Thursday, August 31, 2017

Chicago - March 19, 2017

In attendance: Alex, Carmen, Denise, Don Juan, Elizabeth, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Jeff, Juanita, Maricela, Marisol, Milagros, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and X

Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson thanked the group for the prayers and support he received after his mother transitioned back to the spirit world.  Prior to the opening prayer, and throughout the session, Nelson's spirit guide moved in and out of the conversation.  He had some distinct recommendations:

(for the Romero family):  When Alex returns (April 15), his family should greet him with a celebration.  There should be a blue cake, with "Welcome Home, We Love you" written on the top.  Caballito also said, "Before Alex comes home, we will do some spiritual cleaning in your house - and he is not staying long before he leaves again."

(for Marisol): Juanita sensed an issue with her stomach.  Marisol said she had an upset stomach, as she was concerned about her husband.  He had asked her to share his dreams with our group.  He had applied for law school and he was accepted, but the expense of attending was stopping him.  Caballito explained that there was also a spirit in the way.  Marisol's husband was supposed to have a fraternal twin, and that spirit was born, but then he quickly died.  The spirit of the twin was responsible for the "peaks and valleys" and the indecision that had been with Marisol's husband for his entire life.  "He is fighting his own shadow," Caballito said.  The twin had never allowed anyone to see him until today, and the spirit was arguing with the good guides who had brought him to our table - as he wanted to leave.

Spirits 2 & 3 (via Carmen):  After the opening prayer, Marisol read a prayer for Nelson's mother.  Carmen had been studying a spirit related to Alex and the Romero family.  This spirit was planning to return with Alex, and he wanted Emiliano and Esperanza to be sad over Alex's return, instead of celebrating:
Spirit: I don't like it when others (the spirit of the twin) jump ahead of me.  I wanted to say it (welcome back to Alex) in another way, and not in a happy way.  I am so angry, I cannot do anything.  (to Esperanza)  This one doesn't let him go.  He needs to get out of their environment and be with me.  Ow, my head is spinning.
Erika: He has thought about going to Taiwan, Japan or India.
Spirit (to Esperanza): Did you hear that, mom?
Nelson (to the spirit): Wherever he goes next, those trips with happen without you.
Spirit: I was going to make them have the biggest fight.  He would have said goodbye to all of you for the last time ever.  Everything stinks over there.  I am only here today to torture his mother.  There are 69 of us, and it was going to get bloody.
Nelson: That's not necessary.  Think about yourself.
Spirit: I am already ashamed of what I was trying to achieve.  I'm going to go, and leave them alone.  (abruptly)  I'm sorry, goodbye. 

Carmen's guide arrived softly to cleanse her and replenish the negative energy from the spirit with positive light.  Her guide also thanked our group for the prayers that were sent for Carmen and Bernardo.  As her guide drifted away, Carmen wondered what happened to Frank - as he had not seen him in several weeks.  Gabe said that he would check.  Nelson encouraged the Romeo's to invite the entire family to the celebration for Alex - the more people, the better. 

Spirit 4 (via Marisol): Marisol sensed that Alex (the female Alex, who was present at our session) was sad, and that her feelings of sadness had never been shared with anyone.  Marisol was also experiencing back pains, and she compared it to the burden that Alex was carrying:
Marisol: I don't know what causes your sadness...
Nelson: She (Alex) knows, but it's difficult to say it.
Marisol: You feel alone with it.  You do have a right to be happy, but you are not.  You make plans, but you never execute them  Those are your dreams, and you are holding yourself back.  You have to work on YOU. 
Nelson: I sense a conflict with you and your parents.  (Alex did not visit them often, as she never felt welcome)
Spirit (arriving through Marisol):  You people are damn nosy! 
Nelson: You invited yourself here.
Spirit: Stop asking about her past!  (to Alex)  Who told you to come back here to this place?  These people are crazy, they see dead people!  (to Sonia)  And I don't like you either! 
Nelson: You only like yourself.
Spirit: And I like what I am going to do with her!  She will never be happy.  She's like a snail, carrying that burden on her back!  (laughed
Nelson (to Alex):  Did you leave home on bad terms?
Alex: Yes.
Nelson (to the spirit):  What is the issue that you have with her family?  There is someone over there that you really dislike...Is it that man (Alex's dad)?
Spirit: I don't care about that man!  She and he will never be okay.  It's her (the younger sister who is 14).
With additional questioning, it became apparent that Alex's sister was being used by this spirit .  She was the troublemaker, causing Alex's family to turn away from her.  The sister could easily manipulate and influence Alex's mom.  Our group encouraged the spirit to leave the family and Alex alone:
Spirit: What am I supposed to do?  Why do I have to let her go?
Nelson:  Look at her, the way she is now.  She's a different person - not the same as you remember.
Spirit: They are telling me I should forgive her and move on?
Nelson: Yes.  Both of you have been suffocating for your entire life.  Today you will breathe free.  And remove all that you have put into the others. 
Spirit (to Alex):  I have caused you harm.  For revenge.  I'm tired of not feeling well, so I will leave.  What you choose to do now, it's all you.  I am taking all that is mine.  (to Nelson)  Thank you for being nosy.
Nelson asked Alex where Soly was, and Alex said she was working:
Nelson/Caballito: No, she is afraid to be here, to hear the things she needs to know.  She keeps secrets.  what is it that the two of are thinking of doing?
Alex: Getting a house, maybe moving from Chicago.

