Thursday, August 3, 2017

Puerto Rico - May 20, 2017

In attendance:
Bey, Diane, Eva, Herbert, Ivan Jeff, Junior, Lourdes, Millie, Mirelsa, Nelson, Nestor, Nydia and Rina  
We seemed to have some confusion over this blog with some attendees from the Puerto Rico group.  When we started, everyone gave us permission to use their name, but we had some newer participants who were not even aware that there was a blog.  Instead of asking us to change their name to a pseudonym, they decided to stop attending.  Nelson wanted to remind everyone that we could always change their name for the blog. 
Nydia added that she hosted a dinner party last night for some members of our group, and she stressed that in addition to education and holding sessions, socialization (dinners, and other events) was a necessity for keeping a spiritual family informed and connected.  She hoped that small, trivial things would not interfere with that established tradition.  It's one of the reasons we serve food after the sessions!
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nydia):  Nelson asked Ivan about the condition of his father and Carmen.  The father had an infection, and he was recovering at home.  Carmen had been readmitted to the hospital.  When we transition back to the spirit world, there are always more spirits around us at that time then when we are born.  We have spirits from our current life, and from past lives.  Some spirits from Carmen's previous life were with her, and one of them angrily sat through Nydia:
Spirit (banging on the table): Demon!  Devil!  She presents herself so prim and proper, but we are a group of madames and other blacks, and she is a snob!  She acts like a queen!  She did it then, and she does it now.  Do you know what she did to us when we were her slaves?  She would serve us plates with nothing on them - no food!  Empty!
(Nelson coached the group of spirits, helping them to understand that their existence with Camen was many years ago.  They decided to leave Carmen alone.)
Spirit: We will evolve. We will find some light.  We are 53, it's a large group...
The spirit left Nydia shaking, with her hands extended over her head.  Nydia's spirit guide arrived immediately to cleanse her.  She spoke softly: "There are so many existences in our past.  There is always more work."
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Eva to read the "Prayer for the Afflicted," but it was not for Carmen or Ivan's father.  It was for Normita, the caregiver for both of them.  She was feeling abandoned and her stress level was increasing daily.  The spirit of her mother (Norma) knew that Normita needed help, and she seemed disappointed to see that the rest of the family was not uniting to help her.  A spirit moved forward to explain the spiritual side of what Normita was experiencing:
Spirit: Chico!  Mucho cosas. She wants everything to be nice - pretty and under control, like her hair - but I bother her.  A lot.  (laughed)  Look at her - hypocrite!  Everything is so nice on the surface, like a dream.  But in reality, everything is not nice.  Devil!  She sees how it is, and it hurts!  She says, 'My problem is that nobody wants to do what I say!'  Her problem is that people treat her in a way she doesn't expect.  She's feeling the heat (laughed).  She needs psychiatric help - a lot of it!  (Junior counseled the spirit)  I won't go until it ends!  No matter how much you and this guy (the spirit guide) talk.  It's as irritating as when she talks.  'Nee-nee-nee-nee!'  and this guy sounds the same.  'Nee-nee-nee-nee!'  This guy is really bothering me, so I will go with him.  He wants me to give you a number.  (looked to the left)  What number?  There are six with me and 12 others.  (The spirit departed quickly)
Spirit 4 (via Herbert):  Nelson and Nydia had an uncle who was a medium.  He was a spiritist, but as far as anyone knew, he had stopped using his mediumship.  This choice was compared to someone who bought a car and agreed to make 365 payments - but they stopped making payments after number 364.  There was still a payment due, so the car would be repossessed.  The uncle needed to return to spiritism and the work he promised.  A calm spirit sat through Herbert to explain the uncle's perception:
Milagros: Life goes on.
Spirit: And my road now is green and lush, nothing more.  Without suffering.
Nelson: But that green road does not lead to anything without the work.  It's your responsibility. 
Nydia: It's cause and effect.
