Friday, July 29, 2016

Florida - April 28, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
After the opening prayer, Jackie read a passage from "Silver Birch" and Nelson asked Jeff to read "I am the charity" from the prayer book.
Nelson asked Jackie about her upcoming travel plans.  He recommended that she not get involved with her hosts, as their invitation comes with something that they want Jackie to be a part of - and Jackie should not allow it.  Nelson said, "Sometimes a rose...," and Jackie finished his sentence with, "...Still has thorns."  Nelson said that the couple Jackie will visit does not have anyone else in mind who might provide them with what they need.  The situation is in regards to the male.  There is a spiritual spider web enclosing him, and he feels it on his arms and senses that it is getting tighter.  Nelson said the house Jackie will visit is very dirty - not in the physical sense, as this couple paid someone to clean it - but in the spiritual sense.  "He's a minister of some sort," Jackie said, and Nelson added that "his mind is a mess."  There was a spirit with him in the house who was not at all happy that Jackie planned to visit.  Nelson saw that several books had been prepared for Jackie to review, with pages of questions marked in advance, and the "all powerful" spirit was not happy about this.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  "The one that controls that house is me," the spirit said, as he sat through Nelson, and the conversation continued:
Spirit: Why?  Why, why, why?  Why is someone from the outside coming in here?
Jackie: I am coming as a friend, nothing more.
Astrid: She was invited as a guest.
Spirit: That is my home.  I am looking through my book of invitations and it is blank.  You are not listed.  Tell this guy to stop holding me.  I just want to know why.
Jackie: What do you think I am going to do?
Spirit: I know you are going there to control them - and I am the only one who controls them.  There is only one minister, and (laughing) no female ministers are allowed, we all know that.  You are not in my pages.  I want to ask you something.  I am looking around, and this is not their house.  You are already doing things!
Jeff: This is a house to learn
Spirit: I am not confused.  He (referring to a spirit guide) wants to take my book.  I need my book to remember....
Jackie: Why?
Spirit: Because I don't know what I am doing.  I don't even know why I am here - or over there.  He calls to me.  'The Grand Intelligence', he calls me.  I don't know anything.  He says to me, 'Grand Genius, come!' - and I know nothing!
Astrid: And you go?  He is playing with you and you are playing with each other, wasting time.
Spirit: I am hot over here.  That guy (spirit guide) said to be honest, and I am hot.  Where am I going now?  I don't want to go back there, (looked at Jackie) I am going to let you deal with it.  I'm tired.  I don't even know my own name.  I'm not the only crazy one there...
Jeff: Take the others with you
Spirit:  There are six.  Myself and five others.  (to Jackie) When you get there, ask him about the 'Grand Genius' and he will tell you.  I am tired and hot.  I am sorry lady.  Forgive me if I said something wrong.
After the spirit left, Nelson explained that he saw Jackie's friend standing on an interior balcony of the house that overlooked the front entrance.  He summoned the Grand Genius spirit from that position.  Nelson also sensed water, and Jackie said it was all around the house.  There was some sort of fountain (Jackie agreed), and this spirit was hiding in the fountain, near the back, with the webs around him.  Nelson told Jackie that she "will be the medicine that this woman needs."  (Note: Jackie later canceled her trip.)
Nelson asked Astrid how long it was since her mother died, and Astrid replied that it was about two months.  There were still a lot of spirits who haunted her mom, Nelson sensed, and they were looking for her now.  Astrid thought that some of the spirits might be nearby to guide her mom.  Astrid recently saw a departed cousin looking for her mom.  Astrid had not seen the spirit of her mother in the house, so she assumed the spirit had moved on.  It had not.  In a previous life, Nelson saw Astrid's mom involved in the French Revolution, and Astrid confirmed that her mother spoke about it while she was still alive.  The mother had regrets over the many people she sent to the guillotine.  "She didn't send them there," Nelson said, "she was the one who pulled the rope to cut off their heads". 
Nelson wondered where her remains were now, and Astrid explained that she was in the house until the end of this year when Astrid's daughter would take the ashes to Puerto Rico.  "Don't wait that long," Nelson said, "take them away sooner."  Nelson was made aware that the spirit of Astrid's mom was staying in the house, because it was where she felt comfortable.  She knew Astrid would not allow anything to happen to her, and Astrid agreed.  Nelson sensed the mother saying, "After all, she will protect me". 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw the spirit of Astrid's mother in a dark black protective cocoon.  It was a long, narrow hole, with chunks of slippery black rock, and the mother understood that she needed to free herself.  She was asking for charity (which explained the earlier prayer reading).  She was in the black cocoon to protect herself, and what was around her needed to be removed - and that would be the charity.  It was a sad situation, and difficult for Nelson to communicate.  A spirit arrived, and the conversation changed to Spanish as the spirit spoke and Astrid counseled him.  After he left, Astrid explained that he took 14 others ("brothers") with him.  Astrid's mom had involved them in things that were not good.
"At the end of a life, we end up where she is," Nelson said, "How sad.  She fought from the day she was born until the day she died (Astrid agreed), and she is still fighting over the life that just ended."  The table discussed the situation and Astrid gave everyone some additional insights.  After many previous lives of being a strong male, Astrid's mom disliked being a woman in her last life.  Her relationship with Astrid was often difficult, because whenever she saw her daughter, she was reminded that she was a woman.  She also wished that Astrid had been born a boy, or that one of Astrid's daughters was born a boy.
Nelson asked Frank how he was doing and what was bothering him.  Frank explained that he still had headaches, and sometimes they were mild, but frequently they were strong.  Frank also had shoulder pain, and this combination caused him to worry and wonder.  Astrid said the shoulder pains were just old age, and Nelson agreed that they were nothing to worry about.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw that Frank's pain was concentrated behind one ear, but Frank described it a it as located near the top of his head.  Nelson's spirit guide had arrived.  He walked over to Frank and asked Jeff to stand behind Nelson.  With one hand hovering over the top of Frank's head and the other near the right ear, there was a lengthy silence during the cleansing/passes.  Another long silence occurred as Nelson and Jeff returned to their seats.  Nelson's guide said, "I will sit for a few seconds, to clean him out.  Next week, I will come and give a message to everyone."  Frank explained that the doctors wanted to do another MRI, and Nelson advised him not to do it yet.  Nelson's guide wanted to spiritually shrink whatever what there before the next MRI.  Frank was scheduled again with the doctor for June 6, and Nelson said that he could keep that appointment, as it would be enough time for the spiritual work to be completed. 
Jackie closed with a prayer.

Puerto Rico - May 16, 2015

(Note: Thank you Maribel, for translating these notes from Spanish to English!)

In attendance: Bienvenido, Carmencita, Diego, Eva, Enrique, Ivan, Jeff, Junior, Luis, Maribel, Mary, Mirelsa, Milagros, Nelson, Nestor, Normita, Patria, Rina and Yiri

Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson was shown a group of spirits who were looking for Bube (the recently departed brother of Bienvenido).  One of them stepped forward to say that Bube owed him something.  A  total of 83 spirits were removed.

Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Before living in their current house, Nelson's parents lived in another house located in the neighborhood of “El Reparto Metropolitano.”  There was a day in which Nelson's father returned home, and a pair of pants had been left outside the front door.  There was a spirit present, and when he was 16 or 17 years old, he stole the pants from the house, and dropped them as he was escaping.  The spirit was not remorseful, he was angry because he understood that Nelson's father knew he was the thief, but he never "turned him in."  The spirit said that because he was able to get away with that crime, his life became a series of additional crimes and drugs.  He died young.  The spirit was counseled until he understood that he was responsible for his own choices in life - and he should not blame others who were trying to give him a break because of his age. 

Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Ivan has lived many of his past existences as a priest.  A spirit from another existence was present, and he showed Nelson a vision of Ivan sitting alone, dressed again as a priest.  Ivan enjoyed being alone in that lifetime, but there was a very strong, domineering spirit with hi in that life, and that spirit would not leave Ivan alone in this life. A total of 78 spirits were involved and removed.

Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide had arrived to cleanse him.  As he worked, he spoke to the group about how difficult it was work as a medium.  Participants often view the sessions as "magical," and many people wish for some sort of mediumship ability.  The reality was that any person involved in this needed to be mentally, and emotionally stable to be able to handle a big responsibility as this one, because no matter how educated the person is, they are always going to face moral challenges and other things that are not really normal on the day to day basis.

Spirit 5 (via Nelson): It was said that Enrique had a good relationship with his mother, and then a spirit arrived to say that he was exposed to many temptations lately, but he has known how to handle the situations. Enrique comes from a existence where he was one a gypsy, and he was very comfortable with a bohemian lifestyle and moving from place to place with no limits.  He had a new challenge now, as he brought along the spirits of some seductive female dancers with him today, and these spirits wanted him involved in sexual activity afterwards.  A total of 18 females were involved and removed.

Caballito returned with spiritual cleaners.  They were similar to a maid, only their cleaning was spiritual work that helped others.  They were removing spirits from everyone in the room. A total of 38 spirits were removed form everyone in the room, and eight of them were with a woman that Junior knew.  Caballito also had some specific messages:

(for Normita):  Normita was told that whenever she saw Carmencita (an elderly woman she was caring for) nervous or confused, she should to pray for her.  Those prayers would help to make things better.  As we age, we often find ourselves between the spiritual and material worlds, and it can be confusing. Normita was asked to remind her sister (Helvia) not to forget about her spiritual journey and her job.

(for Rina): Rina was asked how she was, and there was a message for her.

(for Patria):  She was told that she did not have any reason to be sad.  In addition, Nestor was told that he needed to relax around her.  Whenever Patria asked for some air, it would be given to her.

Junior closed with a prayer.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Chicago - March 8, 2015

(Note:  These notes were authored by Denise)
Attendees:  Denise, Marisol, Carmen, Bernardo
Guest: Isabel, Ron
A prayer was said to the Virgen de los Dolores, for Carmen’s daughter who was about to have a baby. (Note:  Spiritists do not normally pray to Catholic saints, creations, etc.)
Carmen and Marisol had been studying a spirit that came with Dona Isabel.  He told Carmen while the opening prayer was being recited to break a glass that was placed on the side table.  He also showed his reflection to Carmen as Dona Isabel was speaking about her sister and sister’s son, who had fallen at work. 
Spirit #1 (through Marisol)
“I am Death and I will take her – she has already given herself to death – she feels alone”. During our opening conversation we were also discussing Dona Juanita Romero, who is in the hospital and not well.  This spirit is attached to her and is not feeling well and is in pain.  As the discussion with the spirit continued, he realized that she is not the same person from before and was feeling so bad that he couldn't eat. He then began to feel clean air and he could see more clearly and was free.  He left, forgiving Juanita.
Spirit #2 (through Carmen)
This spirit came through to let Carmen and Bernardo know that their daughter is not alone and she was protected and will not be abandoned (as she approached the time for her to give birth).
Once this spirit was passed, our conversation turned again to the Temple.  Marisol let us know that we need to pray for the temple as there are already people watching the church and noticing that no one is really coming and attending.  Also that there are other members who would like to sell the church for the money.
Marisol then started to ask Isabel questions about her sister and nephew (Gilberto).  Her sister is suffering for him because he is getting involved in things that he shouldn't be involved in.  There are problems with the law, and he fought with someone at work (he trapped them in the corner and almost killed him).  He thinks that he is a macho man.
Spirit #3 (through Marisol)
This spirit came in violently and wanted a drink.  He insisted that one way or another he will be successful in obtaining what he wants.  Their past was one of walking, stealing, and abusing women together until a women came between them and was instrumental in getting everything that this spirit had.  Isabel asked him to leave her nephew in peace so that he, and the nephew could finally both be in peace.  This spirit was uncertain that there would be forgiveness for him. He was able to forgive the nephew, so that his hands were clean, and he could move forward with those good spirits who he described as being beautiful.
Spirit #4 (through Marisol)
This spirit was a Guardian of the Temple and he came to cleanse Marisol after the previous difficult spirit. He noticed that we worked differently, but he said our work was good. “Thank you for doing this work, it's difficult but it needs to be done.  Interesting children here, and we welcome them. We shall continue this work. We don't know where it will go.”  Both Nelson and Jeff were mentioned, with Nelson being described as giddy but both men were good people.  The guardian also thanked Denise for opening the door.
Carmen informed us that the Spirits of Light see Denise as the Mother Superior to the temple.
Denise then blessed some water that will be sent to Juanita in the hospital to help cleanse her.
Spirit #5 (through Carmen)
"I have come to help with the water, the water will cleanse her and that I will always be with her.  It was noted that Juanita’s house was dirty spiritually, and that whoever goes into the house will need to prepare themselves prior to entering.
Closing Prayer.

Puerto Rico - January 10, 2015

(Note: Thank you Maribel, for translating these notes from Spanish to English!)

In attendance: Bienvenido, Carmencita, Diego, Ivan, Jeff, Junior, Luis, Maribel, Marie, Mirelsa, Milargros, Nelson, Nestor, Normita, Patria, Rina and Yiri

Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Someone was seen as being sick.  After some questioning, it became apparent that a spirit was present, and this spirit had planned to be son of Nilka.  He did not come with her during her current reincarnation, and he thought his words would never be heard - as he had never been born.  He realized that today was his day of luck.  He was very happy that the person who was going to be his mother was such a nice person, even if their reunion did not work out as planned.  He left, along with the spirit guide who brought him to our table.

Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  A group of young female spirits were at the table, and they were looking for Alanis and Elena (two girls about the same age who were not present at the session).  Both girls were having difficulties with their parents, and these spirits were encouraging it.  Elena was shown as angry and frustrated.  She was determined not to take any orders from her mother.  A group of 124 spirits (some for each girl) were removed. 

Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  A group of spirits arrived, and they wanted to explain to Luis Angel that whenever he sees or feels something from his other existences, he needed to do certain specific things.  Luis shared that he was not interested in having any children right now, and after this statement, he received some spiritual help to cool down the situation between him and the past life spirits.

