelson reminded her that her spiritual work as a medium needed to come first.  When she wears herself out with household chores, she is tired and not prepared to channel the energy.  Nelson said it was not an easy task to be a medium, as there were often difficult choices.  He used himself as an example, explaining that some people thought he was unwise to leave his sick mother to travel to Argentina.  But the spiritual work in Buenos Aires was more important than sitting next to a bed in which nothing could be done.  And his mother was fine when he returned.
Caballito reappeared with share individual messages from his position behind Nelson:
For everyone:  When you are a medium, it is 24 hours a day.  There is no 'off' switch. 
For Luis (regarding the dream he had): In Spanish, no notes.
For Enrique and Maribel:  He was asked how his relationship with his dad was progressing (it was good, and things were okay).  Maribel was cautioned again regarding her daughter, as she likes to have things how she wants them to be, and she usually gets her way.  Maribel was given some coaching advice to help with her daughter, and she understood. 
For Eva:  Nelson wanted to caution Eva again in regards to her upcoming trip to Texas (she should not go).  There was a lengthy discussion involving Eva, her son Luis, and Caballito. 
Before the closing prayer, Caballito told Nelson that he would take 112 spirits that were from everyone in our group with him today.  Junior closed with a prayer.

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