Thursday, April 28, 2016

Misconceptions About Spiritism

Why are we so eager to believe what others tell us without checking out the facts for ourselves? Here are the answers to help clarify the questions, doubts, and misconceptions you may have heard about Spiritism. 

1) Is Spiritism part of the occult?

The dictionary defines occult:
Hidden and difficult to see; "an occult fracture";
Having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding; "mysterious symbols"; "the mystical style of Blake"; "occult lore"; "the secret learning of the ancients".

Those who do not understand Spiritism often claim that is part of the occult. This has always been untrue. By its very nature, Spiritism works to clarify and explain spirit related phenomena, spirit evolution and the divine laws that govern the universe to anyone who wishes to learn. So in no way is it mysterious, hidden, beyond ordinary understanding, or counter intuitive.

2) Is Spiritism pagan?

The dictionary defines Paganism as:
Not acknowledging the God of Christianity and Judaism and Islam.

The very first answer given by the spirit teachers as part of the Spiritist Codification defines and acknowledges the existence of one true God. Spiritism also goes on to acknowledge the inherent truths found not just in the three major western religions, but the sparks of truth that can be found in all religions.

3) Is Spiritism all about telling the future?

On the subjects of fortune telling and/or predictions Spiritism is very clear that such things are impossible. Anyone possessing such knowledge would imply that this person has a quality only supposedly possessed by God - and this would also imply that we do not truly possess the gift of freedom of choice (free will).

What Spiritism does clarify is that evolved spirits who understand the details of divine laws, can look at a person's life, motivations and past decisions and make an educated guess as to the consequences of such choices on a person's future. But this is in no way predicts the future, just as having a financial planner tell you the best way to retire at 40 is no assurance that it will actually happen.

It is also important to note that even if an evolved spirit makes an educated guess on the future events of a certain person, this ability to communicate a possible occurrence is limited by the Law of Cause and Effect. In other words, we may need to endure this future event without any forewarning, or we may use our own free will to choose another path that avoids it completely or partially.

4) Is Spiritism a religion?

Religion is defined as:
A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship. The life or condition of a person in a religious order. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

This question was answered best when Kardec said:
Spiritism is a philosophical doctrine with religion effects, as is any spiritualist philosophy, because it inevitably reaches to the roots of all religions: God, soul, and future life. But it is not a constituted religion, since it has no services, no rituals, no temples, and no one among its adherents received the title of priest or high priest. 

Spiritism has none of the ceremonies or rituals of religion. There are no marriage ceremonies, offerings, or symbols to worship.

5) So is Spiritism about demon/spirit worship?

It is a mistaken belief that Spiritism is a pagan religion and occult related - which has led to the belief that Spiritism is demon worship.

Spiritism clearly explains that a 'demon' is just a another person (now in a spirit form or disincarnated) who has become trapped in a cycle of violence, cruelty, ignorance and hate. In no way would such a person be worshiped. These individuals must be prayed for, so God will help inspire them to seek the path of progress.

6) Is Spiritism just another pseudo religious scam?

A scam implies that money was taken and nothing was given in return. Spiritism teaches that a Spiritist must NEVER profit from teachings or mediumship sessions. A Spiritist is not similar to a priest or pastor reliant on contributions to support themselves. Spiritists do their work for its own sake, not for personal any gain. 

7) Don't some Spiritists charge fees for card readings, good luck charms and other services?

A true Spiritist never profits from charity or dissemination of the Spirit teachings. Sadly, there is nothing to stop an unethical individual from using the title 'spiritist' to make money. God has given us all free will, and the ability to take whatever path we wish to take. It's important to note that eventually (in this life or in a future reincarnation), we must all face the consequences of our choices.

8) Is Spiritism all about ghosts?

Spiritism explains what 'ghosts' and related spirit manifestations are, but the focus is not about 'ghosts' or spirits. It's about God, the immortal spirit, reincarnation, divine laws, reasons for suffering, life's trials and the steps we must all take to evolve and reach our true potential. The subjects of spirits and mediumship are a small part of a much larger group of teachings.

9) Are Spiritists a branch of 'santerismo', or worshiping the dead?

"Santeria" is defined as:
An African-based religion similar to voodoo, originating in Cuba and Brazil, which combines the worship of traditional Yoruban deities with the worship of Roman Catholic saints.

Spiritism does not teach the worship of ancestors, ghosts, spirits or anyone other than God. Because many native or tribal religions worship 'spirits' or dead ancestors, to whom they attribute great powers, some have made the mistaken conclusion that Spiritism is somehow related to santerismo. It is in no way related.

Spiritism also explains why the animal sacrifices common in 'santeria' and other religious groups are not just misguided and unethical, but they have the opposite effect of what was intended.

10) So Spiritism teaches that all religions are false?

It's the opposite - Spiritism teaches us that all religions are valid. Each one is a distinct path to God, possessing many of the great truths that God has revealed to humanity through many missionaries (or prophets) during history.

11) Is Spiritism dangerous?

Spiritism is knowledge from the spirit teachers. And knowledge is not inherently dangerous. What is dangerous is ignorance. Ignorance comes from those who do not study Spiritism to gain wisdom, but to try and use it as a tool for personal gain. Under such circumstances, any knowledge can be dangerous. One should not blame the tool for acts of misuse; but rather those who have willingly misused the tool. In other words, a hammer is not dangerous - until someone utilizes it in an incorrect manner.

12) Is Spiritism about spirit possessions and exorcisms?

Spiritism explains there is no such occurrence. What happens is that an ignorant person chooses to succumb to an outside's influence. As for an exorcism, it is a Catholic religious ritual that is in no way related to Spiritism. The focus of Spiritism is not ghosts, it's about progressing in this life.

13) Can Spiritism be proven?

The first spirit teachings were revealed to the scientist and educator Allan Kardec in the 1850s-60s. Those revelations about nature continue to be proven by modern science. Concepts such as multi dimensions, evolution, plurality of worlds and electromagnetic waves are just a few of the ones first revealed in Spiritism and confirmed by human science.

