Friday, April 8, 2016

Florida - June 23, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Gregory, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
The group discussed the preparation involved within the spirit world for our reunions.  If we think that our schedules require occasional adjustments to ensure that we can attend, we must also understand all of the spiritual planning that is required.  Astrid reminded the group to "not do any harm," and Nelson added that we should try to remain humble.  Gloria stated that all of us (material and spiritual) are learning, at what often might seem to be different levels, but in reality we are occasionally learning at the same levels.
Spirit 1 (via Jackie):  At the table, Jackie was shown a woman placing tablets near everyone with writing on them.  As the group talked, Jackie realized that the writing on the individual tablets was related to the agenda that we promised to accomplish when we arrived in the material world this time.
Astrid saw a very tall Egyptian banner that was displayed in Jeff and Nelson's previous house, and now it is being displayed in this house.  Gloria wondered if any of the group members knew someone named "Joseph," but the group could not think of a connection to that name.  A spirit kept mentioning this name in Spanish to Gloria.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  There was a spirit present who hoped to harm Santiago in order to remove him from a situation.  This spirit was very angry and he was somehow related to Astrid and Santiago's daughter.  In regards to the daughter, the spirit said, "She thinks she knows it all, but she does not know anything."  Nelson said this spirit was obsessed with the daughter, and he often took control over her behavior and actions, to the point where she felt she had no control over her own life.  This spirit wanted to remove Santiago from his daughter's life, believing that if this happened, the spirit would be free to persuade her to kill herself (in the form of a suicide).  Nelson heard this spirit encouraging the daughter to ride a bike, (so she would fall or become injured in a collision with an oncoming car).  The spirit wanted her to do this because he believed it was what she wanted.
With help from the group, the spirit eventually saw himself for what he was - a negative influence on the daughter, not someone who was ultimately trying to help her.  He explained to the group that the daughter only respected and listened to Santiago.  As proof, he offered Santiago a box of guarded secrets that the spirit shares with the daughter.  He cautioned Santiago to "be careful when you open them..."  The spirit slowly became more emotional and drained of energy as he realized that his actions will never have the effect he hoped.  He encouraged Santiago to speak directly with his daughter.  "She needs to understand that she is alive," the spirit said.  Nelson saw her in a dark tunnel (which was one of the "secrets").  As the spirit faded away, he urged Santiago not to give up. 
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): A spirit arrived to cleanse Nelson and he hoped to speak to our group.  He seemed to be Nelson's main spirit guide at first, but then the table realized that he was another guide also related to Nelson.  "Don't give up on her," he softly but firmly stated, in regards to Santiago's daughter. "She is trying again to do in this life what she did in he last life - cut her life short.  We need to stop her from repeating this harmful behavior."  Gloria reminded everyone that the daughter was involved in many good things and Astrid added that she had a very active social life.  "Those are all material things," the spirit softly replied, "She needs to find a spiritual side in order to love herself."  This spirit urged Santiago to "wake up" his daughter (spiritually).  Gloria thought there was hope for an even better life, and she agreed that the daughter would listen to Santiago without any resentment.
Spirits 4 and 5 (via Astrid and Nelson):  A spirit helped Nelson realizes that Gregory often expected things to go a certain way, and he became frustrated when it did not occur.  If he was not happy with his current status quo, there wasn't much he could do - except wait for another opportunity.  His frustration made it difficult to open his heart to what else might be out there for him.  This spirit encouraged Gregory to keep looking for another job, and he stated that someone near him in his current position would be able to help.  Nelson cautioned to be careful with what Gregory said, as this person was someone very unexpected.  Learning and growth occur on a curve, it's never a straight ascent in any direction.  Jackie and Nelson both asked Gregory to shut off his phone sometime - and just listen.  Silence helps to unblock any potential messages that are usually more important than any cell phone activity.  Gloria added that sometimes people may not be what they seem, and Nelson was shown the same message - and he said it was somehow related to Gregory's mom.