Nelson: You are guilty twice, because you cannot say that you didn't know better.  Think of your progress.
Spirit (to Nydia):  It's with the Alejando family, that work, this divine hand (rubbed his hands in a circular motion on the tabletop).  So my responsibility is not by chance (casualidad)?  I'm not going to be saved?  (held his hands up)  I do not want future lives that are more difficult.  Mira, we are 14, and now, little by little, his responsibility will be his own.  It's material.
(Nydia's spirit guide returned to offer encouragement about spiritual work)
Spirit: It's a panorama.  It's a grand, serious process.  How difficult is spiritism?  Just see the full panoramic view in front of you.  Don't wait for tomorrow to find that beautiful road.  Spiritual life is a work done hand in hand, with your guides, finding what you promised before you reincarnated.  It's an evolution or your spirit, as you progress together, and there is more unity.  Your family is the entire planet.  Educate your spirit.  Your spirit will be content when you give up some material things.  Pray to the spirit world for help.  (pause)  How beautiful it is to have a happy spirit.  (became emotional)  And you do not need to broadcast your work.
Junior: Nothing is free, we have to work on our evolution without a vacation.
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Nelson and Nydia): Nelson was sweating, and he said it was because the next spirit was very difficult.  Caballito wanted Nelson to travel with him to a very dark and dirty muddy place to bring the spirit back to our table.  Nydia agreed, as she was being shown a spirit who put someone in a hospital.  The material person in the hospital was Mildred (Nydia's sister, and the daughter of the uncle from the last spirit we passed).  Mildred had two veins that needed to be repaired, and this spirit was not allowing it to happen.  It was a serious operation.  Nydia shared some background history about her sister.  She was completely consumed by the material world, and she was an Evangelical in her beliefs.  Nelson channeled a spirit who added more insight:
Spirit (laughing and forceful):  We will take her!  Cut her life short!  C'mon, sister, hallelujah, hallelujah!  Let's go, hallelujah!  Come with me.  We will take that pain, hallelujah! 
Nydia: You are the one causing her misery - it's with you.
Spirit: Where am I?  Why am I here?  I was pulled from a dark place where I was doing my work.  Hallelujah!  And now its being terminated?  What's going on?  (the spirit looked under the table and all around the area)  I am not going to terminate it!  Explain this law to me, EXPLAIN IT!  What is it that you want from me? 
Nydia: You are tired of that work, which is why you did it in darkness.
Spirit: What is her name?  That woman in the hospital?  (Mildred)  That is not her name, her name is "Maldita" (damn in English, or to cuss someone out)!  She never spoke to me.
Nydia: She could not hear you.  She was very material, nothing else...(as she was speaking, a new spirit moved into Nydia.  This spirit was also connected to Mildred.  Nelson's spirit continued to ask about what happened to bring him to our table)
Nydia's spirit: It was all material, all the time (held her head in her hands).  Material!
Nelson's spirit (to Nydia's spirit): I have nothing to do with you.  I'm not related to that.  He's different from me.  So I'm done, see ya!
Nydia's spirit:  That was not what I intended.  I have principles.  I'm also done, they tell me, and I have to leave.  I guess this is the end for me with her.  There are other things, other worlds.  It's a desperate end for those of us who refuse to change.
The spirit struggled and apologized (perdon, perdon) as he left.  There were 27 in his group, and Nydia's guide returned briefly to refresh her.  Nelson and Nydia will visit Mildred in the hospital on Monday.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson): Nelson was studying a spirit related to Herbert's youngest son:
Nelson: You always thought it would be your daughter who would be difficult, but now it's your youngest son who gives you headaches.  It's a delicate situation.
Nydia: It's from another existence.
(Note: The situation was with the grandfather.  In a previous life, the grandson from this current life was the son of the grandfather.  He was made to marry a woman in that life, but only so his father could steal the woman away from him.  In this life, that father was now the grandfather, and his grandson dislike him - because spiritually, he was afraid that once again, he would steal everything from him.  When he took the wife away in that previous life, the father locked his son in a prison cell with no food until he died.)