Nelson advised that Alex should move away from the building owned by her mother, as the mother does not like Soly and wants her out.  Nelson was shown that although Alex said her mother did not have a key, he saw her using one to enter the apartment.  Nelson's guide also advised Alex that Soly should not have plans for next Sunday, as she needs more spiritual help than Alex.  There were many spiritual friends around her, and all of them were causing trouble for her.  Caballito reminded everyone, "The door here, to this place, is always open."  He also said that the good spirit guides would apply cold compresses to the bumps on the back of Soly's neck.

Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson wanted to return to the spirit of the fraternal twin who was torturing Marisol's husband.  He said the spirit was standing right in front of him, so he asked, "Why do you hate him so much?"  The spirit moved uncomfortably into Nelson with a shudder to give us the answer:
Spirit: He stole my life!  Stolen!  He is never going to do nothing in his life.  He's living my life, it was stolen from me!  He took it.  Why did they allow that to happen?
Jeff: You allowed it.  You stayed back.
Spirit: They told me it was my turn.  I'm still waiting, in the same place.
Denise: You don't have to wait anymore.
Spirit: Only when he comes with me will I move on.
Jeff: He has his own identity - just as you have yours.
Spirit (hitting the table with his fists): He stole my life from me!  I am not moving on, I am not moving on, I am not moving on.
Marisol: What if I said you could have a new life?
Spirit: They said that to me before!  I did what they told me, and he was allowed to go.  My body was wrong and his was right?  Why was he allowed and not me? (began to cry)
Jeff: Think what happened.  What do you remember?
Spirit (slowly):  We were both coming...I didn't change my mind and stay behind.  I was born!  Both of us were born...but my time was short.  Why doesn't anyone remember me?  I was born, I was alive.  (to Marisol, regarding her husband)  He wants to know why he is so confused, why he thinks everything twice.  Those are my thoughts.  (whispered)  Can I tell you something?  He doesn't like those other brothers he has, he knows that one was missing.
Jeff: It was you.
Spirit: I was stuck.
Marisol: But you are free to fly...
Spirit: I was afraid to fly.  If I flew, I would never find him again.  (looked at Marisol)  I've seen you with him.  Can I tell you something else?  Neither one of us like HER (the mother).  He takes care of her because he feels guilty.  Tell him to stop thinking that way.
Jeff: She didn't remember you? 
Spirit: She remembers me.  She might even tell you what she did.  If she doesn't tell you, I will come back.  I am not afraid anymore.  This guy talking to me (the spirit guide) said I can be free - of him and of her.  My anger is really with her, but I am hurting myself.  He has dreams about the two of us, the brother he thought he had, but has never seen.  I can be free.  I don't need that body.  It was sick.  I have gratitude and love, and I am thankful that I was rescued from that dark place where I was - for such a long time.  I don't remember it all, and I want to tell my full, real story.  I will tell the story of a spirit who was not allowed to live - but I lived!  He will find his own peace.  He will not feel my shadow over him anymore.  I will let him live his life, because I am going to live mine. 

Caballito wanted to say some words to Marisol regarding her husband once the spirit had departed:  "Tell him not to lose faith.  Doors may open.  There is a plan out there, if he does this (goes to law school).  The government has a program, for those who help the innocent - loans are forgiven.  Your madame really likes him a lot.  I see her doing wonderful dances around him.  I will go with her now to your house.  She's dancing around him, removing the doubts and inconsistencies.  His mind will be clear, and he will make his own decisions. 
Nelson gasped several times in his seat, and he began to feel a horrible stomach pain.  It was something that Marisol had been dealing with all week.  Caballito explained that two small Guinea hen eggs (shown in the photo below on the left, next to a regular hen egg) had been spiritually placed into Marisol's stomach to cause her stomach pain.

Similar to when she fell, there was a human connection/ceremony involved with the egg insertion.  Caballito removed the two eggs before they could burst and cause her any additional pain. 

Spirit 6 (via Carmen):  Our session was emotionally heavy, and Nelson's guide wanted to end it with something that was necessary - but also lighter than the previous spirits.  The spirit of a soldier shifted into Carmen, and he was around Nelson's father.  With the transition of Nelson's mother, the father now felt free and light - and this spirit was putting plans into his thoughts:
Spirit (pushing the chair back and standing to salute):  Now he is going to live it up!  I came to bring you that message.  He may still have a little pain, but he feels free - and he is out of the cage.  We do not want to cause harm to anyone, but we want him to live what is left.  He wants a nice car, a panty dropper to entice the ladies.  He might be 88 years old, but he is ready to remarry.
After some persuasion (and laughter) from the table, the spirit and his group of 52 other soldiers were persuaded to move on.  The soldiers felt obligated to protect Nelson's father, but his thoughts were being amplified by them.  (Note: Nelson's father had been arguing about getting a car on Saturday with his daughter, so the spirits were having an effect.) 
Caballito spoke briefly to Elizabeth and Milagros in Spanish, and Nelson closed with a prayer.

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