Thursday, April 27, 2017

Chicago - Sept. 4, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Maricela, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and Xaver
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  After the opening prayer, Nelson wanted to read the Prayer for the Recently Departed for Marisol's son, Andres.  Once the prayer was finished and Nelson had put the book down, the prayer continued - in the exact same voice and pace as if Nelson was still reading it.  Caballito had silently taken over to continue the prayer in Spanish.  He mentioned Andres by name several times, and when he finished, Nelson awoke feeling dazed by what had happened (we were all a little stunned, once we realized what had actually occurred).
Spirit 2 (via Carmen):  During the extended prayer, Sonia felt as if Andres wanted to thank everyone for all of the supportive prayers he received.  She sensed that he was at peace, and the table discussed the situation. Carmen began to cry softly, with sharp gasps for air.  The spirit of Marisol's mother had arrived, and she wanted to speak:
Spirit:  Do not worry for my tears.  I cry in happiness because my daughter will now be happy.  My grandson is at peace, please tell my daughter.  He saw everything, but he could never say a word.  I saw him (in the material world) for the last time.   When he returns, and he knows that he will return there again, he will be happy.  Tell my daughter to take care of herself and to be calm, as I am at her side.  I will return to her, even though I can do very little.  She will feel guilty, and I will be there to give her a hug.  I already gave her one. 
Caballito reappeared to clarify that Andres would have all the spiritual assistance he needed once he was aware of his transition, and also when he was ready to plan his next reincarnation.  Caballito  added, "If we do not plan, we do not progress."  he also shared that Andres will reconcile with the angry spirit who visited our table last Sunday, and they will both reincarnate together in the future.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  There was a male spirit present, and he was not happy that Nelson's niece (Leilani) had spent an enjoyable night with Nelson and Jeff.  He was her husband in a previous life, and he wanted her to remain shy and quiet in this life:
Spirit (angrily):  Who the hell does he think he is to take her from me?  I had her the way I wanted her. 
Jeff: Who told you that you could be around her?
Spirit (laughing):  I sent the other one out, on a trip.
Jeff: Why do you want to keep people away from her?
Spirit: She's mine!  She belongs only to me!
Sonia: Not any more.
Spirit (to Nelson):  Why did you look at her, and make her laugh?  She's mine!  My princess, my wife.  I'm here to take her with me.
Sonia:  Didn't you see her reactions?  How happy she was?
Spirit: They had her talking!  NO ONE talks to her, because she is MINE!  Me, me, me!  She's mine.  (looked at Jeff)  I don't like you!  I remember you - making her laugh.
Jeff: We need to change your thinking.  She is in one world, and you are in another.  The two of you are in two separate worlds.
Spirit:  Not true! 
Sonia: It is true.  We are always truthful here.
Spirit:  If I leave my princess, what will happen to me?
Denise:  You will be able to concentrate on yourself, and have your own happiness.
Spirit:  We talk, she and I.  She only listens to me!  And now there will other boys around.  He (the spirit guide) is telling me I must take the crown back that I put on her head.
Sonia: Yes.  Listen to them and move on.
Spirit (defiant): I am taking my crown - and the three servants with me.  Who will serve her now?
Jeff: We will.  Take everything around her with you.
Spirit: I am taking her crown and putting it on myself.  (began to cry)  They told me that one day I can come back and see her?
Jeff: One day she will be at this table - and you are welcome to return and see her.
Spirit: (shuddered and shook his head as he left): I am taking my crown and I am going!  I'm goinggg...!
Spirit 4 (via Carmen):  Carmen had been dealing with a spirit around Bernardo, and the spirit presented itself as a dark black crow - with a very long beak:
Spirit (arriving softly, but sounding desperate): Why did you bring me here?  I did not want to come. 
(The spirit explained that the car accident that delayed Carmen and Bernardo was intended to stop them from attending.  Nelson counseled the spirit.)
Spirit (about Bernardo):  He doesn't want confrontations of any kind (spiritual or material), because he would like her to do all the work.  I only bothered them (picking at them with his beak) to chip away at their marriage, so he will be all alone.  He (Bernardo) makes trouble and then tells everyone it wasn't him.  When I hear her (Carmen) voice, I hide and run away from her.  So it wasn't me, and I do not want to leave.
Nelson:  But if you want to progress, you need to leave.  A bird that flies and pecks is something that they do not need.  Let them do their own work.
Bernardo:  I want you to leave.
Spirit:  Fine.  I am leaving in a beautiful white carriage, and I am taking all the other birds along with me.
Caballito briefly returned to sum things up:  "Bernardo likes things his own way, and he would like to control Carmen - but she is too strong.  When he sees the spirits he has summoned, he becomes afraid."  The table discussed the issue, with Carmen and Bernardo providing examples.  Nelson advised everyone not to call the dead, as their energy is too intense for us to handle, and many spirits still have all of the pain and suffering from when they had a body - and our bodies will suffer from it.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson was sensing something with Janet, and after some questioning, it was determined that it was a spirit around her oldest daughter.  The daughter was very frustrated, because although she tried and tried, nothing ever went well for her.  Other people seemed to have a better life.  This made the daughter extremely angry at the world  - and Janet (she and her daughter no longer speak):
Nelson: Her anger comes from her interactions with other people.