Since Kardec, thousands of books of Spirit teachings have been written on every scientific subject imaginable. The conclusions of the scientific knowledge presented by the Spirit teachers have been recognized and validated. The now common use of past life regressions, and the use of alternative, faith related healing methods all have their origins in spirit teachings.

14) If Spiritism is a science, is it similar to Christian Science, Scientology or Intelligent design?

Christian Science is:
1: Protestant denomination founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1866
2: Religious system based on teachings of Mary Baker Eddy emphasizing spiritual healing

Intelligent design is:
A theory that nature and complex biological structures were designed by intelligent beings and were not created by chance. Intelligent design refers to the theory that intelligent causes are responsible for the origin of the universe and of life in all its diversity.

Scientology is:
A belief system developed by L. Ron Hubbard, based on a person being an immortal spiritual being whose survival depends on him/herself and his/her attainment of brotherhood with others and the universe. 

Spiritism is not a church nor a religion, and it is not related to Mary Baker Eddy’s Christian Science. Spiritism is based on the reality of the immortality of the soul, but other than that, Spiritism has no connection to the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard. As for Intelligent Design, as much as it sounds scientific, this theory is actually an offshoot of Christian creationism. It's also completely unrelated to Spiritism.

As for the first part of the question yes, Spiritism does have a scientific aspect.

15) Are all Spiritists mediums?

According to the teachings received by Allan Kardec from the Spirits, everyone is a medium. The difference is that some people have what is called ostensive mediumship.

Being a Spiritist and being a medium are two separate concepts. A Spiritist is a person who believes in certain ideas, lives a certain way, and understands God's divine laws and love. A Spiritist does not need to be a medium to be a Spiritist.

Mediumship is the ability to communicate with spirits. Any person - ignorant or good - may have this gift. A person of any religion, social class, gender or nationality can be born with this ability. Mediumship will not automatically make them a Spiritist. Just as being a Spiritist will not automatically make anyone a medium. It is important to remember is that what a person does with this ability, as with anything else in their lives, is a matter of free will.

16) So Spiritism allows the mediums to do whatever they want?

There are divine laws that govern this communication. Spiritism provides, among its many other teachings, an explanation as to why a certain kind of spirit might choose a certain kind of medium. As for the conduct of a medium who is a Spiritist, if he or she ignores divine law and chooses to live a selfish, destructive life - then that person is only a Spiritist in name. So a medium might embrace and follow whatever an ignorant spirit tells them. And when a good spirit comes along and tries to communicate with this medium, the medium will feel no affinity, and they may ignore the messages from the good spirits.

The medium who is a good person lives an ethical life always strives to always be a better person. When communicating with a spirit, a good medium quickly judges the true intentions of that spirit. The medium realizes if the intentions are good or ignorant, and then chooses to continue the communication or end the communication.

17) So the spirits are in control of the medium?

No. At no point is the outside force (the spirit) forcibly taking control of the medium. The spirits who are attracted to a medium directly reflect that person’s ethical evolution, and their mediumistic training. So an evolved medium might attract more evolved spirits, while another medium may specialize in ignorant, destructive spirits. As with any ability, each medium has their own specialty. 

Once the spirit is attracted and wants to communicate through the medium, only the medium possesses the final choice to permit the communication. For untrained mediums, there may not be a willingness to choose which spirits to allow communication with and which to avoid, as they have not had enough training or practice. The ignorance of the medium attracts equally ignorant spirits.

All mediums should understand that they will be held responsible for any and all results of a spirit communication. This is why medium training and the ethical growth of the medium is so critical.

18) Spiritists do not follow a religion, so why do they believe in reincarnation?

Reincarnation is defined as:
1. Rebirth of the soul in another body.
2. A reappearance or revitalization in another form; a new embodiment:
3. Embodiment in a new form (specially the reappearance of a person in another form);
4. In the Hindu or Buddhist doctrine that person may be reborn successively into one of five classes of living beings (God or human or animal or hungry ghost or denizen of hell) depending on the person’s own actions.

Spiritism does not define reincarnation in the Hindu or Buddhist way. Spiritism teaches that God creates a spirit, and it is simple and ignorant. God's plan is for that spirit to evolve intellectually and ethically, passing from a lower order to a higher one, until we attain perfection, and there is no longer a need to reincarnate.

God in his infinite charity gives a spirit all the time the individual needs to go through this long process of evolution. So a spirit incarnates on Earth, learns a lifetime worth of lessons through trials, transitions back to the spirit world, then reincarnates again - and the cycle continues over and over again. In each reincarnation, the spirit learns (or at least tries to learn) new lessons based on the new point of view and circumstances provided by that new human incarnation. This cycle continues until the spirit has learned all the lessons needed on Earth in order to progress to a higher level of evolution.

Chicago - December 21, 2014

(Note: These notes were authored by Denise)

Attendees:  Sonia, Mia, Marisol, Carmen, Denise, Gabriel
Guests:  Bernardo
Present in spirit: Nelson, Jeff
Opening Prayer"There are certain spirits in the Spirit World that are in charge of helping people transition when they are dying."
                Family can accompany
                There are spirits that do actual work
Sonia informed Marisol that she sees those good spirits entering the house to do the work that is needed
Spirit #1 (thru Marisol):  This spirit came to the session with Mia, and the spirit was a previous husband and still considers Mia to be his.  He revealed that Mia doesn’t trust anyone – in time he accepted the fact that he was at fault for what happened to her (she cut her life short in order to get away from him).  He asked her for forgiveness and was forgiven.  He departed the session remorseful and crying
Spirit #2 (thru Carmen):  This spirit came in with Denise and wants to see me in a wheelchair
At the beginning, the spirit didn’t want to understand, but he finally came to understand and went to the good spirits for his betterment.
Marisol asked if the Board Members of the church were aware of what we were doing (they are not).
Topics for later discussion:
Closing Prayer.  We will reconvene on January 4, 2015.

