Friday, September 23, 2016

Chicago - July 12, 2015

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Eva, Isabel, Jeff, Lucrecia, Marisol, Milagros, Nelson, Ron and Sonia 
Before the session, our group discussed the significance of "free will."   At the table, Nelson asked the group to take the next two hours (the session lasted three hours) to dedicate ourselves to something bigger than any of us - spiritism. 
Marisol asked about Mia, and she read the prayer for life for her.  Marisol sensed that Mia's attitude was an issue in her recovery.  She does not want to be in the material world now, but she is also blocking out the spiritual side.  Mia wants things in the world to be the way she wants and when she wants it, but the world does not work that way.  When we reincarnate, we have work to do in the material world, and Mia was not doing her work.  We can change our circumstances, but we cannot change our spiritual responsibilities.  Marisol wondered why Mia had studied for so long and spent so much time seeking spiritual groups, but then she never used that knowledge.  Nelson said it was if she created a "fantasy world" for herself, and when it came to spiritual work, we cannot pretend.  Nelson asked if Mia's parents were aware of her condition (they were not) and he cautioned that Mia was not in any condition to make difficult decisions for herself.  Marisol asked for the spirits of light to help Mia understand her situation, so that she can receive the needed medicine and begin the beautiful work that awaits.
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Carmen):  Marisol explained that with her current attitude, Mia was feeding the negative spirits around her.  As she spoke, a spirit sat through Carmen.  The spirit insulted Marisol for what she said.  This angry spirit was very powerful - and he (or she) wanted Mia to be left alone:
Spirit (to Marisol): What are you trying to open?  There is nothing to do.  Nothing is going to pass through me, I am the door.  You cannot open anything, because I block everything.  I haven't gotten her to where I want her to go...
Marisol: Listen to the good spirits...
Spirit: They have me tied up!  I am not going to let her go.  I'm ordering the others, telling them what to do. (the spirit screamed sharply and hit the table)
Nelson:  All the secrets and the groups are over.
Spirit: They have changed my group!  They are all in white.  They are going to let me go?
Nelson: But you will not be allowed to go back to her.
Spirit:  They let me go, so it's time to let her go.  I was happy with her...
Marisol: But you have made her sick.  Let her make her own decisions.
Nelson:  Her decisions are hers - not yours.
Spirit: Do I have to ask for forgiveness?  I don't know what is going to happen next.  They tell me I need to remove what I left over there...
The spirit moaned softly and he was gone.  Carmen's guide arrived immediately to cleanse Carmen and our table.  Nelson commented that Mia's medical condition affected everything she needed in order to be a medium, and Marisol agreed, adding, "it's the entire the central nervous system." 
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Sonia to speak to Mia's sister in Wisconsin.  Keeping secrets had resulted in Mia's current condition, and her family did not need to continue their pattern of secrets.  An angry spirit jumped into Nelson and slapped the table several times:
Spirit:  Many things!  Many secrets!  I know all the secrets.  Why did they bring me here?  I even know the secrets that have not yet been said...
(The mediums sensed that a sexual abuse situation may had occurred in Maritza's past)
Carmen:  Some secrets can save lives.
Spirit: I am staying with her.  Her mother is not a mother to her.  I tell her to tell her mother all the time, 'You are not a mother because mothers do not allow those things to happen!' 
(Carmen continued to counsel the spirit with help from Marisol)
Spirit (very agitated): Madre!  Madre!  Profound secrets.  I cannot open my eyes, I want to speak, but I cannot!  There are things I cannot say, and pain that cannot be expressed. I don't want to go back there again - No, no no!  (sobbing) Where do I go?
Marisol: Go into the light, with those around you...
