Friday, April 21, 2017

Chicago - August 28, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Eva, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Jeff, Marisol, Milagros, Nelson, Otillia, Ron, Sonia, and Xaver
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Prior to opening the session, Nelson's guide had a message for the group:
Caballito:  Sometimes we need the (spiritual) help, but if we are not ready to receive it, the help arrives at the wrong time.  Not everyone who asks for help is always ready to receive it.
After the opening prayer, Marisol read the Prayer for the Sick.  
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  During her reading, Nelson heard a spirit ask if revenge was a sickness.  This spirit and his group resented the Prayer for the Sick, as they insisted that they were not sick, as all they wanted was revenge.  The spirit told Marisol to "pray for yourself, because you are the sick one.  Be careful what you pray for; the one you are praying for does not like it.  When he sees me, he prefers to stay here."  It became apparent that this spirit was taking about Marisol's son.  Over the past week, Andres had been experiencing episodes in which he stopped breathing, and Nelson was feeling that pressure now in his chest.  Nelson was being shown two criminals (Marisol and her son in another life), and together they committed many crimes.  The spirit explained that Marisol was suffering more in her current existence with her son (by watching and monitoring him), because she was the worst criminal from that past life.
Spirit (in anguish):  I can't forgive the one who did what you did to me!  No, no, no!  I'm not going to forgive the criminals - the two of you!  (the spirit began to weep)  Do you know how much you did to me and the one I love?  AND YOU MADE ME WATCH!  I want you to learn.
Marisol: I am sorry that I caused you so much pain.
Spirit:  I said I wasn't going to cry.  I'm not forgiving you or him - my hate is too much.
Marisol: Look how you feel, when you could be happy.
Spirit: Happy?  I don't even know what that is.  All I know, all I want, is revenge.  It's all I have, and it's all I want.  You made me watch what you did to my family, and now I get the chance to watch you watching him die every second!  I came in today because they told me I could finally take my family with me.  I am not here to forgive you.  I came only to take my family away from suffering - they will not suffer anymore.  I will leave him alone, he doesn't need to see me anymore.  I need the energy I have left to take my family - all five of us - with me.  They will take us someplace where we will not hurt, a place with no pain.  (to Marisol)  You know what you did, and you will see me one day.  We will have a conversation, and we will forgive each other.  I have done many things, and I am not proud of them.  Revenge can blind you, and I have been blind for many years.  (pause)  They are all here now (his family).  I can see them.  We are going to hold hands and leave together.  Thank you for making my wish come true - I am leaving with my family. 
Nelson said that when Marisol arrived, he hugged her and felt the spirit leap into him.  Marisol shared that she and her husband were leaving for Florida, and her son would relocate to a hospice center.  Nelson advised her to "stand in front of the ocean and celebrate life," and to say goodbye to her son before she left.  Marisol replied, "I always do."
Spirit 3 (via Carmen):  There was an angry spirit around Otillia, and this spirit wanted her removed:
Spirit (very irate):  I want to take her by the tongue and throw her out!  This might be a good path for her, but not for me.  Why was she brought here?  I present myself with different faces, I wear many masks.  I was her spouse and she betrayed me.
Nelson:  Look at her now, she is not the same.
Spirit:  She was blonde before...
The spirit explained that in their previous married life together, the spirit became blind.  Otillia was the only one he trusted, but Otillia wanted to be free herself from him.  She intentionally gave him an overdose of medication that resulted in his death.  To cover up what she did, she told everyone his death was a suicide.  Now the spirit of the spouse she killed wanted Otillia to suffer the same fate (Otillia said she was currently taking four pills every day).  After some additional counseling, the spirit was persuaded to go to a spiritual hospital to have his stomach pumped.  He left quietly.
Spirit 3 (via Marisol):  Marisol's right arm felt cold and numb.  She thought the sensation might be related to Emiliano, and it was.  On Monday, Emiliano felt dizzy, so he missed work to go to the hospital.  The spirit said his mission was to stop Emiliano from ever going back to work, because he was a devil...
Spirit (gleefully): Why can't I laugh at him?  He is a devil!  (laughter
Nelson:  Those are bad thoughts.  What did you do to him?
