Friday, April 22, 2016

Florida - September 3, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
While seated in the living room, the group discussed various television mediums (past and present) and the effect that these types of shows had on viewers.  Are they an effective way to encourage the audience to seek more information regarding spiritualism, or do these shows foster additional confusion in regards to the definition of spirituality that our group has established?  When the discussion shifted to spiritualist centers (in Florida and Argentina), the group seemed to reach a consensus that many centers start with pure intentions, but complications always arise whenever human politics come into play.
At the table, Nelson asked again for prayers and guidance for Sebastian Vicente Bao, the son of Marta in Argentina.  Astrid read a prayer for the sick in Spanish.  During her reading, Nelson saw a spiritual guide attempting to contain the cancer.  This guide cautioned that he could only "hold it for so long."  Gloria saw the testicular cancer spreading like veins branching out, and she advised that Sebastian needed to sit and talk with someone, and make his decision about surgeryvsoon.  "Grab his hands with yours," Glorai advised the person who might speak with Sebastian, and Astrid added that, "time is of the essence, so don't waste it."  Nelson saw a spirit who wanted to remove the hands, but not the hands "holding" the illness in check.  This spirit wanted to remove the hands causing the illness (which may have been the hands of Sebastian's deceased father).  Astrid also sensed other negative spirits hovering around Sebastian. 
Spirit 1 (via Gloria):  Gloria saw a "big, black cloud" over the daughter of Astrid and Santiago.  This image was very strong, yet at the same time, Gloria believed there were spirits who wanted to prevent her mind from seeing a clear vision of what the daughter was seeing.  Nelson believed that someone at the table had something to say, and he kept getting a message that it was Jeff who needed to speak.
Astrid read a selection in Spanish (translating it into English as she read) from a book entitled "3 Enfoques Sobre Reencarnacion" (or "Three Approaches to the Reincarnation").  The piece she read had a central theme that stated "immortality is the essence of our existence".  Nelson kept insisting that Jeff had something to say.  Astrid sensed some spirits around Nelson who seemed to be suffering from TB (tuberculosis), and Nelson stressed again that whatever Jeff had to say, he should be saying it.  Nelson asked Jeff why he was so reluctant and afraid of hurting his mother with what he might say to her, while Astrid and Gloria sensed the same issue.  Jeff replied that after so many attempts in the past, he was hesitant to express his feelings, as the ingrained issues had developed and strengthened over time, and it now seemed as if they "cannot be fixed".
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed a "conflicted spirit" who was also tired of seeing nothing resolved in regards to Jeff's mother.  This cause of conflict for this spirit was that he wanted to believe that he was rational and basically good, but at the same time, he regretted his decisions not to speak up against Jeff's mother when he had the opportunity.  Astrid saw this uncertainty leaving him with a "bad taste in his mouth".  Jeff realized that this spirit was Lee, his mother's deceased third husband.  As the spirit passed into Nelson, he said, "I should have opened my mouth and said so many things."  Lee felt as if he had not made any progress with Jeff's mother, and now he wanted to protect Jeff.  "Protect," the spirit stated again, "as although you are not my son, is it OK if I call you my son?"  Lee described his paternal instincts towards Jeff as "energy to energy" and expressed his regret at allowing things to occur when he should have spoken up.  He wanted Jeff to physically hit his mother, but now he realized that this action would have caused more regrets, and he encouraged Jeff not to regret anything later.  Lee wanted Jeff to help his mother "open her eyes" and stop all the nonsense in her life.
Lee wondered what became of Nelson, as he was unaware that he was speaking through his body. Lee needed to hear Jeff's voice earlier as an invitation to sit at the table.  He wanted the table to relay a message to Nelson, saying that Nelson was always welcoming and very kind to Lee, and he appreciated those efforts.  Lee calmly and politely excused himself from the table, and as he left, Nelson realized that he and his cousin (Janet, the deceased longtime best friend of Jeff's mother) would be involved in helping Jeff's mother when it was time for her transition into the spirit world.  Jackie had also envisioned Janet's name just before Lee sat at the table.
