Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Chicago - Feb 14, 2016

In attendance: Alex, Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Jeff, Juan, Juanita, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson and Sonia
Marisol read the prayer for the sick and the prayer for the soul. 
(Note: There are numerous prayers for the sick - including one to be said by the sick person, a general prayer for the sick, and one for the medium/healer to use.  See them here:
Marisol's shared that her cousin in Puerto Rico has not been feeling well.  Nelson was envisioning her as a short woman with a white complexion, but Marisol said it was not her cousin.  Nelson was describing the mother of the cousin, who resented the time that her daughter spent at the center in Puerto Rico.  Nelson described the mother and daughter as "oil and vinegar, because they do not mix well," and he understood that what the daughter does for her mother is never enough for her.  Marisol agreed.  There was a very complicated family dynamic at work, with a son who wasn't a saint getting lots of attention from the mother, while Marisol's cousin felt neglected und under appreciated by the mother.  To add more fuel to the fire, the husband of the mother died with an ugly past and many secrets.
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Carmen):  The group discussion caused a spirit to leap into Carmen to speak:
Spirit (pounding on the table): Shut up!   Who said you could talk about me?  That is my house, it's mine!  Mine!  You do not need to bother me - I don't bother you! 
Nelson: Now you are here, and you need to be respectful.
Spirit (irritated): I have the power!  No one does what I want them to do, but I am still strong. I want to see that child.  There is something that needs to be put into place, and I am the one to fix it.  They have destroyed it.  Mine!
(Nelson and Marisol continued to counsel the spirit in Spanish)
Spirit: I talk, and they do not listen.  It's their fault that I am going to die.
Marisol: You do not have a body...
Nelson: only have energy.  But you think you are alive.
Spirit: My heart will not explode?  Everything has been said.  I am done, I cannot take anymore of them.  I'm leaving.  Someone else can take over.  Who is going to help them now?  I'm leaving.
Carmen's spirit guide arrived to cleanse her.  Nelson said that we needed to be careful with spirits like this one.  They are so alive in their minds, they think they are alive again in the material world.  This spirit was definitely male, and he was living through the mother of Marisol's cousin. Not everyone who dies in a family becomes an elevated spirit guide for those left behind.  In this case, the departed angry husband was the spirit influencing his wife.  Nelson cautioned that we should always ask a spirit who they are, why are they around us, and what they want before we trust them completely.  At the spirit center in Puerto Rico, the mediums were passing spirits that they assumed were elevated - but they were not.  Nelson recommended that Marisol's cousin should see a doctor, as she also has a physical ailment that needs attention.
Nelson spoke briefly to Juanita about her upcoming trip and the spirits.  There were some spirits present who did not want her to work, and they saw this trip as a way to stop her.  Nelson was also studying a group of spirits who were acting as if they were dancing at a large, lively party.  These spirits were related to someone at our table, and they were using their party as a distraction.  Carmen said she felt these spirits had been at her house.  Nelson agreed, describing the women as wearing hoop skirts and resembling the women from the Gone With The Wind film.  Bernardo was calling on these spirits, but when the dancing women arrived, he became fearful of them.  Bernardo admitted that he felt a presence in bed between himself and Carmen.  Nelson was shown the spirit of a beautiful, very sexy woman who thought she was still alive.  She was teasing Bernardo, putting her make up on as he watched, and reapplying it again in a different manner.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  The spirit had blonde hair, and Bernardo said that he told Carmen in the car that "the blonde one is coming today."  The spirit had finished with her make up, and she began to dance hypnotically for Bernardo.  She wanted to lure him into a room in the back.  Nelson moved back in his chair, as the soft spoken spirit arrived:
Spirit (moving her arms as if dancing with castanets): I'm the prettiest one.  I dance beautifully, it puts the men into a trance.  They only wake up when I tell them to (noticing Jeff), I will dance for the American, too.  I need to ask, as I am confused, I was somewhere, but now this place is different.  Where am I?
Marisol: look at the body you are speaking through...
Spirit: I was in an elegant house, but this is not that place.  (looking at Bernardo)  I was with him - my love! - let's go together.  We have to be together.  (looking at Carmen)  I do not like that lady, and the sad part is that we share the same name.  But he doesn't call you what he calls me.  (starts sing a romantic song)  I sing and I dance, and all the men stand when I arrive.  La, la, la. 
Marisol: You have a new place to do, and you will not need the singing or the castanets.
Spirit: Where will I go?
Marisol: They will take you to a place where you will be loved for who you are. 
Spirit (to Bernardo): Fine.  Don't look for me anymore, because I am going to go.  (to Carmen)  I have done a lot to you to make you leave, but you did not.  So I will go calmly, because this man (the spirit guide) is taking me to a party where I will realize who I am.  (to Bernardo)  Don't call me...don't call me...don't...
The spirit left quietly, taking three others with her.  Nelson said her scent was a toxic perfume, designed to be a love potion.  He advised Bernardo not to open the door to these female spirits - as it would be increasingly difficult for them to be removed. 
Spirit 4 (via Marisol):  Marisol was still looking at the spirit around Juanita.  Nelson had noticed this spirit with her many times, but the spirit never wanted to sit.  Marisol said this spirit stood by Juanita's bed, and his presence was formal and powerful.  He had an aristocratic air, but when Juanita tried to sleep, he would wake her up.  He was an abuser.  When it was hot, he made her cold, and when it was cold, he made her hot.  He was persuaded to sit through Marisol, and he spoke in a royal manner:
Spirit (polite but intense): She is my queen, my queen.  No one needs to say anything to me.
