Thursday, December 8, 2016

Florida - December 9, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson updated the group on Frank's condition (his blockage was removed, but he remained in the hospital for further testing to determine the cause).  When Nelson and Gloria visited the hospital, they did not see any spirits around him.  Astrid thought that perhaps he was left in peace, to rest and recover.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson began to sense a group of spirits who liked to make fun of things and create commotion.  "It's so easy to get humans hyped up," Nelson heard one of them say, "One thought in their head is all we need."  These spirits were laughing and looking for Jackie, as they frequently did this to her.  "Some of us followed her," the spirit continued, "and we have her so wound up, she's like a rocket headed for the moon."  Nelson sensed that Jackie was not well, and Astrid hoped that she had done the suggested prayers at her sister's house.  "She's all alone now," the spirit laughed, "Calling and calling, calling everyone she can think of, and we are the only ones showing up."  Nelson sensed that Jackie was dizzy with vertigo, and it was like a tornado.  The spirit decided to speak:
Spirit: Just leave me alone, what do you want?  Let me do what I got to do.  She's doing what she likes to do!  (imitated Jackie)  'Call me, I will solve all your problems, tell me your situation now.'
Astrid: Even if that is true, you are harming her.
Spirit: I am not the one laughing at her, it's the people around her.  You should see that show!  I could do it for you, but I don't like feeling sick.  That air over there is not clean, it's very congested.  I was okay until she got there.  That air is really bad.
Jeff: You can remove yourself from that situation and you will feel better.
Spirit: You humans!  She thinks she can solve all their problems, and she cannot even solve her own.  It's so polluted there, thick with ashes from a volcano.  There are so many things over there, it scares me.  This guy invited me here, so I came with him. The things they say over there in that volcano!  You would run, too.  It's not all mine, we just like to laugh.
Astrid: You were smart to come here.
Jeff: Take the things that are yours away.
Spirit: Those other things are not mine.  I didn't like getting sick, and this guy (the spirit guide) is very quiet, not like those others over there.  He said, 'Let me help you,' and we took it.
Astrid: He is a good worker who takes care of all of us.
Jeff: How many in your group?
Spirit: I don't know.  He said he would give me a number, because he knew you would ask me.  (pause)  It's 18, including me.  (pause)  He is giving us a soup - he said it's better than water - and some oxygen.  We can already breathe a little better.  We will take some things with us.  I didn't want to hurt anyone, we just wanted to have some fun and laugh.  I am getting out of there, thank you.
The spirit departed, and Nelson was shown the situation in a symbolic manner.  Black spiders were lurking in every room, patiently waiting to trap something.  There was one very big, very black spider, who was hovering and waiting.  This spider said, "She is mistakenly taking powers she does not have."  Nelson was also shown a spirit seated in Jackie's chair at our table.  It was a madame, gazing into a crystal ball.  "She can see everybody's future but her own," the madame said, "I have tried to show her, and she doesn't want to see it."  
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked if Astrid and Santiago were planning a trip (and they were, to Disney World with their daughter and son-in-law).  Nelson was told that their relationship with the son-in-law was difficult, and they agreed.  His spirit guide moved forward from his location behind Nelson to ask and advise:
Caballito: Why are you putting yourself in an uncomfortable position?
Astrid: We don't want to hurt her feelings, and it's only three days.
Santiago: We will have separate rooms.
Caballito (to Astrid):  Around him, you feel a dark energy (Astrid agreed), and that energy makes you uncomfortable.  At night, say a few prayers for those friends of his who are always around him.  His spirit is very dark.  Knowing who you are and what you are (a medium), it is not good for you.  Would you mind driving?  Can Santiago drive instead of him? 
Santiago: He won't let me.  When we are together, he is the boss.
Caballito:  In the car, be very quiet.  There should be very little conversation.  (to Astrid)  Keep your mouth shut, no matter what he says.  Just smile, and do not say anything for him to create chaos.  We will try to do what we can.  He has something dangerous in his hand, because the car can be used as a weapon.  Your daughter feels guilty for him, and his behavior.  What she has done is wrong, and now she realizes that it is too late.  Do you know why they are together?  Have you ever been told where they come from?  Every single time they reincarnate, she kills him.  She is doing it again this time, because of what she hasn't said.  She has a need to protect him, even if she knows the protection is wrong.  Her spirit has never been able to reconcile that this is a new life.  The three lifetimes they shared have been like one long lifetime.
Astrid: I understand. (Astrid and Santiago shared some examples of unusual behavior from the son-in-law)
Caballito: The only one who breaks this issue is her, nobody else.  That man thinks he deserves everything.  Don't let what surrounds him interfere with you - because all he brings in is turmoil - and then he leaves, and laughs about it.  He attracts and enjoys these kinds of spirits, and they control him.  He will tempt Astrid into an argument because he likes to tell his wife, 'You see, she is the evil one, not me.'  He has the behavior of an animal, because he is an animal with a human body.  To find the answer for this, you do not need to look too far - look at the mother.
Caballito stepped away, and Jeff closed with a prayer.

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