Thursday, August 31, 2017

Chicago - March 19, 2017

In attendance: Alex, Carmen, Denise, Don Juan, Elizabeth, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Jeff, Juanita, Maricela, Marisol, Milagros, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and X

Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson thanked the group for the prayers and support he received after his mother transitioned back to the spirit world.  Prior to the opening prayer, and throughout the session, Nelson's spirit guide moved in and out of the conversation.  He had some distinct recommendations:

(for the Romero family):  When Alex returns (April 15), his family should greet him with a celebration.  There should be a blue cake, with "Welcome Home, We Love you" written on the top.  Caballito also said, "Before Alex comes home, we will do some spiritual cleaning in your house - and he is not staying long before he leaves again."

(for Marisol): Juanita sensed an issue with her stomach.  Marisol said she had an upset stomach, as she was concerned about her husband.  He had asked her to share his dreams with our group.  He had applied for law school and he was accepted, but the expense of attending was stopping him.  Caballito explained that there was also a spirit in the way.  Marisol's husband was supposed to have a fraternal twin, and that spirit was born, but then he quickly died.  The spirit of the twin was responsible for the "peaks and valleys" and the indecision that had been with Marisol's husband for his entire life.  "He is fighting his own shadow," Caballito said.  The twin had never allowed anyone to see him until today, and the spirit was arguing with the good guides who had brought him to our table - as he wanted to leave.

Spirits 2 & 3 (via Carmen):  After the opening prayer, Marisol read a prayer for Nelson's mother.  Carmen had been studying a spirit related to Alex and the Romero family.  This spirit was planning to return with Alex, and he wanted Emiliano and Esperanza to be sad over Alex's return, instead of celebrating:
Spirit: I don't like it when others (the spirit of the twin) jump ahead of me.  I wanted to say it (welcome back to Alex) in another way, and not in a happy way.  I am so angry, I cannot do anything.  (to Esperanza)  This one doesn't let him go.  He needs to get out of their environment and be with me.  Ow, my head is spinning.
Erika: He has thought about going to Taiwan, Japan or India.
Spirit (to Esperanza): Did you hear that, mom?
Nelson (to the spirit): Wherever he goes next, those trips with happen without you.
Spirit: I was going to make them have the biggest fight.  He would have said goodbye to all of you for the last time ever.  Everything stinks over there.  I am only here today to torture his mother.  There are 69 of us, and it was going to get bloody.
Nelson: That's not necessary.  Think about yourself.
Spirit: I am already ashamed of what I was trying to achieve.  I'm going to go, and leave them alone.  (abruptly)  I'm sorry, goodbye. 

Carmen's guide arrived softly to cleanse her and replenish the negative energy from the spirit with positive light.  Her guide also thanked our group for the prayers that were sent for Carmen and Bernardo.  As her guide drifted away, Carmen wondered what happened to Frank - as he had not seen him in several weeks.  Gabe said that he would check.  Nelson encouraged the Romeo's to invite the entire family to the celebration for Alex - the more people, the better. 

Spirit 4 (via Marisol): Marisol sensed that Alex (the female Alex, who was present at our session) was sad, and that her feelings of sadness had never been shared with anyone.  Marisol was also experiencing back pains, and she compared it to the burden that Alex was carrying:
Marisol: I don't know what causes your sadness...
Nelson: She (Alex) knows, but it's difficult to say it.
Marisol: You feel alone with it.  You do have a right to be happy, but you are not.  You make plans, but you never execute them  Those are your dreams, and you are holding yourself back.  You have to work on YOU. 
Nelson: I sense a conflict with you and your parents.  (Alex did not visit them often, as she never felt welcome)
Spirit (arriving through Marisol):  You people are damn nosy! 
Nelson: You invited yourself here.
Spirit: Stop asking about her past!  (to Alex)  Who told you to come back here to this place?  These people are crazy, they see dead people!  (to Sonia)  And I don't like you either! 
Nelson: You only like yourself.
Spirit: And I like what I am going to do with her!  She will never be happy.  She's like a snail, carrying that burden on her back!  (laughed
Nelson (to Alex):  Did you leave home on bad terms?
Alex: Yes.
Nelson (to the spirit):  What is the issue that you have with her family?  There is someone over there that you really dislike...Is it that man (Alex's dad)?
Spirit: I don't care about that man!  She and he will never be okay.  It's her (the younger sister who is 14).
With additional questioning, it became apparent that Alex's sister was being used by this spirit .  She was the troublemaker, causing Alex's family to turn away from her.  The sister could easily manipulate and influence Alex's mom.  Our group encouraged the spirit to leave the family and Alex alone:
Spirit: What am I supposed to do?  Why do I have to let her go?
Nelson:  Look at her, the way she is now.  She's a different person - not the same as you remember.
Spirit: They are telling me I should forgive her and move on?
Nelson: Yes.  Both of you have been suffocating for your entire life.  Today you will breathe free.  And remove all that you have put into the others. 
Spirit (to Alex):  I have caused you harm.  For revenge.  I'm tired of not feeling well, so I will leave.  What you choose to do now, it's all you.  I am taking all that is mine.  (to Nelson)  Thank you for being nosy.
Nelson asked Alex where Soly was, and Alex said she was working:
Nelson/Caballito: No, she is afraid to be here, to hear the things she needs to know.  She keeps secrets.  what is it that the two of are thinking of doing?
Alex: Getting a house, maybe moving from Chicago.

Nelson advised that Alex should move away from the building owned by her mother, as the mother does not like Soly and wants her out.  Nelson was shown that although Alex said her mother did not have a key, he saw her using one to enter the apartment.  Nelson's guide also advised Alex that Soly should not have plans for next Sunday, as she needs more spiritual help than Alex.  There were many spiritual friends around her, and all of them were causing trouble for her.  Caballito reminded everyone, "The door here, to this place, is always open."  He also said that the good spirit guides would apply cold compresses to the bumps on the back of Soly's neck.

Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson wanted to return to the spirit of the fraternal twin who was torturing Marisol's husband.  He said the spirit was standing right in front of him, so he asked, "Why do you hate him so much?"  The spirit moved uncomfortably into Nelson with a shudder to give us the answer:
Spirit: He stole my life!  Stolen!  He is never going to do nothing in his life.  He's living my life, it was stolen from me!  He took it.  Why did they allow that to happen?
Jeff: You allowed it.  You stayed back.
Spirit: They told me it was my turn.  I'm still waiting, in the same place.
Denise: You don't have to wait anymore.
Spirit: Only when he comes with me will I move on.
Jeff: He has his own identity - just as you have yours.
Spirit (hitting the table with his fists): He stole my life from me!  I am not moving on, I am not moving on, I am not moving on.
Marisol: What if I said you could have a new life?
Spirit: They said that to me before!  I did what they told me, and he was allowed to go.  My body was wrong and his was right?  Why was he allowed and not me? (began to cry)
Jeff: Think what happened.  What do you remember?
Spirit (slowly):  We were both coming...I didn't change my mind and stay behind.  I was born!  Both of us were born...but my time was short.  Why doesn't anyone remember me?  I was born, I was alive.  (to Marisol, regarding her husband)  He wants to know why he is so confused, why he thinks everything twice.  Those are my thoughts.  (whispered)  Can I tell you something?  He doesn't like those other brothers he has, he knows that one was missing.
Jeff: It was you.
Spirit: I was stuck.
Marisol: But you are free to fly...
Spirit: I was afraid to fly.  If I flew, I would never find him again.  (looked at Marisol)  I've seen you with him.  Can I tell you something else?  Neither one of us like HER (the mother).  He takes care of her because he feels guilty.  Tell him to stop thinking that way.
Jeff: She didn't remember you? 
Spirit: She remembers me.  She might even tell you what she did.  If she doesn't tell you, I will come back.  I am not afraid anymore.  This guy talking to me (the spirit guide) said I can be free - of him and of her.  My anger is really with her, but I am hurting myself.  He has dreams about the two of us, the brother he thought he had, but has never seen.  I can be free.  I don't need that body.  It was sick.  I have gratitude and love, and I am thankful that I was rescued from that dark place where I was - for such a long time.  I don't remember it all, and I want to tell my full, real story.  I will tell the story of a spirit who was not allowed to live - but I lived!  He will find his own peace.  He will not feel my shadow over him anymore.  I will let him live his life, because I am going to live mine. 

Caballito wanted to say some words to Marisol regarding her husband once the spirit had departed:  "Tell him not to lose faith.  Doors may open.  There is a plan out there, if he does this (goes to law school).  The government has a program, for those who help the innocent - loans are forgiven.  Your madame really likes him a lot.  I see her doing wonderful dances around him.  I will go with her now to your house.  She's dancing around him, removing the doubts and inconsistencies.  His mind will be clear, and he will make his own decisions. 
Nelson gasped several times in his seat, and he began to feel a horrible stomach pain.  It was something that Marisol had been dealing with all week.  Caballito explained that two small Guinea hen eggs (shown in the photo below on the left, next to a regular hen egg) had been spiritually placed into Marisol's stomach to cause her stomach pain.

Similar to when she fell, there was a human connection/ceremony involved with the egg insertion.  Caballito removed the two eggs before they could burst and cause her any additional pain. 

Spirit 6 (via Carmen):  Our session was emotionally heavy, and Nelson's guide wanted to end it with something that was necessary - but also lighter than the previous spirits.  The spirit of a soldier shifted into Carmen, and he was around Nelson's father.  With the transition of Nelson's mother, the father now felt free and light - and this spirit was putting plans into his thoughts:
Spirit (pushing the chair back and standing to salute):  Now he is going to live it up!  I came to bring you that message.  He may still have a little pain, but he feels free - and he is out of the cage.  We do not want to cause harm to anyone, but we want him to live what is left.  He wants a nice car, a panty dropper to entice the ladies.  He might be 88 years old, but he is ready to remarry.
After some persuasion (and laughter) from the table, the spirit and his group of 52 other soldiers were persuaded to move on.  The soldiers felt obligated to protect Nelson's father, but his thoughts were being amplified by them.  (Note: Nelson's father had been arguing about getting a car on Saturday with his daughter, so the spirits were having an effect.) 
Caballito spoke briefly to Elizabeth and Milagros in Spanish, and Nelson closed with a prayer.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Spiritist Review was written and published by Allan Kardec from January 1858 to April 1869. In total there are 136 monthly issues of the Review, bundled in volumes of 12 issues per year, yielding 12 volumes. It is the largest Spiritist production of Allan Kardec. In addition to the profound study of the Spiritist theory and the explanations about several questions raised by the Spiritists, the Review shows the evolution of Kardec’s thought during the construction of the Spiritist Science. The Review is indispensable to all those willing to have an in-depth understanding of Kardec’s thoughts.

Allan Kardec wrote about spirits in one of the 1858 editions of his magazine, Spiritist Review. He shared eight main points to remember when dealing with spirits:

1. The spirits are not all equal nor in power, nor in knowledge or wisdom. As they are no more than human souls detached from their corporeal body, they present a variety even greater than that of people on Earth, because they come from all worlds and, among the globes. Earth is neither the most basic nor the most advanced. Thus, there are very superior spirits as there are very inferior ones; very good and bad; very wise and very ignorant; there are those of levity, malevolence, liars, cleverness, hypocrites, polished, sharp, jokers, etc.

2. We are incessantly surrounded by a cloud of spirits that occupy the space around us, despite the fact that we cannot see them They are watching our acts, reading our thoughts, and some to do us good, while others to do us harm.

3. From the physical and moral inferiority of our globe in the hierarchy of the worlds, the inferior spirits are more numerous on earth than the superior ones.

4. Among those spirits that surround us there are those that attach to us; that act more over our thoughts; often giving us advice, and whose influence we follow unaware. Good for us if we hear the voice of good spirits only.

5. The inferior spirits only bond to those that listen to them, and give them access to connect. If successful in dominating someone, they identify them with their own spirit; by fascinating them, obsessing them, subjugating them, and leading them as one does to a child.

6. Obsession can never happen but by inferior spirits. The good spirits do not produce any kind of coercion (the power to impose ones will on another) to combat the influence of the bad spirits. They stay away when they are not listened to.

7. The degree of coercion and the nature of the effects it produces determine the difference between obsession, subjugation (the act or process of controlling something or someone) and fascination.
Obsession is the almost permanent action of a strange spirit that leads the person to be solicited by an incessant need to act by this way or the other and to do this or that.
Subjugation is a moral bond that paralyzes the free will of the one that suffers it, pushing the person to the most reckless attitudes, frequently most contrary to their own interest.
Fascination is a kind of illusion produced by the direct action of a strange spirit or by his cunning thoughts. Such as illusion produces an alteration in the comprehension of moral things, leading to misjudgment and to mistake evil for good.

8. Human beings can always disengage from the oppression of the imperfect spirits by their will power, by making a choice between good and bad. If the coercion achieved the point of paralyzing the will - and if the fascination is such that it destroys all traces of reason - then the will of a third person may replace it.

