Saturday, April 15, 2017

Chicago - August 14, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Eva, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Maricela, Marisol, Milagros (and her guests, Jose and his wife), Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and Xaver
Marisol read the Prayer for the Sick, and Maricela updated the group on Juanita's condition.  Nelson mentioned his nephew in Puerto Rico who was suffering from recurring back pain.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson was focused on Jose, the guest of Milagros.  He was suffering with four ulcers, issues with his circulation, diabetes, and now his legs felt as if they were on fire.  Spiritually, Nelson was made aware that Jose had a low tolerance for black people (or others darker than he was), and part of that issue was from a previous reincarnation, but those feelings also continued in this lifetime.  He was once a plantation owner who made his black slaves walk on hot coals - to see if burning their legs and feet would alter their skin color.  Jose had been to several doctors, but nothing helped his burning legs.  Nelson heard a spirit say, "He can put ice on it, but nothing will cool him."  The male spirit spoke in a savage sing-song voice, with a high pitch that sounded like a madame or practitioner of voodoo:
Spirit (hunched and bent over): Carumba!  Don't tell me things that are not true - I know the truth!  The only medicine to fix his pain - we have that potion, and we are not giving it up.  Carumba!  Where was our pity?
Marisol:  Do you feel well?
Spirit:  No.  Of course not! 
Jose:  I ask for forgiveness.
Spirit:  We went through so much because of you!  We can never forget - or forgive.  I would like to ask for a cold glass of water.  Not for me, for my family.  I am made of fire, and water would harm me.  Do you know how difficult it is to see your son suffer and not be able to help?  (The spirit guides supplied his son with a cold glass of water)  Thank you.  (to Jose)  Everything you do in secret is known.  I wanted to say more, but it really doesn't matter any more.  We will go.  There are 45 of us, and my family is eight - my wife and I, and six children.  Carumba!  We will go. 
The spirit hunched over and left in the same way he arrived.  Nelson recommended that Jose read the Prayer for the Hardened Spirits for 30 days.  Marisol wanted to return to Juanita's health.  She sensed that Juanita was tired of being sick and seeing herself in the same condition every day (and Maricela agreed). 
Spirits 2 & 3 (via Marisol):  Marisol was being shown a dark shadow that overwhelmed Juanita.  It completely covered her hospital room, and Juanita's thoughts fed the shadowy spirits.  "She has lost her will to live," Maricela said tearfully.  A female spirit emerged to sit through Marisol:
Spirit (sadly): And she cries more than she smiles.  It shatters my heart, it's all too much suffering.
Nelson:  What we need to do is get your heart and hers beating again.
Spirit:  I can't die, they need me!  I am trying to take care of her, but whenever I come near her, she gets sicker.  She doesn't want to die, but everything hurts! 
Nelson:  Why do you have this obsession with her? 
Spirit:  She took care of me when I was sick - she was my caregiver.  I am her mother.  My husband was not good, and I will not accept that I am dead.  (Note: This was the second appearance at our table for this spirit.  She was summoned to Juanita's hospital room by family members who believed that she was a "good" spirit who could help. When we transition back into the spirit world, we progress at our own individual rate.  Contacting a former relative to ask for help interrupts this progression, and it hurts everyone.)
Referring to her family, the spirit asked, "How can I leave when they still cry for me?"  Nelson began to rhythmically snap his fingers on one hand, similar to the tick-tock of a clock.  It helped the spirit to focus.  "Now I feel sorrow, because I couldn't help," the spirit sobbed, "I accept the blame, but it was not my intention to come.  I'm ready to go."  Nelson told her, "You suffered, and so did everyone else."  The spirit put her head on the table and wept.  Marisol's spirit guide softly replaced the spirit.  She stood up, with cheerful hand clapping, some dancing, and her exuberant praise:  "It was about time for that spirit to go!  Stop mourning and celebrate her progression!  This was great work.  Tell Juanita to come dance with me!"
