Thursday, April 28, 2016

Misconceptions About Spiritism

Why are we so eager to believe what others tell us without checking out the facts for ourselves? Here are the answers to help clarify the questions, doubts, and misconceptions you may have heard about Spiritism. 

1) Is Spiritism part of the occult?

The dictionary defines occult:
Hidden and difficult to see; "an occult fracture";
Having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding; "mysterious symbols"; "the mystical style of Blake"; "occult lore"; "the secret learning of the ancients".

Those who do not understand Spiritism often claim that is part of the occult. This has always been untrue. By its very nature, Spiritism works to clarify and explain spirit related phenomena, spirit evolution and the divine laws that govern the universe to anyone who wishes to learn. So in no way is it mysterious, hidden, beyond ordinary understanding, or counter intuitive.

2) Is Spiritism pagan?

The dictionary defines Paganism as:
Not acknowledging the God of Christianity and Judaism and Islam.

The very first answer given by the spirit teachers as part of the Spiritist Codification defines and acknowledges the existence of one true God. Spiritism also goes on to acknowledge the inherent truths found not just in the three major western religions, but the sparks of truth that can be found in all religions.

3) Is Spiritism all about telling the future?

On the subjects of fortune telling and/or predictions Spiritism is very clear that such things are impossible. Anyone possessing such knowledge would imply that this person has a quality only supposedly possessed by God - and this would also imply that we do not truly possess the gift of freedom of choice (free will).

What Spiritism does clarify is that evolved spirits who understand the details of divine laws, can look at a person's life, motivations and past decisions and make an educated guess as to the consequences of such choices on a person's future. But this is in no way predicts the future, just as having a financial planner tell you the best way to retire at 40 is no assurance that it will actually happen.

It is also important to note that even if an evolved spirit makes an educated guess on the future events of a certain person, this ability to communicate a possible occurrence is limited by the Law of Cause and Effect. In other words, we may need to endure this future event without any forewarning, or we may use our own free will to choose another path that avoids it completely or partially.

4) Is Spiritism a religion?

Religion is defined as:
A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship. The life or condition of a person in a religious order. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

This question was answered best when Kardec said:
Spiritism is a philosophical doctrine with religion effects, as is any spiritualist philosophy, because it inevitably reaches to the roots of all religions: God, soul, and future life. But it is not a constituted religion, since it has no services, no rituals, no temples, and no one among its adherents received the title of priest or high priest. 

Spiritism has none of the ceremonies or rituals of religion. There are no marriage ceremonies, offerings, or symbols to worship.

5) So is Spiritism about demon/spirit worship?

It is a mistaken belief that Spiritism is a pagan religion and occult related - which has led to the belief that Spiritism is demon worship.

Spiritism clearly explains that a 'demon' is just a another person (now in a spirit form or disincarnated) who has become trapped in a cycle of violence, cruelty, ignorance and hate. In no way would such a person be worshiped. These individuals must be prayed for, so God will help inspire them to seek the path of progress.

6) Is Spiritism just another pseudo religious scam?

A scam implies that money was taken and nothing was given in return. Spiritism teaches that a Spiritist must NEVER profit from teachings or mediumship sessions. A Spiritist is not similar to a priest or pastor reliant on contributions to support themselves. Spiritists do their work for its own sake, not for personal any gain. 

7) Don't some Spiritists charge fees for card readings, good luck charms and other services?

A true Spiritist never profits from charity or dissemination of the Spirit teachings. Sadly, there is nothing to stop an unethical individual from using the title 'spiritist' to make money. God has given us all free will, and the ability to take whatever path we wish to take. It's important to note that eventually (in this life or in a future reincarnation), we must all face the consequences of our choices.

8) Is Spiritism all about ghosts?

Spiritism explains what 'ghosts' and related spirit manifestations are, but the focus is not about 'ghosts' or spirits. It's about God, the immortal spirit, reincarnation, divine laws, reasons for suffering, life's trials and the steps we must all take to evolve and reach our true potential. The subjects of spirits and mediumship are a small part of a much larger group of teachings.

9) Are Spiritists a branch of 'santerismo', or worshiping the dead?

"Santeria" is defined as:
An African-based religion similar to voodoo, originating in Cuba and Brazil, which combines the worship of traditional Yoruban deities with the worship of Roman Catholic saints.

Spiritism does not teach the worship of ancestors, ghosts, spirits or anyone other than God. Because many native or tribal religions worship 'spirits' or dead ancestors, to whom they attribute great powers, some have made the mistaken conclusion that Spiritism is somehow related to santerismo. It is in no way related.

Spiritism also explains why the animal sacrifices common in 'santeria' and other religious groups are not just misguided and unethical, but they have the opposite effect of what was intended.

10) So Spiritism teaches that all religions are false?

It's the opposite - Spiritism teaches us that all religions are valid. Each one is a distinct path to God, possessing many of the great truths that God has revealed to humanity through many missionaries (or prophets) during history.

11) Is Spiritism dangerous?

Spiritism is knowledge from the spirit teachers. And knowledge is not inherently dangerous. What is dangerous is ignorance. Ignorance comes from those who do not study Spiritism to gain wisdom, but to try and use it as a tool for personal gain. Under such circumstances, any knowledge can be dangerous. One should not blame the tool for acts of misuse; but rather those who have willingly misused the tool. In other words, a hammer is not dangerous - until someone utilizes it in an incorrect manner.

