Thursday, April 14, 2016

Chicago - Nov 2, 2014

In attendance: Denise, Jeff, Marisol, Mia, Nelson and Sonia 
(Note: The six individuals above were meeting in Nelson's house,and the notes below are from our first session in our new center)
Marisol commented that she smelled sage when we met at Nelson and Jeff's house, but now in our new location, she smelled violets.  Nelson said it was another way for the spirit side to let us know that we were in the right space.  Nelson also felt compelled to ask everyone how they were doing:
 - Sonia asked for prayers in regards to her daughter-in-law, who was hospitalized for observation and medication.  Nelson felt that this individual would not be leaving the hospital anytime soon, and her stay was more likely to be three months or more.
 - Denise stated that she was doing well and making improvements every day
 - Marisol explained that she was not well.  She was constantly fighting to protect herself from negative spirits, and this led to anxiety and sleeplessness.  Nelson also felt as if he was under attack, and while he believed that things would get better, he reminded everyone that there are always spiritual "tests" of faith.  Spiritual forces are at work on both sides, with the good spirits helping centers like ours, and the bad spirits working to close them down.
 - Mia said her new job was going well, but she was worried about her sister in Miami.  The sister was obsessed with her upcoming divorce, allowing it to cloud her judgement.  Nelson saw the situation as very delicate, and he sensed that twenty years ago, there was the loss of a child.  Nelson also understood that the sister wanted to move away to escape the chaos in her life, and he advised against her plans of moving to Puerto Rico.
 -  Jeff's mother was improving after the work we did with the spiritual leprechauns.  Her test results indicated only a hernia and high blood pressure.  A spirit spoke from behind Nelson and told him something about Jeff: "Although he does not like changes, they are coming".
 - Nelson was feeling okay, but he also felt as if he was being spiritually attacked over the past week.  He described it as everyone "going under" (his family, friends and tax clients) in a hole of depression, and Nelson was determined not to go along with them.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  An malevolent spirit jumped into Nelson and scolded the table in Spanish:
Spirit: Soon all of you will be in a hospital, until none of you are left.  Such a hurry!  I am here for the inauguration.  And to close you down.
Sonia: No, good sir, that is not going to happen.
Spirit: It's all planned, like dominos falling in a row.
Marisol: You need to look for the light and the good spirits around you...
Spirit: They lied!  Suckered us into coming.  We are fools to fall for it.  Telling me this was a celebration.  This guy with me doesn't know anything.  We are a little bit of everybody - a combination of all your homes and lives.
The counselors at our table encouraged the spirit to look around and see where he was now, while the spiritual side showed him a different celebration.  "Look at that!," he exclaimed, "Grande! They are giving us water now, but I don't want it.  I don't know this place, or you people.   I know there are twenty of us for each one of you.  (pause)  There are also twenty each from two other people who are not here now, but they will come.  Two females.  One wanted to come today, but she was told no."  Our table encouraged the spirit to take the others with him, while the spiritual side offered him more insight.  "They tell me I need to forget, that I am no longer in this world?," he asked.  Understanding his situation, he added, "I found the dumb one - myself.  My throat hurts."  Marisol explained that his sore throat was because he no longer had a throat. "They are taking us to another place," he said, making his decision to depart.  "Forgive me."
Spirits 2 & 3 (via Marisol):  Marisol sensed the arrival of a spirit, and she knew that it would be difficult to pass.  This angry male spirit wanted to know when he could "finish" Marisol.  Nelson stood up near the spirit, which only increased the level of hostility within the spirit, so Sonia also stood.  The conversation continued in Spanish:
Spirit (to Nelson and Sonia): Who are you?  Why have you opened the door for her to work?
Sonia: We are here to help.
Spirit: If you want to help, don't call her anymore.  Don't let her in.  I create obstacles for her and she avoids them.  I can't stand her.
Nelson: Tell me why you dislike her...
Spirit: I am the master.  Her husband.  I made the other one go to Ohio to get him out of the way.  She's so stubborn, fighting with me all the time!
Nelson: Do you see that gentleman who arrived?  Go with him and let her do her work.  You are no longer in this world, and what you want to do is not permitted.
Spirit: I am not well now, I am losing my strength.
Nelson: Let it go...let go...
Sonia: You are tired...
Spirit: I was hurting someone who wanted to do good?
Nelson: Yes. Look at her, what do you see now?
Spirit: A beautiful woman.
Nelson: Go and take the others with you.