Nelson began to snap his fingers again, as he walked over to Emiliano.  Esperanza joined them, and Emiliano began to cry.  Nelson said, "He bottles everything up inside and doesn't cry or show any emotion."  Emiliano said that his family was diminishing (one son was in Korea, while his other son and his daughter were both on vacation).  Nelson reminded him that he still had his wife, and they loved each other.
Spirit 4 (via Carmen):  Emiliano's grandmother was with us, and she wanted Emiliano to know that he was not alone.  She sat through Carmen to explain:
Spirit:  Do not allow another tragedy.  Stay strong, and realize that there are some things you cannot control.  Take care of yourself.  Do not allow the obscurities of life stray you from your path.  And pray for those loved ones, to encourage them to continue on the paths they have chosen. 
Eva (to the Romero family and the group):  Remember that when someone passes, don't ask for them to return.  We never know what they are doing on the other side, or how they are progressing.  Instead, call on your spirit guide to help.
Carmen immediately began to sense another spirit, and it was a message for the wife of Jose (Milagros other guest).  She was reluctant to let the spirit sit, as it was difficult work, and the spirit side had already informed Carmen that the message would not be believed.  Nelson said, "We do the work for the spirits - it's our job.  If someone doesn't like the message, we shouldn't care.  We are here to work, not to make new friends.
Spirits 5 & 6 & 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson was studying a spirit related to Xavier and Isaac.  He sensed that both of them were wishing that their father was home more often, so he could spend more time with them.  All their conversations with him were mundane and routine.  Nelson sensed that the boys often felt abandoned.  Nelson's guide arrived to explain further:
Caballito (to Xavier and Isaac):  Why haven't you told him that?  Just say what comes from your heart, and ask him to spend more time with you.  Sonia, does your son realize that his kids need him now?  (Yes)  So what will he say when something happens to one of these boys?  I was too busy at work?  He doesn't think that he needs to worry about them, but how does he know, when he is never there?  Sebastian (the youngest son) needs him more than the other two, but HE IS NEVER THERE.  He failed with his older children, and now he will fail with them... 
(Caballito ushered in a spirit who took his place)
Spirit (snarling):  Who the hell do you think you are?  I was doing my job where I was.  They will never be happy.  I want to make sure that they hate each other.  I never got anything, and isn't everyone supposed to be treated equally?  I was abandoned, and it's hard to grow up alone, all by yourself.  I don't care about his kids, this is about him
Sonia: You need a family...
Spirit (laughing):  What's that?  What is a family?
Jeff: People who care about each other.
Spirit: I never had that!
Marisol: You had a grandmother who loved you.
Spirit: She was the only one ever there!  I went through so many things that I didn't understand, because he was never there.  He used to say, 'Not now, not now!'  It was always, 'Not now.'  (pause, and crying)  Do you know how hard that is?  When you need him the most, you get 'Not now.'  If not now, then when?  He (the spirit guide) is trying to tell me that I will find love, but I don't even know what that is.  I'm tired of not knowing when.  Don't they say, V is for Victory?  Ha!  He (Victor, the father) has failed all of them.  No victory until he ends up like me.  One day he will ask his boys for something, and I hope he won't get what I got, 'Not now.'  I just want peace, for them not to feel what I felt.  (pause)  To be free of him.  You know what I just heard instead of 'not now?'  I heard, 'now.'  So I will go - and try to find some happiness.
The spirit departed, and Nelson wondered why it was so difficult for parents to tell their children that they loved them.  A familiar spirit professor arrived to answer that question:
Spirit:  Put the excuses aside, all of you.  When you tell someone you love them, you get love in return.  Haven't we come here to learn how to love?  There will be mistakes, but my message is firm.  That's why Jeff has been wondering who I was (it was Don Polo). I had to use a sterner tone to deliver my message.  Sonia, you can still teach your son.  Eva, have no fear when you return home (to Puerto Rico).  Sometimes, being received is welcome enough.  That friend of yours is experiencing a rough stretch, and you can help.  If you see something wrong, speak up.  Jeff, open your arms to that one (his mother) with a lot of love - even if she rejects it, it is your responsibility to offer.  Later, she will appreciate it.  She likes to blame the one who was not there, but if you were there with her, she would still blame you.