There was a spirit standing in the middle, directly between Gregory and his mother.  Because of this spirit, any communication from one person was never heard by the other person.  They could not clearly hear one another, and Nelson described it as very similar to children trying to hear one another using two tin cans and a string.  The spirit moves into Astrid to speak:
Spirit (about Gregory's mother): She is scared to death, but at the same time, she seems to like it.  What is wrong with her is named fear.  I often smoke next to her (the paternal spirit was male) and she notices the fumes.  They have a way of comforting her. 
Another spirit moved into Nelson, and things got a little confusing.  Gloria counseled the spirit with Astrid and Jackie spoke to the one with Nelson.  While Astrid's spirit was male, Nelson's spirit was female.
Gloria has also smelled smoke in her daughter's house, and she questioned the spirit with Astrid regarding the smell of smoke: 
Astrid: She notices me when I smoke.  She is mine.
Gloria: Why do you think that?
Astrid: I am always with her...
Nelson: I am supposed to marry her son (Gregory), that's why I am dressed in a bridal gown.
Jackie: You are confused.  Look at the body you are in...
Nelson: Why am I talking with this voice?  In this body?  I am a petite woman, do you want me to show you?
Jackie: Think about why you are here...
Astrid: I am the real father, I have been with her forever and I will continue to be with her.
Gloria: You need to go with the good spirits who brought you and learn...
Astrid: I want her to myself, as I am the only one who knows what she needs.  I removed her first husband...
Gloria: Let her decide what she needs, it is not up to you.  You are thinking of an earlier life...
Nelson:  Look at these flowers.  Do you see my bouquet?  I was in a taxi, on my way to the church, ready to marry him...
Jackie: I see your flowers.  What happened in the taxi?
Nelson:  I never arrived, and I was never able to say goodbye to my groom
Jackie: Look at Gregory.  Is that man your groom?
Nelson: No, that is not him.  He is too big, my groom was thin and petite like me.
Astrid: My male presence gives his mother comfort, and she has peace...
Gloria: Look at what is happening, you are not bringing her peace, you are giving her fear.  You are no longer in the same world as she is...
Astrid: I am not?  Where am I?
Gloria: Look around you...
After much persuasion, the spirit sitting with Astrid was taken away by the spirit of Gloria's husband (the father).  The bridal spirit with Nelson also agreed to leave, but she insisted on taking her floral bouquet along with her.
Spirit 6 (via Jackie):  A spirit chuckled and said, "Now you see what we can do..." (referring to the two interrelated spirits sitting at the same time).  We may think that we have some magic (or everyday ordinary miracles) in our world, but it is nothing compared to what exists on the spirit side. 
The group debriefed what happened (as Gloria and Astrid did not hear the conversation between Jackie and Nelson and vice-versa).  It was ironic that when these two spirits arrived to explain the lapse in communication between a son and his mother, they created the exact same inability to hear direct conversations within our small group.  We questioned why there were not spiritual centers on every corner in our world to help ease the need for spirits and humans to communicate and understand each other better.  This led to a discussion regarding our obligations, responsibilities and the hard work required (from both sides) for all successful spiritual communication.
Spirit 7 (via Gloria):  A spirit arrived, and he was mad at Jackie's sister.  It was her departed husband, Mel.  He said her upcoming move and new relationship with another man was a betrayal to him.  He warned, "Tell her that she is leaving everything I gave her and now she is going out with someone else - and she is not going to be happy!"  Jackie shared that Mel was difficult to reason with when he was in the material world, but she will try to speak with him spiritually (and also materially with her sister).
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  A spirit wanted Jeff to imagine his mother's surprise at seeing him seated at a spiritual table.  Jeff had been feeling guilty about his lack of contact with his mother, and this spirit assured him that he has grown, while she has not.  The spirit stated that one day, Jeff's mom will need his help (possibly in a spiritual context), and he will be able to help her at that time.  Both Gloria and Nelson realized that while she sleeps, the spirits are taking Jeff's mom to see him, so she knows that he is fine.

Jackie closed with a prayer.

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