Spirits 4 & 5 (via Nelson):  There was a spirit with Bienvenido and Patria (Nelson's parents), and the spirit said that it was suffering, because it never received a hug or any type of affection.  The spirit said he was always laughed at, and affection was never offered.  After some counseling, he left with a guide.  The spirit of Filomena (Bienvenido's mother) arrived at the session to share some beautiful words.  She also had a message for Milagros:  She was told that she needed to continue to forward with her newly discovered journey, as she has found what she was seeking.

Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide had arrived to cleanse him after the work.  While Caballito worked, he had some specific messages for our group:

(for Rina):  She needs to travel alone on a trip, to give herself some time for reflection.  She was also urged to pray to her love ones, and she was told that a spirit would arrive to assist - and when that happened, Rina needed to do whatever he was going to tell her.

(for Normita):  The message for Normita was about a specific worried feeling she had towards her son.  This feeling needed to be fixed, and Normita should not wait until it was too late.  Instead of waiting for another session,  Normita knew what had to be done, and it was something that needed to be done by only her.

(for Marie): Marie attended our session because she was concerned about a friend of hers who had recently passed.  She was urged to pray fro her friend, and a pray was read aloud for all the spirits who had passed.

(for Jeff):  He was told that he should not worry too much.

(for Carmencita): She needs to calm down.

(for Ivan):  His message was in regards to his dreams for his future.  He has many plans and a lot of goals that he wants to achieve, but he does not know where to start, or how to achieve his ambitions.

Junior closed with a prayer.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Wednesdays in Chicago - July 6 and July 20, 2016

(Note:  Our Wednesday sessions in Chicago include an educational topic.  We studied the subject of Obsessed Spirits for the first hour of two different two sessions.)

OBSESSION - Acts of Vengeance by Obsessor Spirits
Spiritism teaches us that in this reincarnation that our suffering arises as a direct result of our own mistakes and the poor use of our free will. The suffering we endure that does not pertain to our present life inevitably has roots in a previous existence. This is often referred to as a moral debt, or a consequence of one of our past existences. It's important to note that not every suffering we endure is a spirit based obsession. 

Allan Kardec wrote, "Obsession is almost always the expression of vengeance sought by a spirit, the origin of which is frequently found in relationships that the obsessed victim had with the obsessor, in a preceding existence." The spirits who incarnate on the planet Earth are still very far from their evolutionary goal of moral and intellectual imperfection. When someone hurts us in any way, we are often driven, by our inferior tendencies, to seek out revenge. We should know better from our moral teachings, but instead, we want the one who caused our suffering to suffer the same fate. 

When we depart for the spiritual world at the death of our physical body, we do not abandon our negative inclinations simply by leaving the material body behind. We carry with us all the sentiments that we cultivated on Earth, both good and bad. We maintain our individuality. When we do not make peace with our enemies before our transition, we carry those feelings of resentment and desires for revenge with us, and we continue to act upon them, even from the spiritual side. If the individual who is the object of our revengeful desires remains in, or returns to, the material world, the process of a vengeance-driven obsession begins. 

So what we did in our past existences has an effect on our present existence? 
An obsessor spirit becomes so overwhelmed by the pain of his suffering and the desire to take justice into his own hands, he develops a total mental fixation. For him, all time stops, and he is blinded to everything except the situation that torments him, so he begins to persecute his enemy. The spirit was a victim in the past, and now he seeks revenge on the one he holds responsible for his previous suffering. 

It is for this reason that we say that the human individual is living out the consequences of his own actions. In other words, the harm an individual caused in a previous life has now returned to cause him harm in this life. When we reincarnate, we do not remember our past lives. Our memory is temporarily clouded by the influence of our material existence, and we may not even be consciously be aware of any efforts from a vengeful spirit to cause us harm. 

However, our spirit does retain that memory, and we carry those continued feelings of contempt, or we carry the guilt with us over having committed them. The creditor and his debtor may often meet again, in the spiritual realm. When the incarnate (human) individual's spirit is partially liberated (while the body sleeps), these confrontations help to keep those past negative feelings fresh. When we wake up, the harmful feelings from the spirit may have established a mental connection between the spirit and the human individual. If a person fails to be attentive to his thoughts and actions (or gives into inferior tendencies), he will diminish his own spiritual defenses, opening the door for his spiritual persecutor to take action against him. 

It should also be noted that a spirit seeking vengeance against an individual may take action against a family member of that person - or someone else that is close to him or her, as that person might be more sensitive to the spirit's influence. By making another person suffer, the spirit has found a way to cause anguish and pain for his primary target. 

How do we remove these obsessor spirits?
Allan Kardec wrote in Genesis that for the obsessed human individual, our own hard work toward self improvement (in the majority of cases), is enough to free ourselves from the obsessor spirit, without any help from others. In more severe cases, help from a Spiritist Center is advised (through the passing of spirits, magnetized water or giving passes, etc). 

In cases where the obsessor spirit has not become severe, we need to be able to recognize the possibility of an outside spiritual influence. Signals that would indicate a spirit obsession include: 
1) Strange ideas which are of a disagreeable nature 
2) Uncharacteristic behavior or personality changes 
3) Sudden mood swings and frequent onsets of negative sentiments (sadness, anger, fear, etc.) 
4) The willingness to act on negative influences instead of overcoming them 
5) The appearance or sensation of physical ailments with no medical explanation 

Efforts toward inner reform (as explained by Spiritist teachings), are the key to warding off the harmful influence of unhappy, inferior spirits. The way to achieve this change and work toward personal growth is: 
1) The cultivation of elevated thoughts 
2) The regular dedication of our time for moments of study, reflection, and prayer 
3) The regular practice of kindness and compassion toward others, while seeking to diminish the dominance of moral weaknesses within ourselves 

With regards to prayer, pray to God and to the spirit guide(s) to help focus your efforts to change, and ask for strength and protection. At the same time, pray for the obsessor spirit, asking that this spirit may be helped and enabled to forgive the object of his obsession for any wrongdoing that was done, that the spirit's suffering be alleviated, and that the spirit be shown a better way - leading to peace and tranquility. 

Spiritists also need to understand the importance of time set aside for individual study of the literary resources available for spiritism (read!), and for attending public meetings at a Spiritist Center. The continued philosophical education of spiritism will help an individual to understand the reason for his or her suffering, the need for compassion and forgiveness, and the importance of the opportunities presented in the current incarnation. These moral teachings serve as both the compass and the nourishment needed in our journey towards inner reform, by strengthening our efforts to develop positive qualities while diminishing our inferior inclinations.

