Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Chicago - July 19, 2015

In attendance:  Aida, Alex, Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esmeralda, Eva, Isabel, Jeff, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Ron and Sonia 
We discussed families in the material world, and how it was necessary for them to change and regroup while we are here on earth.  Families need to continually fluctuate and evolve for us to be better understand why we were once related in this world.  We will share similar traits and connections from our earth families on the spiritual side, as "like attracts like."
After the opening prayer, there were five prayer requests.  Eva read "The Prayer for the Sick."  Nelson asked Sonia about her son, and she was encouraged again to invite him (and her grandson) to one of our sessions.  There were spirits around who wanted to remove Sonia from the middle so that they could do what they wanted with her son and his household.  These spirits had already planned everything out - and Sonia was not invited.  They wanted to create doubt, and when they heard the prayers we had read, these spirits revealed that they had their own prayers - that were better than ours.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  One of the spirits abruptly moved forward to speak through Nelson:
Spirit (to the group): Who is more powerful - you or me?  My group is more powerful! 
(Sonia and Marisol counseled the spirit)
Spirit:  They want to silence me.  They won't let me say what I want!  They have even changed the party on me, and now there is no party tomorrow.  I did not want to come here today.  Without her (Sonia), everything would have been done.  I want an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.  He imprisoned us, but we broke free.  We have been looking and looking for him (Sonia's son) so we can imprison him.  That key found in the river was part of our revenge - but it's difficult. Where are they taking us now?  
Marisol: To a better place...
Spirit: If he is there, we will not go!  There are 18 of us, but I am the only one who can speak for the group.   They hit us where it hurts the most.  (to Marisol) Thank you for your help...
After the spirit left, Nelson explained that he and his group had very strong energies.  The leader of the eighteen spirits was the one who spoke.  Sonia said she had felt the spiritual energy.  Marisol's attention had shifted to Erika.  She saw a sickness or a general feeling of tiredness around Erika.  "It dominates you," Marisol said, "and it sets you up to become depressed and involved in your own thoughts."  Erika agreed.  Marisol knew that these feelings were not being shared with anyone - even though Erika's parents saw the change in her and they wanted to help.  "You need to communicate," Marisol told Erika, "but you don't."  There were times that Erika stayed in bed all day, as if her life had no purpose.  Erika said that she was depressed, and she was on medication that she did not want to take.  Carmen understood that Erika was seeing spirits at night, when she was alone.  Marisol explained that these spirits were connected to a mother that Erika had in a previous life. 
Spirit 2 (via Aida):  Nelson described the situation as an imbalance in the body.  He urged Erika to see a specialist and change her medication.  We could help her with the spiritual imbalance, but it was up to Erika to help herself with the material side.  The most important medicine for Erika was faith. The spirit of the mother from another existence arrived, and she told Erika that her grandmother had come along with her.  The spirit said she wanted to help Erika, not harm her.  But she thought the best way to help her was to take Erika with her, as a way to end her suffering.  Erika was anemic from not taking her medication, and the spirit promised that "an injection of faith would help - like a flower, it will help you bloom.  We all have something.  It's not time for you to go yet."
Aida asked for a glass of water, and she rubbed the rim of the glass and asked Erika to drink it.  Aida said the grandmother and the motherly spirit would step aside now, but they would be nearby to watch over her.  Marisol's stomach felt queasy, as she began to experience the same sensations Erika endured. 
Spirit 3 (via Marisol):  Eva sensed that there was still a profound sadness surrounding Erika.  The spirit of the mother from another life sat through Marisol:
Spirit (expressing how Erika felt): No, no, no!  This is not a way to live.  I can't be this way, I am too young!  But I don't know what to do.  Who am I talking to here?  I am tired of worrying.  I want to do so much, but I feel old - and I know I am still young.
Denise:  That will finish today, and you won't feel that way.
Spirit (to Erika):  Come with me, my daughter.  Let's go...
Nelson: She cannot do that.  She still has work to do here...
Spirit:  They are telling me I do not have a body?  I cannot feel sick?
