Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Chicago - February 7, 2016

In attendance: Alex, Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Frank, Esperanza, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Juan, Juanita, Maricela, Marisol, Milagros, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and Xaver
Marisol read the prayer for the sick and the prayer for those who are no longer with us in the material world.  Nelson read the prayer for victory against temptation.  (The prayer in English: My God, I thank you for having permitted me to be victorious in the battle which I sustained against evil.  Allow this victory to give me strength to resist new temptations.  And you, my spirit guide, receive my thanks for the assistance you gave.  Allow that my submission to your counsel makes me worthy to receive your protection once again.)
Carmen said she had spent the week battling a spirit who wanted to kill her and Bernardo, with alternating good and bad days in which the spirit was present.  Bernardo did not remember telling Carmen anything about the spirit.  The brother-in-law of the Romero family (with the wounded head) went back to the hospital ER and he was sent home again.  He's sad and he doesn't eat.  Nelson advised Juanita not to visit him, regardless of who asks her, even if they scream and cry, and regardless of what happens in that house. 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson described a long thin tornado in the house.  It appeared and disappeared, and the tornado wanted to trap the entire family inside.  The spirits causing the tornado thought that if they could involve others, everyone will be lost together inside.  Nelson was shown the spinning tornado filled with the faces of the frenzied Romero family members.  The man with the head injury wanted help, but he has always been unwilling to help anyone else - and whoever helps him now would be sucked into the thin tornado.  Nelson was shown a long skeleton key being inserted into a thick boulder.  It symbolized the locking of all the family together, so they could all die together.  This group of spirits went back several existences.  As Juan (the father of the Romero family) tried to explain that he treated all of his children equally; a stern, authoritative spirit spoke through Nelson:
Spirit: We are ready to do anything.  We will celebrate when they all disappear.  All I feel is hate.  Do not look at me or speak to me.  I was never treated equally!  Not when I was good and not when I was bad.  Why have you brought me here?  I am rotten form the inside with so much hate.
(Marisol and Maricela counseled the spirit in Spanish)
Spirit: Imagine a prison, with nothing to eat but scraps and rats.  And that man thinks he is sick and cannot move.  We were planning a bomb to take them all.  Lock them in the house, turn on the gas and light a match to explode the house.
Marisol: That is not possible.  You do not have a body.
Spirit: I know that!  And I know I am sick - but all of them are just like me - nothing works.  Sore hands, feet, heads.  This place they want to take me, everything will work again? 
Marisol: It's someplace where you will feel better.
Spirit: Vengeance has kept me alive with energy.  I am speaking, and it has been a long time since I spoke.  I have forgotten how to do it.  The memories, the headaches - all of them will go away? 
Marisol:  Listen to the ones around you.  Hate has made you sicker.
Spirit: I have to take what was mine.  That tornado was mine.  That man (the spirit guide) is good.  He speaks softly but firmly.  I'm going to go with him.  There were more than a hundred of us making that tornado spin.  It's 106 of us.  We are going to a hospital...
The spirit left with a shudder and Nelson changed topics.  He asked Sonia why her son (Xaver's dad) was reluctant to attend a session.  Sonia said that he believed in spiritism, and he had stated that he would attend - but he doesn't.  Nelson understood that the son feels the spirits around him, but when it becomes too intense for him, he calls Sonia for help.  He is also terrified of what he might be told, because he believes that some things are better left undiscovered. 
Spirit 2 (via Marisol):  A spirit who wanted to speak with Sonia's son was present.  He was sad and disappointed that the son was not available, and he was reluctant to trust his message with anyone else.  After some persuasion from Marisol, the spirit agreed to sit through her:
Spirit: Why do you insist that I open a door if I do not want to do it?  That's his problem, isn't it?
Nelson: You influence him.
Spirit: I scare him (laughed).  He won't come here, so I have to go there.  He runs to call her (Sonia).
Nelson: He also runs to the bathroom when he sees you.  We need to help you now, not him.
Spirit: I am tired of being with him anyway.  He sits, he thinks.  He thinks he has come to a decision (laughed) so he gets up, but then he does nothing.  We can't go there, wait, go there.  I'm stuck. 
Nelson: He frustrates everyone when he doesn't do anything...
Spirit: Yes!  It's a waste of time.  I put many things in his mind and he does nothing.
Nelson: You are not helping him.  What is it that you want him to do?
Spirit: I want him to leave.  Pack his bags and go.
Nelson: He cannot abandon that family again.
Spirit: He is a rock.  He won't move.  I am going to pack my own bag and leave.
Nelson: The years go by, and nothing gets done.
Spirit (to Sonia):  Whatever he does, it is his fault.  I'm tired and sad.  I'm sorry for her (Sonia) crying for him.  I'm going through that door.  I feel better.