Florida - January 19, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
After the opening prayer, Nelson realized that the room was filled with a large group of slaves (we were meeting on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday).  "They say we are not slaves anymore," one of them said, "but we are."  Gloria commented, "We are all slaves to the material world."
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  One of the slaves stepped forward to speak through Nelson.  He had been trapped underwater for a very long time, as the boat used to transport him had capsized:
Spirit: You celebrate a lot of things.  When will it be our time?
Gloria (softly): And their own people sold them...
Astrid: The slaves were freed over 200 years ago, so some should have already heard these celebrations...
Spirit: No.  It was not that long ago.  They are still selling us.  (gesturing to his wrists, ankles and neck)  How long do I have to keep these shackles on?
Gloria: Until today.
Astrid: Those shackles are also emotional - from abuse.
Spirit (struggling with the metal collar around his neck): Can you take this off?  I cannot swallow.  Where is my family? I left them behind.  Where?  Take me there - where are they?  I cannot go without them.
(Astrid and Gloria counseled and calmed the spirit)
Astrid: your family is gone, and you can free yourself now.
Spirit: Help me find them, I need to know where.  Where are they?
Astrid: They are not here anymore.  Let yourself learn new things.
Jackie: You are not leaving them behind, they are waiting for you.
Spirit (struggling with his neck collar): Can you help me take this off?
Jackie: Someone next to you will do that.  It's been on there a long time, so it's tight.  Hold still.
Spirit (as the good spirits removed the collar):  Now I am free.  I can breathe.  (sadly) I died with that on.  They tell me today is my freedom day, and where they will take me, my family is waiting for me!  I have been so angry for so long.  (long pause)  My own family sold me.
Jackie: That's behind you now.
Spirit: I am going to see my two sons.  My wife and two sons.  I am going to see them now.  I don't know who you people are, but I want to thank you.  They are cutting all my shackles.  They are also cutting them away from the others with me, like they did for me.  (pause, as the shackles were removed form the others) We all died on that boat.
Gloria: You didn't die, your spirit is still alive.
Spirit: Thank you - whoever you are.  Thank you.  There are 124 of us.  We died at night.  I can swallow now, and I will see my sons.  They have grown.  They are telling me that my wife and sons did not suffer like me, but they are with me now.  They were not slaves, they all hid and my sons took care of their mom.  124 and my wife and sons.
The spirit faded away very softly.  Nelson immediately sensed a group of African spirits hiding in a cave.  They were engaged in a ceremony, and Astrid explained that these groups often had a shaman leader.  Nelson saw a very black man as the shaman, and he wore thin lines of white paint under his eyes and up to his hairline.  The shaman was chanting, and Nelson began to repeat his chant: "Ahaa, Ahaa, Ahaa).  Astrid explained that the chanting was a way for the shaman to put himself into a trance - similar to hypnosis.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  The shaman spirit wanted to sit, but first, he wanted to paint Nelson's face to resemble his.  Even after the painting, the spirit was worried.  He asked, "If you remove us, how will the others know where to go?"  Nelson began to rhythmically tap one of his knees, like a drum.  The shaman asked, "If I do my singing, will you understand me?"  He began to sing, "If I do it, if I do it, if I do it if I do it, do it do it," faster and faster, as the conversation continued:
Astrid: Be in harmony with this body (meaning Nelson)...
Spirit: He was painted, so I can speak
Astrid:  We understand.  You have a ritual...
Spirit: If we depart, do you have someone to replace me?  They won't come if they cannot see one of us.
Astrid: There will be other souls.
Spirit: They are saying that I don't need that paint anymore.  Can I tell you where I come from?  You changed the name, and I don't even know how to say that word.  I am from "Nigeria". 
Astrid: It's still called the same.
Spirit: You call it that, but it's outside of Nigeria.  We were in that cave, but they say it's not necessary to hide.  It's time to move, and not be afraid.  Where we are going, they will understand my language.
Astrid: The language of spiritism is universal.
Spirit: We were the Naija group.  Naija was our guide.
(Note: The word "Naija" is still used - it denotes a new beginning or dawn for Nigeria.  Naija is another name for Nigeria, the patriotic name for Nigerians to show their strength and smartness. Read more here: 

