Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Chicago - June 28, 2015

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Eva, Gabe, Jeff, Luis, Marisol, Milargros, Maricela, Mia, Nelson and Sonia 
After the opening prayer, Carmen asked the group for prayers for two of her family members.  One of the relatives had surgery on his heart, and the other was dealing with alcoholism, which may have caused him to fall and injure himself.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Eva was concerned about the baby of her daughter.  Except for last night, the baby was sleeping for only 30-45 minutes at night.  Nelson (with the help of his spirit guide) sensed that this baby was unable to sleep because when he did, he saw the spirits from his last reincarnation.  In his previous life, the baby was a Nazi party leader (probably from Poland) who had a very close relationship with Adolf Hitler (Nelson described him as a "right hand man"). The baby was reluctant to reincarnate, as he knew what trials he would face in this life because of his actions in his last life.  The baby wanted to return to the spirit world, and his mother from his past life was eager to reclaim him.  It will take patience and love before the baby understands his past.
Milagros was told by a "comrade" that someone wanted to make her sick until she dies.  Nelson assured her that no human can do that - as they have no control over those situations.  Negative thoughts can influence the spirits, but humans do not have mind control abilities.  Maricela asked everyone to pray for her family in Mexico.
Nelson's guide wanted Luis to say something - anything - out loud.  There was something happening around Luis, and it was difficult for to determine what it was.  Luis had experienced stomach pains, and a sensation of electricity in his hands.  With help from his guide, Nelson understood the issue.  Luis made a spiritual pact before reincarnating, and now he needed to embrace that promise 100%.  He cannot start and stop, and he cannot close the door completely.  A spiritual friend had arrived for Luis, and he explained that the two of them were supposed to work together in this life.  It was Luis' spirit guide, and he presented himself as a general.  Mia sensed that he was French.  He explained that without Luis, he cannot do his work either.  He said that Luis was open and ready, but whenever something was about to happen, Luis would step back - afraid or diverted - so the work was never done.  The spirit of the general was prepared to work, and he wanted to help Luis.  He said that Luis kept moving around, and the spirit of the general encouraged him to keep moving, and not stay in one place.  There were many pacts made in past existences and they were never completed - so they need to be completed in this lifetime.  Before that can happen, Luis needed to be cleansed.  Nelson's guide explained, "There are some things which cannot wait.  If we do not work on this today, other things cannot be accomplished today." 
Jeff was asked to stand behind Nelson, and Mia stood behind Luis.  As Caballito moved slowly and waved the towel, Luis was asked to clear his thoughts.  "Necessity has brought us here," Caballito explained, "and your body wants to get sick.  We cannot allow that to happen.  The work that you came to do - you will do it.  No one can take it away.  Your thoughts are not yours, you are being controlled by someone else."  After the cleansing was complete, Nelson's guide said,"There is a lot of work to do today, so I will retire to the side until I am needed..."
Spirit 2 (via Marisol):  Marisol had sensed a nauseousness around Luis.  Sonia and Maricela felt chest pains and headaches.  Luis explained that in November, his mentor died of stomach cancer at age 55.  The stomach pain Luis was feeling now was the pain that this man endured.  Before passing, he wanted Luis to complete a project, but Luis had not been able to finish.  When the mentor was ill, Luis was his caregiver.  The spirit arrived, sobbing with his head on the table.  His name was Juan, and he said that he was in "so much pain.  I wasn't bad.  Come here, Luis my friend.  Help me..."
Luis moved towards the spirit, and Juan stretched his arms out to him.  Nelson told the spirit that his pain was part of his past, and it would finish today.  Speaking directly to Luis, with Mia standing behind, the spirit said he wasn't ready to go.  Nelson and Carmen counseled the spirit, helping him to sort the "many people" he saw until one "beautiful friend" who moved forward to embrace him.  There was no more pain for Juan, and he decided to go with the friend.  Nelson told Juan that one day he could return and talk to Luis.  As he prepared to leave, Juan told Luis:  "I was mistaken.  I apologize, I did not mean to get you sick..." 
Spirit 3 (via Marisol):  Marisol's exuberant spirit guide also wanted to clean Luis.  She danced near him, patting his shoulders and offered blessings to him - and our table. 
Nelson asked Maricela to stand at the end of the table, and he wondered if she was married in this lifetime (she was not).  Nelson said there was a husband around her from a previous life, and he would not let leave her alone in this life.  Nelson sensed that Maricela felt this spirit around her in bed, as he has been with her for a very long time, possibly her entire life.  The spirit told Nelson he protected Maricela because the world today was bad - with people making fun of her - and this spirit did not want that to happen.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  The spirit arrived, and he sat through Nelson plugging his ears because he did not want to hear anything bad about Maricela:
Spirit:  Mine!  You are mine...You belong to me and I am never leaving you.
Marisol:  You cannot be with her, you do not have a body.
Spirit (very offended):  What are you saying?  Is everyone blind here?  Look at me, I am very handsome - a beautiful body!
Marisol: That is not your body.
Carmen:  Look at that man near you, with a beautiful body like yours.
Spirit: If I don't take of her, who will? 
(Marisol, Maricela and Carmen continued to counsel him until the spirit realized that he did not have a body)
Spirit: No body?  I'm tired.  I have no energy.
Marisol:  Yes, that is true...
Spirit (to Maricela): This man (the spirit guide) tells me that I am going to leave you.  This guy talks a lot.  We have been together for such a long time...I am going to go, and I will take a friend along with me who couldn't come.  He was supposed to be our son...
Nelson said the spirit was very materialized.  After a pause, Nelson asked Sonia how things were with her and with her son.  Sonia stood and said she was content, and that her son was doing well.  There was a spirit present, and he was wearing a mask.  He wanted Sonia's son to attend one of our sessions so he could speak directly with him. 