Spirit (more laughter):  I only slapped his arm, so he couldn't go to work! 
Emiliano:  I am better now. 
Spirit (sneering):  When your hand hurts, or your back hurts, or when anything hurts - you always think that you are going to die (laughter).  Fill out the papers, he is not going back to work!  I did not like being brought here.  (the spirit began to slap his own arm)  He is going to pay for everything he did to me.  He took what I had, and I couldn't support my family anymore.  He looks so smug and content, but when he gets an itch, watch out for what he says!
(Emiliano asked for forgiveness, and the spirit admitted that he was tired of him.  As the spirit continued to slap his arm, Nelson told him that he no longer had a body.  The spirit asked Carmen if it was true, and she told him it was.  The spirit said he was not alone, as there was a pack of spirit dogs around Emiliano.)
Nelson:  I see the dogs, and they have fangs.  (to the spirit)  You look hungry and skinny - like them.
Spirit: Don't try to be funny.  I am not responsible for him (Emiliano) anymore.  I am going to go with my people and get something to eat. 
The spirit slowly departed, and Nelson advised Emiliano that the spiritual dogs were still hungrily eyeing his injured arm.  The dogs had a very distinct color.  Emiliano should not react to them in an animalistic manner; he needed to tell them that they were spirits - and not animals.  Emiliano should also explain to them that they no longer had a body. 
Marisol inquired about Lisa, Denise's troubled niece.  Denise said she visited Florida and did not have a good time, and now she was on medication and scheduled to see a psychiatrist. Marisol advised that Lisa should continue her medication, because if she stopped taking it, she had the potential for suicide. Nelson shared Marisol's vision of seeing Lisa surrounded by black bats and vampires.  These spirits were very dark and intense, and Marisol decided to address them at another time.  Marisol also had a question for Denise:    
Marisol:  How are you feeling, spiritually speaking?
Denise:  Blocked.  I receive things, but I don't understand it.
Nelson:  She doesn't understand why everyone moves forward and she doesn't.
Marisol:  It's important to say what you see.
Nelson:  Every medium is a different entity, and you will develop in your own way.
Marisol: As I am talking to you about your development, there is a spirit here who is not happy with me.  I will also put that one on hold.
Nelson:  Find a day and a time to think - so your guide can develop a relationship with you.  Decide on a certain day and time, and make is consistent.
Sonia:  I see a window, but the glass is frosted, so it is not opening.
Nelson: Because she wants it frosted - as an excuse.
Spirit 4 (via Carmen):  The advice for Denise to be more receptive and open to the spirits led to Nelson cautioning Carmen to be more selective over the spirits she continued to attract.  Carmen's guide spoke briefly to reinforce the message that Carmen needed to keep a protective cover over herself whenever she ventured out to other places.  She was attracting spirits from her family members and the places she goes, and once they were all assembled, it became too much for Carmen to handle.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  A hesitant group of spirits were approaching the table.  They were shy sad children, ranging from about 8-12 years old.  They were the spirits of children who had been kept as sex slaves when they were in the material world.  In the background, there were other children who "aged out" of the sex trade, as they were older and less desirable.  A ten year old girl (with finger curls in her blonde hair) softly stepped forward to speak for the group:
Spirit:  Why didn't anyone do anything for us?  We hear you say how blessed you are, so how can you let this happen?  To let us suffer? 
Sonia:  You were hidden.  Taken from your parents - who are looking for you.
Marisol:  We are so sorry for that pain.
Spirit:  There are so many of us.  So many.  Parents say they are blessed when a baby is coming.  So lucky!  And then they discard us like a rotten apple.
Sonia: You found us today, and we are going to help you.
Spirit:  We didn't know if we should come here.  Can we trust them?  Will they harm us more?  We didn't know where else we could go...
Marisol:  You will be guided today.
Spirit: We looked out for each other.  Why would people say they wanted children and then not want us?
Marisol:  They were not good people.
Spirit (astonished):  They are curing us, giving us medication.  Don't cut my hair!  I know it's dirty, but don't cut it.  They are feeding us.  I don't know who you people are, but keep doing it.  You people, you are the ones who can say you are blessed.  Thank you for allowing us in.  All colors, all differences, all styles.  They are washing my hair - and putting something in it that smalls good.  I feel pretty again (began to cry).  Don't forget about us, there are a lot more out there...
