Saturday, December 17, 2016

Chicago - January 24, 2016

In attendance: Alex, Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Juan, Juanita, Milagros, Marisol, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and Xavier
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):   Carmen had a concern with her granddaughter's upcoming C-section birth.  With the baby coming at 38 weeks, Nelson's spirit guide advised that a legal document should be signed, as there might be a problem with the blood that could impact the baby.  Caballito added that the granddaughter was exhibiting selfish behavior, and that we all need to learn to take responsibility for our own actions. For Carmen, it was advised that she set a limit (Caballito demonstrated by drawing a line) or her granddaughter will continue her same behavior.  People can only take advantage of us when we allow it to happen.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Marisol began reading a prayer, which prompted a spirit related to the granddaughter to sit through Nelson:
Spirit (evil laugh): I like what I am doing, it's what I want to do!  I do not listen to anyone, and you are not going to tell me what to do!  They are going to take her.  I am in control.
Marisol: That is not possible.
Spirit (restrained, and struggling in his seat): Release me!  The obligation is yours.  I did not come here because I wanted to, they tricked me!
Marisol: You are a spirit.
Spirit (fingers in his ears to prevent him from listening):  I do not agree!  Everyone speaks to her and she closes her ears!  She is mine, she belongs to nobody else.  (the spirit guides offer to show him his body)  I am not interested in seeing that.  We have a reunion tomorrow, her and me.  I want to be with her.
Carmen: No, go with the good spirits who are there for you.
Spirit: Her name is Linda (laughed) but there is nothing pretty about her.  (Linda translates to pretty in Spanish)  My throat hurts.  I need some water.  (referring to the spirit guide)  He talks a lot!  Where are we going?  She and I are not finished with each other, but I will go with him.  Four friends are going with me, but we have not finished our compromise! 
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): The spirit shuddered and slumped into his chair.  The table discussed the situation.  Nelson and his guide began to study a new spirit related to Xavier:
Caballito: What's on your mind?
Xavier: I have been thinking a lot - about my guide, and the effects of bad food habits.
Caballito: But what do you really want from life?  What is holding you back?
Xavier: I want to change society and my life.  I have a passion for music.
Caballito: Before that can happen, first you will need to change yourself.  Do you feel that you are in the wrong place in the world?
Xavier: Yes.  There is an energy bothering me.  I cannot get rid of it.
Caballito: That energy is a spirit.  He is right next to you, as he always wants to be with you.  We are going to remove him today. (Jeff was asked to stand behind Xavier as Nelson's guide cleansed Xavier and then returned to his seat)
Xavier: I have felt him with me since the 7th grade.   
Caballito: Today we will sign a contract with him.  The two of you had planned to come together as twins, and he is angry because he stayed behind.  He believes that he was not given the opportunity to reincarnate with you.  He is so angry that he does not want to sit and talk today.....
The spirit quickly jumped into Nelson, replacing his spirit guide:
Spirit (angrily): Leave me alone!  Why are you doing this to me?  I don't want to be without him!  He's everything to me - my best friend, my brother - I cannot leave him.
Jeff: You are hurting him.
Spirit: But where am I going?  What's going to happen?  Will he be okay without me?  We cry together, will you be happy?
Xavier: Yes, I will.
Spirit: I am crying for him now.  They tell me that in the future, I will be able to see him again. I can visit him when I am done crying and I am happy.  I will come back, and I will tell you our story.  I am taking everything with me now, everything that belongs to me...(the spirit departed)
Caballito:  See the 'miracles' we do (laughed)?  It's not a miracle, it's just work.  That cloth (a dish towel) is my instrument to take away the leftover energy.  (for Xavier)  You have a beautiful life ahead of you.  Fulfill it, and you will accomplish what you want.  You might even dance.  (for everyone)  I am so happy to be back, so excited to see these wonderful faces again - still here.  Compliment yourselves on your work!  Some other work needs to be done, so I will move to the side.  Tell Nelson he is a chicken.  He thinks he will die?
Jeff: We will tell him.
Caballito: As for you, you were not really looking (for the beauty of Puerto Rico), were you?  You have to find it from within, on your own.  It has to be natural.  I might give you the same message - one more time.
Nelson asked Marisol about the health of Andres, her son.  "He's an enigma," she responded.  Palliative care has started for him.  Nelson asked if Marisol thought about moving him to a facility, and although she had considered it, Marisol thought he would be better at home.  Nelson agreed to visit him on Monday.  "It's harder to die than to be born," Nelson said.  The group discussed the issue.
