Friday, April 22, 2016

Florida - September 1, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Gregory, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Astrid sensed a turmoil brewing, and with help from the others seated at the table, she realized that this disturbance was related to Nelson's family in Puerto Rico.  Astrid cautioned that some family members might be spending too much time thinking about themselves and their own situations, when a concentrated effort on making a space for others in their lives was needed.  In regards to Nelson's mother, Astrid mused, "What is going to happen when she is gone?"  Nelson and Gloria detected the presence of several "Negritas" moving and working around Nelson's mother (black spiritual women dressed in white clothing).
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  "Why, why, why?" an irate spirit from the "Negrita" group asked, speaking through Nelson.  This presence was angry because Nelson's mother was removed from her home to go to the hospital, and these spirits were planning a funeral for her.  The other mediums attempted to calm the spirit as she told our table that they had planned to take Nelson's mother with them.  The mediums and the spirit who was speaking both described a man in white in the background (functioning as a protector or an additional spiritual guide for Nelson to contain the other angry spirits arrived with the first spirit).  The female Negrita started to speak in Spanish, explaining that she and the others really needed to complete their task.  She referenced a "mojito" cocktail they were preparing, made of black, crushed powder for Nelson's mother.  The powder was a symbol for the poison these spirits hoped to use against Nelson's mother.  "I will pay you if you can find a doctor who can diagnose what killed her," the spirit said, angrily challenging the table. The mediums explained to the spirit that it was not the time for Nelson's mother to transition into the spirit world.  Even if it was, this decision was not a choice for these spirits to make, as these things are predetermined.  Nelson began to feel very hot and uncomfortable, as he was now surrounded by the displeasure and hostility of the entire spiritual cluster.  After some additional coaxing, the female spirit agreed to depart, taking 18 other "Negritas" with her.
After Nelson cooled off, the table discussed if Nelson always experienced everything in the exact same manner as the spirits that he passes.  Nelson stated that he often does this as a validation that, "this is real" and he is not making things up.  Gloria wondered if he should control the spirits to some extent, telling him, "They come here mad, but the control is yours."  Gloria also sensed a spirit dressed entirely in black clothing that arrived with the others, but he did not leave with them.  The table debated if this spirit was with Nelson's younger brother (Nestor) and his family who are undergoing their own trauma, or if he was related to someone else.  This discussion led to another family member (Nelson's sister, Lourdes) who recently had an unexpected spirit jump into her body in a manner that caused her to feel faint.  After further discussion of the situation, Gloria warned that mediums who often push their responsibilities to the side need to realize that as life changes, new problems often arrive when someone does not accept the obligations that we agreed to on the spiritual side.  The table realized that the man dressed in black was around Lourdes, trying to make her confused and crazy.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Both Gloria and Nelson sensed "something weird" and Nelson asked the group if it was possible that a sister in the spiritual world might want to harm her sister who is still in the material world.  Nelson sensed a female from the spiritual side who has been dead for quite a while, and she was not in a very good condition.  Astrid realized that this spirit smelled bad, and she sensed that she wants someone to be in the same condition as she is now.  "Lydia Rodriguez" was the name that Nelson heard, and he understood that this spirit was his deceased aunt (an older half-sister of Nelson's mother).  She and Nelson coexisted nicely when they were both in the material world, and Nelson recalled visiting her in New York.  Astrid said that with this woman in the spirit world, Nelson is now seeing a very different side of her.  Nelson is surprised to see her in such a bad shape, as she was once a strong spiritualist.  Gloria sensed a jealously between the two sisters.  Nelson was overcome with emotion, as he realized that this spirit might be willing to sit.
"Why am I so sick?" the spirit wept, slipping into Nelson.  Astrid softly explained, "You are materialized, so you still feel alive, but you are not."  Astrid continued, telling the spirit that the health problems she was experiencing now were all in her mind, and little by little she must throw them aside and move on.  "This is not my body?" the spirit asked, telling the table that she was from Puerto Rico, but raised in New York.  She also wondered: "What is this place?  Is this a center of spiritualism?"  As the mediums explained where she was, the spirit sadly said, "They have brought my body for me to look at it..." 