Spirit: I am tired.  So many secrets...we are the secrets...(the spirit doubled over in pain and left)
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Sonia to call Mia's brother and ask him to phone her parents, and Sonia agreed.  Nelson's guide moved forward and he closed Nelson's eyes as he spoke.  He told the table that we should all learn from what can happen with just one secret.  There is no predestination, as Mia assumed that her mother would pass before her, and now it was in her hands in regards to who would go first.  "We reach out to give our hands," Caballito explained, "but if it isn't taken, no help is received.  Free will is the basis of life.  It's in your hands to decide.  I can only give advice - or my hand - it's up to you to take it.  I am a little stronger today (in tone), and I do not like to do that, but I want everyone to understand the choices in life.  Once we make a choice, there is a responsibility.  Mia had free will, and she acted the best she could.  Keep praying for her.  Continue the work.  Life has a purpose, which is why all of you are here.  Look inside yourselves, and you will find out why you are here.  Look inside, and you will find the meaning.  We are here to help you understand, but not to make choices for you.  Today we needed to break the ice around Mia or nothing could be done.  I will retire to the side now, as there is more work to be done.  Continue with your free will.  God bless you all."
Marisol observed a new spirit, and she was trying to determine his connection with the group.  He was around a young man in trouble, and Marisol envisioned him standing near Lucrecia and Milagros.  Marisol said the young man lived with his mother, but he was very disrespectful to her.  Lucrecia said it was her son, and she was frightened of him when he was in a rage.   Marisol asked her to move closer.  Because of his emotional issues, Lucrecia's son had a difficult time keeping a job.  Eva asked Lucrecia if she had ever considered help for her son.  As a former marine, there were referrals and services available. 
Spirit 5 (via Marisol):  Marisol's guide ushered in a strong, very irate spirit.  He clenched his hands and rubbed his fists together as he spoke: 
Spirit: Leave me alone!  I will finish with both of them. (to Lucrecia) I hate you - and him!
Nelson: What did they do to you?
Spirit: They betrayed me.  I want to take out their tongues. There are times I want to choke her - but it's not allowed.
Nelson:  What did she do to you?  Why are you using him to get to her?
Spirit: It was her fault.  I wasn't the bad one.  What a cruel death she gave me.  She put me in jail for no reason...
Nelson: That was another time.  Look at your body, look at her now...
The spirit began to feel better and lighter.  He moved Marisol's chair back into position as he slowly understood his past.  He asked for forgiveness.  To end his suffering, he decided to go.  Nelson explained that the spirit was endlessly reliving his incarceration over and over.  Lucrecia was encouraged to speak with her son about the house rules. Nelson said that if he doesn't like her rules, he should leave - but the doors should remain open for him to return.   
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson (speaking for his guide) asked Ron what it would take to make him happy.  Ron replied that he would like to go on another vacation before he dies, and the conversation continued:
Nelson:  Do you feel that you will die tomorrow?
Ron: No.  Not tomorrow, but it could be...
Nelson: So why did you answer the way you did?  We need to get inside to soften you.  The softer you are, the nicer you will be to Isabel.
Isabel: It hurts me to see him sick.
Nelson: Do you know that his health is not good? (Isabel knew and so did Ron)  So why do you do the things you do?  I don't see you well at all, I see you sick.
Ron: Without her (Isabel) I would be dead already.
Nelson: So you want the best for her?
Ron: What do I do that's so bad?  Oversleep a lot?
Nelson:  Your health is not good.  If you know that, why would you overindulge?  Do you think you would be happier on the other side?
Ron: No, it just happens.
Nelson: If you do love Isabel, don't you want to be with her longer?  There is a spiritual friend here - he pretends to be your friend, but he is not.  (It was the spirit of Ron's brother who died seven years ago)  You listen to him more than to Isabel.  No wonder you are always tired, he is taking away your energy.  He did not like Isabel, as he liked to do things only with you.  He said she is tiny but powerful...
(The spirit of Ron's brother arrived, and he sat through Nelson)
Spirit: I am not happy!  They have tried so many times and now they have trapped me!
Marisol: We are trying to help you.  You no longer have a body...
Spirit: I don't want your help.
Jeff: You can see your brother now, what do you want to say to him?
Spirit: Ha!  He is in worse shape than I am!  He was supposed to go first, what happened?
Marisol: You died.  You are a spirit now.
Spirit: And that's how it is?  One minute here, and then there.  I talk to him and he never responds.
Marisol: Look at that body you are using to speak.
Spirit: It's not mine, it's brown.  I don't want to leave him, but they are telling me I can no longer stay?  I don't belong here?
Jeff: There is another place for you to go.
