Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Chicago - December 7, 2014

(Note: These notes were authored by Denise)

Attendees:  Sonia, Mia, Marisol, Carmen, Denise, Gabriel
Guests:  Bernardo 
Present in spirit: Nelson, Jeff
Before the session began, Carmen invited Gabriel to sit at the table and noted that a spirit came in with him that was curious, laughs and very content/happy that he is learning.

Opening Prayer
Gabriel was asked if he had any questions and we began discussing and answering some of the questions that he had.  Part of the discussion included that visions can come in dreams and I related a dream that upset me at the beginning of the week after not being able to sleep well for the previous two weeks.  It had seemed to me that there was a spirit behind this restlessness and the dream that I had.  Here is what I remember of the dream.  I was sitting in a room somewhere (think at the temple) with Sonia, Mia and Marisol and others (I don’t remember who else) when someone was trying to convince me that I was Mary reincarnated.  It was at this point that I woke up very upset that they would use Mary in such a way.  I began to pray and was able to sleep a little bit more.

After this brief discussion, the session began by Marisol asking me if I had ever thought about becoming a nun.  I did relate that when I was younger I had played around with the idea but decided not too but also that recently I’ve been feeling like I was living my life like a nun. Marisol was studying a spirit that I brought in with me that was dressed as a Nun.  Sonia confirmed that she had seen this same spirit when I had related the dream to her before the others had arrived.  Marisol said that this spirit indeed loved me and that I had been a Nun in a previous life.  It was at this point that Marisol decided to speak directly to the spirit instead of letting her sit.  She told her that she needed to elevate herself and remove the outfit (habit) because she no longer needed it.  

Carmen began reading the Oracion para los Enfermos for Isabel, Juanita, and Acha.

Spirit #1 (through Marisol): Despite speaking to the spirit earlier, the Nun had difficulty understanding why she needed to leave. 
Spirit: We were sisters together and took a blood oath that no man would touch us.  We were nuns together in a previous life.  I attempted to explain to her why she needed to move on and with Mia’s help was able to get her to understand that she needed to go with those others that were there to help her.  She asked for forgiveness and departed.
Marisol then asked Mia if she gives out her dreams/messages to those that they pertain to.  Mia related that she does indeed give them out but many times they are not understood or ignored altogether.  It is not until much later that the person realizes that her vision was correct.  Marisol asked us to remind her about studying and education and to give Mia passes.

We now turn our attention to Gabriel.  Marisol told him that she sees him thinking about his next step, that you want to make a decision but that there is doubt and would like for someone to simply tell you the steps but then if that happens how will you learn.
Advice: When in doubt, stop. Don’t let anyone pressure you to make a decision, Your mom wants you in PR and has pressured you to go back and live with her. Marisol sees Gabriel with a Masters’ degree in the field of Math. Carmen stated that a spirit that came with Gabriel is crying and saying “Leave my boy alone."

Spirit #2 (through Marisol):  This spirit is encouraging Gabriel not to stay with these people (our group) and were friends in another existence “He’s my friend."  They partied together and were separated because of a woman.  This spirit doesn’t want you to succeed professionally and personally and gave step by step directions. After much discussion with the spirit he finally admitted that he was to blame and that there was someone calling him and was a good person – Gabe forgave him and the spirit asked for forgiveness.

Denise is to give passes to Gabriel and Bernardo

Marisol asked Mia how she feels when a spirit approaches; she related that she feels electricity and that her heart wants to leave her body.  She asks her guide who they are and was directed to ask the spirit directly.  Marisol also gave Mia advice on how to begin letting those spirits sit.

After giving Gabe and Bernardo passes I was able to relate the following:
    For Gabe: There was a man in a red cloak standing in front of Gabe as I began giving the pass but that I couldn’t see a face as I moved to the right another figure in a green cloak appeared opposite.
    For Bernardo: I saw someone baking and an oven.

Marisol gave Mia passes
During the time that the passes were being given: Jesucristo se ha perdido prayer was recited.  I reminded Marisol about the studying and education: we were told that we need to study any message that we receive “Does it make sense, benefit or do harm” there are some messages that can be received by a low spirit.

Closing prayer

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