Thursday, April 6, 2017

Chicago - July 17, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Eva, Gabe, Isabel, Juan, Juanita, Jeff, Maricela, Marietta, Marisol, Mimi, Nelson, Noemi, Sonia, and Xavier 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide delivered a brief message regarding the direction for this session: 
Caballito:  We live in difficult times, and things not going to get any better.  The 'enemies of the good' are winning too many times.  Many of us are not living correctly.  We like to look outside of ourselves, when we should be looking inside.
Marisol read the prayer for the sick, and Nelson read the prayer for our enemies and those who wish us harm.  With tears in his eyes, Emiliano shared that he was returning to work on Monday, and he was uncertain over how to act around his coworker.  He asked, "What should I do when I see that person who was responsible for my accident?  Be friendly?  Ignore him?"  Caballito responded that Emiliano should hold his head up high, and be the bigger person.  It was important to forgive the coworker, as his intentions may have come from spite, but there were also some spiritual forces at work.
Spirit 2 (via Marisol):  Marisol asked Nelson when he last spoke with his mother (about a month ago), as Marisol was seeing her short of breath, and fearful that she would die. Nelson's mother was sensing spiritual things, but she was perceiving those issues as if they were material world issues.  Marisol described Nelson as the "black sheep" of his family (and he agreed).   She added that whatever Nelson did to help his family, it was never enough, and Nelson explained that he was okay with things being that way, as he had reached an understanding with all of them.  The spirit of a male child from a previous life between Nelson and his mother was present.  The boy insisted that Nelson's mother had "damaged" him, and now he was determined to make Nelson "pay for those sins."  Nelson stood up and moved away, as the spirit sat through Marisol:
Spirit (pounding the table with frustration and anger): Devil!  Get OVER HERE!  You and I are going to reach an agreement today!  It's you or me!
Nelson:  You and I are friends.  In that life you remember, we may have been enemies, but now we are friends.  She (the mother) and I already have peace.  We just need you. 
(Nelson explained that in a previous life, he and this spirit were brothers born to his current mother)
Spirit (laughing and drumming on the table): You can reach an agreement, but is the love really there? Ha!
Nelson:  We have learned.  We each do our share.
Spirit: I am going to stay there, even if it hurts her.  She should already go, and be with me!
Nelson:  She can't go yet.  Don't you want to be my friend?  Like a brother?
Spirit:  No.  I will keep hating you.
Nelson: Don't waste your existence fighting with me.
Spirit (fanning his face rapidly):  Calor!  It's hot in here!  Turn on the fan!
Nelson: That heat is from your anger.
Spirit:  So where is that love?  I am not loved.  If that love is real, how can I leave without experiencing it?  They are promising me things I cannot see, but I will talk to them instead of to you.  There was never any love for me.  I was in charge of her seeing you as the ugly duckling of the family - so you would feel what it was like to be rejected by a mother.  Her love comes with conditions.
Nelson: I understand.  But that's about her - not you.
Spirit:  I will go.  I cannot give you what I don't have (love), so they (the spirit guides) will take me somewhere to learn it.  There are some knots in my nature. 
Nelson:  When you experience that love, come back and find me again.
Spirit: I have no idea what love is like.  Goodbye.
Nelson told the group that love was not mandatory in any family.  Individuals sent here as a family only needed to get along and take care of each other.  Nelson next asked Marietta is she had any children, and she said that she and her husband had decided against it.  Nelson sensed the spirit of a little boy around her.  "We may have promised something in the spirit world," Nelson said, "and then when we change those plans, we need to let them know - so they understand the reasoning.  Reach an agreement to be friends, even though you and that spirit may be in separate worlds.  That spirit needs to know that your decision had nothing to do with him.  They will listen if you communicate with them.  If there is any way that I can help you, let me know."
Juanita said that she was unable to breathe normally, and Sonia said her head ached during the prayer for the sick.  A spirit was present during the prayer, and he wanted to speak through Sonia.  The spirit had died from a shot in the head, which was causing Sonia's headache.  Sonia understood, and she said that she thought it would be better to wait until one spirit passed before she passed another one.  Nelson said it was fine to pass more than one spirit at the same time.  Maricela said that her breathing was also irregular.
Spirit 3 (via Carmen):  Carmen said that yesterday was a bad day for her.  She experienced horrible smells, and she thought they might be related to a dream she had about her deceased brother.  In the dream, she wanted to help her brother, but their two energies were not compatible.  The brother was eventually transported to a hospital, and Carmen's father was present.  Nelson explained that when Carmen's family talked about her, Carmen's father showed up to defend her.  The conversation continued:
Caballito:  Why are you dealing with this?  With them?  We always think that nothing will happen to us, but when spirits leave at a young age (like the brother), sometimes they want to return - and they cannot.  They want to return to fix or amend the things they left behind.
Carmen:  The brother who passed is making another family member sick.
Caballito:  With your brother, how he transitioned was what he deserved.  He still believes that he can come back, and he thinks that you can help him.  You need to shield yourself.  You are able to help him with prayers, but he needs to move on and realize that he does not belong - and he cannot return - to the material world that he left behind. 
(Carmen's spirit guide arrived through her to add more insight)
Spirit:  She is so smart, always meddling!  She should not be looking there.  The brother's family does not like or respect her.  They call her a witch - until they remember that she can help them.  There is an upcoming trip to New Jersey, and that is not going to happen.  She has a nice path ahead of her, but she needs to learn how to navigate it.  I'll be here to help.
