Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Chicago - July 31, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Eva, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Jeff, Juan, Maricela, Marisol, Milagros, Nazario, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and Xaver
After the opening prayer, Marisol read the prayer for the sick.  She asked about Juanita's health, and Maricela said that she was suffering from a swollen foot and hand on one side of her body.  Nelson wondered about a possible connection with a spirit in a wheelchair who was present earlier, when he was having a conversation with Carmen.  This spirit was having an effect on both Juanita and Carmen, as everyone knew each other from the past, at Cando's center.  
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit in the wheelchair was named Maria, and she was studying each person at our table, looking for someone to help her understand the "whys" of many things on the spirit side.  The spirit thought that more should have been done to help her.  Marisol understood that the spirit did not yet realize that she was dead.  The somber spirit passed into Nelson, breathing heavily and with a slight tone of resentment over where she was and how she felt:
Spirit: Why didn't you help me more?  I'm just asking, not interrogating.  (looked at Carmen)  I knew she could help, she was the only one who ever gave me hope.  I want to know what happens after we die.  (Maricela began to answer, but the spirit refused to speak to her.)
Carmen:  We tried to help you.  Now you are not in the material world anymore.
Spirit:  Do you know how hard it is to be in this condition for so long?  With no energy?
Marisol: You no longer have a body to feel that pain.
Spirit: Even if I understand that, my mind tells me one thing and my body feels another way.  So I don't need to be in this wheelchair anymore? 
Marisol:  No.  And they will take you to a hospital to treat your mind.
Spirit:  How sad that I could have done more for myself than I did.  (to Carmen)  I'm sorry.  I wanted to make you feel like I did, so you would understand.
Carmen:  It's okay, and now I want to help you again, to go with that guide.
Spirit (tearfully):  Thank all of you for helping me to understand.  I'm leaving.  I will get out of this chair and walk out.  It is not easy. I need to also thank him (the spirit guide) for answering the "whys" for me.  How difficult it is to walk, after never doing it before...
The spirit departed, and Nelson stood painfully to stretch the pain he felt in his lower back.  Marisol sensed a group of reluctant spirits who wanted to come in the door, and she invited them to our table.  These spirits were confused, as they had previously attended sessions in the building we were occupying, but the work we were doing was different from what they did in the past.  Sonia explained that there was once a cabinet by the wall where Nelson and Marisol were now seated.  The cabinet had a black curtain with a red light inside.  During the Friday night classes, someone would enter the cabinet, and spiritual presences would surround that person.  The cabinet was destroyed in a flood, and it was never rebuilt.  These spirits were looking for the cabinet they remembered.
Spirit 2 (via Marisol):  Marisol explained to the group of spirits that they no longer needed that cabinet to move on.  The spirits were still puzzled, insisting that they "wanted that box."  Nelson moved his chair away from Marisol, and one of the spirits agreed to speak through her - as he visualized her as the cabinet:
Spirit (formally):  Good afternoon, brothers and sisters.  We had our services upstairs.  Why are you down here?  Downstairs is special.  Where is it?  Where is the cabinet?
Jeff: You are in the cabinet, speaking to us.
Sonia: Look around, you are there.
Spirit: You should all move back upstairs.
Nelson:  That has changed...but our work is similar to yours.
Spirit (to Nelson):  You should not move around, why are you standing?  Sit down (Nelson sat).  There can only be one person in the cabinet at a time.
Nelson:  You have brought a lot of friends with you.
Spirit (curious):  This is so strange for all of us.
Jeff: We only want to know who you are and how we can help you.
Spirit: We always came here together.  Why is this man (spirit guide) talking to us?  He cannot be in the cabinet.  He is telling us that we do not need that box, that he can take us to another service.  (pause)  He is saying that the place does not matter, the work is what matters.  We are curious, as we come from another time, much further back.  There are 112 of us, and we will all go together.  We are going with him.  May the peace of God be with you...
While the spirit was speaking to our table, he was also turning sideways to explain what he was learning to his group.  Marisol explained that the spirit and his group were asking for some clarity before they would all agree to move forward.
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Carmen):  Carmen had been studying a spirit who was with Juanita and wanted to speak:
Spirit (sounding sick):  I'm healthy, really healthy.  I'm just looking for what is mine, so I had to make her (Juanita) sick.  I'm healthy, but I need to control her - so she will do what I say.  She lives with me.
Nelson: Today is a divorce from her.
Spirit:  I put her legs to sleep so she doesn't move away from me.  (pause)  My mouth tastes like blood.  I don't like it, I can't breathe right.  I only taste blood.  I feel bad now, take this away.  I'm cold, it's horrible.
