Friday, September 16, 2016

Chicago - May 31, 2015 and June 1, 2015

(Note: These notes were authored by Denise)
Attendees: Sonia, Isabel, Marisol, Mia, Denise, Marcela, Carmen
Guests: Bernardo, Ronald, Juan, Nazario, Emiliano, Esperanza, Milagro
The session began with Sonia smelling al Camphor and some kind of mint for Healing.  Marisol revealed that she had received a call from a family member to let her know that there was a brush fire in the campo – which was proof of what had occurred at the previous session.
As Marisol arrived at the church, she was presented with a member of the church (she is mentally ill) that had been appearing every so often with the message to pray for the members of the church.
Sonia had seen a vein being opened with a violet light filling the space – Aida is receiving healing
Marisiol was studying a spirit that is currently attached to Aida – her description of Aida was right on target with Mia confirming each characteristic – dominant, stubborn, doesn’t accept she’s sick and needs a stint and doesn’t think to have surgery to correct.
Spirit #1 (thru Marisol) The spirit came in very angry because it was being told that it is time to leave, but the spirit believed that it was providing help instead of doing harm.  Mia and Carmen began counseling the spirit and he revealed the past existence that they had shared.  “My queen got tired of me and put me aside – I was her right hand man.” In this previous existence, she (Mia) had lied and accused him of being a traitor and that was how he died “as a traitor.”  After a little more counseling, he asked and received forgiveness from Mia and left.
Carmen was presented with a spirit of a woman with a boy in her arms.
Conversation then turned to Milagro’s nephew.  His grandmother raised him as his mother was too young when she had him.  When he was 16/17 she told him that he had to stay with his mom as she couldn’t take care of him anymore.  It was revealed that his grandmother was sick. There was not a lot of conversation between the two; he is now 19 and has no respect for his mom.  Sonia saw his arms being bound in silver.  Mia related that he feels abandoned.  Prayer for Imminent Danger was recited as well as to Resist a Bad Temptation.  Sonia also related that more love needs to be given to him by his mother.
This topic will be brought up again in Part Two of this week’s session – a decision was made to have an additional session to help this spirit more.  He needed to be softened up a little more before he would be able to sit and speak.
Emiliano noted that he saw a cat enter the room and look at the table.
Marisol brought up the passes that Sonia had given to Bernardo in a previous session.  Sonia had seen an elderly man shadowing him.  Bernardo mentioned this spirit to Carmen during the week.  Marisol asked Bernardo if he believed in Spiritism, and she continued with “you believe but you are afraid of it.  Carmen sees people in the TV but you are afraid that will happen to you.  Until you start doing the work you will keep feeling the same."
Spirit #2 (thru Marisol)  The spirit came in upset saying that they were fine and that Carmen doesn’t need to interfere and doesn’t want Bernardo to come back but she is also feeling confused.  Carmen counseled the spirit with Bernardo and he revealed that he came to work with Bernardo and thinks that by working with Bernardo he can get closer to the light.  “We are true friends and I don’t want to harm him but I get confused. I need light if I listen to these others I can maybe come back in another farm and be able to talk to him." Spirit then leaves with the Good Spirits that surrounded him.
Healings given by Denise, Sonia, Marisol and Jeff and Nelson were placed in prayer (for clarity)
Closing Prayer
Attendees: Sonia, Marisol, Denise, Miaa, Milagro
This session was a continuation from yesterday’s discussion with Milagros regarding her nephew.  He and his mom are in a Karmatic situation in this existence.  The hate that he brings in this existence comes from an existence in which they were husband and wife and were brought together in this one to reconcile.
He currently is thinking that “the one who loved me, died”.  His grandmother died young (56) from kidney failure and is still attached to him and hasn’t accepted her transition.
Spirit #1 (thru Marisol)  The spirit came in very angry, asking to leave him alone and pushed away from the table.  He’s currently waiting for the session to be over so he can rejoin his people.  His anger is so great that he insisted that the only resolution is for Luis (nephew) to kill or be killed.  He is also being counseled by the good spirits that his hate was from a memory of a different time.  In this other time, Luis had killed his wife, mother, and children.  As the counseling continued, he began to realize that he wasn’t a bad person but that the hate was making him feel dark and that hate did a lot of harm.  Milagros offered the spirit forgiveness.  When he left, he let Milagros know that whatever happens in the future won’t be his fault.
Spirit #2 (thru Marisol)  Guardian of the Temple
Came in thanking Sonia – “My humble servant.” This needs to multiply as there are many more souls that need this, there is much work to be done.  There’s a need that the instrument needs to be cleansed. We take care of this place – “this is our humble abode”.  Blessings were given to everyone.
Closing Prayer

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