Janet: Because she doesn't listen.
Nelson:  This spirit knows what to do to get her fuming.
Janet: That's her mood, all the time.  She wants things, but she doesn't have them, because they are not within her means.
Nelson:  The spirit is saying that she will never ever have anything.
Janet:  She lives in my house, and he (the spirit) has been seen. 
Nelson:  He controls her like a puppet.  He is telling me, 'You need an army to get rid of me.  They have all tried, and I just laugh.'  She took everything from that spirit and she left him with nothing.  So now he has made sure that she has nothing.
Ron: Would you consider that a fair payback?
(The spirit arrived instantly upon hearing Ron's question)
Spirit: It is not enough (of a payback)!  Why are you people helping her?
Janet: She is my daughter.
Jeff (to spirit):  So she used you?  Hurt you?
Spirit:  I only talk to people I can take things from.  Do you have anything of value?  She took everything I had (tearfully) and left me living under a bridge!  An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!  I will not be happy until she is in the same place.  I am having the best time of my life, and it's still not enough to pay me back. Do not get involved, because things are only going to get worse.
Jeff: So let's forget about her and concentrate on you.  Things have been difficult for you, and you must be tired of living that way - and tired of being around her...
Spirit: I told her I loved her and she left me with nothing!  I no longer care about myself.  I kept a ledger (demonstrated), a book lisitng what she owes me.  I am still collecting all of those fees. (to Janet)  Don't suffer anymore with her - let her cry and let her lie.
Jeff: Can you forgive her?  Forgive the rest of those debts?
Spirit: I am going to make a deal.  Are you a gambler?  I am a gambler, and I gambled with her.  That's how I got here today, I did a deal.  So I am going to give her a loan for what she still owes me - and I will check on her to see if she has changed.  If she has, I will forgive her and what she owes, and if not - the loan doubles.  She will owe me double the amount.  That's how they got me here, with double or nothing.  How could i refuse?  It's hot in here!  They are taking me someplace for refreshments.
Jeff: For some nice cool water...
Spirit: I hope there is something else in it!  I'm too hot.  (to Janet)  Ask her about the significance of seven.  I am leaving and taking six friends with me, for a total of seven.  Ask her about it.  About seven.
Janet: We are not speaking.  (began to cry)  We were so close, and now we are so far...
The spirit and his friends left quietly.  Caballito returned again, and he explained that today we opened a small portal with the relationship between Janet and her daughter.  The lid had been pried off a can that was filled with many other things, and Janet might want to take advantage of that opening.  "Sometimes we punish ourselves," Caballito reassured, "and we put aside opportunities that can help us.  It's time to let go of those thoughts.  You daughter never wanted to leave, but the spirits were stronger than she was." 
Next, Caballito turned his attention to Erika:
Caballito:  How is Alex?  (Erika said that he was good)  You miss him.  One part of you wishes he would come back, and the other half wants him to stay.  What about if you visit him?  Let's plan a trip.  It would be okay for you to go and see him.  If you put the effort into it, it will happen.  Let's plan a trip.  Experience it, and be a part of his life.  You two are the closest.  Let's ask the parents.  (they seemed surprised, but they agreed)  So let's plan a trip!  It's coming soon, and you need it - and it will be a good experience for both.  You think that if he stays over there, the bond you share with him will go away - and that will never happen.  You will remember this trip not just in this life, but for all of your lives.  Start planning it now.  His vacation is coming soon, and that time would be perfect.  Let's plan a trip - and I will go along with you!  The two of you are roots of the same tree, and those roots will always be there.  The encounter between the two of you - that first hug! - will be beautiful.  So let's plan a trip.  Your parents have already agreed to it...
Erika (laughing): In front of many witnesses!
Sonia said that before Caballito spoke to Erika, she was shown Erika holding a white sign with letters that slowly began to appear, one letter at a time.  The letters spelled "help," and Sonia understood that Erika wanted to ask about the trip, but she was uncertain over how to approach it.  Now that her question had been answered, the white sign had completely disappeared. 
Caballito (to Isabel):  Your legs are much better...
Isabel: Oh yes!  I listened to the message I was given, and I spoke to my daughter that same night.  She understood, and so did my grandson.  Today he was going to jump on me to give me a hug, and I reminded him again - and he apologized for the attempt! 
Caballito (to Isaac):  And let me ask how things are with the birthday boy? 
Sonia:  Things have been positive.
Caballito:  Keep doing the right things and good things will come to you.  It is up to us to make our lives what we want them to be. 
Maricela said she saw a white butterfly flying around.  Maricela began to cry (with happiness) as she realized that the white butterfly represented Andres wanting to say, "thank you, mama" to Marisol.  The butterfly turned around and flew away, and Nelson closed with a prayer.

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