It is also interesting to note that children are currently being kidnapped and sold into slavery in the area in Nigeria where this spirit came from - so the schools have all been closed {as of September 2014}
Spirit: I don't need to bring these things with me?  I will find love?  I recognize someone at this table.  She was there with us at that time.  She was part of that group (the spirit looked at Gloria).  She likes these things now (pointed at Gloria).  MaHa was her name.  MaHa.  Her name is similar now, but not the same. 
(Note: An internet search revealed that MaHa is still a Nigerian name - there is even a street named MaHa)
Gloria explained, "We have many, many lives and changes.  You can progress just as I have."  The spirit said that Gloria's friends from the past wanted to say goodbye to MaHa.  Raising his left hand in a salute, he chanted "MaHa" with the others in a sign of respect.  He told Gloria, "We will meet again," and she replied, "I would love that."  The spirit said, "MaHa, I will bring your friends with me.  There are 45 of us, and 20 are the friends of MaHa.  We are all going to go now..."  After his quiet, appreciative departure, Nelson was freezing cold.  He had been inside a very cold cave, with weeping willow trees outside.  Our table understood that the weeping willow branches may have been used to apply the white face paint.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Nelson asked Jackie if she would accompany Frank to his doctor's appointment on Tuesday, and she said that she would.  Frank has been feeling better, and Nelson told him that, "with a little faith, everything is wonderful."  Things will be fine for him at the doctors, but the spirits did not want Frank to go alone.  Nelson asked Frank if missed our reunions when the group wasn't meeting, and Frank said that he did.  Nelson advised Frank not to attend the sessions with the other group where he went before for three months.  It was a difficult message to deliver, as the spirit world always allows us to have our own free will.  So the advice was not for him to ever attend again, it was just to ask that he take a break for three months.  Gloria understood that Frank picked up things at those sessions that were not helpful.  "What's there is not good for anyone," Jackie offered, and Astrid agreed.  The spirit speaking from behind Nelson said, "She stated it better than I ever could."  Nelson explained that the spirits were working to cleanse Frank, "And how good is cleaning if you keep going places to get dirty?"
Astrid updated the group on Michael, the man who attended our December 15 session.  He fell, and his father took him to the hospital.  As they examined him, the doctors discovered that his lungs were now clear and his tumor had disappeared.  Nelson said that Michael should thank the spirits, and he hoped that Michael would now be encouraged to have faith and pray.
Cristina attended our December 22 session, and Nelson told her that the next time we met, she would be relocated.  Astrid confirmed that Cristina moved to her own apartment last week.  Nelson said that the timing of these updates on Michael and Cristina were not accidental, they were examples for Frank to continue his own positive thoughts that would also gave him good energy.  Gloria shared a story of how she used her faith - and prayer - yesterday.  While speaking to Santiago, Gloria noticed a consistent, strong cough.  After praying and calling on her guides, Santiago had not coughed at all today.
Spirit 4 (via Jackie): Jackie visualized the spirit of an older woman next to Nelson's father.  She was whispering to him, gently shaking him and stroking his cheek to make certain that he could hear what she was saying.  She seemed to be concerned that Nelson's dad was not taking care of himself properly.  Gloria sensed the same message.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson): Nelson had a message for Jeff.  His mother's health was not good, and Nelson believed that she was getting tired of her life and she wanted to check out.  Gloria understood that when she couldn't do the things she wanted, Jeff's mom became depressed.  Jeff agreed, and explained that his mother had decided not to visit her doctors any more to treat her various medical issues.  Nelson said that there was something in her stomach that made her feel bloated.  He also saw her departed ex husband (Lee) around her.  Jeff's mom often smelled the smoke in her house from the pipe he smoked, and this scent worried her.  She continuously checked for a source of the smoke.  She also thought that her younger brother (Bruce, who lives in Mexico) might be the source of the smoke smell, and it was his attempt to confuse her into dying, so he could inherit some money.  Astrid explained that Jeff's mom blamed others, "because she doesn't want to see what is there."
Nelson saw Jeff's mom looking up at the sky and repeatedly saying "Damn you!" to Janet, her best friend who passed.  Jeff confirmed that his mother thought her life would be better now if Janet was still alive.  The spirits took Nelson to the house of Jeff's mother, and he noticed a tiny chair near a large desk in one corner of the living room.  There was the spirit of a dwarf (little person) who sat in the chair, counting pennies.  He was angry at Jeff's mom.  "She will leave with one, just one penny," he chuckled, as he counted his coins and continued the conversation:
Spirit (pretending that a penny was glued to his finger): Take one penny with you, if you can!  And I will be there to put it in.  Watch, it's magic! On the end of my finger, but it will not fall.  She has to suffer.  I just want to push her down from the balcony - not to die, but to suffer more.
Astrid: Who are you?  Explain, elaborate...
Spirit: She took everything from me.  Everything!  Now they will take it all from her.  No house, no money (laughing wildly)...
Astrid: You are not going to make her suffer...
Spirit: Damn her!  Damn evil!
Jeff: Leave her alone.
Astrid: Don't get involved with her.  It's bad karma for you.
Spirit: She is so evil that she doesn't even need my help to suffer.  Don't stop me, I can say want I want.  Damn woman! 
Gloria:  What did she do to you?
Spirit: She stole from me.  Everything I worked for my entire life.  She took it all.  I want her to know what it's like to have nothing.
Jeff: She has suffered enough.  Aren't you tired?
Spirit: I want to see her cry.  She never wants anyone to see her cry.  I've seen her cry, I look at her all the time.  Ha, ha, ha.  Here's a penny back for crying.  I need to go back there now.
Astrid: Not there, and not back to that corner.
Spirit (looking at Jackie): Do you want her pennies?
Jackie: They don't belong to me.
Astrid: She will learn her lesson, leave her alone.
Spirit: Damn woman!  They say I have to be respectful.  You know what?  She can keep everything except what belongs to me.  I put things everywhere over there, but she's not having anything.
Astrid: Leave that house and take it all with you.
Spirit: She makes her own misery.  I'm taking six bags of stuff with me.  I'm leaving behind what is not mine.  Six bags and six people are going with me. 
Astrid: Now you can go.
Spirit (looking at Jeff): You were right, I am tired.  I'm going to leave her alone and take all of my things.  Only my things.  They are telling me they will empty those bags for me.  I deserve better.  I'm sorry if I said something rude - but I meant it.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson): Once the dwarf spirit had departed, Nelson was reminded that he wanted to mention Marta from Argentina at our table.  As he spoke her name, Nelson saw a group of spirits dressed formally as upper class servants.  They were looking at Marta.  The "major domo" of the group decided to speak through Nelson, forcing him to adjust himself in the strict posture of a butler holding a white cloth on his extended left arm.  The spirit spoke politely, but an authoritative tone: "Ask her how it feels now not to have anything.  She doesn't need any servants now, does she?  No servants, and she is alone. Huh."  The servant explained that he was an educated man who attended a school for his profession - and he thought Nelson needed to attend the same school.  In his past life with Marta, the servant and the rest of the staff lived in their own wing of the house.  Marta never went back to that section, as it was strictly for the these lower class servants. 
The servant explained that although Marta said that she never visited that section of the house, in reality she did - for romantic reasons.  Marta got pregnant by the servant who was speaking to our group, and she told him she had an abortion.  The servant politely explained that he now wanted to find his child.  He knew now that Marta had lied to him, and his son was not aborted.  The child they had in the past reincarnation was now Marta's son in this lifetime.  He reincarnated as her child again, and again she left him.  The spirit began to speak in Spanish.  Astrid and Gloria explained to the spirit that these events happened many years ago.  Marta was a different woman now, and both she and her son did not look the same.  Marian told him that what he saw was Marta's spirit, and that spirit had found another life.  The spirit continued to ask polite questions.  Eventually he wondered who was with him, and it was explained to him in a way that he would understand - the spirit guide with him was his "guardian angel."  The servant still insisted on seeing his son, and he wondered where he was going to work now.  He had always had the same job, and if Marta had moved on to another life, where would he work?  He was very sorry that he could not talk to Marta.  The spirits promised him that they would take him to Marta's dreams so that he could say goodbye to her and inquire about his son.
The spirit apologized for asking so many questions, and he thanked us profusely for our answers, describing our table as, "a very educated group."  He said his experience with us was "very beautiful," and he thanked us again.  The spirits around him were taking him to a new home now, where his butler work could continue. 
Jackie closed with a prayer.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Florida - Dec 29, 2014

