Thursday, April 27, 2017

Chicago - August 7, 2016

(sorry, I forgot to include these notes earlier, so we are slightly out of sequence...)

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Eva, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Juan, Maricela, Milagros, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and Xaver
After the opening prayer, Carmen mentioned that she had felt the presence of spirits in her house all week, so she read the prayer for hardened spirits.  During the opening prayer, Nelson visualized the group of spirits who were in Carmen's house.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  These spirits did not like the way Carmen was working now.  They wanted her to return to the way she worked in the past.  A spirit decided to speak, but his words were interrupted continuously with persistent coughing and gloating laughter:
Spirit (to Carmen):  You used to help us, and now you do not!  I'm so angry!  I know the secrets you keep hidden.  Shh!  Shh!  (laughter)  And now you are scared?  In the past, you and he (Bernardo) would do things.  I speak the truth!  Although I was forced to come here.  It's similar to the way we used to work, but different. And we don't like the way you do your job now.
Carmen: This is a different group.
Spirit:  We worked behind the scenes, so nobody would know our secrets.  They ripped me from my group, and my project!  (more coughing)  I don't understand why I feel so bad.  (laughter)  We have a dumb one here who just laughs.  This guy (the spirit guide) tells me that I cannot say too much, but I want to tell everything I know, every secret - because there are so many!  Why am I sick?  (coughing)  Everything hurts, can you tell me why?  Shh!  Shh!  Don't tell those secrets!  You (Carmen) didn't want to come here today (to the center) and give away those secrets.  But I know how to be quiet, just like all of you.  I am going to take all of my secrets and go.  Hopefully, I will feel better - wherever I am going.  I have so many secrets, I feel crazy.  I like secrets, they give me power over you.  But I will go, and take my secrets and 119 others away with me.
Nelson coughed and shook violently until the spirit was gone.  Once he recovered, Nelson said, "We can't play with this, we need to be careful.  Once we open the door, we never know who will show up.  Everything we do here is by the book - with no money and no favors."  It was apparent to Nelson and Carmen that this group wanted to stop the work that we were doing - and that they were not the only ones.  Another group was emerging, and they were connected to Marisol.
Spirit 2 (via Carmen):  Nelson heard a spirit say, "You think you will get in our way?  You will be out before you can count 1-2-3.  We pinched that other one (Marisol) and we got her to lay down without a fight.  Tomorrow we would have put her in a hospital - it's our assignment, to knock her down."  The forceful, very strong spirit moved into Carmen to speak through her:
Spirit: Don't meddle!  I destroy what I want, and I was assigned to her.  She thinks about a lot of things, and she is going into a nuthouse. It's a dark, cold place where she will learn what I want to teach her.  (laughed)  When she reads a paper at work, she is unable to comprehend it - her mind is empty air!
Nelson:  Your way of teaching is not correct.  You need to study, and to learn another light.  She needs to do her material work.
Spirit: She says she is too tired to do anything.  She wonders, 'What will I tell my husband?'  I can hear her whenever I want, and she cannot even hear herself!  (laughter)  I can win even more if I pass this test with her, and I do not want that test you are showing me.  (pause)  Alright, I am signing it!  But I cannot read the terms.  I will sign it in blood, so it's a pact.  (pause)  Now I see myself differently.  I will be able to create, instead of destroy.  So I'm signing it because the rewards will be better, and my group (of 69) is telling me to sign it.  So we will go.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  There was a spirit for Gabe, and Nelson was reluctant to pass it.  Gabe had just returned from spending time with his girlfriend and her family at their lake house, and Nelson asked if Gabe felt welcomed into that family:
Gabe: Now I do.
Spirit:  He thinks he is welcomed with open arms (demonstrated), and they are LYING.  That family?  You don't belong there.  You don't!  He doesn't belong there.
Jeff: Why do you think that?
Spirit: The only place he is welcome is where you are!  I recognize your face, I've seen you with him.
Gabe: Did I do something to you?
Spirit: I don't like him!  I'm closing all the doors to him, all in a row, just like dominos!  Only then, I'll be happy.  They (the family) tell me the truth - I am there, and I hear them  And I have a plan.  I want him to end up alone, like he did to me.  He took everything from me.  He pretended to be my friend, but he took my money, wife, kids, job, home!  I will not be happy until he has nothing.  I want to plant him under a bridge (laughter) and he can wonder how he got there.  In the same way that he left me. 
Jeff:  that was in another lifetime, and he is different now.  Look at him.  He has apologized to you, can you forgive him and move on? 
