Friday, September 23, 2016

Chicago - July 5, 2015

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Eva, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Luis, Milargros, Maricela, Nelson, Rossanna and Sonia 
Nelson asked the group for continued prayers for Marisol's son (Andres) and for Mia.  Luis and Eva were encouraged to speak up if they felt any spirits around them today at the table.  This prompted Maricela to mention that she received a spiritual message on the her way to the session - that Mia would not be attending.  Carmen asked for prayers for Juan (Bernardo's brother) who needs head surgery.  He is having a hard time breathing and he needs an oxygen mask.  Carmen also asked for prayers for Migdalia, a friend of hers experiencing difficult times.
Nelson encouraged everyone to be candid, and he hoped that we all understood that what transpired at the table would not be repeated outside of the group.
Spirit 1 (via Sonia & Nelson):  Gabe said he was doing well, and Sonia initially said that she was feeling good, but as the conversation continued, she said that she felt as if she was going to scream.  Sonia was sensing an angry spirit around Mia, and this spirit wanted to make Sonia scream.  Nelson had felt the same presence yesterday, and he told the spirit to leave his friend alone.  The spirit passed into Sonia:
Spirit: Why do I have to talk to you?
Nelson (walking over to stand in front of Sonia): Because I am talking for her (Mia)
Spirit: Leave her alone!
Nelson: Why do you have so much rage?
Spirit: I want to take her by the neck!  She thinks she knows everything and she doesn't understand anything! (the spirit believed that Mia was experiencing hate and guilt, and he wanted it to continue)
Nelson: Why do you want to take her there?
Spirit: So she can lose everything - so she goes crazy.  She didn't listen...
Nelson: I ask for help from this table to elevate energies to help that person...
(The spirit began to suddenly fade from Sonia.  As soon as Nelson sat back down in his seat, the spirit jumped into him from Sonia)
Spirit (now speaking from Nelson):  I arrived at the party!  She is going to finish becoming crazy.  I want some water - with salt - you know, a little something extra.
Carmen: We have spiritual water.
Spirit: No, no, no!  (speaking to Jeff in English)  Gringo!  Get me some water, you know, with a little something extra.
Jeff: We do not have that here.
Spirit (to the group):  She deserves to be there - where she put us.  We went there to get her, but now they took us away from there.  With all three of us - her sister as well.  (pause)  I don't feel well, my chest hurts from all the screaming.
Carmen: We will help you feel better...
Spirit: She doesn't know what she gets into.  Where is Nelson?  We are going to drive him crazy as well.  He was thinking about her, and look where she is now...
Carmen:  Listen to those around you...
Spirit:  But they are telling me it is not that kind of party.  I am going to receive the water I need?  That man insisted...there are 28 crazy people with me - 28 crazy nuts!  All nuts!
Jeff: Does that include you?
Spirit: Yes.  All of us are going now, we are going to leave her...
Spirit 2 (via Carmen):  A spirit began to sit through Carmen, and this spirit also wanted to harm Mia:
Nelson: Aren't you tired of talking?  Leave her alone...
Spirit: She rejects us, but we are still there for her - see sees us.  She is going to accept and use us, and if she doesn't, her mother will!  She put me in this condition, so now she is there.  (In a previous existence, Mia had lit this spirit on fire, and he hated the way his face looked now in the mirror.  The spirit placed Carmen's head on the table and she cried softly.)
Nelson: That stops today.  They brought you here to receive light - and progression.  She is doing better over there, so listen to that friend who came with you today - it's a beautiful message.  She forgives you...
Spirit: So many came to get me.  I came here alone.  How can I leave her?  She was the love of my life...
The spirit left crying.  Nelson told the group that although Mia was in a spiritual process, vengeful spirits could still cause her harm.  The group discussed the issue. 
Changing topics, Nelson asked Eva if she thought it was an easy process to get from Puerto Rico to her daughter's house.  Eva said she was happy to come, as she wanted to help with the baby.  Nelson asked Eva, "Do you want to help your daughter even more?"  Nelson understood that there was a spiritual connection between Eva and the new baby in a previous life.  Eva was the mother of the baby in that existence, and the baby now saw her as the mother in this life.  Nelson saw a unique triangle connecting Rossanna (the baby's mother), Luis and Eva.  Rossanna said she felt as if she was not in control of her baby, as Eva controlled things and was more connected with the baby.  "Where is your life," Nelson asked Rossanna, "if your life is not with the baby?"
