Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Florida - June 18, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago 
For the educational potion of the reunion, Nelson distributed two pages from the curriculum sent to him by Mary from the Gerli center in Argentina.  The group discussed the topics in the handout, and Astrid remembered that she had received a notice at her door explaining "How to become a better Christian."  The group read and discussed this topic as well. 
At the table, Astrid saw "soldiers of the light", a vision of spiritual military men.  Paragraphs from the gospel were read aloud, and the soldiers remained in the room.  Astrid felt that if she were to leave her body, she might not come back.  The amount of soldiers she saw were now in the thousands, and she wondered why they had arrived.  She thought that they might be victims of a holy war, and Jackie had the same intuition.  Astrid described the soldiers as if they had drank something poisonous and they were slowly losing consciousness.  Nelson saw them as if they were weary from traveling in smaller units to many places, and now they were in the process of regrouping to create a larger army.  Jackie agreed, comparing them to "a tornado, trying to consume and suck everything into the vortex they were creating." She added, "They want to do it here, but they cannot..."
The mediums defined the group of soldiers as "fanatics - obsessed - possessed," and they saw them as being in their sick condition for a very long time.  "They need to disperse and break apart," Astrid said.  The soldiers did not seem to have any weapons, and Nelson saw them displayed as marionettes, being manipulated by spirits who were pulling the strings to control their behavior.  It was as if shepherds were herding them into position, and the groups were all wondering why they were being pushed into acting in this manner, when they were so ill and tired.  The soldiers did not like their destiny.
The group discussed the issue, seeing it as a reflection of the ongoing conflicts between the many religions here on earth.  The spirit world is also involved in a continued battle of good and evil.  These conflicts are always ongoing in both worlds.  The good spirits hope to see us learn and grow from these situations, but they also wanted to caution us that the battles we face (personal, material, spiritual or a combination of all three) may become more difficult.
Spirit 1 (via Jackie):  The spirit that was around Jeff last week returned to nudge Nelson.  He wanted to ask Nelson how he could continue to return to Puerto Rico over and over.  He said that although Nelson may think that the chaos in Puerto Rico is gone one he leaves, it never really goes away for good.
Spirit 2 (via Astrid):  The peaceful spirit of the table (Maria) arrived (and spoke in Spanish), offering a message of hope after the images of  the manipulated military soldiers.  It was up to us to keep the light of Christ, and as long as we have love, there is nothing that can be effectively used against us for very long.  The battles may intensify, so we need to keep our beliefs strong enough for any challenge.   
Spirit 3 (via Jackie):  Jackie saw some sort of civil litigation or court process involving Jeff's sister.  Jeff confirmed that she will traveling back to Provincetown (the location of her former store that she lost in a court case) in mid-July.  The assumption was that the trip was a vacation, but Jackie felt as if there may be more to the situation than the information that Jeff was given.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Gloria who she was worried about, as he saw a continuing preoccupation with worry regarding something around her.  Gloria explained that she loved her children and grandchildren, but she always had some worries over what they have or what they may need.  Nelson thought it might be related to her grandson's new job, but Gloria believed it was related to an upcoming visitor.
Spirit 5 (via Astrid):  Astrid saw three black "madames" on the land where Nelson's parents and brother have a house in a rural area of Puerto Rico.  Astrid saw mountains of flowers, and there were three women, "walking and throwing flowers, walking and throwing flowers..."  They seemed to be cleaning or blessing the land.  Astrid said that they were always there, keeping the bad spirits away and cleaning the space for Nelson to go back on his next visit.  Nelson explained that he did not visit this area on his most recent trip, because he knew that he might have to work spiritually, and it was difficult to do on his own.  "Too overwhelming," Gloria added.
Spirit 6 (via Jackie):  Jackie asked Gloria if her daughter's husband was taking care of his health.  Gloria said he was, and Jackie suggested that he might want to have a complete physical, to confirm his general health (she saw nothing severe or extraordinary).
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw Gloria's grandson as the victim in a violent crime scene in Puerto Rico.  "We can try to help stop anything," Astrid encouraged the table.  Jackie saw the grandson with a group that was putting a trap into place for him.  Nelson continued in Spanish, as a spirit came over him.  This spirit kept stressing, "We've got plans for him," and both Astrid and Gloria repeated that these plans would not be allowed to happen.  It took a while to calm the spirit enough to listen, as he did not realize that he was in the spirit world.  As the good spirits showed him his corpse, he began to understand.  "Muerto?"  This spirit told the group that in a previous life, he was shot by the grandson, and now the spirit wanted revenge.  He was trying to motivate others into doing the same thing to the grandson in this life.  After some persuasion and tears, the spirit was coaxed into leaving with the spirit guides who brought him, and he vowed to take his fifteen other gang members with him.  He siad, "I am leaving with them, fifteen plus me means that sixteen are leaving."
Spirit 8 (via Nelson): Nelson's spirit guide arrived to refresh his body and to ask Jeff to explain to Nelson that passing the very difficult spirits (hard to pass and hard for those at the table to hear) was Nelson's job.  "He has a very unique job to do and not everyone will understand, but he has to do it,"  Caballito said.  The gang member spirit was a very low level spirit, so his presence had a definite effect on Nelson's well-being, which is why Nelson's guide arrived to help.  Before his guide departed, he told the group that many other things have been planned, and not every spirit can arrive in the form of a saint promoting love.  The group understood that when the mediums step aside from the body to allow the entrance of another spirit, this communication process requires a lot of energy, effort, dedication and self-discipline.  The group discussed the issue, focusing on the differences between our group and other centers.  There is often an editing process that the mediums endure to assure that their spiritual translations are not misunderstood or labeled as "invented" to help support an underlying agenda.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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Just A Thought

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