Spirit (slyly, through Nelson): My friend, he is my friend.  It's been a long time.
Junior: We need to close that.
Spirit: What's going on?  Why does he have that name for me?  (the grandson has never called his grandfather by his actual name - or by grandpa - he only calls him "you" or "senor")
Junior: He remembers what you did.
Spirit (irate):  A child who is childish!  I am not a criminal, it's all pretend.
Junior: If he forgives you, will you move on and find some happiness, some tranquility?
Spirit: I have been so alone.  (pause)  For such a long, long time.
Junior continued to counsel the spirit until Eva said one very short sentence to the spirit in Spanish (no translation) and the spirit understood completely.  He thanked her and said he would leave, because he would no longer think of himself, only of the boy (the grandson is 16 years old).  Four spirits were removed. 
Spirit 8 (via Nelson): Caballito arrived to cleanse Nelson.  As he worked, he addressed the group:
(for Herbert):  This is my work, with your child.  This is not Nelson.  Children are influenced by many things, and it is not always easy for them to understand the spirit world.  I am only a servant, but I can help.  It's not easy (to raise children with a spiritual conscience), it can be difficult (Herbert agreed).  Later on, talk to your son.  Tell him you do not mean to offend him, but you have noticed his behavior with his grandfather.  Ask him about it.  Be humble, and use love and respect.  (to Jeff)  I will remove seven female spirits from the mother of the boy.  (to Herbert)  They are not yours, they are from your wife.  And they are not easy.
Jeff: I'm guessing they have had a big influence on everything?
Caballito:  Yes.  (to Herbert)  Can you invite your wife here?  Prior to today, she would have said no, but from now on, she will say yes.  If she comes, it will be fruitful, so invite her.  (he will)
(for Nydia):  Prepare.  You are not alone, we are working with you, little by little. 
Nydia: It's okay for me to visit other spirit groups?  Even if they work differently?
Caballito:  There are many houses to visit.  For you and your son (Herbert).  Do not go if your spirit feels that it should not.
(for Nestor):  May I ask you a question?  There is a person that you don't think about, but you should.  Do you know who it is?  It's your daughter.  In her future, in her life, something is incorrect.
Nestor: Seguro, seguro.
Caballito: Her issue is that she doesn't think of the consequences of her actions.  I'm sorry if this is harsh.
Nestor: No, seguro, seguro.
Caballito:  We need to prevent something.  How would you feel if she shows up one day on your doorstop with a baby?  That's a plan to get your attention.  It's a very strong situation, because she is very strong willed, and she has always done whatever she wants.  A strong situation requires a strong talk.  Be calm. 
(for Lourdes):  Patria?  She doesn't like that name.  I know she likes another, but Patria?  How are things?
Lourdes: My husband is doing much better.
Caballito: After only two weeks of you coming here.  With a few more weeks, there will more change.
Herbert (to Lourdes): I'm sorry, I don't know you very well, but I see you smothered.  Trapped under layers of a blanket (demonstrated a thick covering that was over her head and closed tightly), but it's all rags. Scraps. You need to slowly open that shroud. 
Caballito:  If we remove difficult things now, the road is easier later.  If he sees your example (the changes), maybe one day your husband might agree to come here? 
Lourdes: That would be difficult.