Spirits 4 & 5 (via Marisol):  Marisol had a message from her spirit guide for Gabe, and it was similar to the other messages he has been receiving every week.  From a professional and academic point of view, Gabe needed to decide what to do - and just do it.  He was told to "poop or get off the pot," as he is not progressing at all, he was regressing or backsliding.  His inability to make any choices was becoming a problem.  (Note: Gabe normally translates the Spanish spirits for me, but he was asked to listen to his message instead.)  An angry spirit sat through Marisol to address Gabe directly, and he thought that Gabe had taken something from him.  Nelson wanted to know what Gabe was waiting for to act on the messages he had been given.  A total of five spirits were removed.  As the spirits moved on, Marisol's guide returned to add more to her message for Gabe.
Caballito returned through Nelson, and he wanted to know how Isabel was feeling.  She said her legs were in pain, and she had considered skipping the session.  She explained her medications, and her thoughts on why the leg pains kept recurring...
Caballito:  Why do you feel responsible for everything that happens to Ron (her husband)?  There are reasons for everything
Isabel:  As his wife, I feel obligated.
Caballito:  He is 68 years old, yet you treat him as if he was five.
Noemi:  He is your husband, not a child.
Isabel:  I'm afraid of being alone.
Caballito:  Who would be responsible if died, and you were left alone?
Isabel:  I couldn't deal with that.
Caballito:  Do you ever take walks by yourself?  (No)  You can run your life, but you cannot run his. 
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson was shown a funeral wake in Isabel's house, with a beautiful gold coffin.  Nelson was not able to see who was in the coffin, but he saw Isabel and Ron arguing over who would die and go into the coffin first.  Behind the coffin, there was a strange spirit, as the spirit kept shifting shapes.  He was a clown, but he was not dressed that way:
Noemi:  He transforms himself to make fun of them.
Nelson:  Yes.  He plays with them, making the temperatures hot and cold (Isabel agreed), and becoming tall, then short.  He wants them to be on a staircase, and he will trip Ron and have him fall on Isabel.  He's looking for the perfect timing for both of them to die together.
(This spirit was running in circles, and he agreed to sit through Nelson)
Spirit:  I am angry at her.  She thinks she can do it all!  Now she can't even walk (laughing).  I didn't want her to come here today, because I didn't want to be here.  I need to finish my work.  It's not good or bad work, it's just my job.  I will finish her first, so the other one will be easy.
Marisol counseled the spirit.  At one point, Isabel asked about a relative, and the spirit began to laugh, telling her, "Everything you touch?  I want to destroy it!"  Isabel began to cry, because she believed that everyone in her family would die.  Marisol calmed Isabel, while she patiently told the spirit that his task was not possible, as he was a spirit without a body:
Spirit: If I leave, I cannot finish my job.  That's a problem.  You see her there, small and cute?  She is not.  She has asked for forgiveness so many times, I wonder if she means it.  Let me ask you people something - who picked me us and brought me here?  I see him now, picking up my funeral items.  He is telling me to take all of those things and leave.  I had a crazy circus, but we will go - all 14 of us.  I had one in every corner.  Causing pain, heat, cold, confusion - something for everyone.  Her house will be more peaceful now.
Caballito (replacing the spirit and speaking to Isabel):  I need a balance in your home.   Explain that idea to Ron.  Those friends will not be welcome in a home filled with love and respect.  Establish that balance. 
(Jeff was asked to bring Emiliano to the table.  Caballito tightly rolled a towel)
Caballito:  You thought your hand wouldn't work again.  How is it now?  (It was good)  You need to strengthen your faith.  Sometimes, our faith is lowered, and we need to assure that it does not fall.  I need you to use that hand, and grab this side (of the towel) as strong as you can (Caballito held the other end, pulling it firmly).  Transfer that pain to me, so tomorrow you will feel even better.  What he's giving me is fire.  Anger.  Some things are better done than said.  There is only respect and love here, and there is no reason for him to offend anyone.  (to Emiliano)  Finish your therapy treatments, and I am taking care of the spiritual side.  Finish the material work, and you will be back 100%.  The spiritual job is done.
Spirit 7 (via Sonia):  As Jeff was leading Emiliano back to his seat, Sonia's spirit guide arrived to assist:
Spirit:  We are passing him that energy!  I am sending you mine as well.  The work has already started - Amen, amen, amen!
Isabel stepped forward, so that Caballito could work on her legs.  "Let's eliminate all of those things that those friends left behind," he said.  A different towel was folded, and Caballito passed it across the front and back of her legs.  Isabel was asked to bend both legs at the knee, and she was able to do it easily. 
Marietta moved forward next:
Caballito:  I know you came here looking for some answers.  I hope you understand that one session is not enough.  You were welcomed here today, and you will get your answers.  Before I can answer, I just need a little bit of faith.  Today, he (Nelson) did not want me to talk to you.  (Note:  Nelson explained later in the car that he was apprehensive over Marietta being frightened away and less likely to return to our group.)  When he (Nelson) is here, he is just a worker.  Today I did not ask him to let me sit.  I just came in.  Humans always want control.  Little by little, you (Marietta) will get your answers.  I will give you a preview, so that you will return:  'You had nothing to do with it.  Decisions were already made, and you were just a consequence of what happened.  Do you understand?  (She did)  Your life is finally going to be yours.  Today is the beginning of a new life for you!  Grab it, and it will be great.
Denise said she smelled something burning when Caballito was working with Emiliano, and Nelson explained that it was only the transference of the heat/anger involved.  Nelson closed with a prayer.

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