Friday, September 9, 2016

Chicago - May 25, 2015

(Note: These notes were authored by Denise)
Attendees: Marisol, Sonia, Denise, Carmen, Isabel
Guests: Bernardo, Ronald
Opening Prayer
Our session began with talk about Marisol’s family as there was a spirit hanging around waiting to be able to speak and would not let any other issues be dealt with until his were.  Carmen advised that there are further surprises for Marisol and she needs to be prepared.  Prayer will be needed in order to help dissolve some, if not all, of the surprises.
The general feeling that was being brought to those in the room were:  Carmen felt as if she was choking and Denise was having visions of nooses being placed around everyone’s neck to prevent any kind of discussion or talking.
A Spirit of Light came in and asked Where is the Love?  Without Spiritists and their belief, Marisol’s uncle and aunt would have committed suicide.  The spirit in the room now had his arms crossed, waiting and is insulting Carmen.
Spirit #1 (thru Carmen) Prior to this spirit coming in, Marisol recited the Prayer for Obsessed Spirits
This spirit admitted that he blocked everything else from coming in, very angry and he was refusing to leave.  The Spirits of Light have taken away some of his strength that he came in with.  Marisol began counseling the spirit and encouraged him to look at and listen to the light, that the light is love and he doesn’t have to stay there.  His vengeance is causing harm.  He is also counseled that the light will continue to grow when he leaves behind his vengeance and hate.  He then forgives but will not forget what was done to him.  He is leaving their path clear for the family and left with the Spirits of Light.
Spirit #2 (thru Carmen)
Carmen’s guide related that we need to use prayers to help those spirits that have vengeance because if they return, they come become angrier.  She then cleansed the table.
Prayers need to be sent to Mia and her family.
Closing Prayer

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