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Carmen):  Even though Sonia's son wasn't present, Carmen decided to let the spirit sit as his message was for Sonia as much as her son: "I wanted to say what I needed to say.  I lost my time last week, so I couldn't do what I wanted to do.  Things are going to happen that you cannot avoid.  Be cautious.  There was already a hand lifted against you, but it didn't get to you.  I'm with her.  I needed to tell you to take care of yourself.  Be prepared.  You can help from a distance, but not too close.  There is a lot of danger..."  After the spirit left, Carmen's guide arrived to cleanse her. 
Sonia had visualized the mask that the spirit was wearing - it was gray, with a long, pointed nose.  Mia described it as a "plague mask", and Nelson said that the spirit was very smart.  Nelson also wanted the group to know that whenever anyone has an emergency issue, we can always arrange to meet again.  We do not need to wait a full week.  Nelson wondered if Denise was feeling sick, and she said she was.  Nelson urged her to see a doctor as soon as possible.  There was a material world issue that needed to be taken care of, and until it was, the spiritual side could not help.   
Spirit 7 (via Sonia):  An angry spirit for Denise leapt into Sonia:
Spirit:  Blah, blah, blah!  You are always sick!  My family, blah, blah!
Denise: I do have some health issues, and I skipped a couple of medical appointments...
Nelson: If it is material, you need to care of it.
Spirit:  Talk, talk, talk - do something!
Denise: I don't want to be the bad person..I think two of my family members are on the way out of my house...
Spirit: In that house?  You will leave first.
Nelson (to Denise): The pain you have is self-inflicted, you need to take some action.
Spirit:  You will all be sick in a bed.  You are all talk, when will you act? 
Nelson: Take baby steps, things cannot change overnight.  But start putting the pieces together.
Luis shared a story of his own experience with trying to move and find another place to live.  He realized that like Denise, when his thoughts were concentrated on why he could not do what needed to be done, it became "his story."  The only one who could change the story of Luis was Luis, and he told the group that once he understood that concept, the road was cleared for him to move forward.  Luis encouraged Denise to take the same steps.
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  After the spirit departed, Nelson's spirit guide stepped forward again, asking Milargros to stand.  "Spiritism is the one'" he told her, "and the rest are just games.  You cannot have both, it's one or the other.  With the games, the energy that comes around is bad energy (cards were involved).  When these others come around, tell them that these games do not interest you, and you do not want them to talk about it to you.  Tell them, that there are those who look for sickness - and that you are not one of them." Nelson's guide knew that he had to cleanse Milagros.  "There are some things that we look for," Caballito explained as he worked, "and there are places that you should not go and things you should not talk about.  Leave those alone.  Your home is out of place."  Milagros said that she would see a doctor tomorrow.  "We will put the majority into place," Caballito told her, "and the doctor will put the rest into place.  Next Sunday, let us know what happened."
As Milagros returned to her seat, Caballito focused his attention on Mia: 
Caballito: Should I close my eyes so you know it is not Nelson?
Mia: It doesn't matter.
Caballito: You are going to work.  You use a lot of excuses, but yours are different because they all come from your past - and you do not like that past at all.  It's always there.  We have removed some and we will continue (long pause).  Sometimes you should not go where you like to go.  That place, don't go there anymore...please do not go.
Mia: Yes, thank you.
Caballito (moved to stand in front of Mia):  Do you understand?  Don't go back to that place.  We need to accept who we are in this life - even if we do not like it.  You came as a beautiful woman, and I want you to see yourself as that.  (Caballito clapped his hands once) Your past is strong, but we will get to the bottom of it - but not overnight.  (the spirit moved his fingers)  We will set a special session, just for you.  I will tell him (Nelson) who to invite.  Some things are better left in private.
Mia: Thank you.
Caballito:  Sometimes, when we see improvement, our wishes come through...
Directing his attention to Jeff, Caballito told him, "You felt me around you last week, correct?  (Jeff agreed)  You think you can hide things, but the truth comes out.  What a wonderful afternoon it has been.  How happy I am to be here with you, and to do my work.  I do my work with love and with humility in the spirit world, as you call it.  It fulfills us.  Help each other.  If Carmen has a pain, why not call her?  If Denise needs help, why not call her?  Help each other, and keep working - there are many of us with you to help."
Caballito faded away, and Marisol was curious if Eva received anything from the session.  Eva said she felt the energy, and Marisol encouraged her to study the spirit when she felt one, and to have a conversation.  The baby of her daughter was under observation, Marisol explained, and she asked the good spirit guides to help with the situation.  There are spirits who reincarnate even if they do not want to do it, and this baby was one of them.  Marisol recommended that Eva push her daughter into attending a session, as she did not want to come today - even though she knew that she should attend.  Marisol also asked for prayers for her son, as he was not feeling well.  Nelson asked for prayers for Marie, the 99 year old neighbor of Jeff's mom.  In the material world, Marie saw Jeff as her son, and Nelson was concerned that she was now searching for him in the spiritual world.
In a message directed towards Luis, Nelson wanted the group to know that many artists and governors were spiritists.  When Luis first began to compose, it was difficult - and now he was better skilled and more fluid - because of his spiritual influences.  Luis comes from a family of spiritists and mediums who were (and still are) very powerful.  Luis has been looking for help on how to do his spiritual work.  When his grandfather died, there wasn't anyone to mentor or teach him, as his aunts had no interest.  Marisol explained that there were many different types of mediums, each with their own individual "skill set."  She encouraged Luis to read the books that were available (specifically, the mediums book, the gospel and the spirits book).  As part of the learning process, Marisol encouraged both Luis and Gabe to each bring two (just two) written questions with them to the next Sunday session.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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