In attendance: Gloria, Jackie, Jeff and Nelson 
Once everyone was seated at the table, Nelson sensed that Jackie had considered staying home.  Jackie explained that "everything hurt last night," and that she had slept for only three hours.  Nelson explained that when we commit to a meeting day and time, the spirit world expects us to keep the commitment.  Gloria said that she had something else scheduled, but she was able to move it to attend, "our last session of the old year."  Nelson understood that Frank was also spiritually persuaded not to attend (due to illness), but his mind was present and with us.  Nelson also knew that Frank would begin to feel better after our session.
Jackie's situation was related to her family.  Whenever she invited them into her life, it created conflict.  Nelson sensed that Jackie's sister (Jan) would be mailing Jackie a package from her recent vacation in Mexico.  Nelson advised Jackie not to open it, and Gloria thought it might be a Santería related item.  Nelson heard Jackie's family as they said, "She's not thinking that we would ever get her this," and "She doesn't know what she is missing" (referring to Jackie not being with them in Mexico).  Nelson saw Jan blaming Jackie for her troubles.  He visualized Jan trying to tie a head scarf without Jackie's help, and Jan cursed at Jackie when she was unable to complete the task.  Jackie explained that everything was hitting her sister all at once - jealousy, envy, financial issues, growing older, relationships, etc.  Gloria sensed that Jan had gotten sick on her Mexico vacation, which added even more stress.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  A determined spirit arrived and sat through Nelson.  Referring to Jackie's sister, he said: "She asked me to watch over you.  She asked me!  She has a weird way of praying, but when she wants something, the energy is there."  The spirit began to chuckle and laugh.  "I did my job!  I had fun doing this together with her.  She called me and said that we needed to do this.  And I did my job."  As the spirit became aware of his surroundings, the conversation continued:
Spirit: This is not what they offered me at the end...
Gloria: But this will help you.
Jackie: She lied to you.
Spirit (being shown something unattractive that made him wince): I don't want to go back there now.  I am not alone, there is a group of us.
Jackie: Aren't you tired?
Spirit: Yes.  I'm tired of doing things that I do not want to do.  He (referring to the spirit guide) said he's taking me on a trip.  A vacation - a real vacation to a paradise!  I didn't enjoy the beach over there (in Mexico).  There are six more, seven with me. 
Gloria: How nice...
Spirit: (to Jackie) Don't be mad at me... (to the table) I am going to go with this guy.  They told me to tell you there are seven of us, but I don't know why.  I didn't like that vacation over there... 
Once the spirit faded, Nelson's spirit guide arrived to caution Jackie: "Love your sister, but protect yourself from her.  What's coming is not what you want."  Nelson said that his guide was going to Jackie's house to clean what the seven spirits left behind.  Nelson knew that Jackie would sleep well now, but if she has similar nights of discomfort, he recommended that she read the gospel or her prayer book.  Gloria heard a spirit say, "There is more to come."  Nelson also suggested that Jackie should invite her sister to visit her in Florida.  The spirit of Mel (Jan's husband) was in the Baltimore house with the sister, and Jan felt trapped.  She was trapped because of with the family and friends around her, but she is unwilling to change.  Simultaneously, Gloria and Nelson realized that Jan was looking for a man with money, hoping that he might change her situation and remove her issues.  Nelson also said it would now be okay now for Jackie to open the package from her sister when she receives it.
(UPDATE: Jackie never received any package from her sister.)
Nelson asked Gloria when her father died (26 years ago on April 1st of a heart attack at age 78).  Nelson was shown a vision of him as a sailor, transporting and selling merchandise from port to port.  Gloria said that her father had a similar job before he passed - traveling by car to sell merchandise.  Gloria explained that her father loved dealing with the different people he met. Nelson sensed that the father enjoyed his life as a sailor even more, and he saw him giving things to people in need - for free - in both existences.  He was a kind, generous man who would often let his clients skip payments when they were short.  Gloria agreed.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson was shown a massive sailboat.  Gloria's father was on board, and he had a blue flag on a stick that he would always place at the front of his boat before any journey.  He could not go anywhere until his blue flag was securely in place.  He wanted to take Nelson below deck to show him the significance of this flag.  Directly below the flag, there was a small table with two framed drawings on display- a portrait of a man and woman.  "Those are the ones who guide me," the father explained, "My parents.  Everywhere I went, they guided me."  Nelson saw the sailboat as it moved on the water, and a storm was approaching in the distance.  The spirit of the father began to move and sway in the wind.  "A storm is coming," the father confirmed, "and I know it is time to turn around -  because we need to return, I know it.  No, no, no!  I tell everyone we need to go back, but they want to go forward.  We have to go back."  The father knew the danger of the storm, because the spirits of his parents had told him.  The crew eventually agreed with Gloria's father and Nelson was shown the sailboat safely anchored in a port.  Gloria's father stretched out his hand as he spoke to her:
Spirit: They are telling me to take my blue flag and give it to you.  A storm is coming for you, and you will need this flag.  I need to give it to you to assure that you are safe at port.  Do not give this flag to anyone - it will protect you from that storm that is coming.
Gloria: I will have it and keep it.  I appreciate it.
Spirit: I want you to know what I had to go through to give you this flag.  People wanted to stop me, but a guide told me that nothing would stop me.  (long pause)  I have never forgotten you.  You are always in my heart.  Stop thinking that you could not say goodbye - we did.
Gloria: Yes, the day before.  But I wanted to be there with you...
Spirit: I was not alone.  My spirit guide was there.  You didn't have to wait this long to see me.  It was me, I had to wait to see you.  A beautiful bright light brought me here to pass this safety net (the flag) to you.  I am on the sailing boat because that was when my spirit was the happiest.  Now you can understand why you loved the ocean.  My passion for it took me to many places.  The ocean is right over there (points towards the Gulf of Mexico across the street).  My boat is parked there and I walked over.  They told me to come in, that I didn't need to knock.  My heart is happy to see you.  The bright light that brought me here wants me to tell you to open your heart to things that you don't want to hear - so I can return and give you more things.  I am so happy that they let me bring my boat.  I don't recognize the others around you, but I know they are friends.  Thank you for listening.  Tell the young guy I am speaking through not to be afraid.  He knows who I am now.  He asks a lot of questions, but he has a good heart.  They told me today that I would be here to do my celebration, and my spirit could say the words now.  Until the next time, hold onto that flag.  Moments are coming that will make you tremble.
Nelson explained that this elevated spirit had an intense light and his words were filtered through a spirit guide.  His energy was very different and unique.  In his last existence as Gloria's father, he life was so fulfilled that the spirit world had allowed him to go back to his happiest existence - sailing on his boat. 
Gloria's father returned, and he asked for some paper and a pen.  This is what he drew:
He described this sketch as a paper drawing that was attached to a cloth.  It was done when Gloria was newly born.  If Gloria looked for this item, she would find it.  "I took that with me," the father said, "as she was my baby."  He held the drawing so tightly in his hand, he could still see the imprint of the photo on his palm.  

The spirit moved behind Nelson to continue speaking.  Gloria's father had been spiritually guided to give merchandise to those in need free of charge.  Nelson was shown his sailboat again, as it was arriving in a port.  Late at night, after the cargo was unloaded, Gloria's father would make another trip ashore in a smaller vessel.  He walked past three roads to bring the free items to a single mother.  He did this once a week, bringing rice, beans, vegetables - and tiny miniature ships that he had carved from wood for the children while he was at sea.  The woman he visited had five children.  Her husband was a sailor on the same boat as Gloria's father, and when he died, Gloria's father made a commitment to visit the wife and children he left behind every week - for the rest of his life.  He also gave them his last name so that the widow "would not live in shame."  The sailor that he promised this to was now his spirit guide.  One of the widow's five children in that lifetime was Gloria.  "They have asked me to come back," Gloria's father explained, "but I will not do that yet."  He said that as long as Gloria was alive in this existence, he would not go anywhere.  Gloria's father and the bright light of his spirit guide would take care of her, which is what both of them did in the past life. Gloria's father left to return to his beloved ship.
Spirit 3 (via Gloria):  Gloria sensed that the relationship between Jeff and his mother was improving, and Jeff agreed.  His mom knew that Jeff was busy, and she was happy when he phoned her at Christmas.  She was looking forward to his next visit, but in the meantime, she knew that her son was in good hands with Nelson, and she did not have to worry about him.  "He's on his own, doing fine."
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  A spirit standing behind Nelson wanted to speak:  "A house in commotion should not be a place to meet'" the spirit informed the group, "discord is not good for meetings."  The spirit showed Nelson the inside of Santiago and Astrid's house, and it was filled with plastic wind up toys of teeth chattering - a symbol of many people talking all at once.  The spirit explained that everyone in the house was so busy, there was never any time to listen.  Nelson was also shown the exterior of the house, surrounded by children tightly holding hands and jumping up and down.  To an outsider, the children looked happy playing their game, but as Nelson moved closer, he realized that the children were all wearing masks.  One of them removed the mask and asked, "How do you like me now?"    
Jackie sensed that something drastic might be coming.  The spirit explained: "We are circling the house to enclose it.  More spirits are coming.  It might be more than you think.  I'm not new, I have been in that house for years, and I am not going anywhere.  My circle is getting stronger and tighter.  We are using a vine to slowly choke them, weaving it all around them.  We are here and no one is listening.  We sit on wooden benches (similar to a church pew), waiting and whispering. How long do we have to wait?  When?  We ask each other, from row to row.  Next week?  Same question - How long?"  The spirit was strong and unable to sit, but Nelson thought that the spirit guides would work on him and his group for a later session.
Spirit 5 (via Gloria):  When Gloria arrived, Nelson noticed the spirit of an Indian chief had followed her into the house.  He sat through Gloria with a message for the table:  "When there is a reunion, go to bed early the night before.  Be rested."  The Indian also wanted Gloria to cleanse Santiago and Astrid's house with burning sage.  "Not now," he advised, "closer to the next reunion.  Go early."  The Indian also had a message for the table: "My brothers and sisters, the great light will take care of you.  We are at this table with you, all afternoon.  I glued her (Gloria) down."  Waving Gloria's arms, the Indian offered cleansing passes for each individual.  "Next year will be a good year, because it's in your hearts," he said.
The Indian left as abruptly as he arrived, offering blessings for the table.  Nelson's spirit guide wanted to remind everyone to stay home and safe over the upcoming New Year's holiday.  Jackie closed with a prayer.
(NOTE:  This is one of my favorite sessions, because of the visit from Gloria's father.  Until he explained it, I never realized that if we had made enough progress in the material world, we would be allowed to work in the spiritual world at the occupation that previously gave us the most pleasureAnd in a later session, Gloria's father sailed his ship back to our table again, to speak with Gloria and her brother, Santiago.)

