Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Chicago - June 21, 2015

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Marisol, Mia, Nelson, Ron and Sonia 
After the opening prayer, Nelson also read the "Prayer to Correct a Defect Within Ourselves," and Marisol read the "Prayer for the Soul."  We were meeting on Father's Day, and Nelson wanted the spirits to know that if there were any fathers who had passed and wanted to speak, we would listen.  Nelson also spoke about the free will we all have and how it relates to our belief in spiritism.  If we have a belief in spiritism, we cannot cross back and forth from that path - as we have enough knowledge to know better.  A spirit wanted Nelson to ask a question of someone at the table:  "Are you sure you want to do this?"  
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit was questioning Gabe, and he asked again:  "Are you on the right road?  Are you sure?  Now that you know right from wrong, you cannot be a spiritist for a while - then stop - and start again.  Are you sure?"  In reference to his beliefs, Gabe said that he thought, "maybe it can wait," and the conversation continued:
Spirit: You think, 'I am young, I want to enjoy life,' but once you are on this road, you cannot put it aside.   It hits you.  You don't like that because you want to keep doing what you are doing. 
Spirit (becoming even angrier):  I know you sit there and pretend that you are not doing anything, but you are doing it!  (the spirit was being restrained by the spirit guides)  Stop trying to control me!
Marisol:  You're in charge...
Spirit: He does what I say...
Marisol:  Sometime without knowing it.
Spirit (angry): I know the truth!
Marisol: And what do you gain from that?
Spirit: You will not change that. (to Gabe) Let's go, you don't belong here.
Marisol: You have no body to enjoy life.
Spirit: When I say jump, everyone jumps.  And he does what I say.  (to Gabe) Let's get out of here, they are are all nuts - talking about dead people.  We can leave together, I will take you.
Gabe: I have my free will, so I am here.
Spirit (laughs): You didn't want to come at all!  (looks at Jeff)  And I don't like you. 
Marisol: He is not yours to do what you wish.  Listen to those standing by you.
Spirit: I don't like them either.
Marisol:  They will take you to a beautiful place where you will feel better.
Spirit (to Gabe):  You don't want to be with me anymore?
Gabe: No.  No more.  Feel free to leave.
Marisol:  Go with that one who is talking to you.
Spirit: I'm leaving, but there are a lot more out there, I'm going to tell you.  I'm gonna go...gonna go...
The group discussed the spirit after he left.  Nelson described him as very strong.  Marisol reminded the group that our members need to take of each other.  The mediums were even more vulnerable to being attacked, as there were groups of spirits who hoped to remove them and close groups like ours. "We uncover the secrets," Nelson said.  Carmen began to feel hot, as if she was on fire.  A new spirit was speaking to Marisol, and he was angry with Nelson because of his work at the table.
Spirit 2 (via Marisol):  This spirit has been around Nelson for a long time - Nelson had seen him - and Marisol wondered if Nelson was experiencing difficulties with his sleep (no).  "He doesn't like what I do," Nelson said, "but I continue to do it."  Marisol said that this spirit was so angry, he wanted to throw a prayer book at him earlier - to shut him up.  As the spirit moved into Marisol, his anger was very visible.  He stood up to move away from Nelson (and Nelson moved away from him) and spoke in Spanish.
Spirit: Go to hell, go with the devil!  If I don't finish you, go with him!  I am going to win.  I will send her to hell (Marisol).
Nelson: Sit down, you can say what you want, but with respect.
Spirit: I want him to die.  They interfere.
Nelson: Look at yourself, you are not very well.  You don't want me to work...
Spirit (looking at Jeff):  Who are you to help?  The next time you fall, you won't get up!  Be careful of the stairs (laughing), I am telling you that!  You all think you have a family here, but you have nothing, and sometimes even a family doesn't want some people.  (to Nelson) Stop trying to influence your family.
Nelson:  What am I supposed to do if they listen?
Spirit (feeling hot): This heat will not go away...we are stronger than them!
Nelson:  You see the man who came with you?  He is going to help you feel better.
Spirit (to Nelson):  You are worth nothing, I want to smash you.
Nelson:  Then why are you around me?  Today is the last day.  Someone is here to take you - your guide has arrived, listen to him.  That celebration is for you, for your freedom.  You can't stay.  Take the others along with you.
