Thursday, April 6, 2017

Chicago - July 24, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Eva, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jose, Juan, Juanita, Jeff, Maricela, Marisol, Milagros, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and Xaver
After the opening prayer, Marisol read the prayer for the sick and the prayer for peace.   Nelson turned his attention to Eva, as there was a spirit present for her daughter (Rossana).  The spirit was connected to Rossana's infant son.  In a previous life, the son and this spirit were both military leaders who opposed each other.  The spirit was still wearing his uniform, and he would now be born as a brother to Rossana's son, as a way for the two of them to resolve that prior adversarial relationship.  Nelson sensed that there was a "love-hate relationship" currently between them, as they viewed each other as 'frenimies" (they respected each other as friends, but they were enemies below the surface).  Similar to the son Rossana that already had, this spirit was also previously a top director of his group, and there were spirits from his group who did not want him to reincarnate as the brother of their perceived enemy.  Ironically, it was the infant brother who was already born who was the one inviting this spirit to join him.
In their previous relationship, the son that Rossana already has was responsible for the death of this spirit, which is how this spirit found his way to our table.  He was very reluctant to spend another lifetime with someone who had caused his previous life to end, but was curious over the invitation to become his brother.  The current son had been explaining to his potential brother that the home they would share was a place of love (not war), and that coming together would be the only way for the two of them to learn, grow and progress together.  The current son said that he was also frightened and apprehensive before he arrived, but now he was very happy and content.  The spirit still had some concerns, as he was remembering that past life of war that they had endured together.  (Note: We lose our memory of our previous lives when we reincarnate.  This spirit still remembered his past life, because he had not yet taken that final step into a new reincarnation.)
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson had never experienced anything like this before.  Most of the spirits he passed wanted to speak after they had transitioned back to the spirit world, and this was a spirit who wanted to speak before he transitioned into the material world.  Nelson heard the spirit say, "If my mom is not here, can I at least speak to grandma (Eva)?  To tell her that those prayers she said did reach me?"  The quiet spirit arrived tearfully through Nelson to share more:
Spirit: I'm afraid because I know who I am, and what I have done.  When you know who you are, and can admit what you have done, that's the point when you have to go back. 
(Eva counseled the spirit in Spanish, promising him that he would be in a place of love, and that his past was not important, only his future.) 
Spirit: But my past is holding me back.  They brought me here to give me courage.  I am a frightened soldier.
Marisol:  Soon, you will forget that past.
Spirit: But it's so hard not to be scared.
Eva:  That's why we are here with you now.  To reassure you that you can amend the past.
Spirit: He (the brother already born) keeps calling me, but I keep waiting to decide.  What do I say to my group, the ones I will leave behind?  They told me that I have to leave everything behind.
Marisol:  Yes, but this will be a new opportunity for you.
Spirit: It's difficult.  They tell me that it's a new chapter for everyone.  I came here to finish a process.  (to Eva)  And you promise to be my grandma?
Eva:  Of course I will - with a lot of love.
Spirit: Don't forget that you told me that - it will make my mission less difficult.
Eva:  I won't forget.  I want your path to be an easy one.
Spirit: They are already showing me a marvelous world.  Thank you, I haven't earned any of this, but they tell me I need it to be humble.  It's hard to say goodbye, but this is an amazing welcome.  (very emotional and speaking directly to Eva)  Thank you for that promise...until we are finally able to touch our hands together...
Nelson advised that the prayer for the newborn to a specific mother be said.  Marisol had been studying a spirit for herself, and this spirit was very angry with Nelson for passing the previous spirit. 
Spirit 2 (via Marisol):  The spirit wanted to stop Marisol and Nelson from working today (Nelson had a sore throat, and Marisol's car wouldn't start).  The frustrated spirit arrived through Marisol, angrily pounding on the table with his fists:
Spirit:  Meddling children!  Well, well, well.  I got rid of her husband, he is not currently in the house (Marisol's husband was in Florida).  Well, well, well.  She didn't see me!  (to Nelson)  I don't like you, I could hide from her, but you saw me!  It doesn't matter, because I am going to create even more distractions!
