Saturday, April 16, 2016

Chicago - October 19, 2014

In attendance: Denise, Jeff, Marisol, Mia and Nelson 
Prior to opening the session, an extra chair at the table was removed.  There was a general sense that an uninvited spirit wanted to occupy that seat.  Nelson had a conversation before the session with Marisol about her husband and the classes he was taking to become an attorney.  After the opening prayer, Nelson asked Marisol if there was a male figure in her husband's family who was hoping for failure in regards to the classes, or just wishing ill will towards Marisol's family.  After some discussion, it was determined that this figure was an uncle on Marisol's side of the family.  She described him as "wanting what he wants, and how he wants it."  Marisol believed that he thought she was abandoning him.  Nelson saw him seated in a corner of his apartment, dressed entirely in black.  His hands were on his lap, with an open palm on one leg and a clenched fist on the other.  He was using the open hand to rhythmically hit his leg, saying, "She is going to do what I want, she is going to do what I want," over and over.  There were deformed spirits around him, and Marisol's uncle believed that these spirits gave him power and that they would answer his requests.  Nelson's spirit guide wanted to take Nelson to the apartment to remove these spirits. 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  A spirit arrived, and he was unable to control his laughter. He laughed loudly without stopping, like a deranged villain in a cartoon.  Speaking in Spanish, the spirit was wheezing with laughter as he said, "Me rio, me rio," (I laugh, I laugh) several times.  After listening to the requests of this spirit in Spanish, Marisol told him that she could not do what he wanted.  The conversation reverted back to English:
Spirit: Why do you want me to be here?
Marisol: You are not doing the right things - because you are in a world that you should not be in.
Spirit (rocking back and forth in his seat): It's when we want, how we want it, and where we want.  And now this guy (the spirit guide with him) tells me the game is over and it's time to go?
Marisol: Yes, that is correct. 
Spirit: Protect yourself.  You better protect yourself...
Marisol: God will protect me and God will protect you.
Spirit: We are a large group.  We are 19 little devils.  (The spirit gestured as if he were jabbing an imaginary pitchfork at the table)
Denise: Aren't you tired of doing so much harm?
Spirit:  No, no, no.  No!  (He continued to jab his pitchfork)  We are not happy.  We don't know anything about happiness.
Denise: It's time for the light...
Spirit: All we know is darkness.  (The spirit threw down his pitchfork)  I'm leaving this here.
Denise: That's good, thank you.
Spirit (referring to the spirit guide with him): He looks like a good man.  I think I will go with him.  They are giving us water to drink.  That's the taste we needed.
As the spirit prepared to leave, he warned Marisol again to protect herself.  After the departure of the spirit, Nelson felt a tremendous pain in his head, as if it might explode.  Nelson realized that this tension came from Marisol's uncle, who was bitter and angry.  The house he was living in was going to be sold, but Nelson knew that this transaction would never happen until the space was cleansed.  Nelson offered to help Marisol with the cleansing.
Nelson's cousin in Puerto Rico had contacted him earlier about wanting to open a spiritual center in Puerto Rico.  She asked if our group could mention her request at the table.  (Note: for many years, Nelson's uncle Luis, the father of Normita, was the director of a spiritual center that met in his home.  Normita was now living in this house, and the spiritual center would be meeting there again, as the three daughters of Luis hoped to continue his legacy.)
Spirit 2 (via Marisol):  A spirit had arrived, and he appeared to be connected to Nelson's family.  After a while, Nelson realized it was the spirit of his Uncle Luis.  This spirit had been asleep on the spiritual side for over five years after his transition.  Nelson had often wondered why the transition for Luis was lengthy and difficult.  Marisol felt that Nelson's uncle was not ready to accept his passing when it occurred.  Marisol experienced a very strong pressure on her chest, and it was very difficult for her to breathe.  As she tried to catch her breath, Marisol understood that the uncle was, "So not ready to go."  Whenever the spirits woke him up, Luis was too distraught and distracted to listen, so they would put him back to sleep. 