Spirit: I've been with you for a long time...how many years together?
Nelson: You don't like what I do because it's good.  You are unable to accomplish your goal.
Spirit: I feel better, but not content.  They think I'm a guide (Nelson's family).
Nelson:  You have harmed Gabe's mom a lot.  I want you to leave her and cleanse her.  Convert that hate into love.  Let's see if they let you go to that house to take what you left there.
Spirit: I don't even know why I hated you so much.  You are my friend, come with me.  I'm confused.  I don't have a body, I'm a spirit, I've hurt a lot of people, my hands are filthy...
Spirit 3 (via Marisol): Carmen helped counsel the spirit (in Spanish) and he left much calmer than he arrived.  Marisol was already receiving a message from another spirit. 
Spirit:  May the peace of God be with you all.  Welcome back.  I am, as this one says, one of the guardians here.  We are pleased with the work you do here.  We have held many meetings, and we are busy putting things into place.  There is more cleaning to be done, and we will take care of that cleaning, while you take care of your cleansing work.  Thank you to Sonia, for allowing people to come, and thank you to Denise and Mia for continuing on this path.  This will expand, and others will come to the table. Thank you, I will not stay long.  May the peace and mercy of God be with you to guide you on this road."
Spirit 4 (via Carmen): Nelson's grandmother was present, and she wanted him to know that she was holding back the intentions of the earlier spirit who disliked Nelson.  The spirit was tearful as she explained that she also protects Jeff.  She cares about him because Nelson loves him.  She told Nelson he was her favorite, and she did not allow the symbolic voodoo doll (left by the first spirit) to do much harm to Gabe's mom (Nelson's sister).  She advised Nelson to keep control while continuing his work.  Carmen's spirit guide sat briefly after Nelson's grandmother departed.
Nelson asked Sonia about her grandson (Isaac).  He mentioned again that she needs to bring him to one of our sessions, and Sonia said that one day he will attend.  Sonia explained that the mental health of Isaac's mom was "in and out," as she was often reluctant to take her medication.  Nelson knew that the mother came from a very dark place, and her medication helped to control her feelings.  She doesn't like the medication because she prefers the dark place, as she enjoys her own little circle of negative spirits.  Sonia has been praying for her. 
Spirit 5 (via Nelson): The spiritual message that Nelson had for Sonia was very difficult for him to say:  "Sometimes we are not prepared to deal with the things we think we are," Nelson said, "tell your son that he cannot run to you when his wife is like that.  You are putting yourself in danger."  The spirits showed the wife of Sonia's son picking up a knife and stabbing Sonia.  The spirits kept repeating the same image for Nelson over and over.  Nelson knew that Sonia's house was the very last place that this woman (or the son) should be going to, as the occasional episodes of the wife surround her with, "uncontrollable nuts."  The wife lets these spirits control her, as she enjoys it.  The spirits were too agitated to sit, and they seemed to have their own language of odd sounds and noises.  The same spirits have attacked Isaac, and he occasionally mimics the noises they make - as he sees or hears them.  The spirits disguised themselves to look his age, and they are trying to trap him.  This is a warning for Sonia, as the spirits are trying to damage and cut the relationship between Sonia and her grandson.  Sonia should not respond to these spirits with anger - as it only provokes them - she need to treat them as friends.  There was a short pause as Nelson's spirit guide (Caballito) slipped into Nelson to trap one of the spirits who wanted to harm Isaac.  "Trapped," the spirit guide said.  Caballito also had a message for Jeff:  "When you fell, did you lose any faith?  (no)  Not even for an instant?  It was a test.  Don't blame me, as I stopped it from being worse.  We wanted to see if you really had the faith.  This will create a memory, and it is unpleasant.  One day, we will make that memory pleasant.  We will even laugh over it.  Nelson could not help you.  One day you will know where this came from and realize what happened."  Caballito stepped into the background.
Nelson asked Marisol about Roberto, her uncle who moved to Puerto Rico.  "He is reaping what he has sown," she replied.  He felt that once he was over there, things were supposed to be a certain way, but now he seemed disappointed in everything.  Marisol sensed someone related to Carmen was sick or in bed.  Carmen explained that her granddaughter had a blood condition, and Marisol could smell the stench of blood, as she began to feel hot and angry.
