Saturday, April 16, 2016

Chicago - November 30, 2014

(Note: I am not the only one taking notes at the Chicago sessions!  Denise took these notes...)

This weeks meeting was short but very productive.  It appears that Lazario may be a medium that needs development.  See notes below:
Attendees:  Sonia, Maritza, Juanita, Carmen, Denise
Guests:  Lazario, Juan, Marcela, Bernardo
Present in spirit: Nelson, Jeff, Marisol
Sonia began the session by welcoming everyone to the Temple
Carmen: Thank you for opening the door or us to work
Sonia: There is a spirit here that appears like a Mother Theresa type...
Carmen began by asking Lazario how he is feeling now.  He responded that he feels like he has gained and not lost since his mom died
Carmen to Juanita: He (Cando) lives in our hearts – looked for a temple – died before finding a new one
Maricela: I feel he is still with us and guiding us.
Carmen and Juanita then began speaking a prayer spontaneously
Sonia related that the White Brotherhood has united but there are also feelings of confusion, negative energy and dizzy
Maricela: I feel some pain and dizziness
Mia began reading the Oraciones de Aflicciones
Spirit #1 (through Sonia):  The spirit was brought with Maricela and began crying and asking for help.  She further reiterated that she had to come to our group for help to progress.  She also stated that she was in good hands and thanked us for our help.
Carmen to Lazario: The spirit who is with you is hiding.
Lazario knows when he is around because he has been made to feel like he was going to die but knew that these feelings were not his.  He also states that he prays for him.
Spirit #2 (through Carmen): You brought me here with you.  I was lied to and tricked into coming here because this place is new to me.
Lazario related to the spirit that he knows that he has someone who helps him, he also offered light, understanding and urged the spirit to take advantage of the opportunity that has presented itself to him.  The spirit told Lazario for him to take care of himself, that he fell for the trick but others would not.  He urged Lazario to leave the fear behind for his benefit.  "You love your family, you have to work, to help your family.  Open your eyes, your strong as long as God is with you."  As the spirit left he asked for forgiveness
After further discussion with Lazario, it was revealed that he is a medium who needs to be developed but generally doesn’t feel the spirits during normal sessions but he does feel them when he is alone.  They attempt to sit through him but are not being allowed.  Mia was asked to read the Oracion para las enfermos.  This prayer was said for Mariana who is not feeling well but is refuses to go to the doctor or the hospital to get checked.  A healing was performed on Juanita by Denise

Closing prayer

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