Saturday, April 2, 2016

Florida - May 21, 2013

In attendance: Gloria, Gregory, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago 
We did not have an educational topic for this session, just some informal conversation prior to the reunion.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson, Gloria and Jackie):  Nelson was shown an image of someone being choked.  This person wanted to speak, but they were being choked by the hands of a male spirit.  Nelson asked Santiago if Astrid's mother was still in the same condition (she was), as he thought the hands might be trying to silence her.  The spirit looked around the table at each one of us slowly.  Gloria began to sense that this spirit wanted our entire table to be silent, and Jackie said it was a group of spirits who did not want us to continue with our work.  "There will always be spirits who need us," Gloria said, "and we will be always be there to help."  Nelson heard a spirit say that it was his job to stop groups similar to ours.  Gloria envisioned Nelson at the airport with his bags packed, and she cautioned him that in Puerto Rico, he might become the center of unwanted attention.  A spirit passed into Nelson and spoke in Spanish: "Our bags are also packed, and we are ready to go."  The spirit believed that he would join Nelson and Jeff on their journey to Puerto Rico, and he had eagerly been waiting for a large, very negative spiritual party to start.  This spirit was trembling and shaking, a combination of his excitement over the upcoming party and his contempt at being unable to stop us from sitting today at the table. 
This spirit explained that a man and woman had already paid for the party, and he wanted us to "shut our mouths," so he could hear the complete orchestra (with 29 members) who had been hired to play.  The spirit planned to join an even larger group in Puerto Rico, and the party would be in full force by the time that Jeff and Nelson arrived.  Another spirit, dressed as a woman all in white appeared.  She was able to persuade the first spirit to join her - and to bring all the party participants with him.  As they left, the woman in white wanted Nelson to know that once he was in Puerto Rico, "The best thing to say is nothing."  Gregory sensed that there was no reason to be in a hurry for anything, and he advised "no speeding on the roads, and use caution when driving at night." 
Spirit 2 (via Jackie & Nelson):  A spirit arrived and advised Gloria to tell her daughter to slow down (Nelson agreed, as he saw the same message).  "She thinks she is still twenty years old," Nelson said, "and if she keeps up this pace, she will have a health issue."  Both Jackie and Nelson were worried that she might suffer a heart attack, and she needs to take better care of herself.  "She's older and she needs to own it," Jackie said.  Gloria explained that her daughter was scheduled to attend a convention in Orlando, and Nelson cautioned that the additional stress she may be feeling was from more than just this one event.  He was studying an "opportunistic spirit," and Nelson asked Gregory to keep his phone with him over the weekend, in case his mother needed him.
Jackie also had some advice: "It's not up to her to make everyone else happy.  And if she is taking any medications, she needs to continue, as the spirit around her is very material and he is not going to give up easily.  Jackie and Nelson were shown the same vision, of Gloria's daughter running from a hotel in a panic.  Jackie realized that the name of the spirit  was Roberto, and he believed that Gloria's daughter, "owes him."  He showed himself as a wealthy Spanish gentleman who had plenty of obedient servants around him to do whatever he wanted when he was alive.  In the spiritual world, he still has many servants doing his bidding, and he frequently used them as decoys.  They look just like him, but they are not him.  Nelson describes him as, "all revenge, with no love." In a previous life, Gloria's daughter rejected him - and this material rejection gave him a constant spiritual task of humiliating her in this life.  It's her punishment for rejecting him in the past.  The group was able to remove the imposters who looked like him, but he remained - hidden in the shadows.
Spirit 3 (Jackie):  There was a little girl calling Santiago "Papi."  She was in a small, tiny town (maybe in Puerto Rico?) and she kept pointing to a house and instructing Santiago,"come home."
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Jackie if she is afraid to phone her sister back to discover the request that she has been instructed to decline.  Jackie still had no idea what the request might be, but she was prepared to say no.  A male spirit was standing behind Nelson, and he appeared to be connected to Jackie and her sister.  He began to speak in "Pig Latin," and Nelson was completely confused by the language.  Nelson relayed the message, but he had no idea what he was saying.  Jackie laughed and explained that she and her Dad would often talk this way to each other.  The spirit laughed along with her and the group, and as he departed, he told Jackie to think of those fun times with Pig Latin when she gently tells her sister "no".
Spirit 5 (via Nelson): Nelson sensed a spirit for Gloria (in Spanish) that wanted her to bring the news of any upcoming doctors' appointments to our table.  There is something spiritual there that the group will work on in September.
Spirits 6 & 7 (via Jackie): Jackie's mother arrived briefly to apologize for the confusion over the Pig Latin with her dad.  Jackie also saw an elderly lady at the front door of the house where we were meeting.  This woman was slowly climbing up the stairs, wondering if this is was the party was at, and at the same time, she hoped that she did not have the wrong house.  Jeff and Nelson believed that she might be Josie, a departed friend who spent many memorable evenings with them.
Spirit 8 (via Gloria in Spanish):  Gloria saw Santiago at a family house in Puerto Rico.  She wondered if this vision might be related to the little girl that Jackie saw earlier.  Could it be Astrid's mother revisiting her past before she leaves the material world?  The group hoped that she would find the peace to let go.
Nelson updated the group on his nephew's condition (the son of his cousin who was hospitalized).  In a dream, Nelson saw himself with him in Puerto Rico asking for a half glass of water (an actual glass, not a plastic container).  He was instructed to magnetize the water without touching the glass. 
Spirit 9 (via Nelson): Something was still not the way it should be with Gregory's roommate.  Gregory explained that his roommate was lonely and he would like to find a girlfriend.  Nelson saw the spirit of a woman around him who was keeping him from having any relationships.   She was not classically beautiful, and she appeared to be a little rough around the edges.  Jackie offered, "Skanky?"  Gregory verified that this is type of girlfriend his roommate enjoys.  The female spirit causes the roommate to doubt himself, and when he is home alone, he does some odd things.  When the entire group is reunited again in Florida, we will attempt a house cleaning.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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