Chicago - December 14, 2014

(Note: These notes were authored by Denise)
Attendees:  Sonia, Mia, Marisol, Carmen, Denise, Gabriel
Guests:  Bernardo
Present in spirit: Nelson, Jeff

After the Opening Prayer, Carmen brought an issue her daughter is having with a house she bought and hasn’t been able to move in, and Sonia suggests to clean the house
Performed an absentee cleansing
An issue was brought up by Denise regarding an episode that occurred the day prior with a family friend (Sonia) – pschizophrenic – spirits want a tragedy and is obsessive – It is also very important that she takes her medicine and receive prayer
Marisol attempted to speak to the spirit. It was determined that Sonia needs prayers for her and for the spirit – Prayer for the obsessive spirit was said
Guardians placed a blindfold before prayer
Carmen indicated that the spirit heard the prayer and bowed his head
Spirit #1:  Came in bound and indicated that the good spirits were making him understand and is tired.  The spirit indicated that in a past life Sonia was the equivalent to a mob boss and cut many people’s lives short and was very powerful. The spirit finally left with those good spirits to receive the help that he needs.
It was also impressed upon me that I need to learn to close myself better and should be wearing white for the sessions
Marisol gave passes to Mia. A spirit came in with Mia who is angry and was upset that Marisol gave her a pass – he had to retire but wants to speak and will through Mia
Marisol to Bernardo:  You have dreams – they tell you things but you doubt. The spirit with you is a Burlon – you receive in your dreams and wake up worried if it will happen or not
Closing Prayer

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Chicago - December 7, 2014

(Note: These notes were authored by Denise)

Attendees:  Sonia, Mia, Marisol, Carmen, Denise, Gabriel
Guests:  Bernardo 
Present in spirit: Nelson, Jeff
Before the session began, Carmen invited Gabriel to sit at the table and noted that a spirit came in with him that was curious, laughs and very content/happy that he is learning.

Opening Prayer
Gabriel was asked if he had any questions and we began discussing and answering some of the questions that he had.  Part of the discussion included that visions can come in dreams and I related a dream that upset me at the beginning of the week after not being able to sleep well for the previous two weeks.  It had seemed to me that there was a spirit behind this restlessness and the dream that I had.  Here is what I remember of the dream.  I was sitting in a room somewhere (think at the temple) with Sonia, Mia and Marisol and others (I don’t remember who else) when someone was trying to convince me that I was Mary reincarnated.  It was at this point that I woke up very upset that they would use Mary in such a way.  I began to pray and was able to sleep a little bit more.

After this brief discussion, the session began by Marisol asking me if I had ever thought about becoming a nun.  I did relate that when I was younger I had played around with the idea but decided not too but also that recently I’ve been feeling like I was living my life like a nun. Marisol was studying a spirit that I brought in with me that was dressed as a Nun.  Sonia confirmed that she had seen this same spirit when I had related the dream to her before the others had arrived.  Marisol said that this spirit indeed loved me and that I had been a Nun in a previous life.  It was at this point that Marisol decided to speak directly to the spirit instead of letting her sit.  She told her that she needed to elevate herself and remove the outfit (habit) because she no longer needed it.  

Carmen began reading the Oracion para los Enfermos for Isabel, Juanita, and Acha.

Spirit #1 (through Marisol): Despite speaking to the spirit earlier, the Nun had difficulty understanding why she needed to leave. 
Spirit: We were sisters together and took a blood oath that no man would touch us.  We were nuns together in a previous life.  I attempted to explain to her why she needed to move on and with Mia’s help was able to get her to understand that she needed to go with those others that were there to help her.  She asked for forgiveness and departed.
Marisol then asked Mia if she gives out her dreams/messages to those that they pertain to.  Mia related that she does indeed give them out but many times they are not understood or ignored altogether.  It is not until much later that the person realizes that her vision was correct.  Marisol asked us to remind her about studying and education and to give Mia passes.

We now turn our attention to Gabriel.  Marisol told him that she sees him thinking about his next step, that you want to make a decision but that there is doubt and would like for someone to simply tell you the steps but then if that happens how will you learn.
Advice: When in doubt, stop. Don’t let anyone pressure you to make a decision, Your mom wants you in PR and has pressured you to go back and live with her. Marisol sees Gabriel with a Masters’ degree in the field of Math. Carmen stated that a spirit that came with Gabriel is crying and saying “Leave my boy alone."

Spirit #2 (through Marisol):  This spirit is encouraging Gabriel not to stay with these people (our group) and were friends in another existence “He’s my friend."  They partied together and were separated because of a woman.  This spirit doesn’t want you to succeed professionally and personally and gave step by step directions. After much discussion with the spirit he finally admitted that he was to blame and that there was someone calling him and was a good person – Gabe forgave him and the spirit asked for forgiveness.

Denise is to give passes to Gabriel and Bernardo

Marisol asked Mia how she feels when a spirit approaches; she related that she feels electricity and that her heart wants to leave her body.  She asks her guide who they are and was directed to ask the spirit directly.  Marisol also gave Mia advice on how to begin letting those spirits sit.

After giving Gabe and Bernardo passes I was able to relate the following:
    For Gabe: There was a man in a red cloak standing in front of Gabe as I began giving the pass but that I couldn’t see a face as I moved to the right another figure in a green cloak appeared opposite.
    For Bernardo: I saw someone baking and an oven.

Marisol gave Mia passes
During the time that the passes were being given: Jesucristo se ha perdido prayer was recited.  I reminded Marisol about the studying and education: we were told that we need to study any message that we receive “Does it make sense, benefit or do harm” there are some messages that can be received by a low spirit.

Closing prayer

Friday, April 22, 2016

Free Will

A Conversation of Questions 

In the notes from your sessions, I keep reading about free will.  What is it?
Free will means we have the ability to choose whatever we want in our reincarnation on earth, but we are responsible for the consequences of those actions.  Every thought process and every action we take is a form of free will.  We are responsible for the progress and the setbacks in our own life.  As humans, we have the freedom to think and decide, so we are in control of many of our choices and our own destiny.  When we transition into the spirit world, we keep our free will. 

