Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Three Types of Spiritist Passes

1) Magnetic Passes by the incarnate (humans)
With this type of pass, a person donates energetic fluids that already exist in their physical and perispiritual (astral) body.  It can be administered by anyone but the quality of the pass varies according to the moral condition of the donor, his or her ability to give fluids, and a sincere desire to assist others.  With this type of pass, there is usually spiritual assistance, as the elevated spirits help those who work with goodwill for a person in need.
From Allan Kardec's, The Mediums' Book (question 176): "...even though a person desiring to do good does not believe in God, God believes in that person." 
2) Spiritual Passes
This treatment is offered by the good spirits directly into the perispirit of ill or disturbed people, without the help of a human intermediary.  During the Spiritual Pass,the person in need does not receive the vital fluids of a human donor.  The recipient is given fluids that are refined and pure, brought from the higher planes of life, by the spirit or spirits who came to assist this person. 
3) Mixed Passes
This type of pass is where the fluids from the worker (the human donor) are mixed with the fluids from the spirituality side.  The combination is much greater than the purely magnetic passes form a human to an individual, and the effects are more wholesome.  The spiritual benefactors are in attendance at the time of this treatment, to increase the direction and supply qualifying (needed) vital fluids.
What is necessary to be an effective donor (to give passes)?
From Allan Kadec, The Spiritist Magazine (November 1866):
"The first condition for his service is to work on your own cleansing (morally and ethically), in order not to change the fluid, which is responsible for a healthy stream.  This cannot be performed without the most complete material and moral disinterest (lack of favoritism towards one side or the other).  The first is easiest, and the second is the rarest, for pride and selfishness are difficult feelings to root out, and because many causes contribute to the over-excitement of mediums."
What are the basic conditions for a human to give a Spiritist Pass?
From Emmanuel, the spirit in Chico Xavier's Follow Me book:
- Faith, love for others, discipline, willingness, knowledge, mental balance, humility, devotion, selfishness
- "If you want to spread the benefits of a pass, which in essence is the sublime act of Christian charity, purify your feelings and your reasoning, along with your heart and brain." 

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