Saturday, December 10, 2016

Puerto Rico - December 10, 2016

In attendance: Carmen, Diego, Diana, Eva, Ivan, Jeff, Junior, Luis, Milagros, Nestor, Nelson, Normita and Yiri
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Prior to the opening prayer and before anyone sat at the table, Caballito arrived through Nelson. During the session last Saturday at Junior's house, Nydia (a cousin) received a phone call while she was seated at the table and a spirit was being passed.  She took the phone call and carried on a conversation.  Caballito wanted everyone to understand that if a phone call was more important than the session, Nydia should have stayed home.  The group should not have allowed this behavior, and in the future, the spirit side will not tolerate such a lack of respect.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  After the opening prayer, Nelson read a selection from Divaldi's new book.  When Diego entered the room today, Nelson saw him surrounded by many negative spirits.  These spirits were making Diego's own spirit sick.  Diego has no sense of direction in his life, and whenever he takes one step forward, he follows it with fifteen steps backwards.  One of the negative spirits moved into Nelson to speak, and this spirit was very angry at being removed.  The negative spirits were being sent by another center that Diego previously attended.  This group wanted Diego's life to become bad enough for him to return begging on his knees to be taken back (the spirit kept pointing at the floor).  Junior counseled the spirit until he and his group of 21 departed.
Caballito returned to ask Eva about her upcoming Christmas trip to Texas to see her brother.  Eva explained that the primary reason she wanted to go was because her daughter from Chicago would also be there.  Caballito told her that the family in Texas was expecting Eva to be a magnificent medium, and they were hoping that she would answer all of their questions.  He cautioned that if she still wanted to go, Eva should not touch anything spiritual - no work, no messages, nothing.  He compared the trip to the pit of a mango - all of the mango would be eaten away before the pit (that nobody wanted anyway) would be exposed.
Caballito turned his attention to Eva's son (Luis).  There have been many very positive changes happening in Luis' life, and Caballito drew lines on the table with his finger as he listed each one (work, his house, etc.):
Caballito: May I ask you a question?  Have you ever seen the tools of a sculptor?  They are rolled up tightly in a cloth, and when the cloth is unrolled, all of the tools are on display, in front of the artist.  What tool do you think you are missing? 
Luis: Courage.
Milagros: Valor.
Caballito: The smaller rocks in your road have been removed, but there are still some large boulders.  Look at that big rock.  Do you want to know what is underneath it?
Luis: No.
Caballito: Your mother plans to travel to Texas for Christmas.  I recommend that you spend the holiday in a new place - somewhere with new energy.  Normita, would he be able to attend your family party?
Normita: of course.
Eva: May I ask a question?  I have been thinking about Mary (a medium who has been absent for several months) and I am worried about her.
Caballito: Even though they do not believe, her family is going to her for spiritual help - and she is overwhelmed, as she cannot possibly handle all of their requests.  (Note:  It was ironic that Eva asked about Mary, as Eva's experience in Texas could be very similar if she ignored Caballito's advice.)
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Milagros wanted to let the group know why another medium (Nilka) was absent.  She had a friend who was having a spinal operation.  The friend was a doctor, and she was very sure of herself and of the doctors performing her surgery.  An angry spirit arrived without warning, saying "Doctora!  Doctora!" over and over - because doctors were the only thing the friend valued and trusted.  The spirit wanted the friend to be in a wheelchair - permanently - after the surgery:
Eva: And what is your relationship to her?
Spirit (crying painfully):  She was my spouse!  When I was in a wheelchair, she never took care of me after my accident.  I had to crawl on the floor to feed myself.  I was left to die on the floor, with no water.
Junior: Today is your freedom from that, if you move towards the light.
(The spirit and his group of six agreed to leave.  Nelson said that he hoped we removed the spirit in time to prevent the woman from being in a wheelchair.)
Caballito returned with a message for Nestor: He needs keep an eye on his daughter over the holiday.  When we are young, we want to experience everything, and we need to use some caution.  There are spirits around, and they are always looking for the next party or individual to attach themselves.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): Caballito had a similar message regarding spirits who were looking for a party.  The message was for Alanis (Maribel's daughter).  It was her birthday today, and she manipulated Maribel into not attending the session.  Alanis was very skilled at manipulating everyone around her to get whatever she wanted.  Nelson asked, "Where are the parents?" as Caballito ushered in a new spirit that spoke rapidly.  This spirit was looking for a party, but not just any party - this spirit was a princess (like Alanis) and she wanted a princess party.  She was invited to Alanis' party, but now the spirit didn't want to go, because just like Alanis, the spirit would rather sleep.  Alanis deliberately went to bed late whenever her parents planned something that she did not want to attend.  Junior advised the spirit to attend the spiritual party that was being planned, and Eva recommended that the spirit leave her crown behind.  After some additional persuasion, the spirit left with 42 others.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed a group of spirits around his mother when he saw her yesterday.  Her spirit guide was also with her, and Nelson encouraged his mother to listen to her, as she was only offering some pain relief.  The guide for Nelson's mother was a madame.  A group of spiritual madames had arrived, and one of them stepped forward to speak.  They meant no harm, and they were very strong.  They described Nelson's mother and Normita as "white madames," and they wanted Nelson's mother to know that she was not alone.  There were eight madames, and they removed 14 harmful spirits.  They did not want Nelson's mother to suffer, they wanted her clean.
Caballito returned with five brief messages:
For Milagros: When asked how her daughter was doing, Milagros shared that she told her daughter that she was on her own.  While Milagros still loved her, the daughter needed to accept the responsibility for her own actions.
For Diana:  She has a desperate spiritual friend around her.  Would she be able to attend the Wednesday session?  (yes)  This friend has found her because Diana's behavior is also anxious and desperate.
For Yiri:  The same message as Diana.  She needs to be more tranquil, and less nervous over things.  She should also attend the Wednesday session. (she will
For Junior (in regards to his recent eye surgery that resolved nothing):  He cannot always ask for immediate relief.  Things take time, and he cannot ask for something on Monday and expect it by Sunday.  He never asked for any spiritual advice before the surgery, and when we act without consulting, we suffer the material world consequences.  Now the spiritual side has to work harder to resolve the issue.
For Jeff:  He should not be apprehensive or anxious over the upcoming visit to see his mother.  "If you do have to go, you will not be alone."
Junior closed with a prayer.

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