Nelson:  It's time for you to realize a different energy.
Spirit:  I have tried everything to knock back the two of you!  If he (his superior) hears me talking to you, he will take all my powers.  We are your enemy.  (pause)  I am burning, it is hot in here.  Is it because I failed? 
Nelson:  Listen to that guide and hear this word: Love. 
Spirit (angry, and banging on the table again):  I hate love!  It's stupid!  And I am tired of her (Marisol), and that husband, the kid, her job - she is the leader wherever she goes!  That's why her job is not going well, I had to do it.  Love caused my failure, and there is no peace for me.
Nelson:  Look at those flowers you are receiving.  Their peaceful scent is wonderful.
Spirit: So what do we do now?  There are 113 of us here.
Nelson:  You will be taken to a place to study love, and learn more about it.
Spirit: Now we want to leave - to study that new power which we know nothing about.  I will create order, and then we will go...
Spirit 3 (via Carmen):  Carmen's daughter and infant grandson visited her a few days ago, and the grandson gave her a look that seemed to say, "Protect me."  Nelson understood that there was the spirit of another baby around Carmen's grandson, and he had been abandoned multiple times in past existences. The spirit was causing her grandson to panic by telling him that he would be also be abandoned in this lifetime.  The spirit arrived to speak through Carmen.  (Note:  Kardec answered the question of how a baby could speak as an adult spirit in question 35 of The Mediums Book - "The soul of an infant is a spirit confined in the swaddling-clothes of matter; but when disengaged from matter, he regains the use of his faculties as a spirit, for age has no existence for spirits. The fact that the spirit of an infant can answer you like that of an adult proves that he has lived before.")
Spirit (sadly):  If you only knew how much I have suffered.  I was abandoned, never cared for, and I got left in a corner.  I was bitten by ants.
Nelson:  It won't happen again, so there is no reason to cause panic for him.  He is an innocent baby.
Spirit: So was I - and I was left to be eaten by worms and birds.
Nelson:  I need a convergence between you and him now.  What happened to you was in another lifetime, and your experience will not be his experience.
Spirit: Then I am done protecting him.  We are leaving (six spirits) and he is on his own...
Spirits 4 & 5 (via Nelson):  Eva asked Emiliano about his return to work last week.  He said that Monday and Tuesday were fine, but on Wednesday he experienced a lot of pain.  If he left his job, he would not be paid, so he stayed.  Thursday and Friday were normal, but he still had some pain in one finger. Nelson's guide arrived, and he advised Emiliano to continue his "material world" hand therapy, until he felt he was back at 100%.  Caballito then turned his attention to Isaac:
Caballito:  What is it about this (spiritism) that you like?
Isaac: It interests me.
Caballito:  There is a (spiritual) friend here who does not like that idea.  Understand that the spirits are always watching over what you do, and some of them do not like what they see.  You are looking for some peace and happiness, and this friend doesn't want that for you.
(Caballito was replaced by an irate spirit who wanted to entice Isaac away from our table
Spirit (to Isaac):  We should be outside - having a party!  What the hell!  Look at this bunch of old, crappy people.  Why are you here?  Come with me!  Wake up!  What is wrong with you?  Why are you here?
Jeff: He has the free will to be here.
Spirit:  And who are you - God?  (looking at Xaver)  If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't be here.  I put doubt in his mind, and I am only here because I followed him.  (to Sonia)  And that other one, over there?  I hate that hag!  She loves him, and nobody ever loved me.  (to Isaac)  C'mon, get up.  We are going to leave.
Marisol: And that's what you put in his mind, that he is not loved.  But he is loved.