Therefore, for those in the process or just curious about communicating with the spirit world, one must be on guard and weary to whom you let into your house and mind.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Chicago - March 12, 2017

In attendance: Alex, Carmen, Danny, Denise, Don Juan, Emiliano, Esperanza, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Juanita, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Ron, Soly, Sonia, and X
Jeff shared some details of the passing of Nelson's mother, and Carmen thanked the group for all the prayers for Bernardo and his recovery.  We read many prayers (for the recently departed, the sick, and for loved ones) in addition to the opening prayer to start the session.
Spirit 1 (via Carmen):  Marisol was envisioning flowers, and she could also smell their fragrance.  The flowers were connected to Nelson's mother, and as Carmen began to also smell them, a spirit sat through her to explain more:
Spirit:  I brought these flowers.  We have a party waiting for her, "una fiesta" for a "spirit libre."  Her family is pretending to be strong, but they are all hurting.  There was nothing else left to do for her.  She is still in shock.  Wondering why are they crying?  (the spirit was a grandmother for Nelson's mother, and she meant no harm)  We are giving her the flowers, but she does not realize where she is now.  I need to go back to that place, and I need to go right now.
The spirit departed, and Marisol addressed the group:  "Everything in life is a process, even the painful things, like a loss.  Those things help us to grow, and to come together.  It is difficult to transition from one world to the next, because we become attached to what is familiar, and what we know.  Our deceased loved ones still care for us, as they are kind spirits who are family.
Spirit 2 (via Juanita and Sonia):  Juanita felt that someone wanted to desperately run from the room.  She wasn't sure who it was related to, and she was uncertain if it was a person or a spirit.  Sonia began to channel a soft, calm spirit related to her granddaughter:
Spirit (possibly Sonia's guide):  My dear Soly.  I asked a while back for some protection for you, and it is not a coincidence that you are here.  Your life is going to take another path, and as you take that path, your guardian angel (spirit guide) will be with you to protect you.  Try to connect with that guardian angel to help you.  I know things will be better for you, and you will become the best you can be at your job.  And that protection for you, it was sent a while back.
Spirit 3 (via Carmen):  Juanita still felt the desperation of someone wanting to get up and run out of the door.  After some questioning by Marisol, Carmen began to realize it was a spirit with Soly, and that spirit wanted her to leave the room:
Spirit: I don't want to say anything.  (pause)  There are so many things, and she has actually seen me.  (pause)  I want a car crash.  I have done many things to get rid of that one (Alex, Soly's partner).  I want her to be alone, to have an accident.  I put many things into her mind to confuse her (laughing), because I want her distracted.  I want her alone, to be only driving with me.  I like it when the two of them bicker and argue - and then she storms off!  I want her to have nightmares and cry.
It became apparent that the male spirit was referring to a previous life when he and Soly both wanted the same woman.  Soly took that woman from the spirit, and now the spirit was determined to take the woman who was with Soly - so she would feel abandoned and alone like the spirit.  The group persuaded the spirit to forgive Soly, explaining that it occurred in another time and place, and Soly was not the same person in this life.  The spirit eventually agreed to leave, taking fifteen other spirits along with him.
Spirit 4 (via Marisol):  Marisol questioned Jeff about the possibility that he and his sister each had a different father.  It was an issue that had confused Jeff for most of his life.  Marisol was being shown that Jeff's sister did not treat him well, and it was related to a previous lifetime.  There was a female spirit from that existence, and she encouraged the sister to create  turmoil and animosity with Jeff and his mother in this life.  Jeff's mother was heavily influenced by the actions and words of the sister.  Carmen was being shown the sister as a scorpion. 
Spirit (referring to the sister):  She will always be miserable, and the two of you will never be close siblings.  She was forced to go back there, to be with that family again, but now I am the manipulator!  She will never know joy.  (to Jeff)   You did not hurt me - it was her! 
Jeff: What did she do to you?
Spirit: She's always scheming, planning, always up to something.  If it was up to her (in regards to your mother's money), you would receive NOTHING!  It would be less than a dime!  She lies to your mother, tells her stories until she believes them.  She did that to me.  She took away my relationship.
Jeff: Can you forgive her and move on?
Spirit: I like seeing her miserable now.
Jeff: Aren't you uncomfortable?  Tired of her?  What about those others with you?
Spirit: I am the leader of my group.  It is hot in here.  This is a really hot place.  But where would I go?
Jeff: Go with those who are around you, talking to you.  They will take you to a place to relax and cool off.
Spirit:  That one man (the spirit guide) is stubborn.  He keeps talking.  He's telling me that I have contributed a lot to the problem.  Do you think my hands will ever be clean again?
Jeff: You have beautiful hands.  They will take you to a place to wash them.
Spirit: They are really dirty.  I am to blame for two lives, and we are a group of twenty.  But maybe once my hands are clean, we can be a family again.  I will leave, and I will take what is mine.  Only what is mine, because there are others.  She is not in a good place.
Marisol advised Jeff to pray for his sister, encouraging him to send her love and blessings.  (Update:  Jeff spoke with his sister for a half hour on Sunday night after the session)  Denise had been smelling something since she sat at the table, but she could not identify the aroma.
Spirit 5 (via Marisol):  One of the good spirit guides for our table sat through Marisol:
Spirit: May the peace of God be with you all.  I come to bring a message, and to cleanse this one (Marisol).  We are not only with the one who transitioned (Nelson's mom), we are with those who are left behind.  He (Nelson) thinks he is very strong, but this has struck him to his core.  There are times that shake everyone up in the material world.  There are emotions and ties that shake us.  That is a test of faith.  That is what faith is all about.  While you sleep, we work continuously.  Much work is done, and very little leisure.  (referring to Marisol)  She didn't want me to sit.  It reminds me of him (Nelson), but it was important that I bring these messages:
(for Carmen):  Yes Carmen, we were there (with her and Bernardo before, during and after the surgery).  During those moments when our core is struck, we are always there.  Just as we were there with you, Juanita.  She experienced a lot of physical pain, but she never lost her faith.
(for Maricela):  I bring these words to you also, so that you will understand that you are never alone.
(for Sonia):  We have answered your prayers (in regards to her granddaughter attending).  Look for yourself, do you not see it?

(for Isabel):  And Isabel, your husband is right next to you, because of your faith.
(for Jeff): And Jeff.  Remember that in his final moment, when he (Nelson) says goodbye, we will be there.
May the peace of God be with you all.
Marisol asked Sonia to give passes to Maricela to restore her energy.  Marisol reminded Carmen to follow her own path.  She can help Bernardo, but she needs to stay on her own road.  Milagros shared a story about a relative who heard noises and became alarmed.  Denise told the group that her niece (Lisa) was in treatment, but she was not responding well.  Marisol advised that we put both issues into prayer.  Xaver noticed an ultra-violet color when the spirit was speaking to Soly.  Marisol explained that it was a healing color.  Sonia wanted Gabe to know that his visit to Puerto Rico to say goodbye to his grandmother (Nelson's mom) was appreciated. 
Marisol closed with a prayer.