He was ready to listen now, as he passed into Marisol and spoke in Spanish:  "Necesito, necesito (I need, I need) to know what happened."  The spirit did not know where he was, and he did not understand that he had died.  He was sobbing uncontrollably, and Nelson stood up to stand closer to him.  Nelson advised his uncle to look around.  The spirits of Don Polo (a longtime mentor) and Luis' mother (Nelson's grandmother) were with him, offering their help.  Luis was still upset.  He said that his work in the material world was not finished, and he was confused over having to leave it and his family behind.  Nelson told him that his work on earth was not in vain, and he encouraged Luis to look towards the light.  Luis was astounded to see that he no longer had a body.  He looked around, wondering where it had gone.  He then asked, "Where am I?" and Nelson explained that he was safe, in Nelson's house in Chicago.   The uncle relaxed.  He could breathe again, but he was still confused: "No body?  But I'm awake?"  Nelson explained that Don Polo and his mother would show him where to go and what to do next.  Luis had another concern, and he began to sob again, as he asked about his wife (using a nickname of "Negra").  Nelson promised that he would eventually see his wife, but not right now.  Luis slowly began to trust his guides.  Before departing with them, he wanted Nelson to know that he was happy with Nelson's choice of a spiritual path.  Luis had realized he was lost, and he now understood that he would be shown where to go.  As he left he exclaimed several times, "Que lindo, que lindo..." (How beautiful, how beautiful).
Nelson sensed a spirit for Mia.  He envisioned a previous life where Mia was a gypsy, and Marisol agreed.  Mia wore a metallic gold veil over her nose and mouth, with noisy gold coins hanging from the back clasp.  She loved the noise.  Nelson said that Mia disliked men in her current reincarnation because of the abuse she suffered from them in this past life.  She needed the money, so she slept with men, but she always felt dirty.  "Don't touch me," Nelson heard her saying, "it makes me sick."  Nelson understood that Mia killed two men in her previous life, stabbing them both, and cutting off the penis of one man.  These actions empowered her. 
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Mia had a daughter in this past life.  She tried to protect her daughter from the lifestyle she led.  The spirit of the daughter was very sad.  She hoped to be with Mia in her current reincarnation and she had realized that this would not be possible now.  The daughter had been waiting and waiting, and now it was too late for her to be born as a baby for Mia.  The daughter still hoped to help Mia with her current life.  She wanted to remove some of the anger, so that Mia could be happier.  "Be okay with it," she advised, "I never had a mom better than her - she gave me everything."  The spirit of the daughter was very emotional, and she was wearing the metallic veil that Mia had left her in the previous life.  Referring to Mia in this life, the spirit said, "She still likes to wear things that make noises."  The daughter explained that she was often the one manipulating the jewelry to make the unexplained noises, just to please Mia. Nelson understood that the noise of the jewelry in Mia's former life was used as a signal for the daughter to hide.   Mia had created a comfortable, concealed "bunker" outside of the wagon where they both lived for her daughter to hide in.  It was an extended space with flowerpots in front of the entrance, so that it could not be distinguished from the outside.  The daughter had been silently waiting in her hidden space until today:
Spirit (crying): No more.  Mama...mama? I found you, I can talk to you?  I don't have to be quiet?
Mia: Yes, it's OK now.
Spirit: Mom, mama.  I have been looking for so long.  They told me I could talk to you today.  (gesturing at the metallic veil)  Look, I still have it.  (moving her arm to make noises with a bracelet)  Do you hear?  You look different, but not much.  Your hair is the same, and the same color.  Oh mama...
Marisol: Listen to the kind spirits around you now.  They are there to help.
Spirit (to Mia): I wanted to thank you for protecting me.  (rocking back and forth in her seat)  I don't trust men, they are evil.  They don't love us, they use us.  But it's time for me to tell you, like you once told me.  Let go, mama.  I don't want you to be a prisoner of yourself, like I was for so long.  I want us to be happy again.  There are others with me.  Two men and one lady.  I am going to go with them now.  I am taking the noise with me.  I love you mama.  Until the next time...
Denise sensed the name "Esmeralda" (possibly for the daughter or for Mia in her prior life), and Nelson understood that the setting for this previous existence was in a Hungarian forest.  Mia had led a double life, using her gold chain veil to disguise herself whenever she was with her daughter.  The two men that Mia had killed were crimes she committed in self-defense.  In the first circumstance, Mia had finished what she was paid to do, but one of the men wanted more.  Mia stabbed him.  The other man was also a client, and he was the father of the daughter who sat at our table.  He wanted a younger version of Mia, and he was about to discover the hiding spot containing his daughter.  Mia stabbed him when she realized that he was prepared to abuse his own daughter.  Mia severed his penis, and she kept it in a glass jar.  Nelson's spirit guide appeared to tell the table not to be embarrassed.  The father of this daughter needed to know what he had done before the spirits could remove him.  He was in very bad shape, but he might return another time to sit at our table. 