Do we keep our free will in the spirit world?
Yes.  Free will refers to the ability of a spirit to follow the path that it creates for itself, making its own decisions and choosing its own acts. The discarnate spirit enjoys that liberty when it has reached a level of evolution in which it is allowed to chose - alone or with guidance of mentors - the trials and expiations of its next incarnation.  However, it must be understood that spirits do not have absolute freedom, that is, a freedom of action without consequences.  The more enlightened a spirit's conscience is, the greater its free will, and the more accountable it will be for its actions.  This is where responsibility is employed.  The spirits tell us¹that we do not experience absolute freedom of action because we need one another.  They explain that only a hermit in a desert enjoys such freedom, for as soon as two people find themselves together, they have reciprocal rights and duties to respect, whereby they are no longer absolutely free.  It should also be pointed out that our evolutionary progress depends our abilities to interact appropriately with our fellow human beings, and therefore, the life of a hermit does not allow for much advancement.

I was born into a certain place with certain people - so what are the free will choices that I get to make?
- We choose to think or not
- What to think about
- How much and how long to concentrate on an issue
- How many options to consider
- Which of the options to select, etc.
- We also choose our goals and values (such as moving away from where we were born, choosing our own family, desirable character traits, careers, friends and lovers, and moral decisions such as when to lie or tell the truth)

With our spirit guides to advise us, why do we even have free will? 
It is an individualized expression of who we are.  Our goal in this reincarnation is to move into a place of consciousness where we have trust and faith, so we can progress and move forward in this life by making smart choices.  Our philosophy of life (our faith) has an influence over nearly every aspect of our lives.  We can choose whatever we want, as God and the spirits always respect our freedom to make choices.  But having the control over our choices means that we must accept responsibility for our decisions.  It's important to use our free will with awareness and understanding.  If we ask for help, the spirits may offer also guidance when needed.  We are responsible for our own progress.

Great!  So I can ask the spirits which job I should take?
The spirits give suggestions and advice.  If we counted only on their support to make our decisions, we would not be acting on our own accord, and our spirit would not progress.  In order to advance, we need to acquire experience.  Some of it may be difficult, as many people learn only by trial and error. Think of a child learning to walk.  The parents are around to help, but the determination of the child is what ultimately leads to walking.  Any spiritual influence is always presented in a way that still allows us to have our free will.

But these spiritual influences wouldn't allow us to make the wrong choices, would they? 
In addition to our free will, within each one of us are blueprints and guidelines.  Call it your conscience, if you like. We agreed to these expectations before our reincarnation.  If we don't always follow or understand them, there may be spiritual help - but not always.  Because we have free will, we may choose to ignore what we have been taught, just as we may ignore the spiritual help/suggestions.

It sounds complicated.  What if I no longer want free will?
- Without free will, we have no control over our goals and choices
- Like animals or robots, all of our choices would be made for us - and life would be bleak
- We would not progress in this lifetime without planning, self-esteem, morality, and social responsibility
- We want and need control over our lives, because we understand and think (we have logic and reasoning)
- As humans, we are responsible for our lives and actions
- An important aspect of what makes us human is that "we know better"
- We will suffer the consequences of our actions anyway - by freewill or by default - so it makes sense for us to use our free will wisely to make the decisions that are likely to bring us closer to optimizing our lives - by setting goals and achieving them.


- Kardec, Allan, The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition; pg. 205-206, 2003
- Dennett, Daniel, Consciousness Explained; chapter 5, 1997
- Prigogine, IIya and Stengers, Isabelle, Order out of Chaos; (introduction),1984
- Churchland, Paul,The Engine of Reason, the Seat of the Soul; (various),1996

