Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Chicago - March 12, 2017

In attendance: Alex, Carmen, Danny, Denise, Don Juan, Emiliano, Esperanza, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Juanita, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Ron, Soly, Sonia, and X
Jeff shared some details of the passing of Nelson's mother, and Carmen thanked the group for all the prayers for Bernardo and his recovery.  We read many prayers (for the recently departed, the sick, and for loved ones) in addition to the opening prayer to start the session.
Spirit 1 (via Carmen):  Marisol was envisioning flowers, and she could also smell their fragrance.  The flowers were connected to Nelson's mother, and as Carmen began to also smell them, a spirit sat through her to explain more:
Spirit:  I brought these flowers.  We have a party waiting for her, "una fiesta" for a "spirit libre."  Her family is pretending to be strong, but they are all hurting.  There was nothing else left to do for her.  She is still in shock.  Wondering why are they crying?  (the spirit was a grandmother for Nelson's mother, and she meant no harm)  We are giving her the flowers, but she does not realize where she is now.  I need to go back to that place, and I need to go right now.
The spirit departed, and Marisol addressed the group:  "Everything in life is a process, even the painful things, like a loss.  Those things help us to grow, and to come together.  It is difficult to transition from one world to the next, because we become attached to what is familiar, and what we know.  Our deceased loved ones still care for us, as they are kind spirits who are family.
Spirit 2 (via Juanita and Sonia):  Juanita felt that someone wanted to desperately run from the room.  She wasn't sure who it was related to, and she was uncertain if it was a person or a spirit.  Sonia began to channel a soft, calm spirit related to her granddaughter:
Spirit (possibly Sonia's guide):  My dear Soly.  I asked a while back for some protection for you, and it is not a coincidence that you are here.  Your life is going to take another path, and as you take that path, your guardian angel (spirit guide) will be with you to protect you.  Try to connect with that guardian angel to help you.  I know things will be better for you, and you will become the best you can be at your job.  And that protection for you, it was sent a while back.
Spirit 3 (via Carmen):  Juanita still felt the desperation of someone wanting to get up and run out of the door.  After some questioning by Marisol, Carmen began to realize it was a spirit with Soly, and that spirit wanted her to leave the room:
Spirit: I don't want to say anything.  (pause)  There are so many things, and she has actually seen me.  (pause)  I want a car crash.  I have done many things to get rid of that one (Alex, Soly's partner).  I want her to be alone, to have an accident.  I put many things into her mind to confuse her (laughing), because I want her distracted.  I want her alone, to be only driving with me.  I like it when the two of them bicker and argue - and then she storms off!  I want her to have nightmares and cry.
It became apparent that the male spirit was referring to a previous life when he and Soly both wanted the same woman.  Soly took that woman from the spirit, and now the spirit was determined to take the woman who was with Soly - so she would feel abandoned and alone like the spirit.  The group persuaded the spirit to forgive Soly, explaining that it occurred in another time and place, and Soly was not the same person in this life.  The spirit eventually agreed to leave, taking fifteen other spirits along with him.
Spirit 4 (via Marisol):  Marisol questioned Jeff about the possibility that he and his sister each had a different father.  It was an issue that had confused Jeff for most of his life.  Marisol was being shown that Jeff's sister did not treat him well, and it was related to a previous lifetime.  There was a female spirit from that existence, and she encouraged the sister to create  turmoil and animosity with Jeff and his mother in this life.  Jeff's mother was heavily influenced by the actions and words of the sister.  Carmen was being shown the sister as a scorpion. 
Spirit (referring to the sister):  She will always be miserable, and the two of you will never be close siblings.  She was forced to go back there, to be with that family again, but now I am the manipulator!  She will never know joy.  (to Jeff)   You did not hurt me - it was her! 
Jeff: What did she do to you?
Spirit: She's always scheming, planning, always up to something.  If it was up to her (in regards to your mother's money), you would receive NOTHING!  It would be less than a dime!  She lies to your mother, tells her stories until she believes them.  She did that to me.  She took away my relationship.
Jeff: Can you forgive her and move on?
Spirit: I like seeing her miserable now.
Jeff: Aren't you uncomfortable?  Tired of her?  What about those others with you?
Spirit: I am the leader of my group.  It is hot in here.  This is a really hot place.  But where would I go?
Jeff: Go with those who are around you, talking to you.  They will take you to a place to relax and cool off.
Spirit:  That one man (the spirit guide) is stubborn.  He keeps talking.  He's telling me that I have contributed a lot to the problem.  Do you think my hands will ever be clean again?
Jeff: You have beautiful hands.  They will take you to a place to wash them.
Spirit: They are really dirty.  I am to blame for two lives, and we are a group of twenty.  But maybe once my hands are clean, we can be a family again.  I will leave, and I will take what is mine.  Only what is mine, because there are others.  She is not in a good place.
Marisol advised Jeff to pray for his sister, encouraging him to send her love and blessings.  (Update:  Jeff spoke with his sister for a half hour on Sunday night after the session)  Denise had been smelling something since she sat at the table, but she could not identify the aroma.
Spirit 5 (via Marisol):  One of the good spirit guides for our table sat through Marisol:
Spirit: May the peace of God be with you all.  I come to bring a message, and to cleanse this one (Marisol).  We are not only with the one who transitioned (Nelson's mom), we are with those who are left behind.  He (Nelson) thinks he is very strong, but this has struck him to his core.  There are times that shake everyone up in the material world.  There are emotions and ties that shake us.  That is a test of faith.  That is what faith is all about.  While you sleep, we work continuously.  Much work is done, and very little leisure.  (referring to Marisol)  She didn't want me to sit.  It reminds me of him (Nelson), but it was important that I bring these messages:
(for Carmen):  Yes Carmen, we were there (with her and Bernardo before, during and after the surgery).  During those moments when our core is struck, we are always there.  Just as we were there with you, Juanita.  She experienced a lot of physical pain, but she never lost her faith.
(for Maricela):  I bring these words to you also, so that you will understand that you are never alone.
(for Sonia):  We have answered your prayers (in regards to her granddaughter attending).  Look for yourself, do you not see it?

(for Isabel):  And Isabel, your husband is right next to you, because of your faith.
(for Jeff): And Jeff.  Remember that in his final moment, when he (Nelson) says goodbye, we will be there.
May the peace of God be with you all.
Marisol asked Sonia to give passes to Maricela to restore her energy.  Marisol reminded Carmen to follow her own path.  She can help Bernardo, but she needs to stay on her own road.  Milagros shared a story about a relative who heard noises and became alarmed.  Denise told the group that her niece (Lisa) was in treatment, but she was not responding well.  Marisol advised that we put both issues into prayer.  Xaver noticed an ultra-violet color when the spirit was speaking to Soly.  Marisol explained that it was a healing color.  Sonia wanted Gabe to know that his visit to Puerto Rico to say goodbye to his grandmother (Nelson's mom) was appreciated. 
Marisol closed with a prayer.

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