Saturday, August 26, 2017


Here is an excerpt from The Gospel Explained By the Spiritist Doctrine on the subject:

"There are two kinds of suffering on earth; or, if you prefer, our trials have their origin in two different sources. The first kind has its cause in present-day life; the second arises from causes outside the present life.
In considering the troubles of earthly life, it is evident that a great number of them are the consequence of a person's own attitudes and actions. Many of us flounder because of our faults - we are victimized by our own thoughtlessness, arrogance, and ambition. Many of us destroy ourselves through lack of discipline and perseverance, and through bad conduct and an inability to control our own desires. Likewise, many marriages turn sour simply because they are built not by the heart, but by partners' calculating self-interest and vanity. So many disagreements and disastrous hostilities could be avoided with the help of a little restraint and more tolerance. In the same way, how many illnesses and diseases result from overindulgence and abuses of all sorts?
Families, particularly, pay a price for these failures. Parents find they are disappointed in their children because they didn't intervene early enough to overcome their children's harmful impulses. In spoiling or neglecting their children, these parents let the seeds of pride, selfishness, and foolish conceit take root in them, so that their hearts became dried and shriveled. Later on, when parents start reaping what they had sown, they will be surprised and at the indifference and lack of gratitude their children show them.
We ask each of you who has experienced heartaches because of disappointments and losses to study your own consciences closely, going back, step by step, to the origins of each problem that is causing you pain. More likely than not, most will be able to say: If I had done, or not done, such and such thing, I wouldn't be where I am today.
Who is, in such cases, responsible for the sufferings if not the person who suffers? In most cases, men and women are the architects of their own troubles. Yet rather than admit this fact, they usually find it easier and less humiliating to their egos to blame their troubles on fate, God, bad luck, or even on an unlucky star. However, this 'unlucky star' is actually no more than their own carelessness.
When we consider life's problems, we find that this kind of suffering makes up the greatest part of our problems. Only when we make the commitment to work at SELF-TRANSFORMATION, raising ourselves both morally and intellectually, will we be able to avoid suffering of this kind." (Chapter 5:4 Present Causes of Suffering)

