Sunday, December 4, 2016

Florida - December 2, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Jackie read a selection from Kardec's The Gospel According to Spiritism regarding melancholy, a temporary mood of depression.  We judge ourselves to be unhappy when we should be resolute, with the strength to stand up to the pressures of fulfilling our own individual missions on earth.
Nelson told the group about a close friend of his nephew who hanged himself because he was depressed over being gay and unable to deal with the situation.  Nelson was concerned because he thought that this spirit might influence others with his negative thoughts.  He also updated the group on the wife of Sonia's son (she has been institutionalized). 
Nelson asked Frank how he was feeling, and he said that he still had headaches.  The doctor recommended that no additional procedures were needed at this time, and he told Frank that the headaches may have been caused by a previous small stroke.  His doctor also noticed Frank's yellow skin and eye color.  Nelson explained (with the help of his guide) that we needed to treat the unhealthy occurences from the material world with material world procedures, but at the same time, there were spiritual issues that needed to be addressed.
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson advised Frank to look deep inside himself to find a way to control his anxiety over the tumor.  Many people live long lives with similar situations.  If Frank was calmer, with less stress or emotion, his headaches would go away.  It's up to him to find a way to control his thoughts (as Jackie's reading suggested).  We are often afraid of the unknown and the next step, worrying ourselves needlessly, until the stress makes us sicker than the original ailment.  The group discussed the issue, and Santiago advised a prostate test for Frank to find out why he wakes up so frequently during the night. 
Nelson's guide said that if we take care of things from past lives by accepting what we did, our current reincarnation would be better.  Nelson was shown one of his past lives, and he was being burned by the Catholic church.  He wondered why, and he saw himself standing outside of a church trying to persuade people not to go in.  He was a medium, and he was able to stop the parishioners by telling them a fact about themselves.  A priest confronted him while he was standing on his soapbox, and Nelson asked him, "Why don't you tell everyone what you did three days ago?"  A beautiful woman arrived at the church, and Nelson saw himself telling the crowd, "Here is the one who shared your sin!"  The upset spirit of the priest arrived to sit through Nelson:
Spirit: I got transferred because of him!  I had to leave my church - and my love - because of him!  I have been waiting to see him, as I have been looking for him.  It was none of his business!  I was shamed, because she was a married lady.  He's the guilty one!
Astrid: You were guilty - twice - and then you sent him to die.  The truth is always painful to hear.
Spirit: It's my turn now, to shame and punish him.  I see what he does, and I will say it.  He lies in the bed with another man!  I want everyone to know it, what he does!
Jackie: We all know it.
Spirit: It's not a secret?  Nobody cares?
Jackie: What you need to realize is that you are dead.
Spirit (making the sign of the cross in front of Jackie with his fingers): You are a woman with no say-so!
Astrid: And you are a spirit, a soul.
Spirit: Only God is a spirit.  (looked at Jackie)  In my time, I would burn you down.  I'd like to burn you.  She has too many opinions.
Jackie: You are a soul with no power to burn anybody.
Spirit: Well, if I am, I am really in hell - having to listen to you.  Ohhh.  Look.  Do you know who is here with me?  The love of my life.  We are finally together, and I want to drop everything - this cross, my clothing - to be with her again.
Astrid: Both of you have a different journey...
Spirit: They are telling me I can leave here being a man and not a priest anymore.  Is that true?  Do you know why I ever became a priest?  My family told me it was a privilege.  They lied to me!  I was only happy with her, but I was not allowed to leave the church to be with her.
Jackie: And you killed someone.
Spirit: I had to shut him down.  How did that man know my secret?
Jackie: He was a medium, a seer. 
Spirit: We had some of those in the church, but we kept it quiet.  I understand what I did.  It was the wrong thing.  It's nice to see her again, but this lady was right - I cannot go with her.  We have to say goodbye, and she is crying.  I don't want to come back as a priest, please don't send me back as a priest.  I want to have sex with a woman!  I am getting rid of this dress and cross, so bring on the ladies!  I don't want to be around him (Nelson) any more, I want some ladies.  I am taking a group of friends with me, eight of us, but she is not going with us.  I'm also taking three boys along with me...