Spirit: I hate him, so I punish him.  I can't say I like him, but they tell me I am too obsessed.  I don't want to be obsessed, I need to progress.
Sonia: You will be taken to a place to learn, you will be taught.
Jeff:  Who needs him?  Move on and forget him.
Spirit: The only thing before I leave - not every welcome is truly meant.  We are a group of four.  He's saying that I am lying, it's five including me.  That's the first lesson, not to lie.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Sonia if she was feeling tired lately.  He sensed that something was pulling at her, and Nelson wondered what it was:
Sonia: I have felt energies that I could not identify.  I wondered what they wanted me to do.
Nelson: It's related to the group.  You are asking what else you can do to bring others to our table.  This sounds crazy, but you think that your mother would be proud of you if you could convince all of your family members to follow this (spiritism).  You think, "How can it be that the young ones are here, when the old ones know better?  Why does it take them so long when they have so much knowledge?"
Sonia agreed, and Nelson drew a picture of an umbrella with several strings hanging from it.  He explained that Sonia was holding tightly to the center of the umbrella.  She was trying to balance so many umbrella strings at the same time (representing her family, friends, and the center), that she never had any time for herself.  As the demands on her intensified, Sonia held the umbrella tighter.  She was afraid that it would fly away if she let it go.  The longest string on the umbrella represented Sonia's life.  She observed the string and thought, "What's next?  What does all of this mean?  I can let the umbrella go - but not this one string."
(A gentle spirit arrived to speak through Nelson)
Spirit (to Sonia):  Take control of just you.  You have done enough for others.  Tell them not to call on you, and to let you go.  You need time to do the things you need to accomplish, and you cannot be responsible for everything and everyone.
Sonia: Thank you for acknowledging that...
Spirit: Do you know who I am?  I'm a friend.  I am your friend.  You have called on me, and I am finally here.  (it was Sonia's spirit guide)  Letting go doesn't mean that you no longer care.  You have wondered when you will finally develop what everyone says you already have.  You can do it, but you have to let go of so many things for you and I to take each other.  We are on two different sides of the rope, until we can pull together and meet in the middle.  I've been around you.
Sonia: I have sensed it.
Spirit: I am here to guide you, so we can move forward together to the next level - because we must do our job.  We are very close to it, so do not be afraid of me.  We are ready to move on, and I will help and guide you.  Call me whatever you want.  Call me friend, if you want.  You can also call me by my name, if you want.  It will surprise you.  There is no gender in the spirit world, but in my last time, I was female - and my name is Ana.  Think of it as Angel, Neutral Angel.  When you want to speak to me, call me.  I will answer.  I will come around anytime that I can.  Until next time, this neutral angel says goodbye...
The spirit left as quietly as she arrived.  Nelson described her energy as very peaceful, very soft energy.  She presented herself in a formal, ladylike manner, with an inner calmness.  As if to demonstrate to Sonia what she was capable of, Sonia immediately felt spiritual energies that were related to Denise.
Spirit 5 (via Sonia):  Sonia was experiencing heat all over, and Denise was also uncomfortable.
Spirit (to Denise):  Change.  It doesn't have to be all at once.  But you need to change.
Nelson:  She has to show that she wants to change.  There has to be some effort from you.
Spirit: It's not family oriented.  Tweak some things that you are doing to your body.  Your medication and the food you eat are not collaborating.  (Denise agreed)  Something is making a thunderstorm.  We have to listen now, with no excuses!  None.  Bring in a dietician.  You should have seen one a long time ago...
Spirit 6 (via Carmen):  A spirit related to Isabel wanted to speak:
Spirit (quiet, with underlying anger): I want your attention.  All of it!  This is not about me, it's for you.  You are destroying yourself taking care of him (Ron, her husband).  You don't sleep!  Take care of yourself first, because when he overreacts, the damage is already done.  So calm yourself.  If he passes first, you will be right behind him, because you are not taking care of yourself!
Isabel said she fell out of bed (there was a visible bruise on her arm) because she has not been monitoring her blood sugar.  Several people explained the importance of monitoring it every day.  Carmen advised her to have it checked, as something was not right.  Eva reminded Isabel that this was the second spiritual warning for Isabel on the same subject.
Briefly (via Nelson):  There were some specific messages that were delivered in regards to concerns that were brought up at the start of the session:
(for Erika):  She should not get into the water during her upcoming trip to Ohio.  She can walk by the shore, but she should not immerse herself.  There are six girls traveling together, and one of them pretends to be Erika's friend, but she is not. Nelson was shown that this girl wants to put Erika into a drugged state, as if she was underwater.
