Friday, April 22, 2016

Florida - August 20, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson, Pam, Rafael, and Santiago
(Note: Over the years, the FL group has had two Rafael's attend, this was the first one)
Astrid read a selection from a book entitled "Peregrinaje."  This book allows the reader to experience one soul's journey through the afterlife and discover the ultimate truth - that every soul is created in union with all other souls, and that we are all manifestations of one purpose. The second half of the book is a personal narrative by a spirit guide named Kirkudian about his various incarnations.  Astrid read the passage in Spanish and also translated it into English (with some help from her daughter, Pam).  Briefly, the passage explained that earth is a planet where spirits are often tormented.  As the spirits break away from this cycle, some are subliminal and they do not return again - while many others come back over and over again.  The key is that the spirits need to assimilate what they have learned, in order to aid them in their future reincarnations.  As Nelson put it, "If we move the clouds around, we can see the pathway better."
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  As soon as everyone was seated at the table, Nelson felt the presence of Mel, the former husband of Jackie's sister.  He had been observing our table previously, and now he returned with a desire for revenge.  Nelson said that he was too angry to sit and speak.  Mel did not realize that he was deceased and unable to control his surroundings in the same manner as when he was in the material world.  Jackie agreed, saying "He has no idea that he is dead."  Astrid thought that he knew he was dead, but he would not accept it - as he saw his current situation as "unfair".  All of the mediums envisioned him still struggling with the physical ailments that killed him.  He was angry with Jackie.  Gloria saw it as "an anger from before, long ago."  Nelson said that Mel pretended to like Jackie, but he really despised her.
Jackie explained the various stages of her interactions with Mel over the years.  Mel was an authoritative figure on earth, and he believes that he still has the same abilities now in the spiritual world.  Nelson heard the spirit tell him, "You're fired!"  He asked the group for a drink of "water," but Astrid and Nelson both sensed that he would rather have some Scotch, as his situation has left him wanting a drink.  Mel wanted to burn down Jackie's house, and Nelson hoped to spiritually visit Jackie's house in an attempt to remove the items left behind before they could ignite.  A spiritual friend of the table arrived and he told the group that Mel "doesn't have that power, but he thinks he does."  This spirit helped remove the items that Mel's spirit left behind in Jackie's house.  The helpful spirit described himself as, "a friend of the table and everyone here," and he asked Gloria to visit the house and conduct a spiritual cleansing.  As the spirit asked for the cleansing, he mentally showed Gloria what to do and how to do it.  Gloria believed that Mel would be shocked when he finally does realize that he has died, as he hoped his appearance at our table today would prove that Jackie was wrong in regards to her previous spiritual discussions with him. 
Spirits 2 and 3 (via Gloria and Nelson):  Gloria visualized Rafael with two different roads on his back - the road he wants to take is there; but there are also other things present, and they are pulling him in the direction of another road.  Nelson saw this road as a darker set of choices and he told Rafael that he seems to prefer this darker path.  Nelson saw the light from candles in the darkness, but they were becoming dimmer - until there was only darkness all around Rafael.  "Start loving yourself," Nelson encouraged him, and the conversation switched to Spanish.  Nelson and Rafael discussed a former girlfriend who was like a family member - and now that the two of them are no longer together, she has left behind something similar to a spell (an incantation, black magic, sanitaria, voodoo - something negative).  Nelson and Gloria were shown Rafael with a hood draped over his head, indicating that whatever the former girlfriend was playing around with, it has become attached to Rafael and it is all around him.  The girlfriend wanted him back with her, "on his knees."  It is possible that the girlfriend has hidden a small potion in Rafael's house, and Nelson encouraged Rafael to find it and remove it. 
A female spirit arrived via Nelson and she spoke in Spanish.  This spirit disliked Jackie, as she regarded Jackie's efforts to help Rafael as interference.  The group urged her to go towards the light, but the spirit was busy explaining how she used the scent of her perfume to keep Rafael wrapped around her neck.  This spirit insisted on telling Jackie what to do, and she bothered her whenever she could.  The spirit understand that she and Jackie do not speak the same language; but at first, she was frustrated when Jackie did not listen to her.  Rafael spoke with the spirit and she departed.  After she was gone, our table learned that the ex-girlfriend had an interest in black magic.  Nelson saw the house that Rafael lives in covered with a thick, black tenting, similar to what termite exterminators might use when "tenting" a house with gas to destroy the pests.  This tent kept Rafael's house constantly covered in darkness. 
Gloria sensed that Rafael and his father were two bulls, butting heads on a daily basis.  A spirit jumped into Gloria to explain that Rafael's mother does not want his father living in the house.  The mother's anger on Rafael's father was having a negative residual effect on Rafael.  Nelson took the angry spirit from Gloria, and it began to speak from Nelson.  The spirit said that she doesn't want to be in the house anymore either.  Gloria realized that she is one of the suicides.  The spirit told the table that she saw and felt what she did to herself every day for 17 years.  She knows she killed herself, yet the murmuring, unending voices will not stop.
After some reassurance from the group that the voices will not follow her, the spirit agreed to "go away," and referring to Rafael, she stated, "His mind will be a little bit better now - some of those voices are not good."  She promised to take 17 other spirits along with her, explaining, "all of us are going to go - and we will not have to hear the voices anymore either."  After she departed, the group discussed the issue of suicide and the significance of the number 17 in Rafael's life and family.
Spirits 4 and 5 (via Gloria):  Gloria saw her cousin, and he was observing our table.  She spoke to him in Spanish, and as this was occurring, Nelson sensed another spirit arriving. Astrid saw the same spirit as Nelson.  This spirit wanted to speak about Gloria's grandson.  The same spirit was present at the last reunion, and he reaffirmed his message that the grandson was in hiding.  The spirit jumped into Gloria, as the spirit wanted to communicate in Spanish with Nelson about the issue.  Hiding from a situation does not eliminate the issue.  Nelson spoke calmly with the spirit, and he was eventually able to make the spirit realize how tired he was, and the spirit agreed to leave with the guide who brought him to our table.
Nelson asked for help from the group in regards to a situation regarding a friend in Argentina (Marta).  Her son has been diagnosed with testicular cancer, and although the doctors recommended surgery, he was reluctant.  The mediums all sensed that he needs to consider surgery immediately.  (Update: The son did not have the surgery, and he passed away in March of 2016)
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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