Spirit: I cannot convince him to come with me?  I am going to leave him and make her (Isabel) happy.  I gave him something, does he still have it?
Ron: Yes.  It was a flag in a triangular frame.
Spirit: Don't give it away.  One day, it's for us.  I wanted to know.  Thank you.  You have been very kind to a sick soul...
Isabel: Can I ask you what I did wrong?
Spirit: It was not something you did, you were just always in the way. 
The spirit softly departed, and Marisol asked Eva to move closer.  She knew that Eva and her son (Luis) loved each other, but Eva said that there were some things that Luis did that she did not like.  Marisol sensed some problems between them.  Eva tried to give him motherly advice, but she was frustrated when Luis would not listen.  Eva explained that she knew Luis had his own free will, but her advice was good.  Out of stubbornness and independence, Luis made mistakes, and he never told Eva.  Nelson saw that Luis had the potential to be a tremendous medium, and he reminded Eva that Luis was an adult with his own free will.  When Nelson asked Luis to stay in Chicago longer, he did - but if his mother had asked, he would have left.
Spirits 7 & 8 (via Marisol):  Marisol observed a spirit of a mother from another existence for Luis.  This woman was an egotist, and she did not want Luis to be with Eva in this life.  Although she was once his mother, she would rather see Luis endure difficult times than have him near Eva.  Marisol saw Luis as conflicted, with two mothers telling him what to do as he searched for fulfillment in his current life.  The spirit sat through Marisol:
Spirit: Mio!  Mio!  Mio!  Why are you saying that he is not mine?
Nelson:  You harm him.
Spirit: She (Eva) stole him from me!  I am his mother.
Nelson:  That was in another existence...
Eva: What was his name when he was your son?
Spirit: I don't remember.
Eva: How can a mother not know the name of her son?
Spirit:  Because I wasn't able to give him a name.  He was taken away from me as soon as he was born. 
(The spirit began to cry, as she remembered her suffering from when her child was taken from her.  She was poor, and her baby was illegitimate. Eva took him from her in the previous existence.)
Eva: That was an injustice I committed - forgive me.
Spirit:  I didn't want to do him any harm.  It was so beautiful to find him. 
Nelson:  There is no need for any more suffering...
Spirit: Ask him if he ever feels that he came from a castle...(the spirit quietly faded away)
One of the spirit guardians of the temple moved forward to replace the previous spirit:
Spirit (through Marisol):  This humble spirit thanks you for allowing me to bring some words to you.  Thank you for the work you do.  I came to say that I am concerned with Mia.  Very concerned.  We are trying to help with her body, her instrument - but her spirit has not healed.  If her spirit can see her, we can go to her, as she will know us as the guardians.  If she is now willing to do the work, she needs forgiveness in her spirit.  It's one of the reasons we are in this existence.  Forgiveness is part of the healing work.   It's important, but it is also the most difficult lesson.  Not only should you forgive others, but also yourself.  To begin again.  If we cannot forgive, we cannot move on.  Not only this time, but all the time.  Thank you for your work.  May the peace of God be with you all...
Nelson asked Sonia how she was feeling (slight stomach ache) and he advised her that when she felt something that did not belong to her, Sonia should move it aside by saying, "This is not mine.  Move on or come in and talk."  Nelson also had question for Milagros.  He asked why she tried to carry more than what was hers.  If she could not carry her own load, how could she possibly carry the responsibilities of others?
Spirit 9 (via Nelson):  Milagros lived alone, but Nelson sensed the presence of another woman.  It was Milagros mother, who lived in an adjacent apartment.  "Your mother's burdens are hers, and yours belong to you," Nelson advised.  Milagros explained that her mother never hugged or kissed her, and although there were other siblings, they never helped.  Nelson advised her to tell her mother that Milagros could only do so much - and after that, it was up to the others.  The mother looked like a good person, but Nelson saw her as a terrible person.  She had the spirit of an evil queen (from a previous life) around her, and she treated Milagros as a slave.  This relationship between the two of them had occurred over many reincarnations, and Milagros was always the slave.  The mother controlled her again this life.  Nelson heard her say that, "Everything you do for me is never right," and Milagros said her mother often used those words.  The spirit of the regal queen arrived, and Nelson moved his chair away from the table - as if he was perched on a throne:
Spirit:  Slaves get hit.  They don't kiss us, and they should never try it.  (stamped her feet)  To my feet, servant!  Everything you do, you do it badly.  I always have to tell you - learn!  A clean house is what I like.
