Friday, December 23, 2016

Chicago - January 31, 2016

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Frank, Esperanza, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Juan, Juanita, Maricela, Marisol, Nazario, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and Xavier

Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson visited Marisol's son last Monday, and he shared the experience with the group.  Despite his condition, Nelson saw Andres brimming with serenity, peace and grace.  There was a spirit of a king standing near the head of Andres' bed.  He was from a time when King Herod reigned (about 3,000 years ago).  In that lifetime, Marisol's son killed the king to overtake his kingdom and his family.  "We have a story, a history here," Nelson said, "and Marisol was also his mother at that time.  He took the kingdom to make her happy."  The difficult spirit of the king struggled as moved into Nelson to speak:
Spirit: Whoo...arrre you, all of you, to question me?  I am the king, you respond to me.  None of you can question.  If you have a question, you go down on your knees.  You are nobody!  You cannot even look at me! (shaking in his seat with absolute anger)  And I will only leave when I finish my job with him - when he is on his knees, asking me for forgiveness!
Marisol: He has asked you to forgive him.  He asks when he looks at you and cries.
Spirit (very intense):  Why...can't...he say it?!
Marisol: You see him - he can't move or talk.
Spirit: But we talk.  We talk.  I cannot understand why he can't say it.  He's crying?  What about my suffering?
Marisol: He's asking you to move on.  Forgive him - and me.
Spirit: It's hard to forgive the hand that killed me.  He betrayed me, and took everything that belonged to me.
Marisol:  So you do understand that you died?
Spirit: Yes, I know.  All I want is revenge.  When you are obsessed, you cannot see anything else.
Marisol:  Look at him.  Look.  Is he the same?
Spirit: I wanted him not to have one day of happiness.  Not a smile, even if it cost me my own happiness.  Today they tell me I am allowed to forgive myself and move on.  (crying)  I have not been able to say that I accept, but for my own peace - I am willing to say yes.  I don't want to be this way any longer.  I want to be able to move on.
Marisol: Love is a healer.
Spirit: I hope one day, he and I can embrace again.  We can say it is over.  I am so tired of feeling this way.
Marisol: they are coming to receive you as we speak.
Spirit: Yes, they are.  I see familiar faces.  They are taking my cape, my crown, my scepter. 
Marisol: You only need love.
Spirit: I haven't found that yet.  There's a lot of nice people here that I haven't seen in a long time.  Thank these men (spirit guides) for me, whoever they are - they have brought peace.

Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson spoke to Juanita regarding a situation that needed to be addressed.  There were secrets that should be revealed.  A brother-in-law had fallen, but no one really understood what actually happened.  He fractured his scull and he was taken to the ER, but now he was back home, waiting to see if surgery was necessary.  The mediums advised that this man needed to go back to the hospital.  He has headaches, high blood pressure, and he is diabetic.  Nelson's spirit guide recommended that he goes back to the hospital, and he needs to see a neurologist.  Juanita was advised not to get involved, "As there are big secrets all around, and that pot is very hot.  You will burn your fingers."

Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson inquired about Erika's health.  She responded that she was not eating much, mostly junk food, and she was still in pain.  She also had an issue with her blood not clotting properly.  Marisol wondered why she was not on a medication to help her blood clot, and Erika explained that she had a February 12 doctor's appointment to see what could be prescribed:
Nelson: If your mother made you a nice soup or a stew, would you enjoy it?
Erika: Probably not.  She keeps asking if I am okay, and it's annoying.
Nelson: So you want her to leave you alone, but you don't want to tell her that?
Erika:  It would hurt her feelings.
(A calm, quiet spirit arrived and sat through Nelson)
Spirit (rational and subdued):  Why ask her anything?  She is not going to tell you.  Nothing will change.  Do not do anything or try to help her until it is too late.  Then I will celebrate.
Jeff: What would you be celebrating?
Spirit: Total control.  She will do what I say.  I don't want her to think.
Jeff: Think for yourself.  Stop trying to control her thoughts.
Spirit: I decide what she thinks.  What she will say.  Don't tell her anything.  I am going to take her with me.  That's why I came here today, to take her away with me.
Marisol: That is not possible - you are not in a happy place.
Spirit: She likes it when she is with me.  She's mine.  She only responds to me, so don't ask her questions.  She's mine, and she always will be mine.
Denise: She belongs only to herself.
Spirit: I don't understand what happened.  I was okay ten minutes ago.  And now she doesn't want to be with me?
Erika: No.
Spirit: then I don't want to be near her.  I will leave with him (the spirit guide).  I'm just going to go with him, if she doesn't want to be with me.

Spirit 4 (via Marisol): The spirit quietly left, and Marisol began to study a presence she had felt earlier.  This spirit came in with Marisol from her home, and although she first perceived him as the king that Nelson passed earlier, she now understood that this was a different spirit.  Nelson asked Jeff to change seats with him, as this spirit was infuriated with Nelson:
Spirit (jumping up and attempting to hit Nelson):  What business is it of yours?  C'mon, fight me!  They brought me in tied.  She (Marisol) saw me, and I will not sit down.  I want to kill her.  They got in my way.  She gets involved in things that are NONE OF HER BUSINESS!  That other woman (the mother-in-law of Marisol), I don't like her either.  I bother everything.  I whisper in her ear - she saw me! - and now she's trying to figure it out.   I hate you (Nelson)!  I saw him there (Jeff) and I hate him! 
Nelson: Let me make a deal with you.  Go back and remove those things you left in that house.
Spirit: I do what I want to do! 
Jeff: Why do you want to harm that lady?
Spirit: I have nothing but hatred!  I've tortured her in every way she tortured me.  She is not happy.
Nelson: Why do you show her all those dead bodies?  Look at that guy in front of you, he's going to untie you now.  (Nelson silently moved behind the spirit) You were in a place where you were not allowed to do those things you wanted.  You will only be happy when you find yourself.  Take time, look inside.
Spirit: I am supposed to forgive her and move on?
Nelson: They (the spirit guides) are going to take you on vacation.  A nice vacation to relax.  You will learn to love and forgive yourself, not to worry about her.   When you return from your vacation, you can sit through me and talk to her (Marisol).

The spirit reluctantly agreed to go, admitting that he was tired and a restful vacation was something new for him to try.  Nelson's spirit guide (standing behind him) had some other specific messages:

(for Maricela):  Start writing down whatever comes into your head.  Express yourself through writing if you cannot do it by speaking.  Write it out, and you can come in on Sundays and give those messages here.

(for Bernardo):  The responsibility to speak up is yours.  That spirit in your home wants to talk to you, but when you run from her, she becomes upset - which is why she tripped you and made you fall.  You have allowed her to become materialized.  You like her there, and you are the one keeping her from leaving.  If she comes around again this week, you are the one who needs to cut off the relationship.

(for Erkia):  Don't wait until February 12 to see the doctor.  Call tomorrow and politely ask if there were any cancellations - and there will be one.  It's urgent.

Nelson closed with a prayer.

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