Spirit 8 (via Marisol):  Polo stepped to the side so the work could continue.  Nelson noticed a spirit with Marisol when she arrived today, and now the spirit told him, "You have no business meddling in her life.  Or her husband's life. No damn business!"  The irate spirit sat through Marisol: 
Spirit (to Nelson):  I saw you when I came in.  He (Marisol's husband) cannot leave her.  I am stopping him from nothing (laughter).  But he cannot leave.
Nelson:  Because you are in the middle, stopping him.
Spirit: It's hot.  Isn't it hot?
Nelson:  You are hot because you are doing weird things to stop him from going back to school.  Things you should not be doing, with little dolls, water, and a black candle.  What is the purpose of that candle?  Why don't you want him to make it?
Spirit: His life is paralyzed.  No school, no job, nothing.
Nelson: How can I convince you to leave him alone?
Spirit: I'm getting revenge!  He did the same to me.  I didn't have a chance.  (irritated)  Why did he (the husband) have to find this one (Marisol)? Things were taken out of my control.  I was fine before she arrived.
Nelson: You have to change.  You have closed every door for him.  Learn, and go to the reincarnation center.  You can still do it, you can make it.
Spirit:  He has dreams, but they are getting further away for him.  I don't think I can make it either.
Nelson:  But today you will go back to school, and so will he.  The spirit world loves you, and you can accomplish everything you want to do.  You can come back and tell us all about it - that person you always wanted to be...
Spirit:  They are telling me I was wrong.  Life is interesting, isn't it?  Things happen that we can't understand.  I'm going to go.  I feel better because you said I will have another chance.  And he was meant to be more.
Nelson:  Life always gives you a second chance...
Spirit 9 (via Carmen):  As the spirit left Marisol, a new spirit arrived to sit briefly through Carmen.  As with the previous weeks, the spirit and her group were causing Carmen to suffer, even though the spirits were summoned by Bernardo:
Spirit:  I came here to remove her from here!  (to Nelson)  Also, you talk too much. 
Nelson: That's your fault, stop interfering with her life.
Spirit:  I want her to go crazy.  We pay for everything we do, in the end.  But I will go (Note: 36 spirits were removed)
Spirit 10 (via Sonia & Nelson):  When Nelson mentioned this nephew (Diego) at the start of our session, Sonia felt the pain that he was experiencing.  It started in her neck, and it grew more painful as it moved down the spine.  Nelson said that when he spoke to Diego earlier over the phone, the spirits presented an image of him in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down.  Nelson knew that there was a material cause, and he wondered if there was also a spiritual side.  Nelson was shown that Diego's parents were pulling him in two different directions, as if it was a tug of war, and Diego was the rope.  Sonia heard a spirit ask, "What has he ever suffered from it?" Diego's father wanted him to visit his center, and Diego's mother wanted him to contact Nelson.  Diego just wanted to be left alone.  Everyone was looking for a miracle, and Diego thought that if he could just leave his family, it would be much easier to deal with them.  Nelson sensed him thinking, "It will go away, if I can get away."  He also heard him tell his father, "You want me to understand you, but you don't understand me."  Diego's father responded,  "Do what I say, not what I do.  I don't have to explain it to you, just do what I say."  Nelson drew the following image:

The issue was Diego's tail bone, near the last vertebrae.  Marisol recommended a full CAT scan or MRI to address the material world issue.  Spiritually, the tug of war with his parents was stressing Diego's body and causing him to physically react to the stress.  The parents pulled so much on the oval shaped vertebrae, it had became unclasped - like an opened bracelet.  Nelson said he would contact Diego and let him know.
Nelson wanted to give the female guest of Milagros  a preview of what to expect from the spirit that Carmen was reluctant to pass.  It pertained to something that happened 10 years ago.  At first, nothing came to her mind, but then she realized that her father died 10 years ago.  

Nelson closed with a prayer.

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"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...