Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Chicago, February 26, 2017

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Claudia, Danny, Denise, Don Juan, Erika, Emiliano, Esperanza, Eva, Evelyn (and her husband Jose), Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Juanita, Marjorie, Maricela, Marisol, Milagros, Nazario, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and X
Before the opening prayer, Nelson urged everyone, "Think about your own spirit.  What do I need, how can I help?  Take some time alone for me (ourselves), and for those we need to help."  Marisol read the prayer for the sick, asking the group to think of someone in need.
Bernardo's heart surgery was moved up to Monday.  (Note: His daughter phoned on Monday to say that everything went well).  Nelson advised that he read the prayer to his spirit guide, as his guide will be with him during the operation.  Nelson's guide told him that Bernardo will recover, and it was important that Carmen (his wife) continues to attend the sessions to do her work (just as Isabel did when Ron was recovering).
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson was drawn to Erika as soon as she walked into the room.  She said she had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday, and Nelson knew that there was still something physically wrong with her back.  We could address the spiritual issues, but there were still material health concerns that needed to be treated.  Nelson thought that Erika might be anxious or nervous, but she was not.  Nelson's spirit guide wondered what it was in her current life that Erika did not like:
Erika: I don't know.
Caballito: Have you imagined yourself in a different place in your life from where you are now?  Would you change it all if you could?
Erika: Yes.
Caballito: You can still have the life you want, but it's all in your hands.  You have always wanted to see what would happen if you did something different, and yet you don't want to do anything.  Something always holds you back (Erika agreed).  In your past life, you owned a large plantation with many slaves.  That's why in this life, your color is how it is.  In that past life, your skin color would have gotten you killed.  There are many slave spirits here today, and they hate you, so they hold you back.  You were a wealthy woman in that life, and you owned the entire plantation by yourself.  (pause)  We have to go deeper.  How can I put this?  You did not want your slaves to reproduce unless it was something you wanted.  You bred them like horses. If something happened without your permission, you found one way or another to get rid of all the little girls that were born.
(Caballito was replaced by the spirit of an angry slave)
Spirit (enraged): You know she killed me.  I am so angry, I am so mad! 
Jeff: She needs to understand what she did.
Spirit: What?  They want me to have compassion for her?  She never had any of that with us!  I don't even want to speak to her.
Jeff: That was in another time, in another place.
Spirit: She is the same.  When I get close to her, she has no energy.  I just give her a little bit, and she cannot handle it.  (very serious)  But when she destroyed me and my parents (tearfully), she would say, 'Hit him again, until he cannot get up anymore.'  She whipped me until she destroyed me.  She was an evil, powerful, white nasty woman.  And that's how I will destroy her, piece by piece.  I burned her, and that's why her skin looks that way now.  She hates her color.
Erika: I used to, but I've adjusted. 
Jeff: Forget about her.  Let's worry about you.
Spirit: I don't care about me, I only wanted to help my group.  I understand that they (the spirit guides) are going to take me somewhere else, but I will not forgive her!  I have a group of 44 girls with me, and I wanted to help them, for them to be free.  And me.  She (Erika) has suffered enough, and I am no longer responsible for her.  I wanted all of you to know where we came from.  (to Marisol)  Lady, I want to thank you for that prayer.  They are lifting them up, all of my girls.  Look at that.  She (Erika) is on her own now, don't blame it on us.  We are all going to go, come on girls, let's be free.  Let's just be freeee...
As Nelson was recovering, he told Erika, "If you feel like the way I do now, I'm surprised you can even sit in that chair.  I have no energy.  I am too tired to stand up, but I'll try."  Caballito wanted to use Nelson to give passes to Erika.  As he was administering them, he told her, "You cannot say or think that is your time to go.  Send those thoughts somewhere else.  After you visit that doctor, have a back X-ray - what is it called? - have an MRI?
Spirit 3 (via Carmen):  Evelyn was the long time caregiver for Marisol's son.  Carmen was studying a spirit who wanted something from Evelyn or her husband, Jose).  The spirit was insistent but calm:
Spirit (to Evelyn and Jose): You are hiding something.  A rare paper.  I want it back.
Nelson: Why do you need that paper?
Spirit: The problem is that I do not get any attention.  Until I do, I want to make her (Claudia, who was staying with Evelyn and Jose) go crazy.  Loca, loca, loca!  Aren't you afraid that she will take her own life?  Loca!