Spirit 3 (via Carmen): The spirit took four others with him. A new spirit immediately moved into Carmen:
Spirit: I am so angry, because something has to happen, someone has to die over there.  I got here, and I was put to the side (had to wait to speak)!  Wherever I go, I am very important.  He (Bernardo) is another rock.  He puts it all on her (Carmen), and he does nothing, but it's okay with me because I get the power.  He knows that Carmen will resolve it.  Lots of time has been lost, and it has been very hard, but I like to bother her. 
Nelson: Today that relationship will be over.  You don't let her work.  You are going to take a trip.
Spirit: I don't want to leave!
Nelson: You need to take what is yours and let her keep hers.  There is someone (a spirit guide) to help you.
Spirit: They tell me she is a good person (weeping), and I don't want to leave her!  (long pause)  I am leaving.  I will let her go forward.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): When he arrived today, Nelson sensed a large group of spirits who were present in the building.  They wanted to take the keys away from Sonia.  Marisol was shown a tower with a moat around it.  She said the situation was similar to plotting a war between the good and bad spirits:
Sonia: The ones I have heard, are they positive?
Nelson: No.  Remember Charlotte (the founder of the temple)?  I have never seen her again - until today.  So it's serious.
Marisol: It's all about money...
Nelson: ...and next to that is power.
(Xavier shared that he had a dream similar to what was being described by Nelson and Marisol)
Nelson: Charlotte wants Sonia to know that she should continue what she is doing.  Now I know why I had to read that prayer about temptation.  These spirits are really angry with me. There is one who is in charge, a real "know it all".  When they try to unmask him, he becomes even angrier.
Marisol: The spirits are using someone, a particular person from our group...
(A sly, confident spirit stepped forward to speak through Nelson)
Spirit: Come with me and find true power.  No one can see it unless I want them to see it.  My face is just what you see.
Sonia: We can all see through that.
Spirit: I don't care, I have the power.
Jeff: Why does that give you pleasure?  Let the others decide for themselves.
Spirit: I have just one duty, and I must accomplish it.  I know I am a spirit, so don't go there!  I only have one job.  I'm going to close it.  (smugly)  I know who I am, and I know what is on the other side.
Sonia: So take off the mask.
Spirit: I took it off.  I know this is my goodbye, I know that.  I was on the other side once, but they betrayed me.
Marisol: Tell me about that.
Spirit: They took my power away.  I know I have to go today, I know that.  Realize and learn, that's why I came today. I want you to learn that the other side has power, too.  We were very close to closing that door.  But almost doesn't count, does it?  There is no victory without that key.  Sometimes the ones who come through those doors have another agenda.  We have that power.
Marisol: A hidden agenda.  It's meant to keep balance.
Spirit: I don't want to see those old friends now.  You have no idea how many of us are here.  It's 2016, the same number as the year that these doors should close.  Hold on to that key, we were going to close it.
After the spirit departed, Nelson told the group that part of the commotion over the building came from a former member of our group who used to sit at our table.  That's why she has not contacted any of the other members by phone or email.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  The spirit of Charlotte had been observing our session, and she wanted to symbolically give the key to her building back to Sonia.  Charlotte spoke from a position behind Nelson, saying, "Things change, so we must change, too.  One day, we will celebrate these sessions upstairs (the second floor of the building)."  Charlotte was wearing a large ring, with a metal band to hold the stone firmly in place.  Marisol described it as similar to a staff, and she knew it symbolized strength.  Charlotte referenced the 23rd Psalm (, and Densie explained that it was often recited during the sessions conducted by Charlotte.  The spirit decided to sit through Nelson:
Charlotte (to the group): You must be very strong, and do not be afraid.  You are not alone, as this is the movement, the way it should move.  Where I am now, we are allowed memories, and they give me comfort.  I thought I had people in place to assume responsibility, but they were not prepared.  Instead of one power, there were twenty.  But I will be around - we will be around, a lot of us.  He (Nelson) was afraid to let me sit, but I took over.  He remembered me.  Do you think it was not planned?  It was well planned.  What they wanted was not what we wanted.  I knew what was needed for things to continue to grow.  It will grow more.  Always observe, and be careful of those who smile but do not represent what we say.  I am so happy to come here today!  Some situations were getting out of hand.  Keep that door open, and one day I will provide you with one of my speeches.  The exact same words with different sentences.  My heart is filled with love when I am allowed to say a few words.
Charlotte faded away softly, and Nelson asked how everyone was doing.  Juan said that he had experienced bad dreams earlier in the week, but he was helped by the passing of the earlier spirit (with the thin tornado).  Nelson asked Juanita if she saw the shadow of a man in her room (she did).  Nelson cautioned Gabe about his upcoming trip, stressing "Not all the dots are connected.  Be very careful.  If you are invited to something where you are not comfortable, say no."
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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