Friday, December 23, 2016

Florida, December 30, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago  
Before the session began, Nelson's guide wanted the group to have a conversation in the living room regarding Astrid's recent visit to her doctor.  Caballito needed some additional time to prepare Nelson for what would happen next.  Astrid explained that she was waiting for the x-ray results, and she shared her experience from the previous night - when she woke up screaming from the sight of a very evil spirit.  At the table, Nelson's guide asked permission to spiritually perform "a material operation" on Astrid.  This spirit was targeting Astrid, but the spirit did not belong to her, it was from Astrid's daughter who lived above the garage.  Nelson asked for Gloria's help, and she was shown the spirit on top of Astrid, pulling out bloody teeth.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide explained that the daughter wanted to prove to herself that she had power over this evil spirit (and others).  As Nelson's guide prepared him for what would be happening, he spoke to the group:
Caballito: When we call on the spirits, we never know what will show up.  (to Jeff)  This is what you would be helping Nelson with, I know you were wondering. 
Gloria: If the daughter could get this spirit to destroy our group, she would do it.
Caballito:  Keep your hearts and minds open.  It will be ordinary, not a miracle.  It's something we do to benefit those who help us.  What is feeding the energy is not easy, which is why we need Gloria to work with Nelson.  We need to understand this friction between individuals is spiritual - nothing else.  Two enemies who came together this time to make peace, and they have not.  She (the daughter) likes the dark, risky side, and she is not prepared with the baggage that comes with that risk.  She is a danger to everything around her.
(Gloria was being shown the daughter as a screaming baby; as a spirit who did not want to come, she was forced into it)
Caballito: In her ignorance, she wants to take Astrid out.  Evil controls her thoughts.  When these spirits take over, that daughter is capable of anything.  She is capable of taking a knife and stabbing someone.
Gloria:  She has a group of spirits, she is never alone.
Caballito:  It's sad that there will be two more spirits tomorrow when this one is removed.  If she doesn't change, she has to go.  Astrid is not safe in her own home.
Nelson said that he had never encountered a spirit like this before, as it was pure evil.  The spirit knew he was a spirit, but because he had been called to action, he was only doing what he has been asked to do by the daughter.  He said that he had also done other things for her.  The daughter had a friend who committed suicide, and this occurred because she asked this spirit to do it as a dare - to see if he could really do it.  Nelson began to cry, as he realized the full intent of the daughter's rage.  "She is destroying all of you," Nelson said, "The family, your marriage, the health of her parents..."
Gloria: She thinks she is not wanted. 
(The enraged spirit sat through Nelson, and he presented himself as confident and in charge)
Spirit: I hate you, I hate all of you!  HATE YOU!  (imitating the daughter)  I don't want any of you telling ME what to do, I do what I want.  Nobody tells me what to do.  (to the table)  Who are YOU to call me here?  You are inferior in all aspects.  (imitating a body builder flexing his muscles)  Just to show you my strength!  How dare you invite me!
Gloria (strongly):  You do not have any power.  It's over!
Spirit:  That friend of yours?   (laughed)  He thinks HE can control me?  He is my enemy, he wants what I don't want!  I have done my share of many things.
Gloria: It's over!
Spirit (laughing at Astrid):  Why is she afraid of me?  So scared.  I don't like or respect you.  Do you know who I hate the most, as much as you?  I also hate my sister!
Astrid: I wasn't afraid, you just startled me.
Spirit: I wanted to finish all of it!  That man had to see me.  I have said what I wanted to say.
Gloria:  You are here with no power, and you're not going back there.
Spirit: You are wrong.  All of my energy, all my power, it comes from one source - her!  (the spirit laughed uncontrollably)  She and I, we planned and planned - with masks.  We cover and uncover, put the mask on we needed.  He (Santiago) was the easiest one, he's a fool. 
Astrid: We don't want you here.
Spirit: I know.  He (Caballito) is stripping me of my many masks.
Jeff: They were never yours.
Spirit (not apologetic):  I am going to go with my group.  He said he will take us where we belong.  There are more secrets.  I'm letting you know that we did a lot, but there is more.  (irritated)  I know, I have to go!  I don't like it.  There are 18 of us.  (to Astrid)  And we are taking those wraps you saw with us.  Be careful!  I came in here thinking I had power, and now I have nothing left.  I am taking all my wrappings.