Nelson: Her issues belong to her, not you.
Spirit: I am not doing any contracts with you.
Nelson: What you are looking for is already there - with you - on the spirit side.
(It became apparent that this spirit was looking for Andres, Marisol's son who was now in the spirit world.)
Spirit: No, she took it away from me! 
Nelson: You will be able to look at him when both of you are ready.  And you will see his trophy, the one he won.  Some do not have any moms, but he had two of them.  Eventually, you will have your own trophy, but it's not this one.  And it's not the fault of the caretaker (Evelyn).  You will eventually learn why you were part of his life.  (to Evelyn)  Are you afraid that Cindy may commit suicide?  Are you afraid to leave her alone?
Evelyn said that she was not fearful, and Jose said  that he enjoyed her visits.  Cindy stated that she felt fine living with them.
Spirit 4 (via Marisol): Marisol sensed another spirit related to Evelyn, Jose and Cindy.  This spirit was very irate, and the tone was much more harsh than with the previous spirit:
Spirit (hitting the table):  Diablo!  Mira!  Why is she here?  (turned around in the chair to not see Cindy)  If you are crazy, just leave!  There is the door!  They are crazy, leave, leave!  I know what I am doing, and I am going to win this one.  I'm planning (demonstrated by drawing a chart on the table) to kick Evelyn out.  She will have a fall, a fall down the stairs, and it will be done.  Then Cindy will end up crazy like me!  People will make fun of her.  I am going to do to her what she did to me.  I ended up in a nut house.  I will put her in one.  (sadly)  I killed myself after she put me in there.  (pause)  I am only doing to her what she did to me.  I took a pill, it was like acid.  It burned.  I overdosed, and I am blaming her now for putting me into that situation.  (seething)  I am filled with vengeance and hate. 
Nelson: You have no body now to feel the effects of that pill, and if you agree to go with those friends around you, they can help you with those emotions.
Spirit: I need to learn, because I do not understand any of this.   So okay.  Good luck to you, Cindy...
Spirit 5 (via Juanita and Nelson):  Juanita was being shown a group of spirits around Jeff.  They were having a party, and they were upset to see Jeff reading prayer books and praying, as they wanted him to join them.  The group varied in age from 20-25 years old, and they were determined to have Jeff back with them.  Nelson saw them dancing in a circle around Jeff.  While they pretended to be his friends, all of them were very sick.  They were angry that they were sick, while Jeff was the only one who had escaped.
Spirit: What happened to you?
Jeff: I changed.  To make myself better.
Spirit (laughing): We wake him up all night (Jeff agreed) to party.  Take one of those little blue pills like we used to do.  I have to hide them.  We even made his nose bleed last week when we gave him one (more laughter)!  We need to get rid of that one he is with (Nelson), so we can party!  He's the problem.  (to Jeff)  When he wasn't around, you were fun!  I need to give you more little pills.
Jeff: I am a different person now, I'm not doing that.  People change.
Spirit: You used to love us!  Why don't you love us?  I know you feel me around you...we just want to be with you.  Do you know how long it took me to find you?
Jeff: You and I are in different worlds now.  You no longer have a body.  Look at the one you are speaking through - is that your body?
Spirit: What?  Oh no, it's ugly.  So you don't want anything to do with me?  I enjoyed those days, and I thought you did, too.  I guess I should just take all my pills with me and go.
Marisol: There's another party waiting for you.
Jeff: And you can take those memories with you.  Take that group you have with you.
Spirit: How did you know I had a group?  We are a group of 23.
Jeff: That was probably the age I was when we knew each other.  Look at me now - I'm 60 years old.
Spirit:  60?  So I have been looking for you for a long time.  I will keep those memories of the good times, but they are telling me there is a new party waiting for us.  There won't be any pills, but that's okay.  I'm not a bad guy, so I will go.  (to Jeff)  I'm sorry if I harmed you - goodbye, old man!
Nelson focused on Marjorie.  He wanted her to understand that our group worked differently than those in Brazil, because we hoped to achieve a spirit to person connection.  We worked openly to encourage everyone to learn from the spirit interactions - even if a spirit was connected to someone else.  "What we do," Nelson continued, with some wording supplied by his guide, "is create a consciousness of who you are, what you are, and what you did in a previous life.  When the spirits see you, they see you as you were in that last time.  Pray to break that anger, as the prayers help the spirits to understand that it is no longer the past."
