Saturday, December 17, 2016

Florida - December 23, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago  
As we sat at the table, Nelson noticed a spirit sitting in Jackie's chair who was talking, talking, continuously talking non stop.  He kept on talking during the opening prayer (Gloria also heard him), and he was saying that the continuous noise "does not let me feel alone".  His chatter was making Nelson crazy.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  This spirit was connected to Jackie, and Nelson said that as spiritists, we should know better than to spread gossip about situations at the table to others:
Spirit (speaking rapidly without any pauses):  What she likes is the magic, telling things to others that they do not know, just give me the information so I can pass it on to the others, where is the information?  (looking at Jeff)  Write more things down, I am missing the information, where is it, why haven't you sent it, I need that information, where is it?
Astrid: For what?  Why do you need it?
Spirit (very nervous): Everybody needs it!  What am I going to tell them when they call me?
Jeff: Why do you care what they think?
Spirit: I need to pass it on, tell them what is going on with Frank?  I need to know, I just need the information and then I'll go back...
Jeff: You cannot go back.
Spirit: I was very anxious, I thought you would never start, I was sitting here, where I was told, she told me to come here at a certain time and sit in this chair, and I have been waiting...
Jeff: We do not have any information for you.
Spirit: You don't?  I don't want to go back, I don't want to do this, it makes me nervous.  I'm sweating, it's tiring - back and forth, get on the phone, go here, call someone, no resting, I don't sleep!  (deep breath)  She is driving me nuts!  Everybody is nuts, all around her!  She is talking, but nobody is listening.  I'm not going back there, she is nuts.  I have to thank all of you.  There are eight of us, all talkative, all the time.  That's all we do.  We even talk to the dead.  Can you believe it?  I don't know what to believe anymore. 
Astrid: Do you know who you are?
Spirit: I'm a mess.
Astrid: You are a spirit.
Spirit: I'm one of them?  She's driving us crazy.  The air is confused over there.
Marian: You allowed it, you let her use you.
Spirit: We are taking a megaphone with us, it doesn't belong there.  We are taking all kinds of amplifiers, all the nonsense. There's a big pain (pointing to where Frank has his pain), and we are taking that with us, too.
Astrid: Now you are free to go - in peace.
Spirits 2 & 3 (via Nelson): Nelson's guide stepped forward to briefly speak: "The phone on the other side (spiritual side) will be silenced.  What she (Jackie) does has consequences.  Gloria heard a spirit say that the most important part of any spiritual table was the learning.  Nelson was shown a caldron of boiling water, and Jackie was tossing in dirty laundry.  When she removed the laundry with a pole, the clothing was shredded into pieces.  Jeff said, "Instead of cleaning the laundry for everyone, she is destroying it,'" and Nelson added, "She needs to throw her own laundry in there."  Nelson saw Jackie dressed as a witch, with a black pointed hat and a light blue veil.  It was how she wanted others to see her, but Nelson was told that the connection she was trying to establish was not good:
Nelson: More and more, that connection has become angrier.  She thinks Gloria is holding back on her, and we need to disconnect it.
Astrid: It is not a clean connection.
Nelson: We cannot allow this connection to destroy Gloria's work.  She does not want Cookie (Gloria's friend) in this group.  That connection opens the door to negativity, and these spirits know they are spirits.
(An irate spirit moved into Nelson to join the conversation)
Spirit: No one will replace us!  No, no, no, it's never going to happen.  No!  We decide what and when things will happen.
Astrid: Not at out table.
Spirit: He (Nelson) thinks he can see us and change what will happen!  No!  We do not like him, he likes to get involved.
Jeff: You are doing the same thing, getting involved.
Spirit (to Gloria):  She heard us!  We do not want her at this table.
Jeff: The one who doesn't belong at this table is you.
Spirit: I am mad!  Very angry because she (Gloria) showed up today.  You don't understand our purpose.  We do not like what you do.
Jeff: How is it hurting you?