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Chicago - March 5, 2017

In attendance: Elizabeth, Emiliano, Esperanza, Erika, Eva, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Jeff, Juan, Juanita, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Sonia, and X
Nelson sensed someone who was not at the session, really wanted to be with us.  Nelson understood that it was a female, and he heard her thinking, "Why am I not there?"  After some discussion, it was determined that it was Milagros.  Nelson said, "See how powerful our minds are?  She wanted us to know that she wanted to be here."  Marisol read the Prayer for the Sick and the Prayer of Gratitude for Bernardo.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Gabe had returned early Sunday morning from his trip to Puerto Rico.  There was a spirit present who wanted to ask him some questions.  Nelson invited the spirit to sit, but he preferred to speak from a position behind Nelson.  The spirit explained that he needed time to think between his questions and statements.  He was taller than Gabe, and very thin:
Spirit: How was your trip?  (very good)  So why are you so sad?
Gabe: Seeing my grandpa and grandma in their  condition - and my mom.
Spirit: When you went there, I was with you.  You didn't ask me to go, but I went to protect you.  (It became apparent that the spirit was Gabe's spirit guide)  You are not used to being misunderstood.  I wanted you to experience your own growth.  It's okay to be different from them, and you tried to share your growth with them, but if they do not understand, don't be sad.  Be grateful.  At some point, you felt sorry for them (Gabe agreed).  That's when you realized how much you have grown - when you realized that those you thought were at your level, were not.  I am happy.  I am very happy with your noble intent.  You keep doing what you need to do.  Your needs are different than their needs.  They are too material.  You are less focused on accumulating stuff.  At one point, your Grandma wanted you to have something she bought for you.  You did not need it, so you did not take it.  I put those words into your mouth, 'what I need is not what you are offering me.'  You have really learned a lot from this trip.  You had to think about what you wanted to say before you were able to speak.
Gabe:  I couldn't even make a joke.  I wasn't myself.
Spirit: Always think before you speak, and it will save you from many headaches.  Go on, go on.  And all those dreams that you have will come true.  Not the dreams of others - follow your dreams.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): As Gabe's guide stepped away, a large group of spirits began to show themselves to Nelson, Marisol and Eva.  They were a very sad looking bunch, and they were connected to Gabe's family back in Puerto Rico.  Nelson said they were all sick with various ailments, and Eva said they all had one thing in common - a sickness of the soul. 
Spirit:  What a bunch of liars over there!  Shhh...everything is a secret.  He's not going to Arizona (Gabe's brother), don't talk about that divorce, it's not true.  Secrets!  My head is spinning.  Can I say something today?  They always tell me I cannot say anything, it's all a secret.  I had some back pain, stomach pain... (noticed Jeff taking notes) Don't write that down!  Shhh!  I do not want to go back there.  My ear and my back feel frozen.
Marisol: You do not have a body to feel those pains anymore.
Spirit:  What are you saying - I'm dead?  Shhh...that's another secret.  She (Gabe's grandmother) is not going to die, they are putting new batteries into her.  I came here from that nut house.  I go from house to house, and I have collected some others.  There are 64 crazies, 19 who are dizzy,14 with body aches, and 36 who are not crazy, because they have no mind.  I'm not in any of those groups, but I have a little bit of everything that they have.  I'm tired of being sick.  I need a glass of water.  My throat hurts, form them not allowing me to talk.  This should not be anymore.  I don't want to be like this.  I wanted him (Gabe) to turn nuts.  (noticed the good spirit guides)  One of these guys is giving all of us his hand, telling us that we are not crazy anymore.  Where we go, we will not be misunderstood.  We won't cry so much...
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  As the next spirit was being ushered in, we understood that our session was going to be all about spiritual health and growth.  The next spirit laughed continuously as he spoke through Nelson:
Spirit (non-stop laughing):  If we go one by one, there isn't any one here whose family doesn't have some kind of discord (ha, ha, ha) or disconnection!  (to Esperanza)  Your son is not going to come back the same way as when he left!  (to Isabel)  Your daughter will continue to do whatever the hell she wants (ha, ha, ha)!  You call yourselves students of spiritism, but none of you are!  (to Elizabeth)  Your friend (Milagros) isn't here because I told he not to come!  (to Xavier) Look at him, he's asleep!  (to Emiliano)  Your work is not going well (ha, ha, ha)!  I would say that all of you are nuts!  Look at her (Eva) ready to fly away somewhere else. Marisol, your husband makes me laugh and laugh!  When I get close to him and blow some air on him, he turns pale and runs away (ha, ha, ha)!  We see everything, we know all of it.  We mock and laugh.  (pause)  We should switch the name of this place to the crazy temple.  That's what your families thank about all of you anyway - they all talk about you.  You can call us the mockers.  We think like they (your families) do.  We don't abuse it, we just use it.  We are those who know a lot!  (pause)  My head hurts from laughing.  We laugh at them because they are IGNORANT!
Marisol: That's just your point of view...
Spirit: And your family says that you think you are the only medium (ha, ha, ha)!  We really laugh over you.  but they have brought us here because they said we have laughed enough.  You cannot see us, but we are everywhere.  The world is filled with us.  Look over there, it's another group (of spirits) mocking a Catholic church (ha, ha, ha)!  They make them think they have the holy spirit!  We laugh at them - sanctified and forgotten (ha, ha, ha)!  Give me a cross!  At least I can talk here.  We just tumble around over there.  There are 125 in that group.  I didn't know I was so bad.  Sometimes, just for fun, I did bad things.  It's difficult to see my own mistakes after laughing at yours.  So I will say I am sorry, and I'll try to be better next time.  My group is only from the people here, in this place.  It's 481.
Spirits 4 & 5 (via Marisol): Marisol wanted to place something in prayer.  She had three similar dreams, and in each one, a large powerful black man wanted to cause her harm.  In the first two dreams, he did not get in, but in the third one, he did.  She was so afraid of him that she was unable to breathe.  Our group discussed the issue, and it seemed as if the dreams were lated to Marisol's aunt.  She was collecting negative thoughts, and it was having an impact in many areas.  Marisol began to understand that there was a battle for power in the temple where the aunt went for spiritist sessions.  One of the mediums (Carmencita) had a high level of knowledge, and she rarely passed low level spirits.  The aunt put a cloak over her head to evoke spirits, but she was unaware of what type of spirits she was passing:
Spirit (laughed and pushed back the chair): Another family of spiritists who do not talk to each other!  that old woman (the aunt) is alive because of - because of us!  And while I am in charge, things will be fine over there.  No one would try to de-throne me.  I am smart and very intelligent, and you should tell her (Marisol) not to meddle.  There are many who will not leave that place because of fear.  How little all of you are - you have never seen my type of power - my army!  I told her (Marisol) to work with me, to let me sit.  I'm going to finish both of them now, the old lady and her.  When that 90 year old woman talks, they all shut up.  Except this one, who meddles!  So I will no longer to talk to any of you!
Nelson: Is that why you have taped everyone's mouth shut?
Spirit: That old lady won't stand up if she cannot speak.
Nelson: There's a guy next to you, and he brought you here today.  You were no longer needed over there (giving out misinfomation), so he brought you here to talk.
Eva: Those smart ones betrayed you (other spirits at the temple in Puerto Rico).
Spirit: Well, I am not leaving!  I'm strong.
Nelson: It was a spirit to spirit teason.  A betrayal.  You were brought here so they could be rid of you.
Spirit: They will not take my power!
Nelson: They only want to show you how to use it for the good.
Spirit: I am not happy that I am leaving!  There are 17 of us,and we do not know where we are going. 
Nelson: You said that you were keeping her (the aunt) alive.  If you leave, she may pass away.
Spirit: I like that idea, so we will go.
Marisol's guide stood up and danced in her usual joyful manner.  She refreshed Marisol and our table.  It was interesting that we witnessed a betrayal of one spirit by another, and it was a reminder that we never lose or free will - even after we transition back to the spirit side.  The group discussed the issue.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide had arrived to close out our session.  He looked directly at Isaac:
Caballito: You.  Both of you.  (Issac and X)  You are not in trouble, but it would be easy for either one of you to get into trouble.  (to Xavier)  You are at an age where you are easily infuenced by friends, or maybe some water that contains something extra.  There are those who pretend to be your friends, and they are not.  They are only your friends because of something you have (money) they they do not have.  (to Isaac)  You are here because you are trying to protect yourself (Isaac agreed), so stick around.  Those temptations will become more difficult, and it will become harder to say no.  You have good things around you to protect you.  You are not alone.  If you ever need to talk, we are here.  It's difficult for you to be understood at home, but you can ask anyone here for anything.  Think of this as your 'safe house.'  It's here, and we keep the door open.  It's open for you.  And I know the tempations are there.  You say no one day, but they continue to ask.  Be strong enough to say no.  Continue to come here.  When they ask, tell them this:  'I want a different path for my life.  I see bright stars in my future, and I don't want want to go along with you and diminish those stars.'  You feel alone, and you are not alone.  I'm here, and we see the danger, your future.  I can help you if you let me help you.  (Nelson began rocking in his seat as Caballito spoke about him)  He (Nelson) wants me to help you, until you feel that nothing will happen.  Until you feel safe.  I am talking to a (spiritual) friend that is around him, but he (Isaac) cannot see him.  They cannot hide from me.  I transform myself into what they want me to be to bring them in.  You sometimes wish to sit at home and talk to him (the father of Isaac and X), but he is never there.  We are working on that issue.  He doesn't want to confront reality, as he is afraid of the real truth.  It's hard for him to face it.  He's surrounded by the weird things that grandma says.  He doesn't listen to her anymore.  Some of my friends are talking to him, and he will change.  Not because of you, because of the young one (Sebastian).  That little one is trouble.  He is causing trouble for you (Isaac), but don't let him do it.  You cannot tell him what to do, because he doesn't like it (demonstrated how Sebastian responded).  Some people have to be hit over the head.  Humans!
(for Eva):  And in that center, the oneyou are thinking about, I can act like the world's guide - but I won't.  In that center, they all expect Jesus.  If I was like him, I would be him instead of being here.  Those keys are in the wrong hands.
(for Isaac and X):  Things will get better.  Your father is not helping, he's running.  He only sleeps and works. 
(for Carmen):  You humans are like the wall behind me.  I told a friend to be here today, and I donot see her.  I could have given her my help, but she isnot here.
(for Erika):  I gave you something to do, and you did it.  I didn't happen (the X-ray), but it will happen.  I'm still figting with some friends.  I need that to make sure that nothing is there. 
(for Emilano):  What is worng?  I want to see if I canhelp.  He loves them so much (his family), but he thinks they do not love him.  (Emiliano moved to stand in front of Caballito)  When your son returns, he will see that his family is better.  Your suffering is existential (from another space or time).  You have the same three children in this life that you had in your last life - and all of you are still crying.  (Caballito encouraged Emiliano to cry as a form of release.  When he could not cry, Caballito moved to stand directly in front of him)  Why is it so hard for you to cry?  I will cry for you [Nelson began to cry].  If you could only see the pain you have inside.  You would not be able to explain how you get up every morning.  (moving the towel, which was folded like an oven mitt, in front of Emiliano)  I am burning away the pain.
Caballito asked the entire Romero family to stand together and hold hands.  He told them "Take my energy.  Juanita, when theings get tough, try harder.  This is a good family.  (to Emiliano)  Cry alone if it is easier.
(for Eva):  You must let others live.  Do not meddle, or you will be the one hitting the wall (Eva began to cry).  I know you are leaving, but I am not far.  Go back with peace.  Give your daughter a goodbye kiss and tell her that you have always led her towards the right path - and that she knows where to go now if she needs to find help.  Even if she doesn't do that, the help will arrive.
Caballito explained that he would take some spirits away with him.  It would be 85 spirits from the Romero family, six crazy boy spirits from Isaac and X - and three from their father, along with five spirits from their brother.  "That little one is trouble," Caballito repeated. 
(for Marisol):  Has your leg pain disappeared?  (It was still there, but it was better)  I want to try to remove whatever is left.  Sometimes you wonder why you attract those things into your life, but you know that it is your job, just like my job.  You will be okay.  Try to exercise as much as you can.  I need that movement.  I will remove two stitches from that leg.  (pause)  I have removed them.
Jeff: The stitches were spirit friends.
Caballito: No, they were two stitches that were out of place.  I knew you would think that, I like to do that to you sometimes. 
(for Gabe): One day, you will know the value of what you did with grandpa.  I was there, you were not alone.  You took an old man with the heart of a young man and made him feel young.  And it felt good to be with him?  (Gabe said it did)  The others treat him like he is dead, and he is still alive.  This one (Nelson) is the only one who treats him with respect - and lets him make his own choices.  I need to help him (Nelson), as he is my Caballito.  I will remove four very powerful friends that ignorant people have sent to him.  I must help him so that I can continue my work.  I have to work very hard, so I can get my first star.  I don't have one yet, but I am working on it.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Three Types of Spiritist Passes

