Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Florida - December 6, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jeff, Nelson, Rafael and Santiago  
Once we were seated at the table, Gloria heard a spirit ask if our earlier conversation from the living room could be continued.  Nelson read a portion of Chapter VI from Kardec's The Spirits Book on "Wandering Spirits".  We discussed questions 223-230.  In the higher worlds, reincarnation is almost immediate after the spirit separates from the body.  In worlds of lower advancement, the soul becomes a wandering spirit, waiting and expecting something to happen.  These intervals may last a few hours to thousands of ages. 

(Note:  Want to know more?  Read questions 223-230 in the next post)
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  As an illustration, Nelson's guide ushered in a wandering spirit:
Spirit: All we need to do is whisper in your ear and you follow what we say.  You think it comes from your own mind when we whisper.  I like chaos.  When it's removed I feel rejected.  If we remove ourselves because we are ready to move away, you people call us back.  You humans blame us, but you are at fault for feeding us - and some of you cannot be happy unless you are feeding us.  (The spirit looked at Rafael)  His entire family is that way, starting with the dad.  The dad feels empty and lonely.  Attending the (spiritual) centers gave him a sense of belonging.  He is looking for that sense of tranquility again, and he cannot find it now, even for a second.  He is desperately looking.  He feels that if this is his life, then he just wants to go.  And he doesn't want to lose what little he has gained (spiritually). 
Nelson sensed an issue with one of Rafael's sisters.  Nelson saw her having control over everything in his parents house, and Rafael said she had a camera installed to monitor them.  Nelson described the sister as a "carrier of chaos".  Like someone spreading a virus, she brings chaos into that house, and Rafael's father wants it to end.  When he sits quietly, he deals with what she has brought in, and it's intense.  The sister is the cause of his sadness.  Nelson was shown a big truck that unloads its cargo and leaves.  Astrid said the sister knew what she was doing, and Nelson agreed. 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson advised Rafael to be cautious with his words.  The less he says to his sister, the better.  Nelson also understood that this sister was the cause of Rafael's divorce.  She sees Rafael as her enemy, and that animosity is not from a past life, it is from this life.  Nelson envisioned her as a cancer, eating away at everything.  When she knows that Rafael will attend a session, she calls on the spirits to do evil.  Nelson heard a female spirit say, "I almost had him" in reference to Rafael's mini stroke.  The spirit sat through Nelson:
Spirit: I am very good at what I do.
Astrid: It's over, it stops now.
Spirit: Be careful what you call, when you call.  We do whatever needs to be done.
Astrid: You are enabling her (the sister).
Spirit: We like to do the dirty work.  Sometimes we give her a little taste because she likes it.  There are a lot of us out there.
Jeff: Aren't you tired of that work?
Spirit:  No!  You do your work, I do mine.  We almost got him!  We love what we do.  You make it so easy.  When you allow us in, then you are under my control.  The only reason we came here today was to be honest.  We didn't want to come, but someone with much more charisma gave us an invitation - and we couldn't say no.  We tried, but he really had something.  (to Rafael)  Be careful of that one.  She likes to bring in things that are not good.  She looks at you sees evil - she wants to cuss you.  (to the table)  He is telling us that we will not wander anymore.  We have to learn to be like him, and I am very curious.  He looks at you, and you get numb.  He controls the mind.
Gloria:  He came to help you.  Look around you - it's dark.  With him there is a light.
Spirit: There are eight of us, he said to tell you.  We are going with him, we are all curious.  He brings peace.
After the spirits had gone, Nelson said they came in today with Rafael.  Nelson noticed them and he could not shake Rafael's hand.  When Rafael visits his parents, Nelson told him to prepare himself with prayers - and to ask for protection from his spirit guides.  Rafael should try to keep away from his sister.
Spirit 3 (via Astrid): Nelson wanted to ask Gloria about the spirit of John's son (John is the husband of Gloria's daughter).  John's son was addicted to drugs when he was alive, and a therapist recommended that John financially close the door to him so that he was no longer enabling his habit. As Gloria was explaining, a spirit jumped into Astrid to speak:
Spirit: It started here (in Florida) when he was young.  Here I am, to testify about that!  When children lack love and direction, this can be the result.  Life starts in the home.  I am a friend, and I thank you for having me here to talk about this stuff.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): Nelson sensed that something happened to John's son when he was young, and Nelson began to understand that the boy was sexually abused.  When the child was 6-7 years old, the mother was divorced and she was seeing several men.  Some of those men abused the boy, and escaping into drugs was his way not to remember his emotional scars and his embarrassment.  Nelson saw the boy as a seven year old crouched in a corner, with his head on his knees, crying continuously:
Spirit (in tears): How?  How did this happen?  Can someone tell me how to get rid of that pain?
Astrid: Someone took advantage of you.  You were innocent.
Spirit: She said we needed the money.  I told her I didn't like it.
Jeff: It's not going to happen again.  It was a mistake.
Spirit: I just want to know, why didn't anyone stop it?  Whey didn't he (John) stop it?  Why?  Why?  Don't leave me with her, I told him.  Now I don't want to be there (in the house) with him.  I blamed him, there were lots of things, and I didn't like them.  I want to go (away from his dad).  I stopped doing everything, but I did everything I could to make things go away, and I couldn't.  Would you tell her (Gloria's daughter who saw the spirit) that I didn't mean to scare her.  I wanted her to see me.