Florida - September 3, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
While seated in the living room, the group discussed various television mediums (past and present) and the effect that these types of shows had on viewers.  Are they an effective way to encourage the audience to seek more information regarding spiritualism, or do these shows foster additional confusion in regards to the definition of spirituality that our group has established?  When the discussion shifted to spiritualist centers (in Florida and Argentina), the group seemed to reach a consensus that many centers start with pure intentions, but complications always arise whenever human politics come into play.
At the table, Nelson asked again for prayers and guidance for Sebastian Vicente Bao, the son of Marta in Argentina.  Astrid read a prayer for the sick in Spanish.  During her reading, Nelson saw a spiritual guide attempting to contain the cancer.  This guide cautioned that he could only "hold it for so long."  Gloria saw the testicular cancer spreading like veins branching out, and she advised that Sebastian needed to sit and talk with someone, and make his decision about surgeryvsoon.  "Grab his hands with yours," Glorai advised the person who might speak with Sebastian, and Astrid added that, "time is of the essence, so don't waste it."  Nelson saw a spirit who wanted to remove the hands, but not the hands "holding" the illness in check.  This spirit wanted to remove the hands causing the illness (which may have been the hands of Sebastian's deceased father).  Astrid also sensed other negative spirits hovering around Sebastian. 
Spirit 1 (via Gloria):  Gloria saw a "big, black cloud" over the daughter of Astrid and Santiago.  This image was very strong, yet at the same time, Gloria believed there were spirits who wanted to prevent her mind from seeing a clear vision of what the daughter was seeing.  Nelson believed that someone at the table had something to say, and he kept getting a message that it was Jeff who needed to speak.
Astrid read a selection in Spanish (translating it into English as she read) from a book entitled "3 Enfoques Sobre Reencarnacion" (or "Three Approaches to the Reincarnation").  The piece she read had a central theme that stated "immortality is the essence of our existence".  Nelson kept insisting that Jeff had something to say.  Astrid sensed some spirits around Nelson who seemed to be suffering from TB (tuberculosis), and Nelson stressed again that whatever Jeff had to say, he should be saying it.  Nelson asked Jeff why he was so reluctant and afraid of hurting his mother with what he might say to her, while Astrid and Gloria sensed the same issue.  Jeff replied that after so many attempts in the past, he was hesitant to express his feelings, as the ingrained issues had developed and strengthened over time, and it now seemed as if they "cannot be fixed".
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed a "conflicted spirit" who was also tired of seeing nothing resolved in regards to Jeff's mother.  This cause of conflict for this spirit was that he wanted to believe that he was rational and basically good, but at the same time, he regretted his decisions not to speak up against Jeff's mother when he had the opportunity.  Astrid saw this uncertainty leaving him with a "bad taste in his mouth".  Jeff realized that this spirit was Lee, his mother's deceased third husband.  As the spirit passed into Nelson, he said, "I should have opened my mouth and said so many things."  Lee felt as if he had not made any progress with Jeff's mother, and now he wanted to protect Jeff.  "Protect," the spirit stated again, "as although you are not my son, is it OK if I call you my son?"  Lee described his paternal instincts towards Jeff as "energy to energy" and expressed his regret at allowing things to occur when he should have spoken up.  He wanted Jeff to physically hit his mother, but now he realized that this action would have caused more regrets, and he encouraged Jeff not to regret anything later.  Lee wanted Jeff to help his mother "open her eyes" and stop all the nonsense in her life.
Lee wondered what became of Nelson, as he was unaware that he was speaking through his body. Lee needed to hear Jeff's voice earlier as an invitation to sit at the table.  He wanted the table to relay a message to Nelson, saying that Nelson was always welcoming and very kind to Lee, and he appreciated those efforts.  Lee calmly and politely excused himself from the table, and as he left, Nelson realized that he and his cousin (Janet, the deceased longtime best friend of Jeff's mother) would be involved in helping Jeff's mother when it was time for her transition into the spirit world.  Jackie had also envisioned Janet's name just before Lee sat at the table.
Astrid and Gloria saw a notebook or a document with multiple pages.  Jeff's mother was flipping the pages.  Gloria encouraged Jeff and Nelson to visit her or invite her to visit them as a way to wrap up unresolved issues.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson, Gloria, Astrid):  Jackie was sad not to see Rafael seated beside her at the table.  Nelson stressed that he was "not well mentally," and one of the reasons for this was that he is not "open to others".  Gloria felt that he "does not believe in anything," and Astrid added that he "doesn't want any help."  The mediums believed that Rafael would not contact Jackie unless he felt he needed help again.  "He is not stable," Nelson said, and Gloria saw him as "very troubled."  Santiago believed that his condition may worsen now, as Rafael seemed to be living in a fantasy of becoming a bodybuilder and a fireman.  With the possibility of steroids or other bodybuilding medication in his system, Rafael had a  risk of becoming more aggressive; and he has a higher potential for hanging himself, mimicking his mother's confused method for coping with her depression.  Santiago cautioned that if he is using some sort of medication, he will not pass his required drug testing for the fire department.  The mediums sensed buzzards (or vultures) circling over his head, waiting for his demise.  Nelson said that the drugs are also likely to cause Rafael to become more motivated to attack or confront his father, as Nelson heard Rafael saying, "I can take him on."  Gloria reminded the group of her previous vision of Rafael - where he was standing with a group of other people, Involved in some sort of deal, possibly involving bodybuilding drugs or supplements.  Gloria cautioned Jackie that she might not be able to talk to him for a while (and Jackie agreed), while Astrid added that this situation would probably be better for both of them, as Jackie, "cannot get sick because of him."  Nelson saw Rafael involved in some sort of fight (possibly hitting a woman) that had the potential to put him in jail.  This may be the only way for the spirit world to wake him up and make him take control of his life.
Nelson also added that Rafael is getting some attention now, and he is feeling more attractive and positive about himself.  Despite his new attitude, Nelson sensed very dark spirits around him, and Jackie agreed.  Astrid described his situation as being covered by a brown, dark, dirty hood - like a burlap sack - and she cautioned Jackie not to become contaminated.  With the smell of the protective sage still lingering in her home, Jackie understood.  She compared Rafael to a cyclone, collecting whatever was available into an inward spiraling chaos.  Gloria believed that Rafael still had some hope, as he kept Jackie on his mind as a supportive mother figure.  The table also discussed Rafael's sister and the impact she may have on him (as she is on medication, she is probably not a positive influence) and Nelson recommended that Rafael's niece may also need to be medicated for a condition he sensed was more mental than physical. 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): Nelson reminded the table again that the spirit world was preparing to receive new souls, which may be related to a potential war.  He sensed a spiritual time of transition, with massive moves from one level to another as a sort of collective expedition.  The table discussed the movement of souls from one planet to another, focusing on the probability that some souls would not reincarnate back to earth, but they could reincarnate to a "lower level" planet.  Astrid stressed that this circumstance seemed to be happening already, starting in the 1990's.  "War never brings peace," Jackie said. 
Nelson sensed the motion of elevated spirits with saddened hearts, confused and unable to understand "why we (the inhabitants of earth) have become what we are."  One of the elevated spirits began to speak into Nelson's ear, and this spirit only appeared as a spark of bright light.  When Nelson asked the spirit if he wanted to sit, the spirit replied, "you could not handle my energy."  This spirit also appeared to be advising the table to become prepared to handle a wider variety of spiritual issues.  As the spirit world was cleansing and removing spirits who remained stubbornly in place too long without any progression, this spirit urged our table to do the same, by cleaning and preparing new pathways for us to understand and experience new challenges from the spirit world.  Gloria saw a similar light (not in a typical spirit form) speaking to Nelson while standing behind him.  The spirit told Nelson to envision a planet where bad behavior and negative energy was the majority.  "Hold on to all the things you love, as they are the only things you take with you,'" the spirit said.  Astrid read a selection in Spanish from her journal related to this idea.  Jackie advised the group to remember that "We are the ones who can make a difference," and Gloria added that our table,"needs to keep growing."
Spirit 5 (via Jackie): Jackie's mother spoke through her, telling the group that "one good thing is some progress on this planet" over a past life.  One improvement over any past existence would do a lot to alter the "state of chaos" that existed on earth now.  As she reiterated her "do one good thing" message several times, she warned that the inhabitants of earth are confused, thinking that we may believe that we know peace, but the "peace" we have accepted is not the real peace we have the potential  to  eventually  understand.  Our behavior determined if earth advanced towards becoming a more peaceful planet, as it will only "stand for so long" without continued support and reaffirmation.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