Spirit: She was supposed to have other children, but I interfered and caused her more pain.
Nelson: She forgives you.
Spirit: Thank you for giving her this place.  Now I will go.  I ask for forgiveness.  I am going to a hospital, because I am not well.  Me along with five more.
Once the spirit left, Marisol's guide sat and spoke in Spanish:  "Thank you for this place!  You do not know how many people are coming.  (claps her hands and tears up with joy) The doors are open!  Thank you!"  Nelson explained that this was a place for this spirit guide to work and that she was always welcome.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson hoped that Sonia's son would stop being a hypocrite in regards to his wife being hospitalized.  He told his wife that he wanted her to be well, but with her out of the house, there was a sense of peace for him and he feels free. His biggest worry now is that the children will turn out to be like their mother.  Nelson banged on the table as a spirit arrived and spoke in Spanish.  This spirit sensed fighting inside the house, as there were many spirits causing multiple issues.  The spirit knew that the children were also happier with their mother away.  Sonia was not welcomed by these spirits, as she always brought a calm peace to the household.  In this "house of chaos", the middle child (age 13) was the most affected.  Nelson rapped on the table and asked if any guns were in the home, and Sonia wasn't certain.  If there were firearms, the middle child was being tempted to use them.  Everything is magnified for him now, and he feels responsible.  The middle child also believes that his father does not treat him nice, and Nelson realized that this was because the father and son were enemies in a past life, fighting over the mother.  The father killed the son in the previous life.  What the spirit wanted now was for the son to seek vengeance.  "I was so close to reaching my goals," the spirit sighed.  "Even tambourines cannot cover up the noise in that house.  Do you know what vengeance is?  A reversal.  Suffer and sit in a hole like me."  The spirit was unhappy, and he spoke in a somber voice, rocking back and forth in the chair: "Emotions are so strong.  I was blinded." Marisol and Sonia told the spirit that he did not need to stay in the hole any longer - he could get out if he wanted.  The spirit replied, "It's so hard...I hear you and I understand, but it's so hard.  I hate so deeply.  I'm tired, it has been an eternity.  I want to get out, but the hate binds me.  They are telling me that vengeance only prolongs the hatred?  I don't understand.  Do you know how hard that is?" The spirit began to understand that he could find some happiness if he left.  He would take the other two spirits (as there was one spirit for each of the three children) with him.  He asked for forgiveness, "for the manner in which I arrived," and he hoped to speak again one day.  Nelson described him as a very strong presence, and he knew that he would need to let his spirit guide sit to cleanse him. 
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  "Good afternoon," Nelson's spirit guide said, "It's Caballito.  This is the kind of work we need to do, so don't be afraid.  Those are the real spirits, and you haven't seen anything yet."  He had arrived to give individual messages that were also applicable to the entire table:
For Jeff: Be supportive of your mom.  Just because she doesn't understand, it doesn't make her less.  Your job is to help her understand why you are who you are - and then she will be happy. 
For Nelson: There is a lot of work to be done.  We are happy for the new place, and I am not the only one here today.  Don Polo is here, and so is his (Nelson's) grandmother.  Tell him that his dad is....
Jeff: Stubborn?
Caballito: Too nice a word.  When you hit your head, see blood and then say it was not bad.  His father's desire for the material is too strong.  I am talking while we are cleansing and cleaning.  Sometimes, he (Nelson) worries in silence.  Tell him he is never alone, I am always there.
For Marisol:  Things are going to be - what is the word?  Wonderful. We see an apple and think that is just waiting for us, but we need to see all the steps.  Plant the tree, water and nourish it, and wait.  Continue with your work, and do not let anyone try to modify it.  You have been asking for this, and now it is here - we have the apple. 
For Mia: Sometimes a message is better if it is delivered with the correct words.  The right intentions are there, but not the proper words.  No change is needed in some (referring to Marisol), but for you, change and modify your actions to reach the people you want to reach.  You are on the right path, but it's difficult.  Don't try to analyze every word.  You want to get to places faster than "Speedy Gonzalez".  Do you know who that is?  Things need to be in place.  You will get there.
Nelson's guide understood that there were other things that needed to be brought to the table, and he said he would retire to the side.  He offered some departing words of encouragement for everyone: "Go on, continue with the work and you will receive the spiritual benefits." 