Puerto Rico - May 31, 2014

(Note: Thank you Maribel, for translating these notes from Spanish to English!)

In attendance: Alanis, Bienvenido, Carmencita, Diego, Eduardo, Enrique, Ivan, Jeff, Junior, Maribel, Mirelsa, Nelson, Nestor, Normita, Patria, Rina and Yiri

Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  A spiritual situation was occurring with Luis Xavier (the son of Nelson's sister). There was the spirit of a man around him, and he wanted to be acknowledged by Luis Xavier.  There were other spirits who also wanted him to understand their presence, but Luis has not yet understood when they were around him and what they wanted. This has affected him in the process of helping others. A  spirit spoke who said that he wanted to just cause a lot of damage, if continued to be ignored.  A total of 15 spirits were removed from Luis.

Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  A spirit was with Eduardo, and Eduardo explained (little by little) about how he felt (under pressure).  With coaching from Junior and the spirit guide, 28 spirits were removed.

Spirit 3 (via Nelson): There was something spiritual around Ivan, and it related to the trip that he wanted to make to Chicago.  Work was done with 24 of these spirits so that they could go to a better place.  The spirit who spoke for them was ready to explode emotionally, and he reluctantly went with his group, making it a total of 25.

(There were other spirits passed, but the notes did not mention them)  Junior closed with a prayer.

Friday, July 15, 2016

When Your Thoughts Control You...

When you think about pain, you are evoking the presence of misfortune.
When you meditate about evil, you intensify its continuation.
When you think about sadness, you increase the sorrow.
When you harbor distrustful thoughts, you weaken your own faith.
When you stop to acknowledge the suffering of others, the world transforms itself into a hospital in your eyes.
When you allow yourself to enjoy pleasures of a lower standard, you invite negative forces that will serve you in a deplorable manner.
When you allow yourself to become exasperated and rebel, the Earth transforms itself into an unhappy prison.
When you think, however, of the pleasure of the work, the work will become joyous to you.
When you meditate about goodness, goodness will come to your aid.
When you think about the Divine Benevolence, the struggle will seem like a blessing.
When you have an understanding of faith, optimism and security will protect your struggling soul.
When you recognize the merits of your brothers, the fraternity will illuminate your eyes towards your life's goal.
When you exert effort in improving yourself, Heaven will manifest itself in your favor.
When you cultivate humility, the Law of God will recognize your spiritual evolution.
Do not abandon your inner transformation.
Your desire = your goal.
Your conscience = your guide.
Those currents that lead us to either the resplendent summits of life or the darkest abyss of death are born in our own heart.
From (in Spanish) Relicario de Luz (Reliquary of Light)