1) Magnetic Passes by the incarnate (humans)
With this type of pass, a person donates energetic fluids that already exist in their physical and perispiritual (astral) body.  It can be administered by anyone but the quality of the pass varies according to the moral condition of the donor, his or her ability to give fluids, and a sincere desire to assist others.  With this type of pass, there is usually spiritual assistance, as the elevated spirits help those who work with goodwill for a person in need.
From Allan Kardec's, The Mediums' Book (question 176): "...even though a person desiring to do good does not believe in God, God believes in that person." 
2) Spiritual Passes
This treatment is offered by the good spirits directly into the perispirit of ill or disturbed people, without the help of a human intermediary.  During the Spiritual Pass,the person in need does not receive the vital fluids of a human donor.  The recipient is given fluids that are refined and pure, brought from the higher planes of life, by the spirit or spirits who came to assist this person. 
3) Mixed Passes
This type of pass is where the fluids from the worker (the human donor) are mixed with the fluids from the spirituality side.  The combination is much greater than the purely magnetic passes form a human to an individual, and the effects are more wholesome.  The spiritual benefactors are in attendance at the time of this treatment, to increase the direction and supply qualifying (needed) vital fluids.
What is necessary to be an effective donor (to give passes)?
From Allan Kadec, The Spiritist Magazine (November 1866):
"The first condition for his service is to work on your own cleansing (morally and ethically), in order not to change the fluid, which is responsible for a healthy stream.  This cannot be performed without the most complete material and moral disinterest (lack of favoritism towards one side or the other).  The first is easiest, and the second is the rarest, for pride and selfishness are difficult feelings to root out, and because many causes contribute to the over-excitement of mediums."
What are the basic conditions for a human to give a Spiritist Pass?
From Emmanuel, the spirit in Chico Xavier's Follow Me book:
- Faith, love for others, discipline, willingness, knowledge, mental balance, humility, devotion, selfishness
- "If you want to spread the benefits of a pass, which in essence is the sublime act of Christian charity, purify your feelings and your reasoning, along with your heart and brain." 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Chicago, February 26, 2017