Spirit 6 (via Marisol): Marisol had a message for Sonia in regards to her daughter-in-law.  The physical and spiritual sides both needed extensive work, along with our continued prayers.  An obsessed spirit was with her, and we needed to pray for him because he will be very difficult to remove.  Both sides of the daughter-in-law's issues needed to be resolved (and Marisol believed they would be) before she could feel better.  Marisol also had a message for Mia that was very difficult.  She saw the eventual suicide of Mia's sister, if she could resolve her problems.  Agreeing with what Nelson said earlier, the sister should not even think about moving to Puerto Rico.  She was looking for someone to take care of her, when all she really needed was a break from her stressful routine.  Marisol realized that the sister attracted negative spirits with her thoughts.  She needed to change her way of thinking from her current "dictatorship" style (an absolute authority) to attract some positive energy.  Mia agreed, but said it would be difficult because her sister does not want to listen to anyone.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed a large group of spirits wondering when he was coming to Puerto Rico.  One of the spirits sat through Nelson to explain:
Spirit: He's not available?  He cannot do the work?  Then we need to close these groups!  Close them - close!  They think if they wait for him, everything will be organized (laughing) well, we are all waiting for him.
Marisol: Stop putting those thoughts into their heads.  You are only trying to make sure that a new group doesn't open.
Spirit (speaking rapidly): The man who brought me here told me to say the truth, and we tell them not to open and they listen to us. (laughs in a mocking manner) Don't open unless he is here...I am telling you the truth, I am not making things up!
Marisol:  Look where you are now...
Spirit: I am in a place for me to do my work!  (referring to the spirits) Here, look at them.  They are waiting in long lines, long, long lines!  We knock on the door for help, and we are told, 'Wait until he gets here.'  We sit around and look at each other.
Marisol: It's time for you and the others to find your own elevation.
Spirit:  Waiting and waiting.  We are tired!  This man says that we do not have to wait anymore.  So then what are they (referring to the opening of the center in Puerto Rico) waiting for?  (laughing)  Even we don't know.  Maybe they need to reincarnate themselves to believe more? (laughing) Maybe Kardec will come to them and sit?
The spirit became calmer after some persuasion, and he realized that he could not go back.  He needed to go with the spirit who brought him to our table.  "There are 1,231 of us," he announced, "madames, slaves, military, generals - from all walks of life.  They told us to wait, but now we can go.  He (Nelson) would have gotten sick if he went (to Puerto Rico)."  As the spirit departed, Marisol wondered "Where was the faith," for those who wanted to open a center in Puerto Rico.
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  Nelson cautioned the group that we sometimes needed to change our thought patterns to better learn what entities were around us, putting things into our heads.  It became apparent that these words came from Don Polo, a frequent spirit guide who offered lessons similar to a professor.  Don Polo spoke from a position standing behind Nelson:  "Be careful with what we say," he said, "and try not to verbalize your thoughts."  He wanted us to learn how to "control the mouth with your mind".  His lesson continued:  "How difficult this is!  99% would be happier if they learned how to close their mouth.  If we say things that we may not mean, once it is out, it is out."  Nelson described Don Polo showing him the image of a head as a visual illustration of what he was saying.  "Look," he stated, "The mouth and the thoughts are not connected, even though we think they are.  How easy it is to offend the ones we love."  Don Polo effortlessly slipped into Nelson to continue his lesson:
"You knew all along it was me.  I wanted to welcome the new place.  Thank you for taking the thoughts and making them happen.  When a thought comes for someone you love - and it is not love - just say, that you will tell it later.  This is the teaching of the day, how to use your mouth.  We don't want to take away your thoughts - as that would remove your free will - but I can teach you how to use your mouth.  It's especially important during moments of disharmony in your bodies.  You will find your own path, based on free will and your thoughts, but don't speak without thinking first."
Referring to the new center, Don Polo said, "You have opened a beautiful door, and some will try to close it.  That will not happen, as our thoughts will not allow it to happen.  Don't close any doors.  Help those in need, not just the ones you choose to help.  I love the teachings.  A happy human, in spirit or not, is a happy person.  Take care of each other, that's the real work of spiritism.  You are in a safe environment, and in good hands. I will always be with you until the next time." 
After the departure of Don Polo, Marisol wanted to thank everyone for the opportunity to work in the new location.  She appreciated Sonia's work to open the new space, and Nelson's invitation.  Marisol said that she was unable to accept Nelson's previous invitations, as she needed to support and work with her uncle at his center.  Now she was able to fully embrace her new job.  Nelson wanted her to know that the others (from the center of Marisol's uncle) would also be welcome at our table.  Nelson closed with a prayer.

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