Astrid: We are sending you with love.
Spirit: I have no love for you.  Interesting.  I have no love, because I don't know what that is.  I hope it's a good thing.
Astrid: I forgive all that you have done to me.
Spirit: Love.  What is that?  It produces things I don' understand...
Nelson shuddered and the spirit was gone.  Nelson advised Astrid to lock the doors when she and Santiago were sleeping, and Astrid replied that they did it every night around 11 PM.  "Do it earlier," Gloria advised.  Nelson explained that Astrid's other daughter who lived further away should not confront her sister who lived over the garage.  He was shown that Astrid and her husband were thinking about selling their house, and Nelson was told that it would be a good idea:
Caballito: The only way your daughter will ever learn is to be kicked out.  It is time to reverse what you have been doing.  (to Santiago)  It's time to listen to Astrid's way, for your health and your future years.  It's time for a little break from that situation.  Cut it.  Say to her, 'I am going to think about us, and you have got to go.'  You can say it with love, but it must be strong. 
(The conversation continued in Spanish, and then reverted back to English)
Caballito (for Santiago): Take a stand for healing.  (to Astrid)  Your body reflected that energy.  If your doctor finds something, ask him to be retested.  If that other friend - and you see that I still call him a friend - did something, do not take any unnecessary actions that are not needed.  Tell your doctor that you ate an apple that day, and it moved to your hip, whatever you want that results in being retested.
(for Jeff):  When you go to Puerto Rico, try to find the beauty of it.  When you find it, smile and call me.  What I have done here today is the beginning of the work that we do.  When you see me there (in Puerto Rico, at the session), I want you to explain in English what happened here.  The person I will do that work for will understand English.  And here you were, worried that the plane would crash, someone would die - don't over analyze it.
(for Gloria):  When Nelson is not here (in Florida), if I show up, do not tell me no.  If I come, please let me speak.  I am going to move to the side now, as there is more work.
Astrid updated everyone on the condition of Mike, a young man who was helped in a previous session.  He and his father moved, and Mike was in great shape, happy and walking on the beach. 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  The spirit of Norma (Nelson's aunt) was present, and Nelson was not expecting her, as he assumed she would be at the Puerto Rico session.  She looked exactly as he remembered her:
Spirit (for everyone):  Don't worry, you are not alone.  If all of you only knew that all you bring to the spirit world is the love - and the desire to help those you left behind.  (to Nelson)  Today I did what you used to do to me, when I didn't know you were coming, and you would just show up (at her house in the material world).
Spirit 3 (via Astrid & Marian):  Astrid began to pass a spirit in Spanish (a half sister for Santiago and Gloria named Carmen) and Gloria finished the message from the spirit.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  The spirit of Norma brought some madames with her.  These spirits were always a favorite of hers.  Nelson was shown a vision of Jackie, and she was surrounded by people talking and talking.  One of the madames spoke from a position behind Nelson:
Spirit: Jackie is like we are, but she likes to talk.  We try to keep her quiet, but she can't do it.  Talk, talk, talk.  (Nelson saw Jackie in her sister's church)  She should know better.  She's looking at people to see if she can give them advice - like a psychic - and it's confusing them.  The people she's talking to are wondering how much longer they need to tolerate her, and how long she will be around.  She is picking up so many spirits, and now what?  What will she do with them?
Gloria: I saw her at family gathering.  There's food, and her family knows she is a spiritist.
Nelson agreed with Gloria, as he saw her seated at a little table with a line of people waiting to speak with her.  The spirit of Norma said that she would remove three madames, as they were supplying Jackie with false answers, and Norma did not like to see the madames being used in this manner. 
Spirit 5 (via Astrid):  Astrid noticed a madame she recognized among the others (an aunt by marriage).  This spirit was very thankful as she listened to our session.  She spoke to the table through Astrid (in Spanish), and Nelson described her as, "a great medium who used her skills for the wrong reasons - and she charged money."  Astrid heard her say, "Thank you for taking me away from what I was doing, I am doing the right things now."
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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