There were spiritual soldiers on guard outside the room of Andres, and another spirit was standing near his bed.  Marisol said she noticed the spirit, but she had not spoken to him.  Marisol explained that she wasn't ignoring the spirit, she was trying to show him that she respected him and understood his mission.  The spirit guide for her son was also present, and he had a white toga. Andres was reluctant to transition, but he was fully aware of the contract he signed, and he knew what he still had to do. 
Spirits 4 & 5 (via Carmen):  Marisol's mother arrived to comfort her daughter:
Spirit: You do not want to hear those words, but do not worry - I will be there with you.  You have been an exemplary daughter.  It will be difficult, but it will be quick.  You will not see it, as it is better that way.  you have been a good mother.  There are spirits ready to receive him, and he will have a good destiny.   He will go calmly.  There is a spirit of light here, and a spirit of light in the spirit world, and I will be by your side.  Be tranquil.  The hour is close, let him go.  He will only see that light when he goes.
Carmen's spirit guide arrived to cleanse her and offer encouragement to our table.  "Thank you everyone, and (to Nelson), welcome back.  This one (Carmen), you have helped protect her in difficult times.  She had faith, and that friend of yours (Caballito) protected her.  Thank you."
Spirit 6 (via Marisol):  Marisol sensed a feeling of nausea, and she thought it might be related to Milagros.  It was a stomach pain that came from someone in her family.  Milagros shared that other people have smelled a bad odor in her home, but she has not experienced it.  An irate spirit arrived through Marisol:
Spirit (angrily):  Why does she insist?  I have the pain.  She (Milargros) should not come here anymore!  You keep doing what you want, and someone you live with does not want you here!  (Milagros' mother)  I feel a little bad, but this is nothing.  There's a bad smell in here, burn something to make it go away.  I am telling you, I am not leaving - even with that smell.  Who are you to tell me to go?  I do whatever I want.  It's my mission.  Where are they taking me?
Nelson:  Look at the plane they brought for you!  You will be in first class.
Carmen: You will learn to work for yourself, instead of someone else.
Spirit: Are they giving me a new mission?
Nelson: Yes, it's all for your benefit.  Listen to what that spirit friend is telling you.
The spirit decided to leave.  Nelson warned that if Milagros mother does not change, there would more spirits to replace the one that was removed.  Milagros has been taking medical tests, but her doctors never found anything - as her pain was spiritual.  Marisol's enthusiastic guide arrived, dancing and happily clapping.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson had been staring at Ron for most of the session.  His guide had some questions:
Caballito: You are not feeling well?
Ron: It's mostly my knees.
Caballito: We need to remove a thought from you.  The time is short, but we cannot leave without helping a friend.  You cannot continue to think that way.  You are the one allowing it to happen.  Stop.  Why are you allowing it?  (Caballito walked over to Ron and placed a hand in front of him)  You keep everything tucked inside, and we need to untie that knot.  Change the way you think.  The body does what the mind says.  Send good thoughts to your body.  Do you understand?  (Ron agreed)  Make sure that you are here next Sunday.  There are some spiritual friends here, and they want to talk to you.  You are taking a medication that is not doing the work.  Tell your doctor.  I will tell you which one it is at the end of the session.
Ron: For the last month or so, I have been thinking of when I was my grandson's age.  I was so well protected by my mother, it was almost too much.
Caballito:  Do you think that this is a time to have regrets over things now?  It's not time to check out yet.  Stop that thought.  We need to deal with that sadness.  A life of sadness is not worth living, as we attract friends that we do not want to have.  I am taking 14 of those friends with me today.
Jeff: Thank you.
Caballito: Give me a second...(pause)...I am also removing 18 soldiers who are with him.  We want everyone here to feel better than when they arrived today.  Again, I am happy.  I love my work.  If I could, I would do it 24 hours a day.  I have earned much from it, and yet it's nothing.
Jeff: The work fulfills you.
Caballito (for Juanita):  What is in your house that is bothering you?  If you do not know, I will tell you later.
Sonia: I want to thank you, because I called on you and you were there for me.
Caballito:  I have always said that you can call on me, and if allowed, I will help.
Xavier: What do I tell my (material world friend) Devon if he wants to hang out?
Caballito:  Tell him you are busy with a school project, and that you will call him when you can.  (for Juan)  When your time comes, you will know.  If you ask me next Sunday, I will tell you.  Thank you for allowing me to work.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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