Monday, April 3, 2017

Chicago - July 14, 2016

In attendance:  Carmencita, Denise, Gabe, Jeff, Jose, Marisol, Mimi, Nelson and Sonia 
After the opening prayer, Carmencita read two additional prayers.  One was for the Enemies of Spiritism, and the other was for the Protectors/Guides of Spiritism.  During the prayers, Marisol heard taunting spirits who were singing about Carmencita not knowing anything.  Nelson said that Carmencita's group may be blocked in Puerto Rico, but not at our table.  We had a group of spirits who were present, and they were the ones who were blocked, as they were tied up in an effort to restrain their outbursts.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The leader of the group was frustrated and angry, as he knew his mission had failed, and now he would face some form of justice.  Nelson described his appearance as very rigid and he presented himself as over six feet tall.  His energy was a new experience for Nelson:

Spirit (very intense and in charge):  This is not the morale I normally see.  When I arrive, everyone stands up.  But now I am tied, restrained by those who I call my enemy.  I have lost that power because I failed - by not completing what I needed to accomplish.  It was not easy for us to be removed.  We came upon orders from another one - not the one I followed.  Where can I go now, after failing at my other job?  I promised him this job, and now I am suffering by giving you this message.  They have given me this opportunity to come here and express something that I never thought would happen.  We were so close.  Anything I said to that friend, it went against my will.  When we fail, we are removed.  How difficult it is to accept defeat!  I never thought it would happen.  (to Marisol)  Meddling kid!  Many times you meddled in things when you should not!  You call what we do darkness, but we call it the earth that no one sees. 
Spirit (noticing Carmencita):  Tell your friend that we have been complicating her life.  Yes, I know she is here.  (directly to Carmencita)  Many times we have tried removing you!  You were the last pebble in our way.  So many things were said to push you away!  You were the last rock, and if we removed you, we would have won.  We wanted to put a sign on that place: 'Closed Forever!'  I would have won a lot, but I lost the battle.  (pause)  Your guides are doing something.  They are not really my enemies, just another group pushing us away.  When you work with them, you diminish our group.  Beware, as we have more waiting.  If you give them the opportunity, they will be here.  I know I am lecturing, but be careful.  I will now have a new purpose.  Some 'friends' as you call them, are not really friends - they are your enemy.  I know it is time for me to go, along with my group.  It will be me and my twelve apostles.  From now on, it's your temple.  I only ask forgiveness because I failed.  They (the good spirit guides) tell me that we will be welcomed, but we are not so sure.  I go with a deepness in my heart.
As the spirit was removed, Nelson sprang from his chair in an alarmed state.  The spirit's strong energy and powerful presence was exhausting.  Storm clouds bellowed outside, as if to indicate the departure of the spirit and his apostles.  Nelson cautioned Noemi to be cautious when attending sessions at other centers in Puerto Rico, as the spirits who left saw nothing wrong with what they were doing.  Nelson encouraged Noemi to visit other centers, but to make sure that she was protected.  For Carmencita's center, Nelson recommended an educational class for the mediums.  As negative spirits become more familiar with any medium (and they way they work), it became easier to trick them.  Nelson also suggested that the various directors and mediums of Carmencita's center be referred to as "Doctors of Spiritism."  There was a need of new, clean energy in that center, and those small changes will have an impact. 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  There was more to the message, but Nelson was apprehensive over how to edit the communication to make it less direct.  To avoid confusion, Nelson's spirit guide decided to speak directly through Nelson to the group:
Caballito:  I do not want him to edit any more.  I want to say what I need to say.  (to Carmencita)  In Nelson, you have found a friend that you can use for the difficult jobs.  A messenger, or ambassador.  Everyone wonders why he is always traveling - going to Argentina or Puerto Rico - why does he do it?  We use him that way, it's his duty.  Once he helps us open the door with his personality, we come in and do the necessary work.  Sometimes, even he is surprised.  And he worries, because he does not want anyone to see him differently.  (laughing)  Sometimes he lacks humility.  (to Jeff)  Isn't he always asking, 'How do I look?'  (table laughs)  But he tries to be humble. 
Caballito (to Carmencita):  Thank you for letting me work.  This work is common, but it is very difficult.  It was very hard to persuade them.  What gives those friends so much power?  They all have their own sweetness, until they gain control, and they later show how they really are, and it's too late to remove them once they are in place.  Do not let that happen anywhere.  Pray for those who can help you.  It's a very long journey (our many lifetimes), but at the end, if you could only see what you receive!  It is peace and love at a higher level that you cannot comprehend now.  After you depart, we will take those friends from today and convince them of a new light.  Your actions determine which light you move towards.  I am not too far, so use your mind to call me, and you will hear me - if you are prepared to hear me...
Nelson's guide left him refreshed, and the loud thunderstorm outside had ceased.  Sonia shared a vision she experienced of a deformed hand being extended to Carmencita.  Nelson said that others might see the hand as beautiful, instead of realizing the true intent.  Nelson continued, "When we leave our body, more than one hand shows up, and we have to choose the correct hand." 
Nelson closed with a prayer, and we stepped outside and experienced the refreshing scent of a cleansing rain - and a double rainbow:

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