Spirit: I am the only one who loves him.  He does what I say. Do you know how many 'things' we could be doing right now?  (laughing)
Marisol:  You cannot do those things, because you do not have a body...
Spirit:  ...Then how the hell am I talking?
Marisol:  Look at that body, the one you are speaking from.  Tell me, does it look young?
Spirit (long pause):  I don't like any of you!  It's a body, but it is not mine.
Marisol: Because you're a spirit.
Spirit:  I tried and tried!  He didn't listen!  (to Isaac)  Do you like it here?  Do you want to stay?
Isaac: Yes.
Spirit (to Sonia):  Why do you have your nose where it doesn't belong?
Sonia:  This is good for him.  He will have peace and happiness without you.  Listen to that friend with you.
Spirit: I'll leave him alone, but only because he doesn't want me around.  Love?  Love is overrated.  I'm sorry, but love does not exist.  We survive, that's all we know.  I don't like love - it makes you weak! 
Denise: Love makes you strong, not weak.
Spirit: Where I come from there is only hate.  Survival!  You have to fight.  Survival is all I know.  (to Isaac)  I am leaving you.  Be aware that love is not that easy.  I don't want any fricking love - or peace!  I'm going.  It can't be any worse than where I came from...
Sonia: Love and light for your soul.
Spirit 6 (via Marisol):  Marisol sensed a stomach issue for Milagros, but she insisted that everything was fine.  Marisol asked Milagros if she wanted her life to end, or if she wanted to be free from her illnesses and from always being tired.  Milagros admitted that she could not eat, and that she felt hot in her home.  An intense spirit arrived for her, and the conversation continued:
Spirit: I want to light her on fire - BURN!  She is the ugly ducking.  It doesn't matter how much makeup she puts on her face, nobody wants to deal with her.
Milagros:  I do so much for my family, and they never say thank you.
Spirit: That's how we strike her, with them.  There's a poison there - it's hate.  Ask her what she has really done for them.  She should burn!  No man will look at her, I get rid of them all.  What a low self-esteem she has for herself!  Why should I leave her alone?
Nelson: Because you are wasting your time - and hers. 
Spirit:  Really?  She left me alone and took everything I had.  So now she has to pay.  She goes dancing with her friends, and nobody looks at her - or ever asks her to dance!  (Milagros agreed
Nelson:  Look at yourself - instead of at her.  You are not that (material world) man anymore.  She has already had a rough life, and she is asking your forgiveness for the past.
Spirit:  Maybe I overcharged her for all her faults.  But I hate her mother, too.  She's so ignorant.
Nelson:  So leave both of them.  And take that (spiritual) wheelchair you left over there.
Spirit:  Okay, I'll go somewhere else.  I don't know where....
Nelson was shown that there was a physical wheelchair in the home of Milagros, and she said that it must be hidden, as she had never seen it.  Eva asked why Milagros was attending churches and other places.  Eva told her, "If you cannot find what you are looking for here, you will not find it anywhere else."  Milagros admitted that there was a wheelchair in her home, and Nelson advised her not to sit in it - even as a joke. 
Spirit 7 (via Carmen):  A new spirit arrived through Carmen, and it was related to her husband (Bernardo).  He often called spirits to their home with his thoughts, but when they arrived, Bernardo had no idea what to do with them.  The spirit spoke in a hushed, soft voice:
Spirit:  I want you to hide me.  I don't know why they are looking for me, but I know they will kill me.  There are two of them, and they are looking for me. 
Nelson: What did you do to them?
Spirit: I stole something.
Nelson:  What if we bring them over here to talk about it?
Spirit: They will kill me with a knife.  He (Bernardo) cannot protect me.  (scared)  They are showing me the knife!  (sobbing)  Don't kill me with that knife!  (pause)  They are telling me that I am already dead, so they cannot kill me.  I am tired of running.  They will give me the knife, and not kill me with it.
