Friday, September 9, 2016

Florida - June 16, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson, Pam and Santiago
Jackie read a selection from A Practical Guide for the Spiritist (by Miguel Vives and translated by Edgar) that referenced how a spiritist should accept the pain of life and suffering and how we can obtain the moral courage to triumph over the challenges of material life. 
Nelson sensed that we also needed to read the prayer for "Enemies of Spiritism," as there were always people ("alive and not alive") who did not like what we do.  Jackie read the prayer.  Nelson felt that we had a group of spirits present who were tasked with shutting down groups such as ours.  Astrid and Jackie also sensed their presence, and Jackie heard them say, "Okay, you called us, so now what?" 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The assembled spirits were angry and disrespectful, and they described what Jackie read as "baloney and crap" (to put it mildly).  "So easy to say," one of them said, "but you cannot tolerate that."  A spirit was moving forward, and he wanted to hit everyone hard enough to make us forget the prayer and start screaming.  As an example, the spirit said they only pinched Gloria (she was not present at the session), and it was enough for her not to be at the table.  The conversation continued:
Jackie: She (Gloria) has her own free will.
Spirit:  You should have read that to her.  When you read it, did you apply it to yourself?
Jackie: Yes and no.
Spirit (very angry): If you think you are like that, why didn't you go over there and see her?  You are like everyone else - no different than any other religion - I have been around you for a while, so I know.  All of these groups are liars.  I am coming in here very respectful now - because they told me I had to - so I can express my ideology. I've been to other places who do not respect me or allow me to speak.
Astrid: We will listen and respect you.
Spirit: I'm educated, don't think I'm not.  It's easy to say, "you should do this or that," but then nothing happens.  In any of our groups, when we say it will happen, it happens.
Jackie:  We have the material world to contend with...
Spirit: When we speak, things happen!  Our faith is there.  I know I am a spirit.  Sometimes I go places and they don't allow us to speak, so we pretend to be more elevated (laughed).  We are around all the time, everywhere, and we will influence you - if you let us.  Tempting you all the time, to see if you will pass the test.  (Looked at Astrid)  We wanted to test you, too.  We wanted to know if you were really in control, and I am told that you are.  Be careful when the doors are open to welcome everyone - we can come in.
Astrid: We are protected, we have help.
Spirit: My time is up.  (to Jackie) Instead of reading, go to her (Gloria).  I can't go there, I am not invited.  Not invited.  I'm going to keep listening and I'm going to test you - that's what we do.  I'll be watching.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Astrid saw that the group was still there, observing.  Nelson asked her if she was planning to take some time off for herself, and Astrid explained that she was planning to talk about it today, after the session.  Nelson's spirit guide spoke from his position behind Nelson:
Spirit: It's okay to take time off, but be careful.  Sometimes the doors cannot be opened,closed, reopened.  Never think of closing it.  We open the doors to lead to more openings, not closings.  You have gone through hard times emotionally.
Astrid: It's part of life, the good with the bad.
Spirit: We cannot tell you what to do, but we make suggestions.  The easiest way to alleviate interior pain is to do the harder thing.  If you need to take some time off, do so.  But know that it is what you are doing, and consult with no one else.  The emotions of others can lead to decisions that are not truly yours.  We know what you think, you need to know that.   We want this decision to be only yours - nobody else - alive or not.  Make sure that your decision does not close the door, you are only taking time away.  Later you can discuss it with the material, but we needed to discuss it now spiritually.  The door is not closed.
Astrid: The door is open, and other doors will be opened.
Spirit: It's very difficult - everyone needs to understand that.  And with that, what will be next?  (to Jeff)  Write that down.
The flame on the table grew brighter as Nelson's spirit guide shifted his attention to Santiago.  "When are you going to step up to the plate?  We keep telling you to wake up, when will it happen?  I am looking at him, and asking what it will take (the conversation changed to Spanish and then back to English).  Nelson was being shown a group of angry birds pecking and flying all around Santiago.  "He wants to please everyone and that pleases no one," Caballito said.  It was difficult for Nelson to communicate the message, and there were several uncomfortable silences.  The spirits around Santiago were very angry and upset, and it was having an effect on Nelson.  There were too many emotions, and Nelson knew that they could no longer be contained.  They were ready to explode.  The conversation went back and forth from English to Spanish.  Astrid counseled the spirit, but Santiago never spoke.  At some point, Nelson's guide ushered in another spirit who was one of seven.  Each of the spirits played a role.  One could not speak, another could not hear, one cried continuously, one who never smiled - and there was one who screamed endlessly.  The spirit left in a violent manner, as if he had to be pulled away - with Nelson gasping for air.  Nelson said he had never experienced so many uncontrolled emotions all at once. Laugh?  Cry?  Leave?  Stay?  It was difficult for Nelson to breathe with so much bottled up.  The table discussed the topic in Spanish.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  After ushering the last spirit away, Nelson's spirit guide spoke again regarding Santiago.  "This is a serious situation," he said, "I am raising my voice for a reason.  You have never heard me do this before, correct?  (to Jeff)  You know what I need (a towel), can you get it for me?"  Caballito folded the towel and walked over to Santiago, with Jeff standing behind him.  "We cannot allow this happen, he is a good soul, a loving man.  We need to prevent things from happening that will be too late if we wait."  Speaking softly to Santiago, he said: "But we need your help.  If you need time for yourself, everyone will understand.  Humans have that need.  Everyone has wanted to be alone, correct?  Deal with your emotions, and make your own decisions.  He thinks he will not be a good human, father, husband - that is incorrect.  Actions speak louder than words, and yours do not reflect what you are thinking.  Go on with your life, it is filled with things you need to accomplish.  Without your health, it cannot be done.  You made the promise to no one except yourself.  Cleanse yourself first, and then you can help others.  Do you understand?  With those words, I want to thank all of you for letting me do my work the way I want.  I'm going on a trip, too (in reference to Jeff and Nelson leaving for Chicago), but I will be back."  Looking at Santiago again, he said,  "When I return to this home, I want to find you in great shape - understand?  (long pause)  We pick up things in this world, so we are cleaning everyone now.  (to Jeff)  Call your mother - do your job!  (for Jackie's sister) Tell her to keep her nose where it belongs.  Look at Frank!  So content.  With just a little bit of faith.  We are finished cleaning.  God bless you all until next time."
Jackie closed with a  prayer, and Astrid told the group that the next session would be on September 1st, as she was taking the summer off to read.

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