Astrid and Gloria saw a notebook or a document with multiple pages.  Jeff's mother was flipping the pages.  Gloria encouraged Jeff and Nelson to visit her or invite her to visit them as a way to wrap up unresolved issues.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson, Gloria, Astrid):  Jackie was sad not to see Rafael seated beside her at the table.  Nelson stressed that he was "not well mentally," and one of the reasons for this was that he is not "open to others".  Gloria felt that he "does not believe in anything," and Astrid added that he "doesn't want any help."  The mediums believed that Rafael would not contact Jackie unless he felt he needed help again.  "He is not stable," Nelson said, and Gloria saw him as "very troubled."  Santiago believed that his condition may worsen now, as Rafael seemed to be living in a fantasy of becoming a bodybuilder and a fireman.  With the possibility of steroids or other bodybuilding medication in his system, Rafael had a  risk of becoming more aggressive; and he has a higher potential for hanging himself, mimicking his mother's confused method for coping with her depression.  Santiago cautioned that if he is using some sort of medication, he will not pass his required drug testing for the fire department.  The mediums sensed buzzards (or vultures) circling over his head, waiting for his demise.  Nelson said that the drugs are also likely to cause Rafael to become more motivated to attack or confront his father, as Nelson heard Rafael saying, "I can take him on."  Gloria reminded the group of her previous vision of Rafael - where he was standing with a group of other people, Involved in some sort of deal, possibly involving bodybuilding drugs or supplements.  Gloria cautioned Jackie that she might not be able to talk to him for a while (and Jackie agreed), while Astrid added that this situation would probably be better for both of them, as Jackie, "cannot get sick because of him."  Nelson saw Rafael involved in some sort of fight (possibly hitting a woman) that had the potential to put him in jail.  This may be the only way for the spirit world to wake him up and make him take control of his life.
Nelson also added that Rafael is getting some attention now, and he is feeling more attractive and positive about himself.  Despite his new attitude, Nelson sensed very dark spirits around him, and Jackie agreed.  Astrid described his situation as being covered by a brown, dark, dirty hood - like a burlap sack - and she cautioned Jackie not to become contaminated.  With the smell of the protective sage still lingering in her home, Jackie understood.  She compared Rafael to a cyclone, collecting whatever was available into an inward spiraling chaos.  Gloria believed that Rafael still had some hope, as he kept Jackie on his mind as a supportive mother figure.  The table also discussed Rafael's sister and the impact she may have on him (as she is on medication, she is probably not a positive influence) and Nelson recommended that Rafael's niece may also need to be medicated for a condition he sensed was more mental than physical. 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): Nelson reminded the table again that the spirit world was preparing to receive new souls, which may be related to a potential war.  He sensed a spiritual time of transition, with massive moves from one level to another as a sort of collective expedition.  The table discussed the movement of souls from one planet to another, focusing on the probability that some souls would not reincarnate back to earth, but they could reincarnate to a "lower level" planet.  Astrid stressed that this circumstance seemed to be happening already, starting in the 1990's.  "War never brings peace," Jackie said. 
Nelson sensed the motion of elevated spirits with saddened hearts, confused and unable to understand "why we (the inhabitants of earth) have become what we are."  One of the elevated spirits began to speak into Nelson's ear, and this spirit only appeared as a spark of bright light.  When Nelson asked the spirit if he wanted to sit, the spirit replied, "you could not handle my energy."  This spirit also appeared to be advising the table to become prepared to handle a wider variety of spiritual issues.  As the spirit world was cleansing and removing spirits who remained stubbornly in place too long without any progression, this spirit urged our table to do the same, by cleaning and preparing new pathways for us to understand and experience new challenges from the spirit world.  Gloria saw a similar light (not in a typical spirit form) speaking to Nelson while standing behind him.  The spirit told Nelson to envision a planet where bad behavior and negative energy was the majority.  "Hold on to all the things you love, as they are the only things you take with you,'" the spirit said.  Astrid read a selection in Spanish from her journal related to this idea.  Jackie advised the group to remember that "We are the ones who can make a difference," and Gloria added that our table,"needs to keep growing."
Spirit 5 (via Jackie): Jackie's mother spoke through her, telling the group that "one good thing is some progress on this planet" over a past life.  One improvement over any past existence would do a lot to alter the "state of chaos" that existed on earth now.  As she reiterated her "do one good thing" message several times, she warned that the inhabitants of earth are confused, thinking that we may believe that we know peace, but the "peace" we have accepted is not the real peace we have the potential  to  eventually  understand.  Our behavior determined if earth advanced towards becoming a more peaceful planet, as it will only "stand for so long" without continued support and reaffirmation.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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