Florida - September 1, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Gregory, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Astrid sensed a turmoil brewing, and with help from the others seated at the table, she realized that this disturbance was related to Nelson's family in Puerto Rico.  Astrid cautioned that some family members might be spending too much time thinking about themselves and their own situations, when a concentrated effort on making a space for others in their lives was needed.  In regards to Nelson's mother, Astrid mused, "What is going to happen when she is gone?"  Nelson and Gloria detected the presence of several "Negritas" moving and working around Nelson's mother (black spiritual women dressed in white clothing).
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  "Why, why, why?" an irate spirit from the "Negrita" group asked, speaking through Nelson.  This presence was angry because Nelson's mother was removed from her home to go to the hospital, and these spirits were planning a funeral for her.  The other mediums attempted to calm the spirit as she told our table that they had planned to take Nelson's mother with them.  The mediums and the spirit who was speaking both described a man in white in the background (functioning as a protector or an additional spiritual guide for Nelson to contain the other angry spirits arrived with the first spirit).  The female Negrita started to speak in Spanish, explaining that she and the others really needed to complete their task.  She referenced a "mojito" cocktail they were preparing, made of black, crushed powder for Nelson's mother.  The powder was a symbol for the poison these spirits hoped to use against Nelson's mother.  "I will pay you if you can find a doctor who can diagnose what killed her," the spirit said, angrily challenging the table. The mediums explained to the spirit that it was not the time for Nelson's mother to transition into the spirit world.  Even if it was, this decision was not a choice for these spirits to make, as these things are predetermined.  Nelson began to feel very hot and uncomfortable, as he was now surrounded by the displeasure and hostility of the entire spiritual cluster.  After some additional coaxing, the female spirit agreed to depart, taking 18 other "Negritas" with her.
After Nelson cooled off, the table discussed if Nelson always experienced everything in the exact same manner as the spirits that he passes.  Nelson stated that he often does this as a validation that, "this is real" and he is not making things up.  Gloria wondered if he should control the spirits to some extent, telling him, "They come here mad, but the control is yours."  Gloria also sensed a spirit dressed entirely in black clothing that arrived with the others, but he did not leave with them.  The table debated if this spirit was with Nelson's younger brother (Nestor) and his family who are undergoing their own trauma, or if he was related to someone else.  This discussion led to another family member (Nelson's sister, Lourdes) who recently had an unexpected spirit jump into her body in a manner that caused her to feel faint.  After further discussion of the situation, Gloria warned that mediums who often push their responsibilities to the side need to realize that as life changes, new problems often arrive when someone does not accept the obligations that we agreed to on the spiritual side.  The table realized that the man dressed in black was around Lourdes, trying to make her confused and crazy.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Both Gloria and Nelson sensed "something weird" and Nelson asked the group if it was possible that a sister in the spiritual world might want to harm her sister who is still in the material world.  Nelson sensed a female from the spiritual side who has been dead for quite a while, and she was not in a very good condition.  Astrid realized that this spirit smelled bad, and she sensed that she wants someone to be in the same condition as she is now.  "Lydia Rodriguez" was the name that Nelson heard, and he understood that this spirit was his deceased aunt (an older half-sister of Nelson's mother).  She and Nelson coexisted nicely when they were both in the material world, and Nelson recalled visiting her in New York.  Astrid said that with this woman in the spirit world, Nelson is now seeing a very different side of her.  Nelson is surprised to see her in such a bad shape, as she was once a strong spiritualist.  Gloria sensed a jealously between the two sisters.  Nelson was overcome with emotion, as he realized that this spirit might be willing to sit.
"Why am I so sick?" the spirit wept, slipping into Nelson.  Astrid softly explained, "You are materialized, so you still feel alive, but you are not."  Astrid continued, telling the spirit that the health problems she was experiencing now were all in her mind, and little by little she must throw them aside and move on.  "This is not my body?" the spirit asked, telling the table that she was from Puerto Rico, but raised in New York.  She also wondered: "What is this place?  Is this a center of spiritualism?"  As the mediums explained where she was, the spirit sadly said, "They have brought my body for me to look at it..." 
The spirit explained that it was her brother who brought her here today (along with another sister who had also passed).  The table encouraged her to move on and not to "help" Nelson's mother any more.  The spirit made the group promise to give Nelson a message: "Keep an eye on my daughter," she says.  She said that she loved Nelson very much and she asked the group to give him that message as well.  "That love will now take me away," the spirit said, astonished at her realization.  After sitting at so many spiritualist tables while she was in the material world, the spirit was delighted with the irony that she was now appearing as a spirit today at our table.  She wanted to share one more thing before she left, and it was in regards to spiritualism.  "Sometimes I didn't believe," she whispered.  She realized that she must go.  "The emotions are just too much," she marveled, as she said goodbye and drifted away.
Spirit 3 (via Jackie and Gloria):  Jackie and Gloria both saw a young girl standing behind Gregory.  "I found you, I found you," Jackie heard the spirit say, while Gloria sensed that the girl might already be in a material form, and not a spirit.  Nelson confirmed it, telling Gregory,"You have already met her." 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw something looming over Santiago.  "When you cannot change people, leave them alone," Nelson urged.  Nelson knew that Santiago would be the one to get hurt, by not expressing his feelings directly to his daughter.  "If you continue to worry, you will get sick," Nelson explained, and the conversation changed to Spanish.  "She is a door for negative spirits to enter," Nelson cautioned, and he told Santiago that ever since he walked into the house today, Nelson has seen an image of him suffering a heart attack with paramedics all around him.  Nelson has also sensed that Santiago is willing to let the spirit world take him before allowing them to touch his daughter (and Santiago agreed).  "He is too good of a Dad," Astrid sighed.  Nelson received some specific instructions from the spirit world that involved a rolled up hand towel.  Gloria was instructed to stand in front of Santiago, while Nelson rolled the hand towel up and down Santiago's back - occasionally tapping him lightly with it.  As everyone returned to their seats, Gloria said, "We can only do so much, the decision to stop is yours."  A spirit passed into Nelson and spoke in Spanish.  The spirit told Astrid that he talked to Santiago every day, as he has many "secrets" to share with him.  Although this spirit confessed that he was tired and sick, he spoke very rapidly.  He described a "senora muy buena" arriving, and the spirit told Santiago that he will go away with her.  The mediums suspected that this entity was Santiago's mother, as she referred to Santiago as "head strong" and stubborn.
Spirit 5 (via Astrid):  Another Spanish speaking spirit arrived, and she was an aunt of Gloria and Santiago.  This spirit was also worried about Santiago's determination to have his own way, regardless of how reckless it might prove to be to his own health.  She lingered only briefly, calling Santiago "hard headed" but saying that he never complained and he always had a smile.
Spirit 6 (via Gloria and Jackie):  Gloria envisioned Gregory's paternal grandfather around him.  Jackie also saw Gregory sitting in a park at age 15 or 16 with a little girl (age 10-12).  "I have to go," Gregory told her, and the young girl began to cry.  Both Gloria and Jackie sensed that this girl may have already reincarnated as the girl they saw around Gregory earlier.  Jackie told him to anticipate being "grabbed by her energy."
Jackie also asked Jeff if the craziness with his mother and sister had stopped, but Jeff had not spoken to them or heard anything.  Gloria heard the name "Normita" for Nelson (she is his cousin), and Astrid was shown a man around Normita and the rest of her family who views them as not believing enough in themselves.  Astrid felt that this man was building up energy - like a storm - and she wondered, "Who could this be?"  Nelson thought it might be the deceased father of Luis, the husband of Nelson's sister.  Nelson also understood that he was the spirit around his sister.  Gloria realized that when Nelson's uncle died (also named Luis), he left "everyone blank" in the family.  Gloria described it as everyone running and nobody caring, while Gregory compared the situation to a flock of confused wandering sheep that have lost their shepherd.  Nelson believed that his uncle Luis had not yet realized that he had passed, and he heard him as he was expressing regret, saying, "The biggest mistake was having the spiritualist center in my house."  Gloria understood that it would take more time for him to realize that things are not the same in the spirit world as in the material world. 
Jackie closed with a prayer. 

