Saturday, April 2, 2016

Florida - June 15, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, and Santiago 
For the educational potion of the reunion, the group continued a discussion from the previous session, regarding transmigration (to pass at death from one body or being into another).  Jackie read a passage from The Book of Mediums related to the topic and the group offered their opinions and observations. 
(Note: See the next post for more on transmigration)
At the table, paragraphs from the gospel were read aloud.  The group discussed each passage.  It was determined that questions for the mediums (and other participants seated at the table) would always be present, and they should be expected.  We frequently have spirits watching and learning from our interactions at the table, and just like these visitors, we are still questioning and growing from what we learn and share.  The group also discussed "speaking in tongues". Jackie explained that the affluent members of the church often knew languages (such as Latin) that were alien to the general congregation. 
Spirit 1 (via Gloria):  As the group was discussing Jeff's recent trip to Puerto Rico, Gloria was interrupted mid-sentence by a male spirit who quickly jumped into her body. 
Spirit (looking directly at Jeff):  You are the drama in Puerto Rico.  There isn't any need for you to be there, I do not need anyone. 
After conversations with Jeff, Santiago, Astrid and Jackie, it was eventually determined that in a previous life, Jeff left this spirit behind, and the spirit has been hunting him down ever since.  He encouraged Jeff to separate from Nelson, as the spirit believed that his presence was all that Jeff ever needed. 
Jackie: All of that happened in another place and time.
Jeff: I no  longer need what ever you are offering me. 
Spirit: Happy times, those were happy times! 
Jackie: What did you do when he left you? 
Spirit (long pause): I finished the whole thing.
The spirit said he felt sick to his stomach, and the group understood that this spirit poisoned himself in a past existence.  The spirit of another man arrived, asking the spirit to go with him (it was later realized to be a former roommate of Jeff from this current life).  The first spirit recognized this second spirit as another friend of Jeff's.  After a lengthy goodbye, the first spirit left with him, promising Jeff that if he ever needed him, all he had to do was call and this spirit would return.
Astrid and Gloria asked about the health of Nelson's father.  They both foresaw a potential issue with his heart.  Astrid also saw Nelson's mom as "regressing, not progressing" with her health.  Gloria thought that a nighttime phone call might be coming.
Spirit 2 (via Jackie):  Jackie saw Edgar standing off to the side, hoping for the opportunity to speak with Gloria privately.  He said she was always busy, and he asked her to pick a day and a time, and he would be there with her.  Gloria agreed.  Jackie explained that she used to be the treasurer for a spirit center, and when he was alive, Edgar would often visit Jackie to drop off receipts, and then he would visit Gloria for more conversation.  It seemed as if he wanted to continue this arrangement from the spiritual side.
Spirit 3 (via Astrid):  Astrid saw a woman dressed in robes, leading a group of women like a shepherd might lead sheep.  The women were arrayed in brightly colored robes, trimmed with beads, as one might see in India.  They understood the earlier conversations regarding the dynamics of families, and they seemed to be nodding in agreement, realizing that family matters were never simple.
Spirit 4 (via Jackie):  There ws something in the corner, not human and not really well defined as male or female, and it was hugging Nelson, completely enveloping him.  As the hug ended, nothing was left of Nelson except for a scattering of bones.  The group discussed how tiring the demands from family can be, and decided that Nelson might tolerate some requests as they bring him peace (such as caring for his mom now, because she used to care for him as a child).
Spirit 5 (via Gloria):  Gloria saw a nice, good looking older man in a uniform standing next to Astrid.  His uniform changed from white to blue, and Gloria recognized him as the captain of a ship.  He was welcoming Astrid aboard.  Astrid thought that this vision might be related to a Panama cruise that she and Santiago were planning in September. 
Spirit 6 (via Jackie):  Jackie asked Gloria if she had a sister (she had three, and one of them died very young).  It was the young one that Jackie was seeing.  She was sitting side by side with Gloria's mom, holding her hand.  She was okay and she has been okay, so Jackie encouraged Gloria not to worry about her.  Gloria explained that her daughter has been working on a family tree, and this action may have resulted in the appearance of this spirit to reassure Gloria that things were fine.
Spirit 7 (via Gloria):  Gloria saw Jeff's mom and his sister, and she envisioned the word "Trouble" hovering over the image.  She advised Jeff to "leave it alone," and he agreed
Spirit 8 (via Jackie):  Jackie was shown an image of a professor spirit lightly tapping Santiago on the shoulder with a ruler.  He said, "Don't sit like a bump on a log, start reading!"  Jackie elaborated and told Santiago that he had, "things to learn."  The professor spirit was encouraging him to read or watch shows related to spiritualism.
Spirit 9 (via Jackie):  Jackie saw the spirit of a "Mrs. Perez" from New York standing in a corner of the room.  She hosted a central spiritualist reunion when she was alive in New York that Edgar attended.   She said that she has been going to different groups (all over), and she found it interesting to see how the various groups wre working.  "Everybody works differently", she explained, "and they all have their own purpose."  When Edgar was living, he shared how this central group in New York functioned - with many mediums.  Both Jackie and Gloria described it as the "old way" (which was not a negative way, it was just that the "old ways" were not necessarily the new ways that we might need now).  This spirit reminded us that we all have our own duties and responsibilities to tend to - as a way to make up for our "prior messes from our past lives."  Jackie explained that when Mrs. Perez conducted her sessions, she was very strict.  Although she believed it was the correct structure for that time, Mrs. Perez now understood that it might not be as appropriate now.  The spirit cautioned the group to be more responsible, so that we can avoid being taken back to the starting point, and urged everyone to, "continue to go with what is happening now".
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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