Spirit 6 (via Marisol): Marisol was ready to return to Denise and Lisa.  She asked Denise if she felt responsible for Lisa (and she did), and Marisol explained that in a prior reincarnation, Denise was Lisa's mother.  In that lifetime, the two of them did things that were not good.  There was a spirit present (he was one of the bats around Lisa) who was angry with both of them.  Nelson understood that Lisa wanted to hit Denise, and Denise had sensed the same thing.  Lisa welcomed these negative spirits, without realizing how powerful they were.  The spirit moved into Marisol to speak: 
Spirit (pounding on the table): Don't you ever shut up?  Both of you - SHUT UP! 
Nelson: Why are you so angry?
Spirit: I want to destroy both of them!  I just want to hit, to break something.  (taunting Denise)  She is never going to love you or listen to you!
Denise:  That's fine. 
Spirit: (making noises and hitting the table):  I told you, shut her up!  I will not talk to her.  She's got to be in hell - like I am.  She locked me in a dark room, and I want her to see nothing but darkness.
Nelson:  How can we make peace?
Spirit (continuously banging her two fists together):  It's dark!  Do you see the hole I am in?  (pause)  Do you know what she did to me?  What she fed me?
Nelson:  Garbage.  She treated you like that and fed you garbage.
Spirit (tearfully):  Get me out of here, take me out.  They did terrible things to me, they beat me, and it hurt. 
Nelson:  That's over now, look up - at the sky.
Spirit: They beat me all the time, whenever I displeased them.  And if I go with him (the spirit guide) it could be the same - or worse.
Nelson:  Not with him, not with Caballito.  Take his hand, and move with him out of that dungeon.  (pause)  He is covering you with a blanket, don't be scared...
Spirit (crying): They are going to take me to a better place.  I'm going...
The spirit was part of a group of six, and Nelson explained that in her current existence, Lisa wants to be sexually tortured (she views sex as a punishment), because she inflicted similar pains on others in that previous life. 
Spirit 7 (via Marisol): One of the spirit Guardians of the Temple quietly replaced the previous spirit and spoke through Marisol:
Spirit:  May the peace of the Lord be with you all.  I am one of the ones from here.  I'm a different source of energy that she (Marisol) doesn't like to endure, but we need to sit.  Thank you sister Sonia!  It's important to continue the work, as there are many souls like this one, doing very bad work.  Evil needs to be stopped.  Sister Sonia, be watchful, as evil wants to come in and destroy the work.  Sister Denise, you must open your own door.  No one else will open it for you, only you are in charge.  Do you understand?  May the peace of God be with you all.
Caballito returned to speak through Nelson:
Caballito:  Sonia, did you speak with your son?  (she did)  Did he understand?  (yes)  Both Isaac and Xavier need to feel secure that they can tell their father (Sonia's son) anything.  Isaac, the next couple of years of your life will be the hardest that you will be presented with.  There will be many things, and you will need to know if you should say yes or no to them.  A lot of people will pretend to be your best friend.  Observe them, and then you decide who should be your friend.  Xavier, as his older brother, you need to keep an eye on him  Tell him when he is doing something that is not right.  School should be his main focus now.
Denise had envisioned a spiritual dwarf in the room earlier, and Marisol confirmed that there was a dwarf present, along with the many other spirits in the room.  The dwarf had clown make-up on, and he was showing himself to Denise again.  Caballito explained that the dwarf spirit was with Isabel.  The issue was Isabel's daughter.  She lived in the basement of Isabel and Ron's house, and she relied on Isabel to take care of her daughter, and to frequently cook and clean for her.  Isabel was carrying too much responsibility, and it was overwhelming her. 
Caballito:  It is not a bad thing to sometimes say no.  There are some sacrifices that you are not able to do for your children.  You need to learn to tell them no.  By not saying no to them now, you end up hurting everyone later.  You can no longer carry your children around with you, as they are adults.
Eva: You cannot help them if you are confined to a bed, and if you die, you cannot help anyone. 
Nelson closed with a prayer. 

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"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...