Nelson explained that three spirits were removed (the one who was running and the two who were chasing).  In a previous life, the frightened spirit was killed by the other two, under direct orders from Bernardo.
Spirit 8 (via Marisol):  Marisol had two brief spiritual messages:
(for Jeff):  His mother lived alone, and she should not be living alone anymore.  There was an urgent message that other options should be explored - and soon.  Jeff understood.
(for Juanita):  She should not be surprised by human actions.  Some things that were previously told to her were now happening, and she should not be sad.  Juanita was advised to look to her future, as the past was over, and she should not dwell on it.  When Juanita thinks about the past, it makes her sad and ruins her entire week - and she can change that, just by changing her thoughts. If possible, she should read a prayer.
Juanita: I fall asleep whenever I read those prayers.
Nelson: Try picking a time, just once a week, and read for only 15 minutes.  Once a week, for 15 minutes on the same day and at the same time every week.  (Juanita agreed)
Marisol: Sonia, would you give some passes to Juanita before we close the session?  (Sonia agreed)
Nelson asked Jose about the results from his doctor.  His blood sugar was elevated, and Nelson was shown that his response was to ignore it.  Nelson advised him that by ignoring the issue, Jose was playing with his  life.  He remained silent as the discussion continued, with Janet speaking for her husband.  Nelson said that his blood sugar issue was a material world problem, and Jose needed to treat it.  Marisol tried to explain the significance of food choices, but Jose was unwilling to accept her examples.  The conversation seemed to be going in circles, until Caballito returned:
Caballito:  Humans are so difficult!  It is not a sign of weakness when you ask for help.  Changing does not mean that you are giving up something, or that you are less.  (to Jose)  I asked Nelson to help you for no other reason.  You have your free will, just as he (Nelson) does.  (laughing)  But sometimes, I take over, because I have to do my work.  Sonia, I want to ask you something that might cut a little deep into you.  Do you feel capable of doing what Marisol asked (the passes for Juanita)?
Sonia:  Yes, I think I do.
Caballito: Then why were you shocked when you were asked?
Sonia:  My mind was somewhere else.  I was in another state.  I didn't know where I was.  Once I was prepared, they showed me the way.
Caballito:  Do all of you understand that when we are here, we are not alone?  Sometimes those friends who are around us are not that friendly.  (to Sonia)  I wasn't asking you that question (about the passes), I was asking that friend who is with you.  Are you aware of that friend?
Sonia:  Yes and no.  I feel the energy, but it's confusing.
Caballito:  That's where I wanted to go.  It's confusing because it is not the correct energy.  Do not give your time and effort to that one.  There are those around whom test you.
Marisol:  Learn to discern. 
Caballito:  Yes.  She is not at a point yet where she can distinguish one from another, so I want to work with her.  When you feel that, say no - and be strong about it.  Say, 'No, that is not why I am here.'  You can educate that friend.  It's part of your growing, and part of becoming who you will become.  Educate your guides, as that friend was not the correct one.  I was not going to allow that friend to do that (the passes).  When you are in a state of confusion, instead of doing good, it can harm.  Jeff, I would like to ask if you can prepare a class - not for this Wednesday, but the next one - on how to work with the guides?  (Jeff agreed)  Sonia will not be giving passes today.  I will ask the one who requested it (Marisol) to do it.  Sonia asked for guidance today, and that is why I am here.  Are there any questions for me?  (there were none)
There was silence as Marisol gave the passes to Juanita.  When she returned to her seat, Caballito clasped her hands with his, to connect her spirit guide with him.  Marisol's guide hoped to work more, in the same manner as today.  Eva asked for passes, and Nelson administered them.  Caballito explained that he would take some additional spirits away with him, as there would not be time for them to speak.  It was a group of 82 soldiers.  When Jeff was assisting Marisol during the passes for Juanita, a group of 12 spirit dwarves were removed from Juanita and transferred over to Jeff.  Caballito would also take that group away.

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"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...