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Claudia, Danny, Denise, Don Juan, Erika, Emiliano, Esperanza, Eva, Evelyn (and her husband Jose), Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Juanita, Marjorie, Maricela, Marisol, Milagros, Nazario, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and X
Before the opening prayer, Nelson urged everyone, "Think about your own spirit.  What do I need, how can I help?  Take some time alone for me (ourselves), and for those we need to help."  Marisol read the prayer for the sick, asking the group to think of someone in need.
Bernardo's heart surgery was moved up to Monday.  (Note: His daughter phoned on Monday to say that everything went well).  Nelson advised that he read the prayer to his spirit guide, as his guide will be with him during the operation.  Nelson's guide told him that Bernardo will recover, and it was important that Carmen (his wife) continues to attend the sessions to do her work (just as Isabel did when Ron was recovering).
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson was drawn to Erika as soon as she walked into the room.  She said she had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday, and Nelson knew that there was still something physically wrong with her back.  We could address the spiritual issues, but there were still material health concerns that needed to be treated.  Nelson thought that Erika might be anxious or nervous, but she was not.  Nelson's spirit guide wondered what it was in her current life that Erika did not like:
Erika: I don't know.
Caballito: Have you imagined yourself in a different place in your life from where you are now?  Would you change it all if you could?
Erika: Yes.
Caballito: You can still have the life you want, but it's all in your hands.  You have always wanted to see what would happen if you did something different, and yet you don't want to do anything.  Something always holds you back (Erika agreed).  In your past life, you owned a large plantation with many slaves.  That's why in this life, your color is how it is.  In that past life, your skin color would have gotten you killed.  There are many slave spirits here today, and they hate you, so they hold you back.  You were a wealthy woman in that life, and you owned the entire plantation by yourself.  (pause)  We have to go deeper.  How can I put this?  You did not want your slaves to reproduce unless it was something you wanted.  You bred them like horses. If something happened without your permission, you found one way or another to get rid of all the little girls that were born.
(Caballito was replaced by the spirit of an angry slave)
Spirit (enraged): You know she killed me.  I am so angry, I am so mad! 
Jeff: She needs to understand what she did.
Spirit: What?  They want me to have compassion for her?  She never had any of that with us!  I don't even want to speak to her.
Jeff: That was in another time, in another place.
Spirit: She is the same.  When I get close to her, she has no energy.  I just give her a little bit, and she cannot handle it.  (very serious)  But when she destroyed me and my parents (tearfully), she would say, 'Hit him again, until he cannot get up anymore.'  She whipped me until she destroyed me.  She was an evil, powerful, white nasty woman.  And that's how I will destroy her, piece by piece.  I burned her, and that's why her skin looks that way now.  She hates her color.
Erika: I used to, but I've adjusted. 
Jeff: Forget about her.  Let's worry about you.
Spirit: I don't care about me, I only wanted to help my group.  I understand that they (the spirit guides) are going to take me somewhere else, but I will not forgive her!  I have a group of 44 girls with me, and I wanted to help them, for them to be free.  And me.  She (Erika) has suffered enough, and I am no longer responsible for her.  I wanted all of you to know where we came from.  (to Marisol)  Lady, I want to thank you for that prayer.  They are lifting them up, all of my girls.  Look at that.  She (Erika) is on her own now, don't blame it on us.  We are all going to go, come on girls, let's be free.  Let's just be freeee...
As Nelson was recovering, he told Erika, "If you feel like the way I do now, I'm surprised you can even sit in that chair.  I have no energy.  I am too tired to stand up, but I'll try."  Caballito wanted to use Nelson to give passes to Erika.  As he was administering them, he told her, "You cannot say or think that is your time to go.  Send those thoughts somewhere else.  After you visit that doctor, have a back X-ray - what is it called? - have an MRI?
Spirit 3 (via Carmen):  Evelyn was the long time caregiver for Marisol's son.  Carmen was studying a spirit who wanted something from Evelyn or her husband, Jose).  The spirit was insistent but calm:
Spirit (to Evelyn and Jose): You are hiding something.  A rare paper.  I want it back.
Nelson: Why do you need that paper?
Spirit: The problem is that I do not get any attention.  Until I do, I want to make her (Claudia, who was staying with Evelyn and Jose) go crazy.  Loca, loca, loca!  Aren't you afraid that she will take her own life?  Loca!
Nelson: Her issues belong to her, not you.
Spirit: I am not doing any contracts with you.
Nelson: What you are looking for is already there - with you - on the spirit side.
(It became apparent that this spirit was looking for Andres, Marisol's son who was now in the spirit world.)
Spirit: No, she took it away from me! 
Nelson: You will be able to look at him when both of you are ready.  And you will see his trophy, the one he won.  Some do not have any moms, but he had two of them.  Eventually, you will have your own trophy, but it's not this one.  And it's not the fault of the caretaker (Evelyn).  You will eventually learn why you were part of his life.  (to Evelyn)  Are you afraid that Cindy may commit suicide?  Are you afraid to leave her alone?
Evelyn said that she was not fearful, and Jose said  that he enjoyed her visits.  Cindy stated that she felt fine living with them.
Spirit 4 (via Marisol): Marisol sensed another spirit related to Evelyn, Jose and Cindy.  This spirit was very irate, and the tone was much more harsh than with the previous spirit:
Spirit (hitting the table):  Diablo!  Mira!  Why is she here?  (turned around in the chair to not see Cindy)  If you are crazy, just leave!  There is the door!  They are crazy, leave, leave!  I know what I am doing, and I am going to win this one.  I'm planning (demonstrated by drawing a chart on the table) to kick Evelyn out.  She will have a fall, a fall down the stairs, and it will be done.  Then Cindy will end up crazy like me!  People will make fun of her.  I am going to do to her what she did to me.  I ended up in a nut house.  I will put her in one.  (sadly)  I killed myself after she put me in there.  (pause)  I am only doing to her what she did to me.  I took a pill, it was like acid.  It burned.  I overdosed, and I am blaming her now for putting me into that situation.  (seething)  I am filled with vengeance and hate. 
Nelson: You have no body now to feel the effects of that pill, and if you agree to go with those friends around you, they can help you with those emotions.
Spirit: I need to learn, because I do not understand any of this.   So okay.  Good luck to you, Cindy...
Spirit 5 (via Juanita and Nelson):  Juanita was being shown a group of spirits around Jeff.  They were having a party, and they were upset to see Jeff reading prayer books and praying, as they wanted him to join them.  The group varied in age from 20-25 years old, and they were determined to have Jeff back with them.  Nelson saw them dancing in a circle around Jeff.  While they pretended to be his friends, all of them were very sick.  They were angry that they were sick, while Jeff was the only one who had escaped.
Spirit: What happened to you?
Jeff: I changed.  To make myself better.
Spirit (laughing): We wake him up all night (Jeff agreed) to party.  Take one of those little blue pills like we used to do.  I have to hide them.  We even made his nose bleed last week when we gave him one (more laughter)!  We need to get rid of that one he is with (Nelson), so we can party!  He's the problem.  (to Jeff)  When he wasn't around, you were fun!  I need to give you more little pills.
Jeff: I am a different person now, I'm not doing that.  People change.
Spirit: You used to love us!  Why don't you love us?  I know you feel me around you...we just want to be with you.  Do you know how long it took me to find you?
Jeff: You and I are in different worlds now.  You no longer have a body.  Look at the one you are speaking through - is that your body?
Spirit: What?  Oh no, it's ugly.  So you don't want anything to do with me?  I enjoyed those days, and I thought you did, too.  I guess I should just take all my pills with me and go.
Marisol: There's another party waiting for you.
Jeff: And you can take those memories with you.  Take that group you have with you.
Spirit: How did you know I had a group?  We are a group of 23.
Jeff: That was probably the age I was when we knew each other.  Look at me now - I'm 60 years old.
Spirit:  60?  So I have been looking for you for a long time.  I will keep those memories of the good times, but they are telling me there is a new party waiting for us.  There won't be any pills, but that's okay.  I'm not a bad guy, so I will go.  (to Jeff)  I'm sorry if I harmed you - goodbye, old man!
Nelson focused on Marjorie.  He wanted her to understand that our group worked differently than those in Brazil, because we hoped to achieve a spirit to person connection.  We worked openly to encourage everyone to learn from the spirit interactions - even if a spirit was connected to someone else.  "What we do," Nelson continued, with some wording supplied by his guide, "is create a consciousness of who you are, what you are, and what you did in a previous life.  When the spirits see you, they see you as you were in that last time.  Pray to break that anger, as the prayers help the spirits to understand that it is no longer the past."