The spirit explained that it was her brother who brought her here today (along with another sister who had also passed).  The table encouraged her to move on and not to "help" Nelson's mother any more.  The spirit made the group promise to give Nelson a message: "Keep an eye on my daughter," she says.  She said that she loved Nelson very much and she asked the group to give him that message as well.  "That love will now take me away," the spirit said, astonished at her realization.  After sitting at so many spiritualist tables while she was in the material world, the spirit was delighted with the irony that she was now appearing as a spirit today at our table.  She wanted to share one more thing before she left, and it was in regards to spiritualism.  "Sometimes I didn't believe," she whispered.  She realized that she must go.  "The emotions are just too much," she marveled, as she said goodbye and drifted away.
Spirit 3 (via Jackie and Gloria):  Jackie and Gloria both saw a young girl standing behind Gregory.  "I found you, I found you," Jackie heard the spirit say, while Gloria sensed that the girl might already be in a material form, and not a spirit.  Nelson confirmed it, telling Gregory,"You have already met her." 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw something looming over Santiago.  "When you cannot change people, leave them alone," Nelson urged.  Nelson knew that Santiago would be the one to get hurt, by not expressing his feelings directly to his daughter.  "If you continue to worry, you will get sick," Nelson explained, and the conversation changed to Spanish.  "She is a door for negative spirits to enter," Nelson cautioned, and he told Santiago that ever since he walked into the house today, Nelson has seen an image of him suffering a heart attack with paramedics all around him.  Nelson has also sensed that Santiago is willing to let the spirit world take him before allowing them to touch his daughter (and Santiago agreed).  "He is too good of a Dad," Astrid sighed.  Nelson received some specific instructions from the spirit world that involved a rolled up hand towel.  Gloria was instructed to stand in front of Santiago, while Nelson rolled the hand towel up and down Santiago's back - occasionally tapping him lightly with it.  As everyone returned to their seats, Gloria said, "We can only do so much, the decision to stop is yours."  A spirit passed into Nelson and spoke in Spanish.  The spirit told Astrid that he talked to Santiago every day, as he has many "secrets" to share with him.  Although this spirit confessed that he was tired and sick, he spoke very rapidly.  He described a "senora muy buena" arriving, and the spirit told Santiago that he will go away with her.  The mediums suspected that this entity was Santiago's mother, as she referred to Santiago as "head strong" and stubborn.
Spirit 5 (via Astrid):  Another Spanish speaking spirit arrived, and she was an aunt of Gloria and Santiago.  This spirit was also worried about Santiago's determination to have his own way, regardless of how reckless it might prove to be to his own health.  She lingered only briefly, calling Santiago "hard headed" but saying that he never complained and he always had a smile.
Spirit 6 (via Gloria and Jackie):  Gloria envisioned Gregory's paternal grandfather around him.  Jackie also saw Gregory sitting in a park at age 15 or 16 with a little girl (age 10-12).  "I have to go," Gregory told her, and the young girl began to cry.  Both Gloria and Jackie sensed that this girl may have already reincarnated as the girl they saw around Gregory earlier.  Jackie told him to anticipate being "grabbed by her energy."
Jackie also asked Jeff if the craziness with his mother and sister had stopped, but Jeff had not spoken to them or heard anything.  Gloria heard the name "Normita" for Nelson (she is his cousin), and Astrid was shown a man around Normita and the rest of her family who views them as not believing enough in themselves.  Astrid felt that this man was building up energy - like a storm - and she wondered, "Who could this be?"  Nelson thought it might be the deceased father of Luis, the husband of Nelson's sister.  Nelson also understood that he was the spirit around his sister.  Gloria realized that when Nelson's uncle died (also named Luis), he left "everyone blank" in the family.  Gloria described it as everyone running and nobody caring, while Gregory compared the situation to a flock of confused wandering sheep that have lost their shepherd.  Nelson believed that his uncle Luis had not yet realized that he had passed, and he heard him as he was expressing regret, saying, "The biggest mistake was having the spiritualist center in my house."  Gloria understood that it would take more time for him to realize that things are not the same in the spirit world as in the material world. 
Jackie closed with a prayer. 

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