Nelson: She is Juanita, she is not your queen.
Spirit: You are making me angry.  (to Juanita)  When you are ready, we can leave.  We no longer need to be here.  She is my queen, mine.  Speak to me.
(Juanita counseled the spirit in Spanish, explaining that he must leave without her)
Spirit: Very well, I am removing her last crown.  I do not like being told that I do not have a body.  (the spirit guides showed him his body as proof)  So I was lied to.  I have been with her since the day she was born, as alive as she is.  I will leave with this man who promises to show me a new place.  I am leaving, goodbye.
The spirit left abruptly.  Nelson told Juanita that this spirit wanted to close off her spiritual thoughts, but now, when she returns from her trip, she will be able to work.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed a spirit who had an odd question for Sonia: 
Spirit: Do you get pleasure from kicking people when they are down?
Sonia: No. 
Spirit: She says no!  But she is willing to help those who cannot be seen, and she doesn't want to help the ones she can see.
Nelson was shown a desert landscape, with sand all around.  Sonia was in an oasis in the middle, with lush green space and water.  She looked the same as she does now, and she was dressed in a long, Arabic style gown.  It was multicolored, with sheer shades of yellow and orange.  She was surrounded by lepers, with their hands reaching out towards Sonia, as if they were begging.  Sonia looked at each one individually, nodding her head no.  The conversation continued:
Nelson: Any time she wanted to help someone, it backfired.  This has happened so many times, and you have been betrayed.  Now you are apprehensive to try again.  But you cannot close yourself, as there will be those who are very thankful. 
Sonia: What do I need to do to earn it?  I don't know what to say or how to respond.
Nelson: There is a woman approaching you with a small girl.  You are wearing several bracelets, and you take one off and give it to the girl.  You tell her, "Take that and sell it; get yourself out of poverty.  Make a life for yourself."  The girl takes the bracelet and goes.  Another child arrives, and you tell her, "Not for you, you have not earned it."  There is an energy, a light behind you now in this room.  That light is telling you that you are sometimes as lost as those girls.  You want to have all the answers to all those questions that everyone asks you.  (Sonia agreed)  Call on your guide when you find yourself there.
Sonia: I have, but no response.
Nelson: He (the guide) has a very good energy, but he is also lost.  He does not know how to establish a connection with you.  I will go there and bring him here...
Sonia: Why has taken so long to connect?
The outstretched hands of the beggars were all the wrong hands - which is why Sonia never took them.  Her spirit guide was preparing to move into Nelson to give her his hands.  Jeff was asked to stand behind Sonia to help deflect the energy from the guide back into Sonia.
Sonia's Guide: I want to make this connection....(pause).....the connection has been made.
Sonia (arms reaching out): Thank you for the divine energy, I feel it!  From my head to my fingers. 
Sonia's Guide: We are no longer lost.
Sonia: Yes!  I thank you for that beautiful energy.  Like rays of sunshine, flowing.  I can see the colors!  orange, yellow, red.
Jeff: Like the dress.
Sonia: I see myself in that dress - it's a beautiful yellow near the top,
Sonia's Guide: Now we will be doing the work we agreed to do.  What a beautiful connection.  I am grateful and happy.  Your work with your grandson (Xaver) was the beginning of what you will do with others.  He was the start.  He couldn't become your your son in this life, so he found another way to be with you.  As your grandson.  And one day, he will lead you back to the son you lost.  Don't let go, hold him tightly.
The spirit guide drifted away, and Nelson returned to his seat.  The table spoke briefly about the unique experience. 
Nelson wanted Alex to know that his plans for Korea would happen.  It was new endeavor for him, but Alex should not be afraid - as he was not going alone.  Everything will work out they way he hoped, as long as he doesn't forget where he came from.  Alex was reminded to email his mother and sister to keep in touch.  If he needs help, he should ask for it - remembering that our group is his extended family, and we are willing to offer support in any way that we can.
Spirits 6 & 7 (via Marisol):  Marisol sensed an issue related to the blood with Carmen's new grandchild.  Marisol began to smell the putrid stench of blood.  "She had a baby that she shouldn't have had," Nelson lamented.  The male spirit decided to sit through Marisol:
Spirit (frustrated):  I will not give up.  I have it and I need to put it into her body (the baby), so they will take her to the hospital.  (Nelson described the object as a very small white ball)  I want her with me.  I will create an infection to put her in the hospital. 
Nelson: Why are you so angry with her?
Spirit (irate): I want to finish with her, and you will not let me do my work!  (looked at Carmen)  Busybody!  She saw it.  That devil took her (the baby) away from me.  We were supposed to be together.  Twice now, I was supposed to be born, and it wasn't allowed.  So this is for her! 
Nelson: Give that venom to him (the spirit guide), not her.
Spirit:  No, I am going to save it until the day when I can speak to her!  I am not letting anything go, but I will leave now.  I am not well.
Nelson: You are sick, and like that baby, you need a hospital.  A different hospital from the baby.  I know you wanted to come with her, but it wasn't possible - and you cannot be at the same hospital now.
Spirit: Maybe I will have a new opportunity if I give it (the venom) to him (the spirit guide)?  I didn't want to harm her, I just wanted to be with her.  The contract was for us to come together.
(Nelson and Carmen continued to counsel the spirit until he decided to go)
Spirit: I will go with this guy, but the contract is not broken.  Forgive me.  Goodbye.
The spirit was quickly replaced by Marisol's dancing spirit guide.  She chanted and clapped, thanking Nelson and Carmen for their work - and then she departed.  Nelson closed with a prayer.

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