The spirit apologized to Jackie and thanked us for listening.  He left gently, but Nelson felt cold, and he saw the priest locked deep in a basement of the church.  His desire to leave the church resulted in his being removed completely from the public.  Whenever he was unwatched, the priest would remove his clothing and his cross.  He died in his basement prison, surrounded by thick books that Jackie saw him recopying by hand.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Frank left the table to use the restroom, and Nelson saw a spirit immediately sit down in his chair.  This spirit looked very similar to Frank, and he was seated in a pose similar to Rodin's statue, The Thinker.  This spirit liked to come very close to Frank, to make him think about whatever the spirit was thinking about:
Spirit (very jovial): So many thoughts and yet it's an empty head!  We over think until we are tired of thinking.  Sometimes I wake him up at night to think some more, but look - we have an empty mind!
Astrid: Why are you doing this to him?
Spirit: Because he is easy to control!  He's so easy when I get close to him and together we think about nothing.  That's why I don't like him to go on vacation or leave the house.
Jeff:  Those thoughts are hurting him.
Spirit (looking at Jackie):  Sometimes I make her think too, when she bothers me!
Jackie: You are not in the material world.  He has a life to deal with, and you don't.
Spirit: I like this job.  We worry about nothing.
Jackie: You don't have a body, and he does.
Spirit: Yes I do have a body.  It's right there (pointed to Frank).  That's ours to share.
Jackie: What was the last thing that you remember?
Astrid: You were once somebody.
Spirit: I was nothing.  I felt like nothing because I was nothing.
Jackie: Would you like to be something?
Spirit: I would like to be a thinker.  I could think on my own and leave this nothing behind.  The thoughts of nothing.  I would think and go anywhere I want.  But first, I need to find out who I was.  I don't remember.  I have to be careful with that.  They are going to start showing me my video of what I have been doing.  I have a mind, so I am something, I am someone.  I can go and just be free now.  I'm tired of thinking.  Look at that, I see fish.  I am by a river, and there are trees - I like it!  No people.  Now I understand.  (to Frank)  My friend, I am going to leave you.  I don't need to be in that house anymore.  This is so pretty, so nice.  I am going to go very quietly, because I am a quiet person.  (whispered)  Goodbye.
Nelson advised Frank to shut off the TV a half hour before he planned to sleep.  Reading or listening to music would be more relaxing and it would help him sleep better.  Nelson also thought that Jackie was becoming more apprehensive about her trip.  Nelson's guide spoke from his position behind Nelson:
Caballito: Don't over think it.  Remember to take the prayer book with you.  The situation with the baby is no longer in my hands.  (Note: The baby was born the next day)  Remember when you are there, take a deep look at the father.  Say little, but observe.  Don't judge, just observe.
(Nelson's spirit guide also wanted to address the table regarding  the boy who hanged himself.)
Caballito: We have a group of elevated - as you would call them, but we say worker - spirits who have a special assignment to work with humans who take their lives.  They have heard you today, and they will try to help that friend.  It's a delicate rescue mission.  That spirit still thinks that he is as alive as all of you are now, and he does not know what he did.  When you make a petition, a request, the spirits are listening.  We can only take the steps that are allowed.  This example demonstrates how cruel you humans are to each other.  Especially at Christmas, when all you say is love, love, love.  Very few people are passing that love on.  The words from your mouths should match your thoughts.  We hear your thoughts, and the mouth says one thing, the thoughts say another.  Sometimes we close our ears to you, so that we can only hear your thoughts.  (laughed)  Including you, Nelson!
Spirit 4 (via Jackie): Nelson's guide stepped back, and Jackie relayed a message from her mother:
Jackie: Mom whispered in my ear about the Silver Birch book, and the holidays.  The spirits go to classes, and they discuss how sad it is that the human holiday mood can only be expressed once or twice a year.  These spiritual classes are decided by what is needed for improvement and growth.  Others are in charge, making these determinations, and they are in charge of the instruction.  Jackie's mom compared it to the spiritual attention given to humans, telling the group, "You get as much of a break from us as your children got from you."  The group discussed her message, and Jackie closed with a prayer.

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