Spirits 6 & 7 (via Marisol and Eva):  Marisol asked Frank to move closer.  At the same time, Eva's spirit guide wanted to sit and speak through her.  Caballito/Nelson had both been encouraging the spirit guide to sit for several months.  When Eva was ready, her guide would not sit, and when he was ready to sit, Eva was unwilling to give up control.  She was worried that she might say something inappropriate.  The spirit with Marisol was a friend of Frank's in this lifetime.  Frank had been praying for him since he crossed over into the spirit world - and those prayers had been heard:
Spirit (speaking from Marisol to Frank):  How can it be that I am here - and I am not here?  What happened?  I encountered many people, but none of them could help me.  I read books, but I don't understand it.  Have come here to talk to him (Frank), but I have a massive headache.  I feel like I will fall from this chair.
Nelson: You will be alright.  Talk to Frank.
Spirit: He helped me.  Thank you.
Nelson: But when you are around him, it makes him feel like you do.
Spirit: So I don't have a body?  But why does it still hurt?  I didn't expect this.  I only wanted to keep on living, but now I know that I cannot.  Sometimes Frank feels my redness (high blood pressure).  I'm sorry, I didn't know that I was causing this to happen.  Now I understand, I have no body.  Thank you, Frank.  I will go search for light...
Carmen continued the counseling for the spirit with Marisol, while Nelson worked on Eva.  He encouraged her and her guide to come together.  Nelson said, "Today will be the day.  Let it happen."  (Eva's guide was a male spirit)   Eva was mumbling softly, as if in prayer, but her spirit guide did not sit.  Nelson softly said, "Everything we do, it all has consequences."
Nelson asked Elizabeth about her trip to Puerto Rico, and she explained that she returned today in time for our session.  Her trip was good, and her son was more relaxed.  Nelson said, "When the spirits give us advice or ask us to do something, they are always looking out for our best interests.  When we say yes, we need to do it.  Otherwise things will not go the way we hoped."
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide wanted to continue the conversation along the same theme:
Caballito:  Sonia, a week or two ago, someone asked for something.  It was not done.  Why?
Sonia: We make excuses -  to ourselves.
Caballito: Whatever is more convenient?  It was simple request, correct?
(Note: Two weeks ago, Caballito asked Xavier to visit his grandmother for a week of relaxation.  A group of spirits had been trapped, and Caballito needed a week to work with them before they were in any condition to sit.  Xavier never completed the request.)
Sonia: Yes, we make it so difficult. 
Caballito: Then we allow those very friends that we are trying to get rid of to influence us again.  There is a very angry friend here today...
(Caballito was replaced by a spirit irritated with Xavier)
Spirit: I went there.  I waited.  No one showed up.
Marisol: Who invited you to that party?
Spirit: She (Sonia) can tell you - she was also invited. And I am not happy that I am here!  She was trying to bring him (Xavier) to the party now?  I don't even want to see him!  Why would he tell me one thing and do another?  That's all he ever does - he never does anything that he says he will do!  He cancels everything.  Go to school, don't go to school.  I don't like him!  He is not my friend, and I do not want to talk to him. 
Jeff: Why are you around him if you don't like him?
Spirit: To confuse him.  (to Sonia)  Keep waiting, grandma - he isn't coming!  I'm going to go back over there and wait some more.  Why are you people nice to him?  He makes mistake after mistake...
Sonia: When we are young like that, sometimes there are mistakes.
Spirit: My mistake was that I went to the wrong party. 
Marisol: What specific promise did he break with you?
Spirit: He said he would be my friend, and now he is not.  I can tell you many things about him.  I've been around for a long time.  And now he talks and learns from her (Sonia)?  No wonder I am so angry! 
Jeff: You have some new friends around you now - go with them and let him find his own friends. 
Xavier: I apologize if I hurt you.
Marisol: He has moved on, and now it's time for you to move on.
Spirit: I can tell you that some of the friends he has found are not any good.  I got kicked to the curb and he kept them?  Now I will kick him to the curb!  I tell it like it is, and now he is the dumb one. 
Jeff: You deserve better friends, so let's leave him alone.  How many in your group?
Spirit: There are six of us, with me, it's seven.  Tell him when he makes a promise, he should keep it or just keep his mouth closed.  I have said what I wanted to say.
Spirit 9 (via Juanita and Nelson):  Juanita was being shown a mountain in Mexico where many of the Romero family members spent a previous life.  Nazario was there, but he was afraid to venture past a certain point.  Nazario had climbed the mountain before in his current life, and Nelson knew that he did it with some spiritual help.  Should he attempt the climb again on his upcoming trip (in three months) to Mexico?  Nelson advised that this time, he will see some white smoke.  It will be the good spirits encouraging him to climb higher.  Nazario stops near a lake, and instead of going around it, he should swim in that lake.  The lake will refresh and cleanse him, and it will be a spiritual way for him to give the land back to the spirits who still inhabit it.  "Give back to those the land that has given everyone so much," Nelson said.
Spirit 10 (via Marisol):  Marisol's son needed the care of a qualified nurse when he was in the material world, and when Marisol had commitments for work, our sessions, etc, it was Evelyn who nurtured Marisol's son.  A spirit sat through Marisol to thank her:
Spirit (to Evelyn): You promised her (Marisol) to take care of him until the end.
Evelyn: Yes.
Spirit: Thank you for completing that promise.  When there is more light, you will be protected and taken care of...
Caballito (to Evelyn):  And thank you for being here today.  Keep returning, and you can fix those issues with Cindy.  You will have the family here that you have always wanted, when you continue to follow spiritism.
Caballito (for Denise):  They are already preparing a party for when you move out.  May we have a party in your new place?  They are working on it.
Denise: And I have been praying on it for a while now.
Caballito (speaking to Marjorie from his position behind Nelson):  Do you have any questions? 
Marjorie: I have seen spirits before when I was sleeping - just passing through - and I knew it was not a dream.
Caballito: They see you and you see them.  Tell them to meet you here to talk. 
After Caballito inquired, Marjorie shared some details regarding the town she was from in Brazil.  As she was describing it, Caballito spiritually took Nelson there to see it.  He described is as very lush and green, on a small, beautifully maintained street.  Nelson was shown that her family planned a large outdoor party when she returns for a visit in September.  Caballito said that Marjorie would not be happy to see someone there, and it would be okay to avoid him.  It was okay to visit, but that person makes her sad, so she should avoid him.  "As he does not have the best for you," Caballito said, "And don't be alone with that person." 
Nelson was shown some trees that looked similar to grape vines, but they were much more beautiful.  (See the beautiful trees here:
Nelson saw someone writing wishes on small slips of papers and placing them under the trees.  It was Marjorie's grandmother, and Caballito said that she was the one eagerly waiting for Marjorie to return.  Nelson's guide also hoped that Marjorie would put her faith into spiritism, as it would answer all of the questions she had.  Caballito also described Marjorie's little brother, saying that he hoped to one day to come back to Chicago with her:
Caballito: This your road, and you may open the road for others, but always focus on your own road.  If we understand who we are and where we are going, there is no mystery.  You have a beautiful road ahead of you.  And if you want to go to school - apply - do it.
Caballito asked Marisol about the white flower for her son in Florida.  Although Marisol tried to toss it into the ocean, it landed among some rocks.  "No one saw the beauty," Caballito said, "but it was there."  Marisol shared a photo of the flower, and it was radiant.  There were some other brief messages:
(for Gabe):  Do what you have to do, and let your mom do what she wants to do.  She will get there only when she wants.  She is not humble.  Why is it so hard to be humble?  With humbleness, you receive so much.  The ocean did not take Marisol's flower because it was too pretty where it was.  Be humble.
(for Nelson):  This one, if you met him when he was young, he was not humble - and he hit many walls.  He did not want to listen to me.  He was young, and he wanted to do many things, and I told him to just be humble.  He would put a gold chain around his neck to show he was doing well, and the chain would always give him a rash.  So he had something bad to be proud of.  One day, he will be giving speeches in front of a lot of people - all over the world.  He told me no, not in a million years, but it will be my message.  It's part of the work that he and I agreed to do, to open the world to the real meaning of life.  He doesn't want to do it, but he will.
(for Eva):  It was me.  I gave you that message today. 
Bernardo, I will be there with you tomorrow.  Sonia, thank you again for keeping the doors open here.  Jeff, your writings, that place where you put them, it is doing more good than you can imagine.  For all of you, be healthy and warm.  Take care of each other.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...