Erika: I already know who it is.
Nelson: Be very careful.  Do not go anywhere alone with this person.  For a walk, or anything else, just tell her no.  Stay with the group or bring another person along with you, but do not be alone withher.
(for Emiliano and Esperanza):  Who is going with your oldest son to the Dominican Republic?  He is an adult, and he should know good from bad.  Does he?  Tell him not to drink any water unless it is bottled, and to avoid anything with ice - as it is made from tap water.  His group should not wear watches, jewelry, or have cameras if they leave the resort.
(For Frank):  Frank was on vacation from his job (as an elementary school music teacher in Waukegan).  When he returns to work, there will be new changes that Frank will not like.  He should not comment on the changes, as it would have a negative effect for him.  "Nobody can hear what you don't say," Nelson advised, "So just keep quiet."
(For Maricela):  You think, "I don't want to change people, but if I did, they would all be better."  People will not change because you tell them to do it.  Your family members do not want to hear your suggestions, and by telling them, you are causing your own suffering.  If they have not asked you a direct question, why are giving them answers they do not want?  You get anxious and suffer for nothing.  You will put yourself into a hospital ward trying to change people. 
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson was tired and ready to close, but he was told that we had one more difficult and lengthy item that needed attention.  It was related to one of Eva's sisters.  Nelson was shown Eva at about 14 years old, in this lifetime.  She was looking at beautiful roses, all of them growing in a row.  There were many colors, and Eva admired a black rose.  It was beautiful, but she wanted to change it.  She returned a week later, and the black rose had changed - it grew a thorn.  "I will grow them so you will not touch me," the black rose said.  Eva touched all the other roses and avoided the black one.  The black rose represented the sister that Eva was avoiding.  The rose was no longer black, but it still spoke to Eva:  "I convinced you, and now you like me.  Like the other ones, I tried to change, but I couldn't.  Who are those that you wanted to change?  It's the ones I live with (the family of Eva's sister).  How difficult it is to change, because when they do, then they don't like you, and those beliefs.  Now you want to cut the black rose, to remove it.  You can convince the rose to change for the better, so why not convince me?  There is resentment, and blame.  You persuaded one rose to convert, and you can do it with the others.  Don't give up, as there is an urgent need.  There is a moment coming soon, and it will make you scream.  Your life has flourished, but all flowers have thorns, as you will know.  Take that black rose, it's desperate to be noticed.  Not all the doors have closed, the problem still has a solution."
The black rose situation referred to a child of Eva's sister.  This person was considering suicide.  Eva understood, and she said that she would contact her sister. 
Spirit 8 (via Nelson): The flower analogy was long and hazy, so a new spirit arrived to offer more insight:
Spirit (to the table):  We never let you down, even when you are not the one who needs help.  (to Eva)  It is not a random coincidence that you are here.  I am not Caballito, but I am a friend of his - and hers (Eva).  You found a place that makes you happy, so take that message and see if she wakes up.  She is not alone, we are still trying.  She is tied down now, but let's see if we can break those restraints.  I'm taking some of them out of there, from that center where you used to attend.  Jeff, do you remember me?
Jeff: Are you maybe - Don Polo?
Spirit (laughed):  Yes!  I know you have been wondering where I have been.  (to Eva)  Let's see if we can turn that heart on again.  It's difficult work (as her mediumship needed to be reopened).  Let's not wait for the door to close.  I know it's hard to understand, but with just a little bit of faith...  When you return next Sunday, tell us how that door was reopened. She has her place in Puerto Rico, and so do you.  Thank you for allowing me to visit.  Jeff, do you have a question?
Jeff:  Well, it's kind of crazy.  I just wondered, are there houses in the spirit world?  Are you in your house and Caballito is in his?
Spirit: It's not so crazy.  Yes, we stay in houses, with those who have similar energies.  Like attracts like.  And like you, sometimes we have visitors.  If I work on something with him (Caballito), I stay in his house.  We need some time together to plan and prepare.  Those with the same level of energy will stay together in one house, they live together.  The only difference between our houses and yours, is that you get to choose who comes into your home.  Thank you, and blessings to all...
Both Nelson and Eva knew Don Polo when he was alive in this lifetime.  Don Polo was a mentor and teacher during his most recent existence, and he now continued with similar work - as a spiritual professor. 
Nelson closed with a prayer. 

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"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...