Spirit 3 & 4 (via Nelson):  Rossanna said she felt a lot of sadness, and Nelson (with his guide speaking from behind him), asked her why.  In this existence, Nelson's guide explained that Rossanna was the mother and she was responsible for her baby.  She should be happy, as her son was born into the exact family he was supposed to be with - and nowhere else.  The baby came with an additional responsibility for Rossanna.  She will become a medium.  Nelson's guide began speaking through Nelson, as he moved towards Rossanna to cleanse her with a towel.  He quietly explained that there were some spirits standing by the baby, and these spirits did not want him to sleep.  "When you return home," Caballito advised, "he will be asleep.  Don't wake him up, let him sleep."  Eva's father was around (in the spirit world), and he was proud to see Eva and her children at the table.  Caballito also had a message for Luis: "Walk forward, with your eyes open.  You will find what you are looking for."
Caballito returned to his seat and spoke directly to Denise about her father: "Don't be afraid.  What is going to happen has already been put into place.  There is nothing that anyone can do now."  Denise's German father was described as bossy and controlling.  His anger and temper influenced the entire household.  Now he was feeling sorry and frustrated that things were not going his way.  He disliked his life, and he wondered why it wouldn't end.  A spirit moved forward to speak (he was restrained and being held back): "It's my way or no way!  We are friends.  He is going to pay for everything...why am I here?  Let me go!  I don't like you.  I want him to suffer!"  The group counseled him until his anger subsided.  He agreed to leave, and take the six other spirits he had with him. 
Nelson's spirit guide was still with him, and he was ushering in a group of soldiers.  All of them were from distinct wars, but now they were marching together in a linked chain of unity and precision.  They respected each other because they were connected by all having served as soldiers.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Eva mentioned an uncle who passed away when he was young.  She knew that in the spiritual world, he liked to put things in order, and she thought he might be part of the soldiers.  A spirit stepped forward to speak through Nelson, in an authoritative voice.  He spoke to the table and his assembled troops:  "We are ready for the battle - to do our part.  We no longer need to be in this state anymore.  Today we graduate, we get our diplomas.  We came with all of you today (at the table).  Together.  We do not recognize everyone, but some we do.  We maintained our observation, and now we are told that we no longer need to be here.  We can lower our weapons, and we will be given another type of weapon.  I am very content, because I was able to arrive here today.  Now we will go somewhere else.  Myself, and 254 soldiers will be taken to a school.  Thank you for attending to us..."
Nelson was exhausted from passing three strong spirits in a row.  He asked for cleansing from his spirit guide, Caballito:
Caballito: He is okay - it's nothing to be worried about - but before I go, and I know he is tired, but the work comes first.  There is some spiritual residue left behind.  Denise?  Can you come over here and stand in front of me? 
Jeff: Do you want me to stand behind her?
Spirit: No. (to Denise) Start living your life, and take care of you.  Stop taking care of everyone else.  It doesn't matter what you have to do, it's time.  There is no reason to cry, it's time to celebrate.  It's time to start what you have tried many times before and failed.  Am I correct?  Pick a day and start thinking and acting just for you.  Your life needs to move forward.  If you cannot love yourself, you cannot love anyone else.  Such a lack of love for yourself!  Look in the mirror and begin to like what you see.  I was right when I sent you to the doctor, wasn't I?  Go again, but do not go alone.  Take a friend.
Denise: I could ask...
Caballito: Sonia?  Can you...
Sonia: Yes. It's not a bother.
Caballito: I will also be there with you (moved his fingers up and down in front of Denise).  He (Nelson) will be okay, he is ready to do the work, and together we have lots of work to do.  That is his job and mine.  It was a delight to be here and share all of this with you.  I am always here for you.  Earn it, so that when you call, a lot will show up for you. (to Jeff) Give a hug to your mother, even though she may have not earned it - the one growing will be you.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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