Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Chicago - August 21, 2016

In attendance:
Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Erika, Eva, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Maricela, Marisol, Milagros, Nelson, Otillia, Ron, Rossana, Sebastian, Sonia, and Xaver
Marisol read the Prayer for the Sick and the Prayer for the Soul. Nelson said that he had felt the spiritual presence of a former friend (Ivan) in his house for the last couple of days. 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Ivan told Nelson that he was sorry to bother him, but he needed to move forward in the spirit world, and he was finding it difficult to ignore the cries for help from the people he had left behind:
Spirit: You have no idea how difficult it is - the love you had for them takes over.  How difficult.  I have tried.  Even if we don't want to hear them calling out to us, we hear it!  How can I ignore it?  (looked at Jeff)  That should have been me in that chair, at this table.  What was it that made you believe in this when I couldn't?  Only now do I understand how complicated it is to leave the material world behind.  Especially when it was unexpected. (Ivan had lung cancer, and after being diagnosed, he rapidly transitioned back to the spirit world on September 11, 2011).  I heard from a friend that he (Ivan's partner in the material world) is not doing well.  Help him, don't leave him alone.  He was so kind to me.  The last time I visited you (at a session in Florida), I explained that I wanted to learn everything so quickly, but it takes time.
Jeff:  Have they given you a specific job yet?
Spirit:  No.  I am learning to listen, and still learning how I can help.  Prepare yourselves and continue to progress on this side.  I was allowed to come here and speak through someone (Nelson) that I admired in my life.  (to Marisol)  Thank you for opening the doors to me in the past (at Cando's center).  Nelson pulled me aside many times.  I rejected what he said, but I am extremely thankful.  Don't let that happen to any of you.  Hopefully you can learn how hard it can be to transition.  Anytime I am allowed, I will come here to speak.  (to Jeff)  By the way, congratulations.  You never imagined it would last this long (referring to Jeff and Nelson's 33 years together next week).  My time is up.
Ivan's spirit drifted away, and Jeff shared some details of the friendship with the group.  Marisol said she was experiencing severe pain in her tailbone, and she sensed it that it was related to Nelson's nephew (Diego).  Ironically, Nelson had also been suffering from back pains (as Ivan's lung cancer was diagnosed after he complained of back pains for many years). Marisol envisioned that it was too painful for Diego to sit for long periods at school, and she demonstrated how he would position himself against a wall. 
Spirit 2 (via Marisol):  Marisol was being shown a vision similar to the one from last week, with Diego in a wheelchair, and he was unable to move from the waist down.  A spirit moved into Marisol to explain further:
Spirit: I want him in a wheelchair!  He put me in one, and I am going to put him in one.  (pounded the table)  I will put him where I want to put him!  (the spirit bounced in his seat, as if it was a wheelchair and he was rapidly moving the wheels)  There was an accident, and he was the culprit!  I don't care how old he is, he can go to school in a wheelchair like mine.  I do not want him to progress. 
Sonia:  It was an accident.
Spirit (covering both eyes): He was with me!  We were friends, and it was a car accident.  Nothing happened to him, but after the accident, my life changed completely.  He abandoned me!  (hands moving rapidly, trying to spin the wheels on his chair faster)  He continued living and I was forgotten!  (sadly)  All my plans.
Nelson:  The accident happened when you were young?
Spirit:  Yes.  And if I couldn't go to school, neither will he!  I died all alone.
Nelson:  So you don't need that chair anymore, because you no longer have a body.
Spirit:  That's what he (the spirit guide) is telling me - that I don't need this wheelchair.  I can move my legs? (moved his legs up and down in amazement)  Look at that (laughed).  So what do I do now?
Nelson:  You will be taken somewhere else to learn.  Maybe you will see him (Diego) again.  You might reincarnate as his son.   
Spirit (excited):  I am going to run now - to wherever I am going.  I can run!   Forgive me for not wanting to talk to you, I was ignorant. Goodbye...goodbye!
Nelson asked Erika about her vacation to Ohio, and she said it went very well, and that it was a relaxing (and it showed physically, as Erika looked amazing).  There were no issues with the friend that she was warned about.  From the minute they were together in the car, the friend was nicer than she had ever been before.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide (Caballito) had arrived, and he had a question for Rossana.  He asked her, "Are you ready to have another baby?"  Rossana replied, "Sort of.  We are working on it, and getting ready."  Caballito swerved in and out of Nelson to offer some recommendations:
Caballito: Physically ready?  Make sure that you are 100% ready.  There are some friends who do not want him to come, so it will not be easy, but his work will be beautiful.  They are trying to convince him (the spirit of the new baby) not to come.  Do not let them change his mind.  Give him all the chances to arrive perfect.  His spirit is already around your first son, and that baby is trying to persuade your new son to join him.  You are uncertain if you want to bring him, but you have not yet told anyone. 