Spirits 6 & 7 (via Marisol and Eva):  Marisol asked Frank to move closer.  At the same time, Eva's spirit guide wanted to sit and speak through her.  Caballito/Nelson had both been encouraging the spirit guide to sit for several months.  When Eva was ready, her guide would not sit, and when he was ready to sit, Eva was unwilling to give up control.  She was worried that she might say something inappropriate.  The spirit with Marisol was a friend of Frank's in this lifetime.  Frank had been praying for him since he crossed over into the spirit world - and those prayers had been heard:
Spirit (speaking from Marisol to Frank):  How can it be that I am here - and I am not here?  What happened?  I encountered many people, but none of them could help me.  I read books, but I don't understand it.  Have come here to talk to him (Frank), but I have a massive headache.  I feel like I will fall from this chair.
Nelson: You will be alright.  Talk to Frank.
Spirit: He helped me.  Thank you.
Nelson: But when you are around him, it makes him feel like you do.
Spirit: So I don't have a body?  But why does it still hurt?  I didn't expect this.  I only wanted to keep on living, but now I know that I cannot.  Sometimes Frank feels my redness (high blood pressure).  I'm sorry, I didn't know that I was causing this to happen.  Now I understand, I have no body.  Thank you, Frank.  I will go search for light...
Carmen continued the counseling for the spirit with Marisol, while Nelson worked on Eva.  He encouraged her and her guide to come together.  Nelson said, "Today will be the day.  Let it happen."  (Eva's guide was a male spirit)   Eva was mumbling softly, as if in prayer, but her spirit guide did not sit.  Nelson softly said, "Everything we do, it all has consequences."
Nelson asked Elizabeth about her trip to Puerto Rico, and she explained that she returned today in time for our session.  Her trip was good, and her son was more relaxed.  Nelson said, "When the spirits give us advice or ask us to do something, they are always looking out for our best interests.  When we say yes, we need to do it.  Otherwise things will not go the way we hoped."
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide wanted to continue the conversation along the same theme:
Caballito:  Sonia, a week or two ago, someone asked for something.  It was not done.  Why?
Sonia: We make excuses -  to ourselves.
Caballito: Whatever is more convenient?  It was simple request, correct?
(Note: Two weeks ago, Caballito asked Xavier to visit his grandmother for a week of relaxation.  A group of spirits had been trapped, and Caballito needed a week to work with them before they were in any condition to sit.  Xavier never completed the request.)
Sonia: Yes, we make it so difficult. 
Caballito: Then we allow those very friends that we are trying to get rid of to influence us again.  There is a very angry friend here today...
(Caballito was replaced by a spirit irritated with Xavier)
Spirit: I went there.  I waited.  No one showed up.
Marisol: Who invited you to that party?
Spirit: She (Sonia) can tell you - she was also invited. And I am not happy that I am here!  She was trying to bring him (Xavier) to the party now?  I don't even want to see him!  Why would he tell me one thing and do another?  That's all he ever does - he never does anything that he says he will do!  He cancels everything.  Go to school, don't go to school.  I don't like him!  He is not my friend, and I do not want to talk to him. 
Jeff: Why are you around him if you don't like him?
Spirit: To confuse him.  (to Sonia)  Keep waiting, grandma - he isn't coming!  I'm going to go back over there and wait some more.  Why are you people nice to him?  He makes mistake after mistake...
Sonia: When we are young like that, sometimes there are mistakes.
Spirit: My mistake was that I went to the wrong party. 
Marisol: What specific promise did he break with you?
Spirit: He said he would be my friend, and now he is not.  I can tell you many things about him.  I've been around for a long time.  And now he talks and learns from her (Sonia)?  No wonder I am so angry! 
Jeff: You have some new friends around you now - go with them and let him find his own friends. 
Xavier: I apologize if I hurt you.
Marisol: He has moved on, and now it's time for you to move on.
Spirit: I can tell you that some of the friends he has found are not any good.  I got kicked to the curb and he kept them?  Now I will kick him to the curb!  I tell it like it is, and now he is the dumb one. 
Jeff: You deserve better friends, so let's leave him alone.  How many in your group?
Spirit: There are six of us, with me, it's seven.  Tell him when he makes a promise, he should keep it or just keep his mouth closed.  I have said what I wanted to say.