Caballito: His curiosity over a change with you will bring him in.  He thinks he is alone, correct?  (agreed)  Let me tell you about him.  You cannot imagine that he will ever change.  Change?  For him it's impossible.  But if you invite him here - can you invite him here?  (she could)  If you invite him, he cannot ever say that you have never invited or shared this with him.  It's important.  It involves your older son. (Lourdes teared up)
Caballito asked Jeff for a towel, and he folded it into a small pocket square.  He asked Lourdes to hold it directly on her heart, because it was icy cold.  Caballito needed to warm her heart of solid ice.  When the cloth was removed, he asked Jeff and two others to touch it.  It was extremely hot, as if it had been used to remove something from the oven.  Caballito explained that Lourdes was surrounded by stressful situations that were not related to her, but they where having a negative effect on her.  One of them was the continued escalation of arguments between her husband and son.  They continued to argue, on the phone and in person, loudly and about everything.  Jeff said, "It's like they packed the luggage, and now you are the one who has to carry it everywhere."  Caballito recommended that Lourdes should plan a lunch for her husband and her oldest son in a very public restaurant.  She should ask them both to say out loud everything they hated about each other at the lunch.  It needed to be public to stop it from becoming a shouting match.
Junior (to Caballito): Look, Mirelsa is here.
Caballito: I know that.  We will speak when it is needed.  (to Mirelsa) Do you enjoy it when I am here?  (she did)  Rina, are you happy to have your daughter back in the house?  (she was, and both Eva and Nydia began to cry with joy, because they had not been told that Mirelsa had moved back home)
(for Eva): Have things been difficult for your daughter?  (yes)  She has a center a few blocks from her house that she could attend, but she does not go.  (true)  It's easier to unload everything on you, her mother. but it has an impact.  There is no excuse.  It's difficult, but there is a spirit who needs to be freed.  Talk to her soon, and let her now that I invited her over.  I will be there.  With that baby who wants to come, we are keeping him occupied with processes - education, etc.  But if he is unable to come soon, he may choose to free himself, and then it is too late.  He has his own free will.  She needs to take action.  Part of my job is to help clear the way.  I have already removed 103 spirits from everyone who is here today.  In addition to attending, continue your education and learn.  If you have any questions, I am here.  Are there any questions today?  If I cannot answer, my supervisors are here with me, and they will answer.
Eva: What is happening with Carmen (she has been in and out of the hospital)?
Caballito: She is transitioning.  She's on the right road.
Rina: My older daughter (Yiri) has a medical issue that she is reluctant to talk about.  What would you recommend as a medicine or treatment?
Caballito: Ask her to come here with you on Wednesday.  I know there is another question.  Milargos?
Milargros:  Things are the same with me.
Caballito:  Have you seen any changes with your daughter?  (yes, some)  How are her children?
Milargros: Doing well, and they are full of energy.  Their lives are stable and consistent.  I told my daughter that her children are her responsibility, and my work is to pray for guidance. 
Caballito: Prayer makes a strong process easier.  (Caballito and Milagros continued to speak for a while, and Milagros closed the conversation with, "I am very hands on. with the material and the spiritual.  I give my energy to all of it.")
Herbert: I am going on a trip soon for work.  Will everything be okay?
Caballito: Do what you need to do, nothing will happen.  Your work is not exclusive to one location, it is large and the path is clear.  Do it with love and truth.  It's not going to end.  (whispered)  But you are preoccupied with your daughter (she finished college and she is working as a hotel bartender at La Concha).  You do not like what she is doing for a living, and neither does her mother or grandmother (Nydia).  She started with one thing, but it has led to another.  Talk to her.  I will find a way to guide her.  She comes from a past, a gypsy life, which is why she enjoys what she does.  She was a very sexy dancer in a prior life, with castanets (demonstrated). And if you can, bring her mother here.
(for Jeff): This has been a beautiful work.  My work makes me content.  Jeff, thank you for helping me.  Thank you for always having the items I need.  Keep doing what you are doing, as you are earning a star for yourself.  Don't think that you can do it for him (Nelson), or that he can do it for you.  It's for yourself, so keep going.  (Caballito removed himself)
Nydia had a brief message for Nestor (and both he and his father stood up):
Your father needs to make his own decisions.  It's crucial.  About what he eats, where he goes, etc.  If not, there will be many problems in the material world that will prevent a graceful exit into the spirit world for him.
The group recited the closing prayer in unison. 

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"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...