Spirit: We don't like this table because if we come here, we have to leave.  We failed, all of us.  I sent seven workers to her (Gloria) and seven to him (Nelson) and I was the director of it.  We all failed, all of us.  (to Jeff) Can I tell you something?  You are strong.  I tried to break you, and I couldn't.  Now they tell me because I have been truthful, I will need to explain everything to my workers.  There is only one answer - good won over us.  (pause)  I do not like that answer, that the love won.  My batteries were only half charged.  I am responsible, I needed 100%.  That's my answer.  I am going now with someone kind.  No one needs to tell me what I have done, I know it's not good.  Tell him (Nelson) that I made it difficult for him because he saw me.  Until the next time, if I'm allowed.  How painful love is...
The spirit departed.  Nelson and Gloria both said that they had planned to email each other in the morning, but neither one was able to do it because of the spiritual interference.  Nelson sensed something for Gloria's grandson (Gregory), and whatever it was, it was keeping him away from our group.  Nelson explained that grapes were always clustered in a group, and it could be difficult to remove just one grape from the bunch.  Gregory was the only grape different from the rest.  If all the grapes were green, and he was a red grape, it's difficult.  Greg gets sucked back into the group, but he knows better now.  If he is strong enough to remove himself from that group, all of the things he wants in his life will happen.  He has to pull himself out.  Nelson described a spirit who was very arrogant and strong.  This spirit refused to sit until he was able to see Greg at the table.  "We are on hold," the spirit explained.  There was also something related to Gregory's mom, as Greg has been a helper to her with her husband.  Nelson said, "On hold," again several times, "On hold, remove.  On hold."  Nelson advised Gloria's daughter not to think that her son would get what her husband had, as he knew she was thinking it.  "Remove that thought, on hold.  On hold.  Deep breath, go back, on hold."
Nelson's spirit guide returned to cleanse Nelson and to speak directly to the group:
Caballito: Spirits take advantage of our weaknesses to create worry.  (to Gloria)  Tell her (the daughter) that she is not in any condition to have these worries.  No one said this work was easy.  You (Gloria) wanted to come back, and look at all the things showing up!  Nothing will happen (with the daughter and grandson).  We will try our best for that young boy to show up on Sunday.  Mention it to him.  We all had some (spiritual) hurdles to remove, and we have done that today.
For our friend Frank, just do prayers, all of you.  We are working, doing what we can.  Sometimes what has to happen will happen.  We will do what we can.  This preparation does not mean that he will die tomorrow.  He is not alone, we are there.  But sometimes you humans get in the way.  You interrupt what we are doing, and we cannot take away that free will.  This is the only way that we can do what we need to do.  We couldn't get there (with Frank) before.  I said to leave that problem (with is head) alone many times.  How many times do I ask all of you, "Do you understand?" 
I am not saying do not celebrate (the upcoming holidays).  What I am saying is please make sure that the place you will be at for the 31st is a safe environment.  The location you select should be safe. Tell my friend (Nelson) to be home.  Again, be at home.  Home.  He already knows.  HOME.  Be in a place where our help will not be needed.  Things are moving around quickly in your world, and in the spirit world, it's faster than we can stop it.  I want to be sure that everyone I care about is safe.  I need him (Nelson) home, he already knows it. I have told him.  Home.  Things can happen and there is nothing we can do to stop it.  Listen.  We are giving that message in many places. 
Gloria is listening very closely.  We are happy to see it happen.  I tried to help a friend of yours (Jackie), with a suggestion and she didn't listen.
Astrid, thank you for listening to my suggestion.  We do it with love and understanding.  One day, we will all be together on that 'other side', as you call it, discussing what we will do next.  When that happens, Jeff will tell me, 'I am not going to do that.'  What is next may not be what you want, and there might be some parts that you do not like.  You are doing well with your mother - continue.  When she is on my side, she will be thankful for what you have become. You would like to bring her here, to this table, but you will not bring her in the material world.  It will happen in the spiritual side, and she will be proud to see that you are doing the work.  One day, you will get some appreciation from her.  I, this humble worker, will guarantee it.  Astrid, it is the same thing with your mother.  The only way she will speak is because you are doing what you need to be doing.  It's not only in the material world, think of it as one long continuous life.
I want to leave everyone full of love.  It's a continuous life, and when you leave one chapter and move to another, all you take with you is the love.  As you progress and move on, as you reincarnate - because that is also a part of it - that continuous live has nothing but love.  A continuous life with nothing but love.
Nelson closed with a prayer.   

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