Marisol: What if...
Spirit: Quiet, peon!  I only talk to princesses!
Carmen: I am a princess...
Spirit: Fine.  I was told there would be a ceremony when I arrived here.  I am accustomed to that treatment.  If there is no ceremony, why am I here?
Carmen:  Things worked that way in another existence.
Spirit:  What works is the whip!  She (Milagros) has nothing because slaves do not own anything.  I come from royalty, so I have value.  Where is my ceremony?  Where are my slaves?  I don't see them here.  They are only here for us when we want them.  I don't even know their names.  I call them, "slave one, slave two..." And she (Milagros) is not doing her work correctly.
Eva: You are speaking from another body - she is no longer your slave...
Carmen:  You have no body of you own...
Spirit (slowly understanding):  And what am I supposed to do with my slaves?  Let them go?  They are good for nothing.  (looked at Milagros) She doesn't even sew!
(The counseling continued until the spirit realized that she could not return to Milagros or her mother)
Marisol:  Your kingdom is done. 
Spirit: I do not understand.  Show me the documents that state my 'kingdom is done'.  I am going to the school they are suggesting to get my documents, and I don't need her (Milagros).  I am leaving as I arrived, as a royal queen...
Milagros said the spirit was very similar to her mother.  The table discussed the situation, and Milagros was advised by the group that it was okay to tell her mother no when she demanded too much.  Free will often required us to deliver messages when they were necessary - or we would never progress. 
Spirits 10 & 11 (via Nelson & Sonia):  Nelson's guide moved forward to speak.  He asked Carmen, Sonia and Denise what happened on Friday when the three of them met.  Denise said there was a message for her.  Nelson's guide asked, "And at the end, nothing changed, correct?"  All three participants agreed with him, as the conversation continued:
Spirit: And that is where I wanted to go.  What belongs in the material world - leave it!  That situation had nothing to do with spirits, it was all material. (addressing Denise directly) Can the sick take care of the sick?  You cannot cure yourself, so why get involved with others?  
Denise: I try not to get involved...
Spirit (booming voice): BUT YOU DO!  What will it take?  Should we flip this table over on your head?  It's a dirty stew over there, and the pot is getting even bigger. You allow it!  You are the broth that connects all of the other ingredients, the broth that connects them all!
(Nelson's guide was replaced by two spirits.  One of them sat through Nelson, while the other one simultaneously sat through Sonia.  As the two spirits arrived, Nelson and Sonia began to laugh and cough at the exact same time.  Marisol counseled Sonia's spirit, Jeff counseled Nelson's spirit, and Denise spoke with both spirits.)
Nelson's spirit (laughing): She thinks she can cure others when she has not cured herself!  Another crazy shows up, and she tries to cure a nut!  We are having a party of nuts over there. 
Sonia's spirit:  It's crazy fun.  He (the spirit with Nelson) is our leader.
(The counseling continued for a while, with everyone speaking all at once, as if the spirits were trying to imitate the chaotic household environment.)
Marisol:  Listen, it's time to go...
Nelson's spirit: I'm hot!  Everyone in that house is burning...
Sonia's spirit: It's always too hot over there!
Nelson's spirit: Let's leave all the nuts alone.
Sonia's spirit: Absolutely!
Nelson's spirit: Let's go to another place!
Sonia's spirit: You are the leader!
Denise:  Go with the good spirits who are around you...
Jeff: How many of you will go?
Nelson's spirit: All of us!  Let's see, 47 plus 3, so that's 50 nuts leaving!  (to Sonia) Let's go, my friend!
Sonia's spirit: Okay, goodbye!  I follow the leader.
Marisol: Yes, go with your friend...
Once the spirits departed, the table discussed what had happened.  Carmen asked about the beliefs of the Rosa Cruz, and Nelson said he would bring some additional information to the next session.  Carmen's interest was related to a boy named Danny who had died.  (See some of the Rosicrucian beliefs here:
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...