Thursday, August 24, 2017

Chicago - March 5, 2017

In attendance: Elizabeth, Emiliano, Esperanza, Erika, Eva, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Jeff, Juan, Juanita, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Sonia, and X
Nelson sensed someone who was not at the session, really wanted to be with us.  Nelson understood that it was a female, and he heard her thinking, "Why am I not there?"  After some discussion, it was determined that it was Milagros.  Nelson said, "See how powerful our minds are?  She wanted us to know that she wanted to be here."  Marisol read the Prayer for the Sick and the Prayer of Gratitude for Bernardo.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Gabe had returned early Sunday morning from his trip to Puerto Rico.  There was a spirit present who wanted to ask him some questions.  Nelson invited the spirit to sit, but he preferred to speak from a position behind Nelson.  The spirit explained that he needed time to think between his questions and statements.  He was taller than Gabe, and very thin:
Spirit: How was your trip?  (very good)  So why are you so sad?
Gabe: Seeing my grandpa and grandma in their  condition - and my mom.
Spirit: When you went there, I was with you.  You didn't ask me to go, but I went to protect you.  (It became apparent that the spirit was Gabe's spirit guide)  You are not used to being misunderstood.  I wanted you to experience your own growth.  It's okay to be different from them, and you tried to share your growth with them, but if they do not understand, don't be sad.  Be grateful.  At some point, you felt sorry for them (Gabe agreed).  That's when you realized how much you have grown - when you realized that those you thought were at your level, were not.  I am happy.  I am very happy with your noble intent.  You keep doing what you need to do.  Your needs are different than their needs.  They are too material.  You are less focused on accumulating stuff.  At one point, your Grandma wanted you to have something she bought for you.  You did not need it, so you did not take it.  I put those words into your mouth, 'what I need is not what you are offering me.'  You have really learned a lot from this trip.  You had to think about what you wanted to say before you were able to speak.
Gabe:  I couldn't even make a joke.  I wasn't myself.
Spirit: Always think before you speak, and it will save you from many headaches.  Go on, go on.  And all those dreams that you have will come true.  Not the dreams of others - follow your dreams.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): As Gabe's guide stepped away, a large group of spirits began to show themselves to Nelson, Marisol and Eva.  They were a very sad looking bunch, and they were connected to Gabe's family back in Puerto Rico.  Nelson said they were all sick with various ailments, and Eva said they all had one thing in common - a sickness of the soul. 
Spirit:  What a bunch of liars over there!  Shhh...everything is a secret.  He's not going to Arizona (Gabe's brother), don't talk about that divorce, it's not true.  Secrets!  My head is spinning.  Can I say something today?  They always tell me I cannot say anything, it's all a secret.  I had some back pain, stomach pain... (noticed Jeff taking notes) Don't write that down!  Shhh!  I do not want to go back there.  My ear and my back feel frozen.
Marisol: You do not have a body to feel those pains anymore.
Spirit:  What are you saying - I'm dead?  Shhh...that's another secret.  She (Gabe's grandmother) is not going to die, they are putting new batteries into her.  I came here from that nut house.  I go from house to house, and I have collected some others.  There are 64 crazies, 19 who are dizzy,14 with body aches, and 36 who are not crazy, because they have no mind.  I'm not in any of those groups, but I have a little bit of everything that they have.  I'm tired of being sick.  I need a glass of water.  My throat hurts, form them not allowing me to talk.  This should not be anymore.  I don't want to be like this.  I wanted him (Gabe) to turn nuts.  (noticed the good spirit guides)  One of these guys is giving all of us his hand, telling us that we are not crazy anymore.  Where we go, we will not be misunderstood.  We won't cry so much...
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  As the next spirit was being ushered in, we understood that our session was going to be all about spiritual health and growth.  The next spirit laughed continuously as he spoke through Nelson:
Spirit (non-stop laughing):  If we go one by one, there isn't any one here whose family doesn't have some kind of discord (ha, ha, ha) or disconnection!  (to Esperanza)  Your son is not going to come back the same way as when he left!  (to Isabel)  Your daughter will continue to do whatever the hell she wants (ha, ha, ha)!  You call yourselves students of spiritism, but none of you are!  (to Elizabeth)  Your friend (Milagros) isn't here because I told he not to come!  (to Xavier) Look at him, he's asleep!  (to Emiliano)  Your work is not going well (ha, ha, ha)!  I would say that all of you are nuts!  Look at her (Eva) ready to fly away somewhere else. Marisol, your husband makes me laugh and laugh!  When I get close to him and blow some air on him, he turns pale and runs away (ha, ha, ha)!  We see everything, we know all of it.  We mock and laugh.  (pause)  We should switch the name of this place to the crazy temple.  That's what your families thank about all of you anyway - they all talk about you.  You can call us the mockers.  We think like they (your families) do.  We don't abuse it, we just use it.  We are those who know a lot!  (pause)  My head hurts from laughing.  We laugh at them because they are IGNORANT!