Florida - August 20, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson, Pam, Rafael, and Santiago
(Note: Over the years, the FL group has had two Rafael's attend, this was the first one)
Astrid read a selection from a book entitled "Peregrinaje."  This book allows the reader to experience one soul's journey through the afterlife and discover the ultimate truth - that every soul is created in union with all other souls, and that we are all manifestations of one purpose. The second half of the book is a personal narrative by a spirit guide named Kirkudian about his various incarnations.  Astrid read the passage in Spanish and also translated it into English (with some help from her daughter, Pam).  Briefly, the passage explained that earth is a planet where spirits are often tormented.  As the spirits break away from this cycle, some are subliminal and they do not return again - while many others come back over and over again.  The key is that the spirits need to assimilate what they have learned, in order to aid them in their future reincarnations.  As Nelson put it, "If we move the clouds around, we can see the pathway better."
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  As soon as everyone was seated at the table, Nelson felt the presence of Mel, the former husband of Jackie's sister.  He had been observing our table previously, and now he returned with a desire for revenge.  Nelson said that he was too angry to sit and speak.  Mel did not realize that he was deceased and unable to control his surroundings in the same manner as when he was in the material world.  Jackie agreed, saying "He has no idea that he is dead."  Astrid thought that he knew he was dead, but he would not accept it - as he saw his current situation as "unfair".  All of the mediums envisioned him still struggling with the physical ailments that killed him.  He was angry with Jackie.  Gloria saw it as "an anger from before, long ago."  Nelson said that Mel pretended to like Jackie, but he really despised her.
Jackie explained the various stages of her interactions with Mel over the years.  Mel was an authoritative figure on earth, and he believes that he still has the same abilities now in the spiritual world.  Nelson heard the spirit tell him, "You're fired!"  He asked the group for a drink of "water," but Astrid and Nelson both sensed that he would rather have some Scotch, as his situation has left him wanting a drink.  Mel wanted to burn down Jackie's house, and Nelson hoped to spiritually visit Jackie's house in an attempt to remove the items left behind before they could ignite.  A spiritual friend of the table arrived and he told the group that Mel "doesn't have that power, but he thinks he does."  This spirit helped remove the items that Mel's spirit left behind in Jackie's house.  The helpful spirit described himself as, "a friend of the table and everyone here," and he asked Gloria to visit the house and conduct a spiritual cleansing.  As the spirit asked for the cleansing, he mentally showed Gloria what to do and how to do it.  Gloria believed that Mel would be shocked when he finally does realize that he has died, as he hoped his appearance at our table today would prove that Jackie was wrong in regards to her previous spiritual discussions with him. 
Spirits 2 and 3 (via Gloria and Nelson):  Gloria visualized Rafael with two different roads on his back - the road he wants to take is there; but there are also other things present, and they are pulling him in the direction of another road.  Nelson saw this road as a darker set of choices and he told Rafael that he seems to prefer this darker path.  Nelson saw the light from candles in the darkness, but they were becoming dimmer - until there was only darkness all around Rafael.  "Start loving yourself," Nelson encouraged him, and the conversation switched to Spanish.  Nelson and Rafael discussed a former girlfriend who was like a family member - and now that the two of them are no longer together, she has left behind something similar to a spell (an incantation, black magic, sanitaria, voodoo - something negative).  Nelson and Gloria were shown Rafael with a hood draped over his head, indicating that whatever the former girlfriend was playing around with, it has become attached to Rafael and it is all around him.  The girlfriend wanted him back with her, "on his knees."  It is possible that the girlfriend has hidden a small potion in Rafael's house, and Nelson encouraged Rafael to find it and remove it. 
A female spirit arrived via Nelson and she spoke in Spanish.  This spirit disliked Jackie, as she regarded Jackie's efforts to help Rafael as interference.  The group urged her to go towards the light, but the spirit was busy explaining how she used the scent of her perfume to keep Rafael wrapped around her neck.  This spirit insisted on telling Jackie what to do, and she bothered her whenever she could.  The spirit understand that she and Jackie do not speak the same language; but at first, she was frustrated when Jackie did not listen to her.  Rafael spoke with the spirit and she departed.  After she was gone, our table learned that the ex-girlfriend had an interest in black magic.  Nelson saw the house that Rafael lives in covered with a thick, black tenting, similar to what termite exterminators might use when "tenting" a house with gas to destroy the pests.  This tent kept Rafael's house constantly covered in darkness. 
Gloria sensed that Rafael and his father were two bulls, butting heads on a daily basis.  A spirit jumped into Gloria to explain that Rafael's mother does not want his father living in the house.  The mother's anger on Rafael's father was having a negative residual effect on Rafael.  Nelson took the angry spirit from Gloria, and it began to speak from Nelson.  The spirit said that she doesn't want to be in the house anymore either.  Gloria realized that she is one of the suicides.  The spirit told the table that she saw and felt what she did to herself every day for 17 years.  She knows she killed herself, yet the murmuring, unending voices will not stop.
After some reassurance from the group that the voices will not follow her, the spirit agreed to "go away," and referring to Rafael, she stated, "His mind will be a little bit better now - some of those voices are not good."  She promised to take 17 other spirits along with her, explaining, "all of us are going to go - and we will not have to hear the voices anymore either."  After she departed, the group discussed the issue of suicide and the significance of the number 17 in Rafael's life and family.
Spirits 4 and 5 (via Gloria):  Gloria saw her cousin, and he was observing our table.  She spoke to him in Spanish, and as this was occurring, Nelson sensed another spirit arriving. Astrid saw the same spirit as Nelson.  This spirit wanted to speak about Gloria's grandson.  The same spirit was present at the last reunion, and he reaffirmed his message that the grandson was in hiding.  The spirit jumped into Gloria, as the spirit wanted to communicate in Spanish with Nelson about the issue.  Hiding from a situation does not eliminate the issue.  Nelson spoke calmly with the spirit, and he was eventually able to make the spirit realize how tired he was, and the spirit agreed to leave with the guide who brought him to our table.
Nelson asked for help from the group in regards to a situation regarding a friend in Argentina (Marta).  Her son has been diagnosed with testicular cancer, and although the doctors recommended surgery, he was reluctant.  The mediums all sensed that he needs to consider surgery immediately.  (Update: The son did not have the surgery, and he passed away in March of 2016)
Jackie closed with a prayer.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Immediately after death, a spirit will often stay around earth. Why?