12) Is Spiritism about spirit possessions and exorcisms?

Spiritism explains there is no such occurrence. What happens is that an ignorant person chooses to succumb to an outside's influence. As for an exorcism, it is a Catholic religious ritual that is in no way related to Spiritism. The focus of Spiritism is not ghosts, it's about progressing in this life.

13) Can Spiritism be proven?

The first spirit teachings were revealed to the scientist and educator Allan Kardec in the 1850s-60s. Those revelations about nature continue to be proven by modern science. Concepts such as multi dimensions, evolution, plurality of worlds and electromagnetic waves are just a few of the ones first revealed in Spiritism and confirmed by human science.

Since Kardec, thousands of books of Spirit teachings have been written on every scientific subject imaginable. The conclusions of the scientific knowledge presented by the Spirit teachers have been recognized and validated. The now common use of past life regressions, and the use of alternative, faith related healing methods all have their origins in spirit teachings.

14) If Spiritism is a science, is it similar to Christian Science, Scientology or Intelligent design?

Christian Science is:
1: Protestant denomination founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1866
2: Religious system based on teachings of Mary Baker Eddy emphasizing spiritual healing

Intelligent design is:
A theory that nature and complex biological structures were designed by intelligent beings and were not created by chance. Intelligent design refers to the theory that intelligent causes are responsible for the origin of the universe and of life in all its diversity.

Scientology is:
A belief system developed by L. Ron Hubbard, based on a person being an immortal spiritual being whose survival depends on him/herself and his/her attainment of brotherhood with others and the universe. 

Spiritism is not a church nor a religion, and it is not related to Mary Baker Eddy’s Christian Science. Spiritism is based on the reality of the immortality of the soul, but other than that, Spiritism has no connection to the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard. As for Intelligent Design, as much as it sounds scientific, this theory is actually an offshoot of Christian creationism. It's also completely unrelated to Spiritism.

As for the first part of the question yes, Spiritism does have a scientific aspect.

15) Are all Spiritists mediums?

According to the teachings received by Allan Kardec from the Spirits, everyone is a medium. The difference is that some people have what is called ostensive mediumship.

Being a Spiritist and being a medium are two separate concepts. A Spiritist is a person who believes in certain ideas, lives a certain way, and understands God's divine laws and love. A Spiritist does not need to be a medium to be a Spiritist.

Mediumship is the ability to communicate with spirits. Any person - ignorant or good - may have this gift. A person of any religion, social class, gender or nationality can be born with this ability. Mediumship will not automatically make them a Spiritist. Just as being a Spiritist will not automatically make anyone a medium. It is important to remember is that what a person does with this ability, as with anything else in their lives, is a matter of free will.

16) So Spiritism allows the mediums to do whatever they want?

There are divine laws that govern this communication. Spiritism provides, among its many other teachings, an explanation as to why a certain kind of spirit might choose a certain kind of medium. As for the conduct of a medium who is a Spiritist, if he or she ignores divine law and chooses to live a selfish, destructive life - then that person is only a Spiritist in name. So a medium might embrace and follow whatever an ignorant spirit tells them. And when a good spirit comes along and tries to communicate with this medium, the medium will feel no affinity, and they may ignore the messages from the good spirits.

The medium who is a good person lives an ethical life always strives to always be a better person. When communicating with a spirit, a good medium quickly judges the true intentions of that spirit. The medium realizes if the intentions are good or ignorant, and then chooses to continue the communication or end the communication.

17) So the spirits are in control of the medium?

No. At no point is the outside force (the spirit) forcibly taking control of the medium. The spirits who are attracted to a medium directly reflect that person’s ethical evolution, and their mediumistic training. So an evolved medium might attract more evolved spirits, while another medium may specialize in ignorant, destructive spirits. As with any ability, each medium has their own specialty. 

Once the spirit is attracted and wants to communicate through the medium, only the medium possesses the final choice to permit the communication. For untrained mediums, there may not be a willingness to choose which spirits to allow communication with and which to avoid, as they have not had enough training or practice. The ignorance of the medium attracts equally ignorant spirits.

All mediums should understand that they will be held responsible for any and all results of a spirit communication. This is why medium training and the ethical growth of the medium is so critical.

18) Spiritists do not follow a religion, so why do they believe in reincarnation?

Reincarnation is defined as:
1. Rebirth of the soul in another body.
2. A reappearance or revitalization in another form; a new embodiment:
3. Embodiment in a new form (specially the reappearance of a person in another form);
4. In the Hindu or Buddhist doctrine that person may be reborn successively into one of five classes of living beings (God or human or animal or hungry ghost or denizen of hell) depending on the person’s own actions.

Spiritism does not define reincarnation in the Hindu or Buddhist way. Spiritism teaches that God creates a spirit, and it is simple and ignorant. God's plan is for that spirit to evolve intellectually and ethically, passing from a lower order to a higher one, until we attain perfection, and there is no longer a need to reincarnate.

God in his infinite charity gives a spirit all the time the individual needs to go through this long process of evolution. So a spirit incarnates on Earth, learns a lifetime worth of lessons through trials, transitions back to the spirit world, then reincarnates again - and the cycle continues over and over again. In each reincarnation, the spirit learns (or at least tries to learn) new lessons based on the new point of view and circumstances provided by that new human incarnation. This cycle continues until the spirit has learned all the lessons needed on Earth in order to progress to a higher level of evolution.

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