Gloria: She understands, and I will tell her.  And don't listen to your sister if she calls you back.
Spirit: I won't.  I only want to remember my life up to now, at this age.  I'm going to start fresh and be happy.  Can you do something for me?  Someone has a little bear of mine, and it's the only thing I could talk to.  He has all my memories, because I only talked to him.  He is brown and his nose is partially chipped.  I put that part in my mouth to stop crying.  He (the spirit guide) tells me that I don't have to feel dirty any more.  He's a good man.  I can start fresh.  (intense crying)  Guess what he is giving me?  The bear!  He says I can make new memories now.
The spirit left quietly and Nelson said that he took four other spirits (from John) with him.  These spirits were very slim, with no body flesh, and Nelson saw them eating away at John's flesh.  The spirit of the boy had started to notice it, so Nelson and his guide had to become seven year old boys to persuade the boy's spirit to visit our table.  (NOTE:  Although this spirit agreed to leave, he returned to our table again at a later date.  In both the material world and the spirit world, we always keep our free will to make our own decisions.)
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Nelson): Nelson's spirit guide spoke from his position behind Nelson.  He said that there were thousands of spirits, all around the world, without any direction or hope.  There were battles for these souls between the good and bad spirits.  Some of the bad spirits would offer to help, but they caused more problems.  Caballito had some specific examples.  Nelson was shown five spirits leaving their bodies.  They were being greeted by two welcoming parties.
Caballito: Look at this one, from a 70 year old man.  He fought until the end, until his body spit him out.  All this spirit has in his mind is, 'They will spend all my money now'.  Nothing else.  We gave him a hand and offered him love, and we asked him to come with us.  The other side also offered him a hand, without any words, and it contained a stack of money.  Which hand do you think he will accept? 
Caballito: Here is another one, a 45 year old female who was married.  She had a lover, and her mind is only thinking about who will replace her now with that lover.  She worries only about that.  When your time comes, leave everything behind and go to that hand of love.  Here's another one, you would call him a bum.  He was a drunk, and that other side is showing him a bottle of liquor.  Boom!  There he goes with them.  I want you to understand how this works.  Nelson has been wondering about our purpose with this work every week, and I told him that I would show him.  When they choose that side, we have to find them - and they have a need to speak through a material body because they made a material choice.  When they come directly with us, that spirit doesn't need to sit.
Caballito: Another one is in a funeral home, right now.  He is a spirit in a casket, and some people are crying at his funeral.  Others are not.  Some spirits have come to get him, but he refuses to leave, until he can kill one female who is crying the loudest.  It's his wife, and everyone thought she was the best wife in the world, but he all he wants is to kill her.  Multiply that hate by a thousand, and you will understand why we need the work.  All of you can see that it doesn't take months or years, we can have a spirit like this one sit immediately - so he can move on and forgive the revenge.  (Nelson began tapping on the table)  He cannot say too many words, as he doesn't know what happened, but we brought him in - and he can sit for a few seconds.  (The new spirit arrived, replacing Caballito)
Spirit: What happened?  I don't understand.  I saw myself, what happened?  This is not the funeral home.
Astrid: They will take you to a place to learn.
Spirit:  I can leave all that behind?  I won't see her again?  She was harming me.  I am free and no more pain.  I am free!  I chose the right hand, and I was so afraid to pick that one, and now I am glad that I did!  I can leave it all behind.  I am going with him and I am at peace!  (The spirit raised both hands in triumph and he was gone.  Caballito returned.)
Caballito: Soon you will know who died, who that spirit was.  Do what he did when it is your turn.  You have not seen anything yet.  If you (the mediums) would have been prepared today, I could have shown all of you that man in the funeral home, not just Nelson.  Next time, it can be the three of you.  Do not trap yourselves into things related to the material world.  What you need to do is straighten your lives - by thinking good, acting good, being good.  Do that, and you will see a change in yourselves.
(for Rafael):  Listen to my words.  Take them to mind and you will see the changes that you are looking for,  act and receive.  Act with kindness and love - and others around you will change, with your actions.  It's simple.  I know you want to ask me something else.
Rafael: I have a major change coming up in my life with my son, and I am worried about his mother's impact.
Caballito:  Extend your hand with caring and love, and he will be okay.  You have to show him by example.  When you speak, make it with love and softness.  Do not speak loudly.  If you want my help and guidance, here it is: It has to come from your heart, and it's not there yet.  The love has to be in that hand.  Do that, and you will see the changes in everything around you.  And put the health of that friend you are worried about in God's hands - your hands are not clean yet.
(for Astrid): You have something, too.
Astrid: I wonder why I am not a better medium.
Caballito:  When you sit there, sometimes your mind is not where it should be.  You are paying more attention to what is happening with him (Nelson) working, and you forget the work for yourself.  Concentrate on the spiritual.  For the material side, try to let go of things.  Let. it. go.  We need you and the work, for the group to continue. (for all)  Keep your mind, heart, and eyes open.  Keep us close to you.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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