Spirit 4 (via Marisol):  There was a message for Nelson's family in Puerto Rico regarding the new spiritual center:  "They know what they have to do in their hearts.  What are they so afraid of?  For guidance, look inside yourselves.  Don't be afraid.  Get the messages for yourself first, and let it gel.  Then the messages for others will come.  Be confident in yourselves and in God."
Mia explained that earlier in the session, she felt numb, as if she was in a trance.  Marisol thought it might be the start of her mediumship abilities, and Nelson told her that what she experienced was not uncommon.  Nelson also told Mia that the "process is often longer than we want, so don't get discouraged."   Denise told the group that she had read the "Law of Love" in the gospel before the session, and she noted the connection between what she had read earlier and the spirits who had visited our table. 
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Nelson): Nelson asked Marisol about a medium in Puerto Rico (a cousin of Marisol's).  He sensed that this person, "had her mind on the wrong things, even though her heart was on the right things."  The conversation was mostly in Spanish, with Nelson describing the cousin as "disconnected."  Her mediumship was suffering, as she was "only doing the work she felt comfortable with."  Nelson advised Marisol to speak with her, as she needed to "wake up" after metaphorically being asleep for so long.  The table discussed the concept of "waking up before it was too late," understanding that this caution was offered as an attempt to help the cousin, not as a threat.  She was holding back the progress of many things, and the gates needed to be opened.  The spirit world wanted Marisol to know that the conversation with her cousin would be difficult: "She won't like the message, but we need to use the messenger we have."
The spirit of a professor (not Nelson's spirit guide and not Don Polo) was present, and he wanted to say a few words.  "How beautiful it is when we take ourselves from the material world into the spiritual realm," he told the group.  "This is not to make anyone seem that they are better, it's only the truth.  Always question, always observe.  Not everything that shines is gold.  Only the love of God is pure, it shines.  If you follow humans, you may find yourself in misery for eons."
As the professor departed, Nelson's spirit guide arrived.  Referring to Nelson he said, "He questioned me, and I told him I have to sit."  He wanted Marisol to know that things were going to be fine within her family, as the spirits were moving and repositioning obstacles, in an effort to accomplish what needed to be done.  Marisol was advised to tell her husband to learn to have, "an ounce of faith.  He will be able to obtain what he wants, he just needs that ounce of faith."
Jeff was advised to relieve some of his stress by "stop over-thinking things."  The conclusions are always the same, so stop rethinking.  When things bother him, Jeff should seek a different venue or another group of friends.  Jeff was told that there were "things attached to him that are not good.  Stop it."  In regards to Nelson's nephew (Gabe), Jeff was instructed: "It's nice to help him, but don't overprotect him.  Be careful with your responses.  Sometimes a 100% commitment is more than we think.  The intentions are good, the results are not what we are looking for.  You do not always belong in his (Gabe's) environment.  Offer a hand, nothing more."  There was one more recommendation for Jeff:  "There are some events coming related to your mother.  Just smile, say nothing.  Not one word."
Nelson's guide asked if anyone at the table had any questions.  Mia wanted to ask about someone who was sick.  Nelson's spirit guide gestured near his heart.  He recommended that Mia read the prayer for the sick, and if this person was still sick seven days in a row, she should mention him again in our next session.  "Every soul is a spirit or friend," Nelson's guide said, "so tell him to be at peace with himself."  Addressing the table, he added, "Accept the path you have selected in your life."
Denise hoped her mother could be less frustrated.  "What is your question about her?", Nelson's guide asked gently, and Denise wondered if her mother's condition would improve.  "She needs to learn to love herself," Caballito (Nelson's guide) said, "and then we will help her from that point."  To illustrate his concept, Nelson's guide asked Marisol about her son:  "How is he?  Is every day here is a day of happiness for both of you?"  Marisol said it was, and the spirit guide explained, "Yes...that's love.  An example of real love.  Take time to look deep inside and see who we really are.  Learn to love who you are.  Take two minutes.  Is that asking too much?  Take two minutes, look into your heart, even if you don't like what you see.  Everything starts and ends with love.  Everything done with love fulfills your life."
After his spirit guide faded into the background, Nelson closed with a prayer. 

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Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...