By the spirit of Ismael Souto/ as told to Francisco C. Xavier 

Florida - December 22, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Cristina, Frank, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw a group of dwarf spirits jumping in a procession.  "Let's go here and make everyone jump," one of them said.  It was very easy for them to manipulate people in the material world, and they laughed whenever they were able to make people jump.  There was also a female spirit by Nelson, and she appeared to be about 65 years old.  She was wishing that everyone at our table could see what she saw - all of the many spirits who surrounded us at the table.  She explained that the dwarves were laughing because they liked to create chaos.  The spirit asked the dwarves to come and sit near her, so they could learn new ways to have fun, but they were content to stay where they were.  More female spirits were arriving, and they looked similar to the first spirit, but they were younger.  These spirits began to take positions behind everyone at our table.
Astrid saw an extended archway which led to a large room filled with the dwarves.  They were singing and holding candles, and Astrid could smell the wax and feel the heat of the candles. They were nicer spirits now, attempting to bring joy and happiness instead of startling people. 
Nelson understood that the spiritual ladies standing around us had calmed the dwarves.  The ladies resembled a chain of transparent paper dolls, and they were all standing.  Only the original, older spirit was seated.  This older spirit was passing a baton to the younger women, as they would now continue her work.  The older female spirit was moving on to other things (not retiring, as Jeff suggested), and she assured our group that with her replacements in place, we would continue to be in good hands. 
Spirit 2 (via Astrid):  There was an angry spirit present, and he wanted to know why Nelson doesn't like Christmas (as he expressed in an earlier conversation in the living room).  Nelson explained that it had nothing to do with liking or disliking Christmas, he was just discouraged to see that the real value (or meaning) of the holiday had been put aside and replaced with a focus on acquiring more items or things. Gloria added that Christmas was "commercial."  Nelson said that he did not want to be a part of the current celebrations because they differed so much from his memories of Christmases from his childhood.  The spirit wanted Nelson to know that he had the right to privacy during the holiday, but he should not judge others who celebrated in their own way.  Christmas was private for each person.  Nelson was encouraged not to run away if he felt Christmas was betrayed by the actions of humans, instead he should "refrain, and put whatever you want into place."  As the spirit left, Astrid described him as a very strong man. The group discussed other Christmas memories and shared stories of the upcoming holiday.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Frank if his doctor appointments had been scheduled, but nothing had been coordinated yet.  Nelson realized that there was something spiritual in the way, and it was not allowing these appointments to happen.  This spiritual blockage was symbolized by a hand that deflected all the communication attempts.  Nelson sensed the energy of a man who wanted to know why our group was concerned with Frank's affairs, wondering "What is it to you?"  Nelson asked Frank if his girlfriend (Carolyn) had been married before she met Frank, and she was.  Both Astrid and Nelson sensed this presence as negative energy - not a spirit - as this man was still alive.  His adverse thoughts were creating the blockage because they were very concentrated and continuous.  "If I did it to one, I can do it to another one," Nelson heard him thinking.
There were several circumstances that led the ex husband to blame Frank for his misery instead of blaming himself.  In his mind, Frank replaced him by assuming his role with Carolyn and the children.  "He should pay, and I want him to suffer," Nelson heard.  When confronted with changes, we often blame others instead of ourselves.  Gloria sensed that the ex husband had dark spirits around him to help.  Nelson saw the ex as a tall man, and he realized that the negative energy directed at Frank was also present at our last session.  Nelson said that this man was not well, and he thought that he may have experienced a stroke, as he walked with a limp.  The dark spirits that Gloria saw around him had been with him for a very long time. One of them was persuaded to sit through Nelson:
Spirit: Who are you to bring me here?  Why am I here?  I don't want to be here...
Jackie: What you have been doing is wrong.
Spirit:  It's my job.  Don't you do your job when told?  I'm not done and I need to finish my work.  It's my job.
Jackie:  The one who wanted you to do that work lied to you.
Spirit: Who are you people?
Jackie: The man telling you to do this is mad over something that this man (Frank) never did to you or him.
Spirit: Someone told me to follow them so we could finish him, and I did.  He told me we could finish (Frank), and now I cannot.  He just wanted to remove me.  Who will do the work now?  I tell you, I'm tired.  I'm exhausted.  I don't really even know who this man (Frank) is.
Astrid: Who told you to do this?
Spirit: I can take you to his house and show you.  I'm tired and I don't want this anymore (pantomimed giving Jackie a pile of something, which symbolized what he was putting into Frank).  Here, you take it. 
Jackie: We will get rid of it.  And take the others with you.
Spirit: How did you know there were others?  Who are you?  (to Frank) I'm sorry, I was just doing my job.  I'm glad he lied to me.  I don't need to be there anymore.  He is offering me peace...and a different job.  It's an upgrade!  More money and a better position.  I am taking six.  With me, there was seven.  He tells me that I am their boss now...
After the spirit faded, Nelson told Frank that his appointments could now be scheduled, and he predicted that they might occur around January 3 or 4.  Nelson also sensed that Jackie had felt guilty about not being around Frank, but she should not feel that way.  It was done as a way for Jackie to avoid exposure to the seven spirits around Frank, and Jackie understood.
Spirit 4 (via Gloria):  Gloria heard the name of "Mirna" for Jackie, and this was the spirit of Edgar's sister.  Her deceased husband (Joe) had previous visited our table in a past session.  Perhaps the holiday had caused her to be around Jackie.
Cristina arrived at the table while Nelson was passing the spirit related to Frank.  When Nelson noticed her, he visualized her as someone else.  Nelson began speaking to her in Spanish about her past lives, specifically one in which she broke the hearts of many men.  Cristina was now surrounded by the spirits of these men.  In her past life, Cristina kept a book to rank and rate these men, and she still carried a spiritual version of that book with her in this reincarnation.  Nelson knew that we needed to remove her book of notes.  He sensed that she was not sleeping well, as she was preoccupied with the book, flipping the imaginary pages back and forth and reevaluating all the men continuously.  There was always something wrong with every man.  Jackie understood that the spirits of these men were all here now because they wanted to know why she left them.  In unison, Nelson, Astrid and Gloria all said the same thing, "There was never anyone good enough for her."  Nelson envisioned an army of attractive male spirits standing behind Cristina, and he explained that she always had an excuse for each one of them.  Jackie saw the same vision, and she heard the spirits list the individual reasons why Christina rejected them:  Hair color, my eyes were wrong, I had a mole on my cheek - even though I removed it, not enough money, etc.  Cristina wondered why these spirits were all assembled today, and Nelson explained that if they were not removed, she would never find happiness with any man in this lifetime.
These spirits controlled Cristina thoughts, and they were part of a long pattern.  The life they came from was not the first time Cristina had treated men in this manner, and she needed to break her cycle of abuse.  Nelson sensed that she was once "La Patrona" ("The Patron" or owner in English) of a vast farm.  Cristina had a wealthy, very handsome husband in that existence, but she had him killed.  She wanted the farm, his money and the opportunity to be with other men.  After his death, Cristina's husband remained at the farm, and he witnessed what she did to the other men, including having their many of their wives removed so the men would be only with Cristina.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw Cristina's husband from that existence, and he described him as brutally handsome and riding a beautiful white horse that was almost translucent in color.  He was a count with immense power.  He died at age 27, which was Christina's age now in this existence.  Santiago saw him with a wide belt, with his family crest displayed on the buckle.  The spirit decided to sit through Nelson, and he arrived in a majestic manner, carrying himself as if we should kneel in his presence.  This determined spirit had been looking for Cristina, and Astrid advised him to take a good look at her now - as she was not the same.  The spirit insisted she was, calling her "Rubia" (Blonde) and rolling the letter R in a regal manner.  The spirit wanted to cut her hair and keep it.  As the conversation fluctuated from Spanish to English, the spirit announced that his name was "Alejandro Cordoba".  The spirit looked around our table and decided that we were not fit to clean his horses.  The spirit guides began to show him that everything was different now.  Astrid explained that things were different now because he was a spirit, as the guides showed him his body.  The spirit stated, "That's the way I died, it's correct." He was surprised to see that his body was gone.  Cristina had abused his love, and now he wanted her to suffer, so he was determined not to forgive her.  The spirit said Cristina's name was Carolina when he knew her, as he slowly realized that he really was dead.  The spirit began to understand that Cristina was not Carolina, and he agreed to leave.  He would take 21 of the other "hearts she destroyed" with him. 
After his departure, Nelson advised Cristina not to keep journals or written records that would entice similar spirits.  When writing down the quotes that she collected, Cristina should avoid writing down any names.  The table discussed the spirit world and explained the reasons for our many reincarnations.  Nelson summed tit up by saying that our goal for this existence was to leave nothing behind that was unresolved.  We should strive to be a better human being.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson told Gloria that in the next month or so, she will receive news that she will not like from a male.  He advised that she should just smile and when asked to get involved, she should do only what she could.  There was a spirit present who wanted to slap Nelson for revealing this information, but Nelson persisted.  "Think first and then react," he advised Gloria.
Spirit 7 (via Jackie):  Jackie sensed a spirit with a message for everyone at the table: "When he was born (referring to Christ), it was about the message he preached.  The customs, rites, days, dates are all unimportant.  He was like you, in human form, and he suffered and died to let you know that there was more to life.  Understand that love is all that's needed."
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide wanted to say a few words:  "It's very simple.  Love each other a little bit more every day, and that will bring you more things like you have seen today.  We are putting things into place.  Nothing is impossible.  There is no sickness, sadness or hurt that we cannot help, but we need you to be united.  If you want to talk, call on me.  (referencing Christmas)  Celebrate, don't celebrate, cheer or don't cheer - as long as all of you love each other a little more each day.  Hard times are coming, and I don't want to frighten you.  Be prepared.  If you are, it will be like nothing happened.  Whatever is going to happen, it has already been scheduled, and nothing will change it." 
Caballito continued, "I am asking you for the last day of the year, or the first day of the new year, however you call it, to make sure you are in a safe place, a good environment.  And also your loved ones.  We want no surprises for this group and their family members. Remember, a safe environment.  And you are not alone.  Thank you for allowing me to do my work, I watch over all of you.  Keep doing what you are doing..."
Jackie closed with a prayer.

Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...