Marisol: That's just your point of view...
Spirit: And your family says that you think you are the only medium (ha, ha, ha)!  We really laugh over you.  but they have brought us here because they said we have laughed enough.  You cannot see us, but we are everywhere.  The world is filled with us.  Look over there, it's another group (of spirits) mocking a Catholic church (ha, ha, ha)!  They make them think they have the holy spirit!  We laugh at them - sanctified and forgotten (ha, ha, ha)!  Give me a cross!  At least I can talk here.  We just tumble around over there.  There are 125 in that group.  I didn't know I was so bad.  Sometimes, just for fun, I did bad things.  It's difficult to see my own mistakes after laughing at yours.  So I will say I am sorry, and I'll try to be better next time.  My group is only from the people here, in this place.  It's 481.
Spirits 4 & 5 (via Marisol): Marisol wanted to place something in prayer.  She had three similar dreams, and in each one, a large powerful black man wanted to cause her harm.  In the first two dreams, he did not get in, but in the third one, he did.  She was so afraid of him that she was unable to breathe.  Our group discussed the issue, and it seemed as if the dreams were lated to Marisol's aunt.  She was collecting negative thoughts, and it was having an impact in many areas.  Marisol began to understand that there was a battle for power in the temple where the aunt went for spiritist sessions.  One of the mediums (Carmencita) had a high level of knowledge, and she rarely passed low level spirits.  The aunt put a cloak over her head to evoke spirits, but she was unaware of what type of spirits she was passing:
Spirit (laughed and pushed back the chair): Another family of spiritists who do not talk to each other!  that old woman (the aunt) is alive because of - because of us!  And while I am in charge, things will be fine over there.  No one would try to de-throne me.  I am smart and very intelligent, and you should tell her (Marisol) not to meddle.  There are many who will not leave that place because of fear.  How little all of you are - you have never seen my type of power - my army!  I told her (Marisol) to work with me, to let me sit.  I'm going to finish both of them now, the old lady and her.  When that 90 year old woman talks, they all shut up.  Except this one, who meddles!  So I will no longer to talk to any of you!
Nelson: Is that why you have taped everyone's mouth shut?
Spirit: That old lady won't stand up if she cannot speak.
Nelson: There's a guy next to you, and he brought you here today.  You were no longer needed over there (giving out misinfomation), so he brought you here to talk.
Eva: Those smart ones betrayed you (other spirits at the temple in Puerto Rico).
Spirit: Well, I am not leaving!  I'm strong.
Nelson: It was a spirit to spirit teason.  A betrayal.  You were brought here so they could be rid of you.
Spirit: They will not take my power!
Nelson: They only want to show you how to use it for the good.
Spirit: I am not happy that I am leaving!  There are 17 of us,and we do not know where we are going. 
Nelson: You said that you were keeping her (the aunt) alive.  If you leave, she may pass away.
Spirit: I like that idea, so we will go.