Rossana:  It was not an easy birth the first time, and my husband and I were talking about adoption.
Caballito:  The spirit who wants to come is not already in a body, waiting for adoption.  (laughed)  That's a great idea for your third child.  The one that is coming will have a very strong bond with you.  He is asking that you not to leave him behind.  He knows you have your choices, and you can say no to him.  But he is looking forward to the new challenge.
Rossana: I am getting ready to bring him.
Caballito (laughing):  He wants to have the skin tone of his father...
Spirit 4 (via Sonia):  There was a brief message for Maricela.  "You need to take care of yourself, and you are not," Sonia told her.  Maricela had mentioned earlier that she felt as if there was a small hole in her head, and it was making her head very cold.  She was uncertain over why she might be experiencing this pain.  As Sonia explained more in Spanish, Maricela said that the sensation of the nail-sized hole in her head was abating.
Nelson asked Milagros about her health (there was continued improvement) and he advised her to keep praying.  Eva sensed that with training, Milagros could become a working medium.  Nelson reminded Milagros not to forget about our group.  Milagros explained that her friend from last week could not attend, as he needed a day to recover after he attended to his leg pain issues.  Caballito briefly returned to say that if someone knew they needed a day to recover, the leg issues could be addressed on another day - not the day prior to a session.
Marisol had a question for Sonia.  She wondered if her son treated his three boys equally.  All three sons were at our session, so Nelson asked for their opinion.  Isaac said it wasn't always equal, and Marisol understood that whatever the issue was that the spirits wanted to communicate, it should be handled at a later date.  The spirits needed to be softened up. 
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Gabe about the upcoming visit of his sister.  Did he feel used?  (he did)  Nelson saw Gabe's sister in a mental institution.  She was seated in a chair, staring at a wall and not speaking.  Nelson heard her idly thinking, "I am just going to let the world go by..."
Jeff:  The world goes by, and she is not in it. 
Marisol:  We already know she struggles with depression.  Your mom (Nelson's sister) completely disregards her life.  She treats her like a marionette, a puppet.
Gabe: She closes down immediately.
Jeff: Nelson previously saw spiritual nuns...
Spirit (arriving):  Shhh!  Shhh!  You cannot talk, we only whisper. 
Sonia: It's okay here.  You can speak.
Spirit:  Shhh!  She belongs to us.  We keep the secrets that nobody knows.  She talks to us, but we only whisper.  Keep it all to yourself.  Shhh!  Whisper!
Jeff:  Are you a silent order of nuns?
Spirit: I told you to be quiet!  We are here, with you now, in the basement of this convent.  Shhh.  We pray, but we do not speak. She doesn't know anything else.  No thinking.
Jeff: Because you won't allow it.
Marisol:  She is no longer a part of your group, she was born again.  And you are a spirit.
Spirit (loudly):  Spirit!?  Who said that?  Like the Virgin Mary?  Who made these rules?
Marisol:  There are no rules because there is no convent.  Those old rules do not apply.
Spirit:  No rules?  Virgin Mary, come down and help me!  So I can say anything I want?  (looked at Jeff)  Go to hell!  I can tell him to go to hell?  You have opened a new world.  1824 was the last time I was allowed to speak.  My parents sent me there, to that convent.  I wanted to belong to something, to fit in.
Marisol:  Do you see that guy next to you?
Spirit: The quiet one?  He is telling us that we do not need to go back.
Jeff: You are free.
Spirit:  The padre told us no, that we needed to continue the rosary all day.  He was in charge.  (Note: The priest in charge of the convent is now the dad of Gabe and his sister in this life)  Thank you for liberating us!  I don't have to wear this (nun's habit) anymore?  I am taking it off (demonstrated).  I don't need to keep my hair short?  I want it long and flowing.  I am going to go.  We are 224 and one priest.  I did not like him.  I'm a free woman!  I hope I don't get into trouble.  Some of us will go to one place, and some to another place.  But all of us are going.  Thank you, I can talk!
As we were preparing to close the session, Otillia said she was experiencing some shoulder pain.  Caballito briefly returned to address her issue:
Caballito:  Why do you enjoy hearing bad news about others?  You take on everything, all the issues of those others when that happens.  Learn to carry only your luggage.  Not everyone who embraces you wants the best for you.
Eva was concerned about returning to Puerto Rico and working with her sister to stop the suicidal thoughts of her sister's son.  She asked for strength, and Caballito moved over to her to give her passes of energy to help prepare her for the task.  Nelson closed with a prayer.

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