Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Chicago - August 10, 2016

In attendance:
Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Eva, Gabe, Isaac, Isabel, Jeff, Jovanni, Juan, Nelson, Sonia and Xaver
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  While we were discussing the perispirit during our class, we were joined by some spiritual friends who were around Juanita in the hospital.
Nelson (to Juan):  You don’t want to bury another daughter, do you?
Juan: No.
Nelson:  There are some spiritual friends with your daughter (Juanita) and they are asking why she has not been treated well.  Why there is no affection for her.  These spirits are angry with you.
Sonia: You are treating her the same way you did in the last life…and you were given the opportunity to be with her again to improve.
Emiliano:  He is not a very affectionate man. 
Nelson:  She doesn’t want to die until she gets a little bit of love - and tonight she thought she was dying.  We need to change that.  She’s very tired of being mistreated by everyone in her family.  She thinks that if she dies, it might make everyone respect her more…the spirits are listening, and they are asking why she is being treated this way…
(A forceful spirit arrived to sit through Nelson)
Spirit:  Why have you brought me here?  They never change!  I keep listening, and it’s always the same.  I have made that hospital a living hell, because I am a good worker.  (laughed and looked at Jeff)  Even the gringo didn’t want to go there!  And I’m going back.  No one has suffered as much as I have.  We have been researching her, and now I am not leaving her until I am done.  She is not afraid of dying.  She fears only the living - her family.  When everyone is afraid of losing her, I gain a lot.  I cannot leave her now, and I will tell you why.  I lent her to that family to be treated better.  SHE IS NOT A SERVANT!  I am taking her to stop her suffering, to stop the cooking and cleaning.  (to Juan)  When is she getting a kiss from you?  When is the last time you told your daughter you loved her? 
(Carmen and Sonia continued to coach the spirit)
Spirit: You know I did not want to come - so why am I here?  (coughing)  The medicine you give her hurts me.  I wanted to bring her back, to be with me.  This guy (spirit guide) says I have to go.  I made a pact with him - If I don’t see any change from them towards her, I’m coming back - to stay.  (sobbing)  If I come back, I will never leave her!  She doesn’t stop crying, and neither do I.  (sadly, with deep emotion)  Treat my princess well.  Treat her well…
The spirit was part of a group of 16, and as they left, Nelson was shown that a group of good spirits were being sent to the hospital to cleanse what they left behind.  Nelson also saw that there was still a dark shadow around Juanita, and it was creating more friction. 
Spirits 2 & 3 (via Carmen): The shadow was another group of spirits, and they were related to Emiliano:
Spirit (to Emiliano):  You are causing harm.  I do not want you around her.  You are not going back, and she is going to die.
Emiliano:  Why are you so angry with me?
Spirit:  You took her away from me!
Sonia:  Under horrible conditions, I can see it.
Spirit: Yes!  He took my sight so I couldn’t find her!  I don’t want him near her.  I will be there with her, before he gets another opportunity.  My eyes were sewn shut.  He was a criminal - a murderer!  He took her from me and mistreated her, and now it’s the same.  He is still the same - the same one!  (pause)  They are removing that thread, that sewing from my eyes.  I am seeing shadows.  (pause)  I am seeing him.  Forgive me, I have the wrong person.  I need to learn how to be respectful.  There are 32 of us, and we all need to be more respectful.  She was shielded from seeing me, I understand that now.  I feel lighter, and free.  (to Emiliano)  Give her love.  It’s all I wanted to give her.
Carmen’s guide arrived to cleanse her and bless our table once the group of spirits departed.  And we resumed the class.

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