 Spirits often think they are still alive after death.  A spirit guide may need to show a spirit their funeral or earthly body as verification that they are deceased.  The spirit may be confused, and keep their earth bound connections, leading them to visit their homes and their loved ones instead of progressing.
(The questions below are from The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec pg. 154, 2003)

- Question 327: Do spirits ever attend their own funerals? Answer: Very often. But in cases where they are still in the state of bewilderment that follows death, they do not understand what is going on.

- Question 328: Is a spirit ever present at meetings of its heirs? Answer: Almost always. Providence offers such occasions as learning experiences and for the spirit to reassess its views. The spirit is able then to determine what the declarations of affection and devotion it heard during life were really worthwhile.

(The statements below are from Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton, pg. 13, 1996 and Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton pg. 1, 2003)

- ...souls often have little interest in what happens to their bodies once they are physically dead...because they do not realize that they are dead.  Souls want to hover around the place where they died for a few Earth days, usually until after their funerals, as a way to see their body and know they have died.

- ...there is one basic reason for many spirits not wanting to immediately leave the place of their physical death. This comes from a desire to mentally reach out to before progressing further into the spirit world.

- There are souls who choose to remain at the scene of their death for a while. Discarnates who choose to comfort someone who is grieving, or have other reasons to stay near the place of their death for a while, experience no sense of time loss.

(The statement below is from Here and Hereafter, Anthony Borgia Chapter 1, 1968)

- The spirit body may take some days of your time before it becomes completely separated from the earthly body, and it may be hindered very much by the combined thoughts of the sorrowers who are participants in the dismal rites. Instead of departing from the earthly sphere, the discarnate one will be attracted to the scene of obsequious activities, and more than likely will be saddened himself by what he is witnessing and by the sorrow of those he has left behind. He will feel a heavy weight within him of the separation that has come about, and perhaps being ignorant of what has befallen him, he will be doubly distressed, and even terribly distressed by the fact that he speaks to his friends but they cannot hear him. And how great a difference a little knowledge would make!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Chicago - November 30, 2014

(Note: I am not the only one taking notes at the Chicago sessions!  Denise took these notes...)

This weeks meeting was short but very productive.  It appears that Lazario may be a medium that needs development.  See notes below:
Attendees:  Sonia, Maritza, Juanita, Carmen, Denise
Guests:  Lazario, Juan, Marcela, Bernardo
Present in spirit: Nelson, Jeff, Marisol
Sonia began the session by welcoming everyone to the Temple
Carmen: Thank you for opening the door or us to work
Sonia: There is a spirit here that appears like a Mother Theresa type...
Carmen began by asking Lazario how he is feeling now.  He responded that he feels like he has gained and not lost since his mom died
Carmen to Juanita: He (Cando) lives in our hearts – looked for a temple – died before finding a new one
Maricela: I feel he is still with us and guiding us.
Carmen and Juanita then began speaking a prayer spontaneously
Sonia related that the White Brotherhood has united but there are also feelings of confusion, negative energy and dizzy
Maricela: I feel some pain and dizziness
Mia began reading the Oraciones de Aflicciones
Spirit #1 (through Sonia):  The spirit was brought with Maricela and began crying and asking for help.  She further reiterated that she had to come to our group for help to progress.  She also stated that she was in good hands and thanked us for our help.
Carmen to Lazario: The spirit who is with you is hiding.
Lazario knows when he is around because he has been made to feel like he was going to die but knew that these feelings were not his.  He also states that he prays for him.
Spirit #2 (through Carmen): You brought me here with you.  I was lied to and tricked into coming here because this place is new to me.
Lazario related to the spirit that he knows that he has someone who helps him, he also offered light, understanding and urged the spirit to take advantage of the opportunity that has presented itself to him.  The spirit told Lazario for him to take care of himself, that he fell for the trick but others would not.  He urged Lazario to leave the fear behind for his benefit.  "You love your family, you have to work, to help your family.  Open your eyes, your strong as long as God is with you."  As the spirit left he asked for forgiveness
After further discussion with Lazario, it was revealed that he is a medium who needs to be developed but generally doesn’t feel the spirits during normal sessions but he does feel them when he is alone.  They attempt to sit through him but are not being allowed.  Mia was asked to read the Oracion para las enfermos.  This prayer was said for Mariana who is not feeling well but is refuses to go to the doctor or the hospital to get checked.  A healing was performed on Juanita by Denise

Closing prayer

Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...