Spirit 9 (via Juanita and Nelson):  Juanita was being shown a mountain in Mexico where many of the Romero family members spent a previous life.  Nazario was there, but he was afraid to venture past a certain point.  Nazario had climbed the mountain before in his current life, and Nelson knew that he did it with some spiritual help.  Should he attempt the climb again on his upcoming trip (in three months) to Mexico?  Nelson advised that this time, he will see some white smoke.  It will be the good spirits encouraging him to climb higher.  Nazario stops near a lake, and instead of going around it, he should swim in that lake.  The lake will refresh and cleanse him, and it will be a spiritual way for him to give the land back to the spirits who still inhabit it.  "Give back to those the land that has given everyone so much," Nelson said.
Spirit 10 (via Marisol):  Marisol's son needed the care of a qualified nurse when he was in the material world, and when Marisol had commitments for work, our sessions, etc, it was Evelyn who nurtured Marisol's son.  A spirit sat through Marisol to thank her:
Spirit (to Evelyn): You promised her (Marisol) to take care of him until the end.
Evelyn: Yes.
Spirit: Thank you for completing that promise.  When there is more light, you will be protected and taken care of...
Caballito (to Evelyn):  And thank you for being here today.  Keep returning, and you can fix those issues with Cindy.  You will have the family here that you have always wanted, when you continue to follow spiritism.
Caballito (for Denise):  They are already preparing a party for when you move out.  May we have a party in your new place?  They are working on it.
Denise: And I have been praying on it for a while now.
Caballito (speaking to Marjorie from his position behind Nelson):  Do you have any questions? 
Marjorie: I have seen spirits before when I was sleeping - just passing through - and I knew it was not a dream.
Caballito: They see you and you see them.  Tell them to meet you here to talk. 
After Caballito inquired, Marjorie shared some details regarding the town she was from in Brazil.  As she was describing it, Caballito spiritually took Nelson there to see it.  He described is as very lush and green, on a small, beautifully maintained street.  Nelson was shown that her family planned a large outdoor party when she returns for a visit in September.  Caballito said that Marjorie would not be happy to see someone there, and it would be okay to avoid him.  It was okay to visit, but that person makes her sad, so she should avoid him.  "As he does not have the best for you," Caballito said, "And don't be alone with that person." 
Nelson was shown some trees that looked similar to grape vines, but they were much more beautiful.  (See the beautiful trees here: http://www.kuriositas.com/2013/11/jabuticaba-tree-that-fruits-on-its-trunk.html)
Nelson saw someone writing wishes on small slips of papers and placing them under the trees.  It was Marjorie's grandmother, and Caballito said that she was the one eagerly waiting for Marjorie to return.  Nelson's guide also hoped that Marjorie would put her faith into spiritism, as it would answer all of the questions she had.  Caballito also described Marjorie's little brother, saying that he hoped to one day to come back to Chicago with her:
Caballito: This your road, and you may open the road for others, but always focus on your own road.  If we understand who we are and where we are going, there is no mystery.  You have a beautiful road ahead of you.  And if you want to go to school - apply - do it.
Caballito asked Marisol about the white flower for her son in Florida.  Although Marisol tried to toss it into the ocean, it landed among some rocks.  "No one saw the beauty," Caballito said, "but it was there."  Marisol shared a photo of the flower, and it was radiant.  There were some other brief messages:
(for Gabe):  Do what you have to do, and let your mom do what she wants to do.  She will get there only when she wants.  She is not humble.  Why is it so hard to be humble?  With humbleness, you receive so much.  The ocean did not take Marisol's flower because it was too pretty where it was.  Be humble.
(for Nelson):  This one, if you met him when he was young, he was not humble - and he hit many walls.  He did not want to listen to me.  He was young, and he wanted to do many things, and I told him to just be humble.  He would put a gold chain around his neck to show he was doing well, and the chain would always give him a rash.  So he had something bad to be proud of.  One day, he will be giving speeches in front of a lot of people - all over the world.  He told me no, not in a million years, but it will be my message.  It's part of the work that he and I agreed to do, to open the world to the real meaning of life.  He doesn't want to do it, but he will.
(for Eva):  It was me.  I gave you that message today. 
Bernardo, I will be there with you tomorrow.  Sonia, thank you again for keeping the doors open here.  Jeff, your writings, that place where you put them, it is doing more good than you can imagine.  For all of you, be healthy and warm.  Take care of each other.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...