Marisol's guide stood up and danced in her usual joyful manner.  She refreshed Marisol and our table.  It was interesting that we witnessed a betrayal of one spirit by another, and it was a reminder that we never lose or free will - even after we transition back to the spirit side.  The group discussed the issue.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide had arrived to close out our session.  He looked directly at Isaac:
Caballito: You.  Both of you.  (Issac and X)  You are not in trouble, but it would be easy for either one of you to get into trouble.  (to Xavier)  You are at an age where you are easily infuenced by friends, or maybe some water that contains something extra.  There are those who pretend to be your friends, and they are not.  They are only your friends because of something you have (money) they they do not have.  (to Isaac)  You are here because you are trying to protect yourself (Isaac agreed), so stick around.  Those temptations will become more difficult, and it will become harder to say no.  You have good things around you to protect you.  You are not alone.  If you ever need to talk, we are here.  It's difficult for you to be understood at home, but you can ask anyone here for anything.  Think of this as your 'safe house.'  It's here, and we keep the door open.  It's open for you.  And I know the tempations are there.  You say no one day, but they continue to ask.  Be strong enough to say no.  Continue to come here.  When they ask, tell them this:  'I want a different path for my life.  I see bright stars in my future, and I don't want want to go along with you and diminish those stars.'  You feel alone, and you are not alone.  I'm here, and we see the danger, your future.  I can help you if you let me help you.  (Nelson began rocking in his seat as Caballito spoke about him)  He (Nelson) wants me to help you, until you feel that nothing will happen.  Until you feel safe.  I am talking to a (spiritual) friend that is around him, but he (Isaac) cannot see him.  They cannot hide from me.  I transform myself into what they want me to be to bring them in.  You sometimes wish to sit at home and talk to him (the father of Isaac and X), but he is never there.  We are working on that issue.  He doesn't want to confront reality, as he is afraid of the real truth.  It's hard for him to face it.  He's surrounded by the weird things that grandma says.  He doesn't listen to her anymore.  Some of my friends are talking to him, and he will change.  Not because of you, because of the young one (Sebastian).  That little one is trouble.  He is causing trouble for you (Isaac), but don't let him do it.  You cannot tell him what to do, because he doesn't like it (demonstrated how Sebastian responded).  Some people have to be hit over the head.  Humans!
(for Eva):  And in that center, the oneyou are thinking about, I can act like the world's guide - but I won't.  In that center, they all expect Jesus.  If I was like him, I would be him instead of being here.  Those keys are in the wrong hands.
(for Isaac and X):  Things will get better.  Your father is not helping, he's running.  He only sleeps and works. 
(for Carmen):  You humans are like the wall behind me.  I told a friend to be here today, and I donot see her.  I could have given her my help, but she isnot here.
(for Erika):  I gave you something to do, and you did it.  I didn't happen (the X-ray), but it will happen.  I'm still figting with some friends.  I need that to make sure that nothing is there. 
(for Emilano):  What is worng?  I want to see if I canhelp.  He loves them so much (his family), but he thinks they do not love him.  (Emiliano moved to stand in front of Caballito)  When your son returns, he will see that his family is better.  Your suffering is existential (from another space or time).  You have the same three children in this life that you had in your last life - and all of you are still crying.  (Caballito encouraged Emiliano to cry as a form of release.  When he could not cry, Caballito moved to stand directly in front of him)  Why is it so hard for you to cry?  I will cry for you [Nelson began to cry].  If you could only see the pain you have inside.  You would not be able to explain how you get up every morning.  (moving the towel, which was folded like an oven mitt, in front of Emiliano)  I am burning away the pain.
Caballito asked the entire Romero family to stand together and hold hands.  He told them "Take my energy.  Juanita, when theings get tough, try harder.  This is a good family.  (to Emiliano)  Cry alone if it is easier.
(for Eva):  You must let others live.  Do not meddle, or you will be the one hitting the wall (Eva began to cry).  I know you are leaving, but I am not far.  Go back with peace.  Give your daughter a goodbye kiss and tell her that you have always led her towards the right path - and that she knows where to go now if she needs to find help.  Even if she doesn't do that, the help will arrive.
Caballito explained that he would take some spirits away with him.  It would be 85 spirits from the Romero family, six crazy boy spirits from Isaac and X - and three from their father, along with five spirits from their brother.  "That little one is trouble," Caballito repeated. 
(for Marisol):  Has your leg pain disappeared?  (It was still there, but it was better)  I want to try to remove whatever is left.  Sometimes you wonder why you attract those things into your life, but you know that it is your job, just like my job.  You will be okay.  Try to exercise as much as you can.  I need that movement.  I will remove two stitches from that leg.  (pause)  I have removed them.
Jeff: The stitches were spirit friends.
Caballito: No, they were two stitches that were out of place.  I knew you would think that, I like to do that to you sometimes. 
(for Gabe): One day, you will know the value of what you did with grandpa.  I was there, you were not alone.  You took an old man with the heart of a young man and made him feel young.  And it felt good to be with him?  (Gabe said it did)  The others treat him like he is dead, and he is still alive.  This one (Nelson) is the only one who treats him with respect - and lets him make his own choices.  I need to help him (Nelson), as he is my Caballito.  I will remove four very powerful friends that ignorant people have sent to him.  I must help him so that I can continue my work.  I have to work very hard, so I can get my first star.  I don't have one yet, but I am working on it.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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