Nelson: It's her (Erika).  You are feeling what she feels.
Spirit: If I take her away she will be better.  (to Erika) I love you, I don't want to see you sad.  It's not true that she is happy here (in the material world), is it?  I am leaving you my love (sobbing), they tell me.  They also tell me that when I am well, I can return...
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  As the spirit faded from Marisol, Nelson's guide arrived to sit through him.  He wanted to cleanse Erika, and he asked Jeff to stand behind her as he spoke softly to her while waving a towel.  He advised Erika to think pleasant thoughts while he cleansed the heaviness that surrounded her from her previous lives.  Caballito also told Erika to ask for a change with her medication.  If her doctor asked why, Erika was instructed to say that another doctor ("a spiritual doctor") advised it.  Caballito gave Erika his real name (Aurelio) to use.  He asked her to call on him when she visited her doctor, and he promised to be there with her, telling her that his presence will, "feel like a soft breath of air."
Eva was asked to stand next, as Nelson's guide knew that she had been hoping for something to happen.  He knew what it was, and he assured her that it would occur.  He used the towel to cleanse Eva in the same manner as Erika.
Caballito also had a message for the group regarding Mia:  "Sonia, do not feel sad for your friend.  When you think of her, smile.  God helps you when you help yourself, and that goes for all of you.  Sadness comes to this group because of her (Mia), but we get ourselves into things.  Be patient.  Give her the strength to move up and move on.  Everything that happens is a lesson to learn and grow.  You know that I tried to help, but we all have free will.  When I am allowed, I check on her.  You know I have a soft spot for her..."
Spirit 5 (via Sonia and Aida):  Nelson's guide moved to the side so that the work could continue.  A spirit related to Maritza slowly moved into Sonia:
Spirit: What did I get myself into?  Why?  What happened?  Somebody tell me (sobs), I want out of there...
Nelson: That person does not need those ideas...
Spirit:  Confusion.  I am so confused.  It's got to come out...
Nelson: We are here to help you.  There is no need to be there now.  Leave her alone...
Spirit: I want out.  That's enough!  Enough!  It's so confusing, I can't get out, I need to get out of there...
(Aida banged her fists on the table as the spirit left Sonia and moved into her)
Spirit (laughing):  How did you expect her (Mia) to come back?  Her spirit is not there...
(Nelson continued to counsel the spirit until she agreed to go)
Spirit: I am tired.  I'm removing what I left with her.  I have to leave her in peace.
The spirit drummed softly on the table and departed.  Aida's guide arrived to cleanse her.  Nelson asked Denise about her doctor's appointment, and Denise said she was given the name of another doctor to call, but she had not yet had an opportunity to contact him.  "It goes in one ear and out the other," Aida said.  Nelson reminded Denise that there were no excuses.  Nelson asked Carmen about Bernardo's brother in the hospital.  Nelson was shown 20-30 hands, all in the same pot.  This chaotic situation involved too many people, and no decisions were being made.  Nelson advised that it would be best for Carmen and Bernardo not to be involved.  Prayers asking for clarity should be said, as the situation seemed to be one big show.
Spirit 6 (via Marisol):  Marisol was studying Eva, and she saw something with her grandson.  There was a spirit around this infant, and he jumped into Marisol as soon as she noticed him.  This spirit worked next to the baby in their previous life together as prison guards in a concentration camp.  The spirit was supposed to be born with the baby (as a twin brother), but at the last minute, the spirit stayed behind.  Now he was alone and missing the spirit of the baby.  He was often around the baby, and his presence made the baby cry.  He arrived in an angry, extremely vengeful mood:
Spirit: Shut up!  All you shut up!  I am looking for a way for him to be with me.  He betrayed me.  We were supposed to come together!
Nelson:  What do you whisper in his ears to make him cry?
Spirit: That he left me behind!
Nelson: No. You changed your mind - not him.  He fulfilled his promise, but you did not like the journey that you were shown, and so you changed your mind.
Spirit (to Eva):  Why did you have to stay here?