The spirit was persuaded to move away from Juanita, and Carmen's guide arrived with a cleansing message.  She said that Carmen was becoming afraid of spirits.  Bernardo attracted too many spirits that he could not handle, and Carmen was now apprehensive to pass any of them - including her own guide.  After her spirit guide stepped back, Carmen shared that she had experienced a horrible week.
Nelson had a dream during the week regarding Jeff's birth father.  The birth father had transitioned back to the spirit world, and he was seeking revenge with Jeff's mother, as she left the father when Jeff was three years old.  Jeff never had any contact with his father. 
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  In the dream, the father wanted Jeff to know, "I didn't leave you, she made me leave you, and I never had any chance to love you.  She took that away from me.  If you ever had anyone to blame, don't blame me.  She wouldn't let me."  Nelson understood that the father knew he was dead, and he was determined to haunt his former spouse.  He was in the room with us, but he refused to sit because he knew that he would need to move on, and he wanted to torture Jeff's mother a little longer.  He eventually agreed to speak to Marisol from his position behind Nelson:
Spirit: If I talk, does that mean I have to leave?
Marisol:  It would be to a better place. 
Spirit: I haven't finished what I want to do.  She took my good years, and now I'm going to take her final years...
The spirit mentally told Nelson that he died from diabetic shock, and he told our table that he would remove himself to think about the possibility of sitting in the future.  He thought Jeff did not resemble him, and he said he always wondered if he really was Jeff's real father.  "I am going to observe more, and then I will make my choice," the spirit said. leaving abruptly.
Spirit 6 (via Marisol):  There was a brief message for Eva.  Her spiritual faith has kept her moving forward, and although she may not always think about it, her prayers have been answered.  The message was from the spirit of Eva's father, and he told her, "Prayers can make miracles happen.  I taught you that."  He said that he stops by her whenever he has a chance.  He knew that she had visited different spiritual groups, and he asked her, "And now, you have found what you were looking for, correct?  And isn't that what you were praying for all along?"  Eva gratefully agreed, and her father faded away softly.
Nelson was being shown a massive spiritual army that was ready for battle.  A leader from the assembled battalions stepped forward.  He spoke in a military cadence to address our table and his assembled troops at the same time:
Spirit: None of you realize how close we are to a war.  We have everyone assembled and all of our battle gear on - except for the boots.  In fact, we are already at war, as some of the troops have their boots on, and they are at battle. 
Marisol:  We pray for peace.
Denise: Lay down your arms, wherever you are.
Spirit: We need to be prepared.  We are ready.
Jeff: What if we cancel that mission?
Spirit: We hear them, calling us to war.  You say put the arms down, we hear, 'Put them on!'  We are everywhere.
Marisol understood that this was a spirit army, and she explained the concept to the table.  These soldiers were part of a spiritual army that fought for peace - not war and destruction.  They were hoping for peace, but if it could not be achieved, they were prepared to go to battle for it. 
Spirit:  We are prepared!  With very strong forces.  We are prepared spirits, not in the material world!
Marisol:  We are praying, sending you thoughts of peace.
Spirit:  We are not getting those thoughts of peace - only war.  We are the ones trying to stop it, the nonsense of you humans.
Marisol:  We need to stop it, or many will die.
Spirit:  Many are already dying - today!  The innocent, and the children - they are dying.
Marisol:  And you try to protect them.
Spirit:  Do you know how hard our jobs are?  To always be ready?  You are not alone, you are protected by us, and we, the spirit world, will not allow war to happen.  We feel and understand the chaos in your world, but we are tired of being prepared, constantly on alert for war.  We could not leave you until another group was prepared to protect you.  And today my battalion will move on.  We are tired, just as you get tired.  Today is our day.
Marisol:  The changing of the guard.
Spirit: Correct!  We will be at peace, and we need that rest.  Pray!  Don't be selfish and pray just for yourselves.  Pray for some peace in the world!  We are ready to move on.  Today is our turn, and it's our time, because we have earned it.  Thank you for allowing all of us to serve you.  We guard the world from those who do not want peace.  Tonight, when you do your prayers, take a moment to think about us.  We are leaving someone else in charge now.  Keep the doors open here. 
The spirit of the commander signed off with a military salute.  Sonia said, "We kept them active with our prayers, that band of energy."  Emiliano said he saw a spirit offering him a spoon, and as he reached for it, the spoon was taken away.  Nelson closed with a prayer. 

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