Spirits 6 & 7 (via Marisol):  Marisol stuck her tongue in and out of her mouth, as if she tasted something horrible.  There was a spirit lying on top of Carmen's granddaughter.
Spirit: I'm not dead, but there's a bad smell here.  I'm with her, she is mine.  You don't have to worry about her or see her, she is mine."
Nelson: Aren't you tired of being sick?
Spirit:  I can wait,  We're young. 
Carmen: You are not helping her.  She gets tired and wants to leave, but you influence her and her child.
Spirit: I don't feel good.
Carmen: You will feel better... 
Nelson: But you pass your hand over her head and make her sick...
Carmen: You are a spirit.  Those are your bones...
Nelson:  they are showing it to you as if you were watching a movie.  She left you there and abandoned you.
Spirit: They say I have to forgive her.  I am going to leave with this beautiful one whois telling me that they will take me to a hospital.  Thank you for seeing me...
Marisol's guide replaced the spirit.  As she cleansed, she wanted the group to know, "We have to take care of these instruments (mediums), because there is a lot of work to do.  She (Marisol) feels tired.  That's our work, to protect and guide all of you."  Once her spirit guide had left, Marisol told the table, "Without our spirit guides, we are nothing."
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  The conversation about spirit guides prompted Nelson's guide to step forward again.  Nelson sensed that the spirits wanted to hit Mia to wake her up.  "You allow so many things to get into that head," Caballito said, "that she drains herself without knowing it.  Once she gets it all, she doesn't know what to do with it."  Caballito had Nelson stand in front of Mia, as he spoke softly: "You carry big suitcases that do not belong to you.  You fill yourself up.  You cannot get away from your past.  When it calls to you, you show up but find that you cannot leave.  You like to hurt yourself.  You know what happens when you take on more than you can carry?  You get nothing done.  You are only responsible for you. Your mind wanders and wanders.  It goes everywhere - when in reality, it goes nowhere.  What are you doing when you get hurt?"
Mia: Things that make me laugh or feel better.
Spirit: You need a change of scenery, don't be afraid of it.  You prefer to deal only with the ones you know.  Take a chance, what is over there (in the spirit world) might be better.  Don't think so much about the past.  That friend of yours (Mia's twin brother in the spirit world from a past life) is as stubborn as you are..." 
Caballito would like Mia and Sonia to change seats for the next session.  "I want you closer," he said, "to get you working, because that is the only way you can pay back what is needed."  Mia expressed her gratitude, and Caballito asked Gabe to stand up:
Caballito:  Now you are young, and there are temptations - and they come in many different colors.  About the relationship with your parents - they are still your parents and you are still the child.  Be careful where you go.  If you don't feel comfortable somewhere, you should leave.  Use whatever excuse you want (sick, tired, etc.) and go.  You are going to be tempted.  I do not want you to go through an experience you do not need to endure."  Jeff was asked to remain standing, as Caballito wanted to cleanse him.  "I didn't abandon you, I was right there," Caballito told him (referring to when Jeff fell on the sidewalk).  Jeff understood, and Caballito carefully wrapped Jeff's injured hand in a towel.  "This was not from your mother," Caballito said, "She had nothing to do with it, it was not her.  I want you to understand that.  Don't try to do more than you are able to do - sometimes you think you are Superman, but you are not."
Caballito continued to speak through Nelson:  "All we have is energy and that's all we can do.  He (Nelson)didn't want me to sit, but I have to do my work.  All my energy does is remove those things you cannot see.  But you feel it. (Caballito moved over to Carmen, and put his hand behind her head to cleanse her)  "Let everyone do what they need to.  We have one member who has moved, and we cannot close until he returns.  Next week, a group of friends will come with me to work with someone who will be here.
Jeff: We thought about moving the session to Tuesday...
Spirit (firmly): Your plans can be completed and you can still be here on Sunday.
Marisol (to Mia): Things happen to us in life and they are hard to overcome - but we need to do it, to move forward.  Sometimes it helps cleanse the heart if you write a letter - even if it never reaches the person you are writing.  You can burn the letter after if that will help clean your heart.  There is beautiful work ahead for you, but you need to cleanse yourself first.
Ron had returned, so Nelson closed with a prayer.

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