Nelson: She came to help.  What if we took you to a place to learn more?  Wouldn't you like to come back one day as his brother?
Spirit: I am going with those who want to show me.  I don't know where they are taking me, but they tell me I am mistaken - I should not be with him now.  I do him harm.
The spirit neatly folded and refolded a paper towel as he spoke.  He had arrived angry and confused, but when he decided to leave, he began to speak in a soft tone of voice - in a way that one might speak when trying to soothe a baby.  Nelson's guide spoke again from behind Nelson, asking Denise, "Do you think that bringing and passing that spirit today was more work than a five minute phone call to a doctor?"
Spirit 7 (via Carmen):  Nelson asked Alex why he had studied something in college that he now disliked (teaching).  Dissatisfied with his degree, Nelson asked Alex what he planned next.  Nelson saw a female spirit around Alex, and she would not allow anyone or anything to get too close to him.  This spirit also removed Alex's glasses so that he could not even see himself.  "She doesn't want you happy - in any form," Nelson cautioned.  The female spirit refused to sit through a male (Nelson).  She was eventually persuaded to sit with Carmen.  She said, "I defend what is mine, and no one will take him away."  Eva counseled the spirit, but she insisted that Alex should have, "No girlfriend, and no friends."  The spirit explained that in a past existence, Alex promised to marry her.  Instead, he prostituted her.  The spirit had put something in Alex's home, and she was urged to take it back.  She refused, saying that Alex had abused her by selling her to others and then never marrying her.  She had left a spiritual bouquet of flowers (similar to wedding flowers) in his room to remind him of his unkept promise.  Alex stood at the edge of the table and asked for her forgiveness.  Marisol and Jeff told the spirit that everything she experienced had occurred in another lifetime - and Alex was different now.  The spirit agreed to leave Alex alone to make his own decisions.  She would move towards the light and take the six others she had with her.  Nelson advised Alex that because he now understood his behavior in his past life, he needed to be cautious not to repeat it again in this life.
Spirits 8 & 9 (via Marisol):  Marisol sensed a spiritual issue related to Carmen and Bernardo.  She asked Bernardo to move closer, and as soon as he did, a very violent spirit passed into Marisol.  The spirit sat on the floor, hitting his knees and banging the seat of the chair in frustration.   
Spirit (banging loudly on the table):  I want to flip this table!  Throw it! 
(The spirit screamed and cursed until the group determined that he was connected to Bernardo's brother)
Spirit: I do not want him to get up from that bed!  Do you hear me? 
Nelson: That is not your business, you should not be around him now...
Spirit: Leave me alone!  All that is over there is fire.  All of you feel hot whenever you are over there (laughed).  Even the fan is off!  I will find a way to him.  She (his oldest daughter who is making decisions for him) should be taking medicine and seeing a psychiatrist.  There are 15 more with me, all of them telling me what to do - so we are as confused as we make him feel...
Nelson:  Listen to that friend near you.  He won't confuse you.
Spirit: But he will take away all of the fire...
Nelson: Today there is a new light for you.  Look at that light instead of the fire.  There's a light for everyone who is with you.
Spirit:  They tell me it's never too late?
The spirit and the others with him decided to leave - calmer and much more respectful than when they arrived.  They were immediately replaced with the spirit of the temple guardian, who also spoke through Marisol: "May the peace of God be with you all.  There is a good and kind God, and many dark lives - like this one.  A dark soul from a dark place.  Without you, we could not do the work.  There is mercy for all, even when we think we are in darkness.  Thank you for your work.  I will clean this one (Marisol), as she is a kind child.  She still has much more to learn and we need her clean...."
The spirit left quietly, and Nelson's guide explained from the background that the spirits of 24 Indians would also be removed today, but there was not enough time for them to sit.  Caballito wanted us to make a note about the spirits, as they were connected to everyone at our table in some way. 
Aida had some advice for Ron, as she saw a condition with his stomach.  There was some congestion, and Ron's legs were barely able to support his weight properly.  Aida hoped that Ron would love himself enough to improve his diet so that he would be able to live a longer life with Isabel.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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